rebirth of change

Chapter 931 Who revealed the identity

"If that's the case, you don't need to choose Christmas Island. I think Norfolk Island and Lord Howe Island are more suitable and conducive to development. In addition to attracting Chinese tourists, Western tourists are also good potential targets. The climate and terrain They are all good." Lawrence helped Ouyang Zhenhua and the others put forward new suggestions.

Regarding the two islands proposed by Lawrence, Chen Kangjie would never agree to them anyway.The reason is not whether its own conditions are suitable for development as tourism resources, but that these two islands are located in the east of Australia, and there are hundreds of kilometers to more than 1000 kilometers away from Brisbane. Such a place, not to say It has no value, but it means that it is useless to buy temporarily.

"The Norfolk Island and Lord Howe Island you mentioned are good, but in terms of conditions, they are not as superior as Christmas Island. For example, Lord Howe Island has a beautiful and spectacular natural landscape, but its area is only 17 square kilometers, which is not suitable for large-scale Construction. Norfolk Island is twice the size compared to it. There are airports and ports on it. It seems that the basic conditions are pretty good. But who can sell this place? As far as I know, Norfolk Island implements a high degree of autonomy , the above administrative, legislative and judiciary are all independent. In 1979, we also negotiated with you to reach the "1979 Norfolk Island Act", which has the function of the constitution. You only have sovereignty over it. In fact, the real thing is still the island. Nine people selected by more than 2000 people are responsible. We can buy it, but to be honest, you may not be able to sell it.” The reason why the island is not suitable.

The detailed information given by Chen Kangjie left Lawrence a little speechless.

Since Chen Kangjie set his sights on Christmas Island, he has developed a strong interest in Australian islands.He has read a lot of information about important islands, and he has a good memory, and he will basically never forget it after reading it once.

"This... this... Mr. Chen is really well-read and memorized, and he knows the history and geography of our country like the back of his hand," Lawrence stammered embarrassingly.

"Because I have a good impression of this country, I am willing to learn some history and materials of this beautiful and rich country. I always think that Australia is one of the most suitable places for human life. It has a vast land and few people. The politics are enlightened, the culture is open, the policies are lenient, the climate is pleasant, and the scenery is picturesque,” ​​Chen Kangjie said half-truthfully.

"Thank you, thank you for your kindness. We welcome you to immigrate to live here...or come to have a concert or make a movie is also good. If you want to calm down and write a book, I believe there will be suitable themes," Lawrence said in his eyes. Shining with the light of wisdom, he stared at Chen Kangjie and said.

Ouyang Zhenhua and Chen Kangjie were both surprised by Lawrence's words. They stared at each other blankly, but they couldn't see why from each other.

Obviously, Chen Kangjie was recognized, and he was recognized very thoroughly, otherwise, Lawrence would not have uttered such clear words.

Both Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua wondered who revealed his identity.It stands to reason that Chen Kangjie has already disguised himself to such an ordinary level that it is impossible for anyone to recognize him by his appearance, but now that Lawrence has clearly known who he is, what is the problem? Woolen cloth?

Chen Kangjie had doubts about the people around him at first, but after screening them one by one, she excluded them all.Ouyang Zhenhua and the others had no such possibility. As one of the first people to follow him, his loyalty over the years was unquestionable.Samidov and the others were the second group of bodyguards to follow, and it was impossible for these people to find a possible motive at all.As for Tan Jun and Wang Wei, Chen Kangjie had doubts for a moment, but quickly dispelled such thoughts. They didn't need that at all.Not to mention that Tan Jun has already talked with Chen Kangjie. Even if what he said is false, it will be disclosed to the superiors in China. How could it be disclosed to a political elector in Australia?Not necessary at all.As for Ouyang Zhenhua, Chen Kangjie never had such an idea at all.

If it is not the news released by these people, then where is the problem?How could Lawrence have determined his identity in such a short period of time?

Since he couldn't figure it out, and he was so surprised and curious, if he wanted to know the answer, Chen Kangjie had no choice but to ask, "Mr. Lawrence, it seems that we have never been in touch before. How do you know my identity? This seems very unreasonable." .

Chen Kangjie originally wanted to test it out, pretending not to admit it, and said to Lawrence: "Did you admit the wrong person? How can I be so capable?".But when he saw Lawrence's determined expression, Chen Kangjie braked himself.

Since the other party has been very sure, it is not only futile to say that, but also appear to be hypocritical. Simply be more frank, and it can also enhance mutual trust.This time I came to Australia to get to know Lawrence, Chen Kangjie thinks it is a great gain, because if the history does not change, this person will really become the head of the government, although his current approval rate is not high, but things happen often It will be beyond our own expectations, just like this time Chen Kangjie thinks that no one will recognize him, isn't he also exposed now.

"Hehe, I thought you would deny it. I never thought about it. I was wrong. Your frankness and honesty have increased my curiosity and affection for you. I like you very much." Lawrence did not answer Chen Kangjie's question, but smiled said.

Lawrence didn't want to answer Chen Kangjie's question, but Chen Kangjie wanted to know the answer very much.

"Mr. Lawrence, thank you for your kindness, but you haven't told me how you know me. Isn't my appearance changed enough?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"No, no, no, it has changed a lot. It can be said that we are completely two people. Although we have never met face to face at such a close distance before, we have not seen you once or twice on TV and in magazines. If it weren't for someone Tell me, even if you tell me your identity yourself, I won't believe it, and I might treat you as a liar." After going around for a long time, Lawrence still didn't say how he knew about Chen Kangjie's identity.

"Is that why you said one of the two requests as needing my help?" Seeing that Lawrence still didn't answer, Chen Kangjie didn't push the question any further, but took a detour temporarily to slow down.

"Yes, that's right. If you can appear in my camp during the election, it will definitely affect a large number of young voters. It is estimated that many student voters who will not participate in voting may run to vote for you. Hehe, it’s just that you can show your true colors.” Lawrence didn’t hold back on his assumptions, and from his words, it seemed that he valued Chen Kangjie’s energy more than their investment behavior.In the end, he made a light-hearted joke.

There is a certain reason for this. Investment, especially large-scale investment in agricultural projects, requires a certain period of time. If you want to rely on that to win the election, the time is too late.

The star effect is different, the effect is immediate.In many countries that rely on elections to govern, politicians will find some celebrities to come to the platform every election, and some celebrities will express their support opinions in the media, thus trying to influence their fans' voting tendencies.For example, the United States is like this. When it comes to the general election, many Hollywood stars will stand up.

It's just that under normal circumstances, politicians will not look for foreign stars, because these people are not citizens of their own countries, and it is inconvenient to express their political opinions.From an objective point of view, other people’s campaign platforms and campaign promises have nothing to do with it. The increase in salary will not increase on his head, and the tax cut will not bring him much extra benefit. How about doing this very risky thing?If you don't do it well, you will be labeled as talking nonsense and interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. Most countries don't like this kind of people who meddle everywhere.

"Mr. Lawrence, even if I have the heart, I may not be able to help you, because I am not an Australian citizen, and I cannot express my political opinions and tendencies. You must know this. Doing that will bring me The risk of coming is very high," Chen Kangjie said frankly the actual situation.

Lawrence stood up and walked behind Chen Kangjie, "Of course I know, it's not only bad for you, but it's also bad for me, but I don't think you need to say anything, you just need to provide theatrical performances. The election rally adds a touch of entertainment. Besides, we are friends, and it is natural for you and me to have some friendly actions. You don’t need to say a word about politics.” Lawrence is not a fool, Chen Kangjie can think of it Of course, he wouldn't have thought about it.

Chen Kangjie didn't say a single word about politics, but his appearance is enough to explain the problem, and the media will replace it with additional meaning.This will have a certain tendency to guide voters, especially young voters. They are still unfamiliar with politics and don't care too much. They only know who their favorite idols stand by and support.

From a global perspective, Michael Jackson and Chen Kangjie are the ones who can have a huge influence on young people.In contrast, Chen Kangjie is more suitable than Michael Jackson. One is in full bloom, and the other has gradually disappeared.More importantly, the forces behind Chen Kangjie supported Lawrence, but they would not show up, so they informed Chen Kangjie of his identity.Another point is that Chen Kangjie has never participated in such an activity before, which will bring a strong sense of freshness to the public.

"Then you have to agree to two conditions. First, tell me who told you the news about me. Second, we want to buy Christmas Island." If it was just that, then Chen Kangjie would not resist, but he I am still very concerned about my own information security and getting that island.

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