rebirth of change

Chapter 932 Three People Shaking Hands

"This... Who disclosed your information... If you let me say it, you make me embarrassed. I promised them to keep it secret. If I said it, it would be a little bad, right?" , Lawrence showed a embarrassed look.

"If my information security cannot be guaranteed, how can I cooperate with you?" Chen Kangjie asked in a cold tone, knowing the answer no matter what.

Lawrence was silent for a while, and after a little hesitation, he still compromised, "Hey... your diplomatic department told me, that's all I can say."

"What? It's them? It's so unreasonable, it's completely beyond my expectations." Chen Kangjie never thought that this would be a masterpiece of the government.

The overseas units of the foreign affairs department must have received some kind of domestic instructions to do so, otherwise, on the one hand, there is no need for them to do so, and on the other hand, it is difficult for them to even grasp Chen Kangjie's whereabouts, which makes no sense Will know that he came to Australia, and disclosed his information to Lawrence for no reason.

Chen Kangjie temporarily suppressed his inner dissatisfaction, and talked with Lawrence about the matter before him, and then settled with some people afterwards.

"That's what I should say. If it were me, I might be unhappy too, but I think they are helping us, don't they?" Lawrence persuaded Chen Kangjie in a self-consoling manner.

Now the initiative of the conversation is completely in the hands of Chen Kangjie and Lawrence, Ouyang Zhenhua has instead become a supporting role, and most of the time he can only listen.

"Maybe, thank you for keeping it secret for me." Chen Kangjie couldn't help but nodded.He was referring to Lawrence not revealing his secret in Jeffrey Nash's presence.

"You're welcome, this is necessary. I also promised them that I will not disclose your relevant information casually. By the way, the reason why you want to take down Christmas Island is not the government's intention?" Lawrence himself changed the topic again Pull back to the original track.

"No, not at all, that's what we mean, don't think that we are controlled by someone because of our political factors, you see, Mr. Chen's information has been leaked and we don't know about it," Ouyang Zhenhua said at this time . <) is too close, the strategic location is very important, I don't want to make anyone unhappy because of this," Lawrence said cryptically.

Chen Kangjie knew that the "who" Lawrence mentioned was actually the Americans.No matter what the United States says, in order to curb the power of China and spread its influence, it has supervised almost all the key sea areas of China from north to south that enter and exit the ocean.For example, in the Strait of Malacca, in addition to the Changi military base, the United States has also established a military base on Diego Garcia Island. This base is located in the middle of the Indian Ocean and can support the Middle East and the Persian Gulf, monitor and control the Indian Ocean. The base has ports, Naval air stations, communications stations, and other logistical facilities.

It can be said that the first island chain of the United States from north to south has firmly strangled China. Not to mention civilian use, even China's navy has always been restricted to shallow seas, unable to enter the ocean, and it is difficult to become a blue ocean. water navy.

If we were not aware of the importance of the ocean before, then since the 90s, as our foreign trade has become increasingly close and strengthened, we have realized the importance of the ocean to us.The ocean not only gives us convenient transportation conditions, but also contains natural resources that are obviously much more abundant than land. The economy of the 21st century has become more and more closely connected with the ocean. As a big country with a long coastline, if we want to be strong and prosperous, we must enter the ocean. Merchant ships can connect us to all parts of the world through the ocean. Economic zones are connected, and the Navy needs to protect the safety of our maritime trade.

Due to natural geographical reasons, the Sunda Strait is connected to the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, but the current frequency of use is far less than that of the Strait of Malacca. However, no one can guarantee that this place will not become an important traffic throat in the future.Especially in terms of military affairs, the United States has not yet established a military base in the Sunda Strait area. Once this place is used, it will be a big trouble. Perhaps this is why Lawrence is worried.

It should be said that at first, Chen Kangjie really did not realize the role of Christmas Island in this regard. He just wanted to use this place to deal with the tragic incident that happened in the country of a thousand islands two years later.However, later he also realized the important role of this aspect, which opened up a new path for the rise of China.

Although Australia is an independent country, it has a vast land area, strong economic strength, and a high level of wealth among its people.But he also has a weakness, that is, the small population, which leads to a low overall national strength, and cannot fully protect itself in terms of security.Therefore, based on the same considerations of ideology and cultural thinking, Australia's security protection relies to a considerable extent on the power of the United States.

"Hehe, Mr. Lawrence, don't worry too much. I'm not a politician or a soldier. I'm just a small person. I don't think so far," Ouyang Zhenhua said from the bottom of his heart.

"Mr. Ouyang is not a small person, at least in terms of economic strength, hehe, by the way, Mr. Chen, how did you become the assistant of President Ouyang? It's incredible." This question has been lingering on Lawrence.

Chen Kangjie was originally a star, but now he has suddenly transformed into an assistant to a big entrepreneur. Anyone would be curious to ask such a question.

"There is no need to hide it from you. In fact, President Ouyang and I have known each other for a long time. We are friends. Sometimes I give some advice, and sometimes he helps me. This time I came to Australia. I was originally curious, so I followed along. Yes, I didn't expect to meet so many things and know so many people", Chen Kangjie said in a non-essential and false way.

"Oh, that's it, but if you are a businessman, I believe your achievements must be unprecedented, hehe. Your skills are really amazing. You have such superb makeup skills. I used to think that Hollywood makeup skills are the best. That's great," Lawrence looked at Chen Kangjie's face and praised sincerely.

Lawrence obviously misunderstood the difference between makeup and disguise. In terms of performance, disguise is also a type of makeup, but the difference is still obvious.Makeup only changes the superficial reaction style, while Disguise implies an inner change.Hollywood makeup only applies and changes the surface of a person's skin, while Chen Kangjie's disguise changes the inside of the skin together. For a natural transformation effect on the outside.

Of course, Chen Kangjie would not explain this to Lawrence, "The history of China is extensive and profound, and our ancestors have been creating it all the time. It's just that we lack the ability to scientifically and rationalize it to a certain extent. Mr. Lawrence, according to this Did we even reach a consensus on what we said?"

"This is just a consensus between you and me," Lawrence emphasized.

"Naturally, only the three of us know about it, seems that Mr. Nash also knows about it," Ouyang Zhenhua agreed.

"It's okay, I have a way with him," Lawrence said with certainty.

That's true, as a person like Lawrence, if he couldn't control it, he probably wouldn't get so close to him and say those words in front of him.

As for what Lawrence has to do, that is not what Chen Kangjie and the others care about and should know. Anyway, when the island is in hand, even if there is any trouble, it will belong to Lawrence, and it has nothing to do with Chen Kangjie and the others.

There is no way to write any agreement or contract for this kind of thing, it is tantamount to giving someone the handle. Lawrence knows that if he writes something, it means that his handle is completely in the hands of the other party. How could he do such a stupid thing? thing? .Chen Kangjie and the others also know this truth, so they can only regard this so-called consensus as a gentleman's agreement, and can only implement it based on mutual trust. If the other party has to leave some evidence, it will make the other party shrink back and lose this transaction.

"Then about the transaction price of this island... I remember that you bought it for 260 million pounds..." Ouyang Zhenhua tentatively asked from the perspective of a businessman.

"The situation is very different now. There is no way to compare the previous price with the current one. As for the price that will be sold at that time, it has to be evaluated and a complete set of plans must be made, especially to deal with the island. Resident. When I win, I will try my best to facilitate this matter. If my future is still the current me, then I guess there is nothing I can do to help, so it is too early to talk about these now." Naturally, the wily Lawrence will not give in so easily, he He will not make any promises on specific matters until the interests of the party have been fulfilled.

"Mr. Lawrence is right. If you want to give an explanation to the people, you need a complete assessment. Don't worry, sir, President Ouyang will not make it difficult for you. I hope everyone can cooperate happily." The sensible Chen Kangjie agreed with Lawrence's opinion , After finishing speaking, he stretched out his right hand towards the other party.

Mr. Lawrence stretched out his right hand and held it tightly with Chen Kangjie. Ouyang Zhenhua also put his right hand on the hands of the two of them like a supporting role. With this handshake, the three of them really came together Together.

Later history proved that Mr. Lawrence's superiority had a great relationship with this meeting, but unfortunately, his resignation was also implicated in this meeting.As the saying goes, success and Xiao He defeat Xiao He.

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