rebirth of change

Chapter 942 Combination Fist

As soon as the China Future Metallurgical Group's notice came out, it immediately caused an uproar in the global economic circles.The group was suddenly on the cusp of the turmoil, and the publicity department was immediately overwhelmed. From the corporate world to the press, all kinds of people expected to learn more about this decision through the China Future Metallurgical Group's publicity office. More truth and more concrete details.

However, although the group's external publicity office has been careful and prepared earlier than the outside world.However, they don't know much more than the outside world. The only thing they can do is to repeat the content of the notification over and over again.

On the day after the notice was released, the group began to change its pricing strategy and export targets for Japan in all aspects. During this time, all the work of the group focused on this matter, and it was very busy. At the same time, the world media began to Make an almost one-sided sound.

There is no doubt that China Future Metallurgical Group has become the target of attack and criticism.Overseas media scolded China Future Metallurgical Group as banditry, and in the absence of relevant scientific proof and information transparency, the actions it took were disrupting the rules of the world economy.They feel that China Future Metallurgical Group violated the original promise and should be subject to corresponding sanctions and criticism. They hope that the group will withdraw this irresponsible and hasty decision as soon as possible, and come up with practical and effective means to maintain the supply of the direct rare earth market. and stable.Some American media believe that they have been teased and that the domestic rare earth industry should not be shut down, otherwise economic security will be greatly threatened.

If foreign media criticize it, it is a reasonable thing. The most unbearable thing is that the domestic media also made discordant voices, accusing the China Future Metallurgical Group of destroying the overall situation of the country's economic opening and affecting the Chinese economy. The reputation of the company requires the government to rule that their move is illegal, and even requires the government to take back the unified management of rare earths that was previously delegated to China Future Metallurgical Group.There has never been a shortage of such a group of people in China who kick and talk from the perspective of others.

It can be said that as soon as this incident happened, China Future Metallurgical Group received unprecedented pressure from home and abroad, and the entire public opinion was heated.However, to everyone's disappointment, no one from the Chinese government stood up and said something at the beginning, and no one made trouble for Ye Tangsen and the others.

Right after Chen Kangjie gave Ye Tangsen an order, he communicated with his superiors. At least Wei Zhonghua and Zhao Zhibang received Chen Kangjie's call in person. Chen Kangjie told them the real purpose and possible consequences. At first they disagreed a little, thinking it seemed a bit rascal.

Chen Kangjie asked rhetorically, "Why do we have to adopt a passive approach in doing things? People don't sell us related equipment at all, so as to pinch our necks, so what's wrong with us responding in reverse? Besides, China Future Metallurgical Group The purpose of its establishment is not to make money at all, but to control the outflow of rare resources and protect the best interests of the country and the people as much as possible. Only by doing this can we help us to take measures to increase prices and reduce exports in the future , these are non-renewable resources, people in the Middle East can use oil to protect their interests, are we stupid and cowardly than them? Don't think about the problem so seriously, as long as the Americans don't take any substantive actions, the Japanese will Can't make a fuss."

Chen Kangjie's rude words made the two big bosses speechless. In addition, the deputy prime minister in charge of foreign trade and economic cooperation was supportive, so they acquiesced to Chen Kangjie's behavior.

Since this sudden measure has little impact on other countries, it is just an increase in production costs, which is nothing more than a disturbance in the media, but it is different for Japan. It can be said that their high-tech industry is seriously affected. Since the rare earths in China, it was only the third day that the Japanese ambassador to China met with the leaders in charge of foreign affairs of China, and they couldn't sit still.

Well, if you say that he is related to diplomacy, it can indeed be counted, but if you say that it is just a purely corporate economic behavior, it is also scathing.As long as the determination of the central government is firm, then the behavior of the Japanese government is nothing. This kind of diplomatic appointment is only symbolic and cannot solve anything. At least domestically, it is defined as an ordinary economic operation behavior, and the Japanese side is required to do it alone. To discuss specific matters with the China Future Metallurgical Group, the foreign affairs department has no control over this matter at all, and can only help them pass on information at most.

It was only later at the regular press conference of the foreign affairs department that reporters kept asking the government for an explanation, and the foreign economic and trade department gave a brief briefing.What the reporters grasped was the promise made by the China Future Metallurgical Group, and the endorsement by the vice-minister of the foreign ministry. They regarded this as a promise from the government, especially when several Western mainstream media were responsible for the Chinese government. No credit post.

The explanation meeting of the foreign economic and trade department will only focus on one point, that is, China Future Metallurgical Group is a private enterprise, and they have the right to adjust their operating methods according to actual production and market needs.At the beginning, the government’s statement was only to support the enterprises to make such a commitment, not the government itself made the commitment, which is fundamentally different. The government cannot just because it once supported the commitment of the enterprise, when the enterprise cannot fulfill its commitment due to objective reasons The government needs to come out and take the blame.It's like parents supporting their children to be kind, but if the children really lie one day, it doesn't make sense to arrest the parents and question them.What's more, not every promise can be [-]% fulfilled, after all, the plan does not change quickly.The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation said that they will investigate together with the Ministry of Metallurgy and other departments to see if there is really a problem with the rare earth production of the China Future Metallurgical Group, and will explain to everyone at that time.

Domestic government departments have always been known for procrastinating, especially when doing business, it often takes several months after several rounds, so when the foreign economic and trade department and metallurgical department investigate clearly, the entire The situation is already over.In a word, the "dragging formula" is the longest-used method of the government, and it has been tried and tested, both internally and externally.

Zhao Zhibang said this reason at the beginning, and today, it is really used. They have shifted all the responsibility to the company, and the others have nothing to say. They can only continue to target the China Future Metallurgical Group, but Ye Tang Sen didn't show up at all, and the people who showed up below only said that they were following instructions, and couldn't answer anything, and couldn't solve anything.

Several major importers in Japan contacted the China Future Metallurgical Group immediately. Considering that their inventory can still be used for ten days to half a month, Ye Tangsen ignored them and waited until their inventory was exhausted. They will come forward to negotiate with them, and then they will be impatient.

The measures taken by China Future Metallurgical Group to Japan are not completely out of stock, at least 20.00% of rare earth exports are still in progress, so the major importers now need to compete for this 20.00% share.Mitsui & Co., Ltd. is one of the larger companies. The rare earths they import are mainly used by large companies such as Toyota, Sony, Toshiba, and Sanyo.Unfortunately, according to Chen Kangjie's intention, Ye Tangsen instructed his subordinates to completely terminate the export to Mitsui & Co., and not sell a single grain of rare earth to them.

The decline in the stock market means that the assets of major companies have shrunk severely. In just a few days, Mitsui & Co., Toyota, Toshiba and Sony experienced losses of more than 1000 billion yen in asset evaporation.If other companies are added, the loss will be a frighteningly astronomical figure.

In fact, if only because of the reduced supply of rare earths, there would not be such a huge turmoil in the stock market.Investors will respond in a timely manner, but for strategic investors, they will not sell their assets.Obviously, there must be elements of suppression from foreign capital.

Who will cooperate and participate in it in such a timely manner?Who has such great strength to cater for this combination of punches?Of course it was Chen Kangjie himself.

Since he was still on Christmas Island, Chen Kangjie had already contacted Han Geng and asked him to mobilize funds for some related cooperation.In the financial market, as long as the news is obtained in advance and the funds are sufficient, it is too easy to exert a positive or negative influence, and a large amount of profits can be made from it. Just in and out.

Han Geng and the others only need to make a start and create a sense of panic in the market. Other investors will follow up later, so it's not their business. If they make money, they should run away quickly.

As time went on, as a large number of investors panicked and withdrew from the stock market, several big banks and the Japanese government had to come forward to rescue the market. If the market was allowed to go down freely, their losses would be incalculable.In addition to releasing funds to the market, the Japanese government personally came forward to do the work of the China Future Metallurgical Group. Led by the Deputy Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, a delegation composed of several large rare earth resource importers visited Nanzhou. They wanted to meet Ye Tang in person. Mori.

Seeing that the timing was almost the same, and in order to reduce the political and public opinion pressure that the government could bear, Ye Tangsen, who had been hiding all this time, finally showed up and was willing to meet with the Japanese delegation.

During this period of time, Ye Tangsen has been hiding and paying attention to every detail of the reaction from the outside world. A large amount of information is transmitted to him every moment, and the pressure on the entire enterprise is also transferred to him along with these information. Fortunately, One thing is that the benefits of the enterprise have not been greatly affected, and the loss suffered by the reduction in export volume to Japan has been compensated by the increase in prices.

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