rebirth of change

Chapter 943 Rarely Confused

Accompanying Ye Tangsen to the meeting was Zhao Hui, a local parent officer in Nanzhou. At this time, Zhao Hui's secretary of the municipal party committee had become quite stable. At the same time, he had just taken up the post of deputy director of the provincial government. For, the future is boundless, proud of the spring breeze.As a local parent official, no matter what the reason is, it is normal for a foreign vice-ministerial official to accompany him out of courtesy.

Meeting a Japanese is also a meeting with a foreign guest. Out of politeness, Ye Tangsen finally showed a reluctant smile on his face that had been stiff for several days. After a simple greeting at the gate of the newly built China Future Metallurgical Group , Ye Tangsen led the group of them to the meeting room on the second floor to sit down and have a formal talk.

In the past two years, the development of Zhonghua Future Metallurgical Group has become more and more smooth. The number of employees in the company has increased a lot, and the departments have become more and more perfect. The old six-story temporary office building is no longer enough, so Ouyang Zhenhua is not actually needed. With approval, Ye Tangsen spent more than 4000 million yuan to build the best commercial office building in Nanzhou.

This is because the company's headquarters is likely to change in the future, so that's why they spent such a small amount of money. Otherwise, it would not be too much to spend several hundred million. At least the company building should match the company's image of strength.

"Mr. Ye, I didn't expect such a powerful company like yours to have such a simple office environment." After sitting down, Japanese Vice Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Tomoshige Matsuoka showed a relaxed smile and said to Ye Tangsen lightly.

In fact, the office building cost tens of millions of yuan to build, how could it be simple, perhaps not as good as a world-class large company, but it is definitely not lacking in quality in the local area.Matsuoka Chishige wanted to show a superior attitude.

Matsuoka Zhishige's words are quite inappropriate. You are asking for help from others. Such derogatory words will not win the other party's favor, nor will it really bring any pride to yourself. It may make the task of this trip more troublesome.

"Mr. Songgang, you can also see that our company is actually very embarrassed. Speaking of it, we are just a trading company. The upstream manufacturers hope that our purchase price will be higher and higher, and the products we export The price is too low, the profit can't always go up, and I don't have money in hand, so I can't enjoy it even if I want to enjoy it," Ye Tang said with a needle in his back.

Ye Tangsen's words made Matsuoka Zhizhong's face turn pale, extremely ugly.The ones who looked uglier than him were the bosses of the major importers of rare earth resources. Maybe someone would have already scolded Songgang Zhizhong as a pig in his heart at this time.

"Mr. Ye, the export price of your products is much higher than before, especially the heavy rare earth. Your price has increased by 5.00% and [-]% in just a few years. How can you still lack profits? I remember When I visited Nanzhou last time, your office building was still a six-story old house," Mitsubishi Corporation's president, Matsuzaka Sara, said to Ye Tangsen after glaring at Matsuoka Zhishige faintly.

Even though Matsuoka Tomoshige is the Deputy Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, he belongs to the ranks of senior officials, but in the eyes of these big business owners, his status may not be so high.Mitsubishi Corporation represents the Mitsubishi Zaibatsu. Matsuzaka Sara has a great say in the Mitsubishi Zaibatsu. As one of Japan's four major chaebols, Matsuzaka Sahara's influence is no less than that of Matsuoka Chishige. It can be said that the entire Japan The political situation in Japan is influenced and controlled by those big chaebols. To a large extent, the work of the Japanese government is to serve these big chaebols, not for all the people as they advertise.Otherwise, Songgang Zhizhong would not have come to Nanzhou more than ten days after the accident.

"Mr. Matsusaka, this can only explain one problem, that is, our previous selling price was too low, otherwise you would not accept it after several price increases, and you are still willing to import rare earths from us. I remember that you Mitsubishi Corporation imported more than 1 tons from our company last year." Since Ye Tangsen and Matsuzaka Sara have met each other, they are not strangers to each other. Ye Tangsen's tone in this kind of negotiation is very similar to Chen Kangjie , well-founded, and without making any concessions.

"Hehe, we had to do it," Matsuzaka Sara said with a helpless smile, "Unfortunately, it seems that this year there are not even 80.00 tons. You suddenly cut the export quota to our country by [-]%. The next few In January, the amount allocated to our business may be less than [-] tons, which will have a huge impact on us and is not conducive to the long-term cooperation between each other."

At present, Japan's best source of rare earth imports is China, and imports from other places are either too far away or there is no source of goods.The rare earths produced by the Americans before were rarely exported except for their own consumption, and the same is true for allies such as Japan. This has a lot to do with the United States' emphasis on the protection of key national resources. I would rather choose to close my own mines and choose to import from China long-distance.

"We don't want to do this either. In the upstream, there are problems in the production links of several large-scale production. Even if I want to increase exports, I still have no goods in hand. Japan is our largest trading country, and every year our products are exported. , nearly [-]% of them are sold to you. We attach great importance to this good cooperative relationship with each other. But in order to meet the needs of all customers to the greatest extent, it is a last resort to reduce your quantity. I know You have stocks, please be patient, once the production resumes, we will meet your increased demand as soon as possible," Ye Tangsen organized his thoughts and said tactfully.

If it is telling the truth, then it can be blurted out, but Ye Tangsen has not yet reached the level of Chen Kangjie, he can casually speak out lies.

"Mr. Ye, what you said seems unreliable. As far as we know, there is no problem with your company's upstream production enterprises. All the rare earths produced have been stored by you. I don't know how you can explain it?" Song Gang Zhizhong thought he was very smart, so he pointed out the contradiction in Ye Tangsen's words to his face.

Often people who think they are smart are actually fools, pointing out their mistakes directly, although it has a certain persuasive effect, the effect is often the opposite.Few people are happy that their mistakes are pointed out transparently, and, besides, people lie on purpose.

Zheng Banqiao in the Qing Dynasty said "it's rare to be confused", but he was actually talking about the consciousness that a smart person should have.If you see what you shouldn't see, you should pretend you didn't see it, and you may pretend you didn't see what you should see. This is great wisdom and foolishness.

Ye Tangsen was very depressed. Did Japanese officials stop talking about the city?Why is Matsuoka Zhizhong acting like a fool, he thought, do you think that if you are so self-righteous, I will follow your train of thought?Why did I explain it to you?

"I believe my source of information is more accurate than yours." Ye Tangsen didn't even call Matsuoka Zhizhong, so a simple sentence like that was considered a response.

Ye Tangsen's meaning is very simple, that is, believe it or not, the initiative is in my hands, even if you don't believe it, what can you do to me?can you bite me

"Mr. Ye, don't be angry. I don't think Mr. Matsuoka intends to doubt you. We also hope that you can speed up the resumption of production. This will not only meet the needs of customers, but also promote the further development of your company." Matsuzaka Sara It seems that the representatives elected by those importers, all the importers only speak for him, and no one else speaks.

Even Ye Tangsen felt that this delegation seemed to be led by Matsuoka Tomoshige, but in fact, it was estimated that the final opinion meeting was dominated by Matsuzaka Sara. He obviously said more than Matsuoka Tomoshige, and it seemed more Solemn and friendly, the key is to be able to touch the point tactfully.

Indeed, would Matsuzaka Sara and the others not understand the information that Matsuoka Zhishige could understand?Even if they didn't know it at the first time, so many days have passed, they have staff stationed in China, and they bought goods directly from those manufacturers before, how could they not even get such basic information?I'm afraid that Ye Tangsen won't believe what others say.It's just that people pretend not to know when they know about it. This kind of person will appear to be much easier to deal with.

"Why don't we think about it? We think about it more than you do. My pressure is the greatest at this time, but upstream companies need two kinds of equipment if they want to resume and expand production as soon as possible, but we can't buy them, and there's nothing we can do about it," said Ye Tang Mori didn't even look at Matsuoka Tomoshige who was sitting closest to him, his eyes bypassed him, and he said to Matsuzaka Sara with his hands spread out on his face.

"Oh? Is that so? Mr. Ye, what equipment is so critical, tell us, maybe we have a solution." Ye Tangsen went around for a long time, just wanting to say this, of course the smart Matsuzaka Sara will cooperate, otherwise, Today's negotiations can only end without a problem.

"If Mr. Matsusaka can help, I would be very grateful. We need two sets of gasifier and air separation equipment." Ye Tangsen followed Matsusaka Sara's ladder to express his appeal.What Chen Kangjie wanted was one set, but Ye Tangsen changed one to two for the sake of safety, at least there is a spare when the equipment breaks down and needs to be replaced.

Perhaps no one thought that Chen Kangjie arranged such a big situation, which turned the Japanese economy and international public opinion upside down, and his original intention was for these two things.If people from Nippon Steel know about it, I don’t know if they will call him a rascal. Anyway, if other companies that need rare earths know about it, they will definitely call him mean and shameless.

"Gasifier? Air separation plant? Why are you using it?" Matsuzaka Sara obviously didn't understand what these two things do.

"This... I don't know the specifics. Anyway, I need these two things. Maybe Mr. Matsuzaka can really help. Nippon Steel can provide these two things." Ye Tangsen paused for a while After a while, he said it directly.

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