rebirth of change

Chapter 951 Taking the First Step

Hearing that Kurt is about to conduct a fair tender for the iron ore project on both sides of the Ashburton River, Damuguang is furious.

If you want to adopt this method, why should I give you so many benefits? In addition to giving you money to run for the election, I will also try to find a way to get the shares of Rio Tinto.

Oki Hikaru did not think about this issue from the perspective of Richard Kurt. If Kurt could stand it, he would not make such a bad move. Now he is about to be unable to stand it.As the saying goes, "you can't have both", and now Kurt has to choose one of the two.Besides, Kurt also has a reason, who the hell told you to leave Da Muguang for so long and not show up to discuss it, I get benefits, but you don't get benefits?If there is no benefit, would you plan to take the risk of giving you such a fat project at such a low price?

In fact, there are not many matters in Japan that need to be dealt with by Oki Mitsu, and there is no need for him to coordinate and persecute Nippon Steel. Tomitsu Gori will solve this problem.The important reason why Hikari Oki did not rush back to Australia soon was that he wanted to raise funds.

Such a large project cannot be carried out without abundant funds.Although Mitsui & Co., Ltd. has strong strength, it can't afford such a large project alone. He has to find funds from within the chaebol, especially from the cash-rich Mitsui Bank. He also needs to explain the situation to his previous intended partner Sumitomo Bank. I hope that they can also extend a hand and hand over tens of billions of dollars to Da Muguang.

When Hikari Oki was in Australia before, he had communicated with China by phone, and the verbal answer he got at that time was "no problem".But now the situation has changed. Due to the outage of China Future Metallurgical Group and the disturbance of a large amount of unknown funds, the domestic financial market is experiencing a small earthquake, and major companies have lost a lot.Under such circumstances, in order to have sufficient funds to stabilize the country, the two major banks dare not release so much cash at once.

As the core of the consortium, the bank leaders will take a more cautious approach.Once there is a problem with the bank, a big hole will be opened in the sky of the entire consortium, and no one can afford it or bear it.Moreover, Mitsui & Co. is not the only company that needs money.

Therefore, the news Oki received was to ask him to wait until the domestic financial market stabilized before allocating money to him.Oki Hikaru doesn't have enough money now, so of course he can't return to Australia.

Da Muguang wanted to wait, but Ouyang Zhenhua and the others didn't wait, they kept putting pressure on Kurt, and kept creating pressure on him.In normal times, Kurt can let it go, no matter how much, but now is the election time, he doesn't have so much time.Everyone wants to get both fish and bear's paws, but if Kurt delays, maybe he will have nothing.

No matter whether it is to hold Buddha's feet temporarily, or to drive ducks to the shelves, now Da Muguang can only stiffen his neck.

In order to increase the chances of winning, Oki Hikaru decided to reluctantly part with his love. He planned to give up his controlling stake in the hope that Rio Tinto would pay a little more money.This is a bit embarrassing for Rio Tinto. It is true that this is a big company, but they are also unable to provide tens of billions of funds at once. Before Rio Tinto acquired other companies, half of the funds still depended on Issuing bonds?

In fact, as long as the bidding is called at this time, Ouyang Zhenhua and the others can be said to be sure to win. It is self-evident who will win the competition between those who are not short of money and those who are short of money.You can even lower the price a bit and save a lot of money.

After the two parties paid a deposit of [-] million US dollars, the bidding for this super-large resource project started in late October.

Because the project is too large.It has attracted the attention of many Australian local media and many large companies in the world.The Australian political scene was also almost affected, and Lawrence came to Perth in person.

On the one hand, Lawrence wanted to show his support for Ouyang Zhenhua and the others. On the other hand, if he handled it well, it would also add points to his image and wisdom.This can show his concern for the industrial economy, and the presence of so many reporters will bring positive results to his election.

The bidding was arranged at the hotel where Chen Kangjie and the others stayed. Before entering the venue, Lawrence accepted brief interviews with more than a dozen reporters.

"Mr. Lawrence, at such a critical time in the campaign, how do you still have time to participate in business activities?".

"I am very concerned about this project, which is the same as everyone else. Moreover, I don't completely regard this project as a commercial transaction. If it works well, it is actually a project for people's livelihood, because it can bring taxes to the government and increase The employment of the people can improve our important role in the changes in the world economic structure. This has nothing to do with whether I am a political candidate or not. Even if I am just an ordinary citizen, I will care about it. Our country is a country with a lot of resources. How to use it It has always been my concern to enhance our national strength and the happiness of the people. Although this project is in Western Australia, it is also in our country and has a close relationship with me... ".Lawrence expressed his views from the height of a leader.

"Mr. Lawrence, which side do you support?".

"Hehe, as long as it is a powerful investor, as long as it is beneficial to our economic development and improvement of people's livelihood, we welcome them all. There is no question of supporting a certain party." At this point, Lawrence changed the subject, "However, Since you asked, let me share my personal understanding. From a practical point of view, I think we should have diversified investment, and our economic structure should also be diversified. Agriculture, industry, and service industries should all be vigorously developed. Diplomacy also needs to be diversified. While continuing to maintain close contacts and trust with traditional allies, it is also very important to develop friendly relations with neighboring countries in the region. In a word, as long as you look at it from the perspective of the country and the people To deal with the problem, I believe that everything can be dealt with...", Lawrence almost regarded this place as a campaign site.

It seems that Lawrence didn't say anything obvious, didn't name anyone, and even talked about the foreign policy he thought he would stick to out of the subject, but the implication is already elusive, as long as you savor his words carefully If so, you know that he is supporting BHP Billiton and Hongyuan Investment.

Since BHP Billiton is a major shareholder and a local company, the bidding is left to them, and Ouyang Zhenhua only needs to pay.Oki Hikaru and the others could only be led by Mitsui & Co. because Rio Tinto could not resist the big head.Even last night, Hikari Oki was still asking for help from Japan, hoping to get some more funds.

Da Muguang who came in a hurry would naturally not be Ouyang Zhenhua's opponent after careful preparation. Beforehand, Ouyang Zhenhua learned from Han Geng that Da Muguang could raise no more than 200 billion U.S. dollars, and more funds He has been successfully dragged in Japan.Well, even with the strength of Rio Tinto, the money they can get out now is only 300 billion at most, not more. On Ouyang Zhenhua's side, Ouyang Zhenhua alone has already gathered 400 million in Australia. One hundred million U.S. dollars.

In order not to make the figures too embarrassing, but also to please a good sign, Hongyuan Investment and BHP Billiton jointly quoted a price of 398 billion US dollars, which was a full 310 billion US dollars higher than the 88 billion US dollars quoted by Mitsui & Co., Ltd. and Rio Tinto. To the mining rights of iron ore on the banks of the Ashburton River.In the offer of Mitsui & Co., Ltd. and Rio Tinto, there is only $195 billion in cash.

Of course, among so many funds, most of them were provided by Ouyang Zhenhua, and BHP Billiton only took a small amount, and a considerable part was lent to them.

On the surface, Ouyang Zhenhua and the others didn't take much advantage of it. On the contrary, BHP Billiton picked up a big pie.

In fact, it is not the case. First of all, Chen Kangjie has finally gained a foothold in the iron ore project in Australia. In addition to bringing huge profits in the near future, it can also play a very good role in calming the future. The huge losses suffered by many domestic iron and steel enterprises have indirectly restrained the rise of domestic prices.

After entering the 21st century, China will usher in a period of relatively large price rises. In addition to being affected by many internal factors, it is also closely related to the impact of the sharp rise in international bulk commodity trading prices, especially iron ore. Once the prices of key strategic commodities such as oil rise too much, it will inevitably cause a series of downstream commodities to rise rapidly, which will eventually be reflected in the lives of ordinary people, and businesses will have to pass on the losses.

Chen Kangjie didn't care too much about how much those big companies lost, especially those large state-owned groups with deep pockets. They usually show off their power one by one. It's no big deal to lose some face in front of foreigners.It's just that Chen Kangjie has to consider that for so many people whose income is not high, every [-]% increase in prices means that their living standards will drop by [-]%.As long as there is an accident, it is the people at the bottom who are hurt the most.

Chen Kangjie can't change the macro policy. Tax policy and monetary policy are not in his hands. He can only hope to make some small changes through his meager efforts. Hope to show up again.

Lending money to BHP Billiton is a win-win situation. BHP Billiton gets a big piece of cake, and Ouyang Zhenhua can play a greater role in the company's operation as a creditor in the future.Since BHP Billiton owed so much money, it was only natural that he should give up some of his influence.

This is the first time that a Chinese enterprise has made such a large-scale investment overseas, which has strong indicator significance.After this step has been successfully taken out, it has opened the door for Chinese enterprises to expand their territories around the world.

It's just that this time, due to disruption and persecution, Ouyang Zhenhua and the others offended the big Japanese consortium, and finally developed into an irreconcilable conflict.

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