rebirth of change

Chapter 952 The Americans Are Not Happy

After winning the bidding, it does not mean that Ouyang Zhenhua and the others won the iron ore project in the Ashburton River, because it still needs the approval of the International Investment Approval Committee of the federal government before it can take effect.

"Mr. Oki, you don't have to worry, and you don't have to be angry." After the bidding was over, Oki Hikaru and Richard Cotter finally had a chance to sit down and communicate face to face. Unfortunately, Oki Hikaru was not in a good mood, and his face was drawn very long. Excited.

"Can I not be angry? I paid so much, invested so much, and the result? I got nothing. You also told me not to be angry. You are the governor. How can you decide when I am not ready? What about the bidding? Isn’t that the same as handing over this project to them, hmph!” Thinking of this, Da Muguang became angry, slapped his thigh, and then gesticulated at Richard Cotter Said.

"I can't help it. No one told you that you are not here. I can't discuss with you. You will be in China for a while, and you will be in Japan for a while. You don't know, I am under a lot of pressure. If it weren't for this, we would have nothing to do If I can’t get it, it’s not entirely my fault.” Richard Cotter also felt aggrieved.

"Now? Now what have we got? Ah? What have we got? What I got is that you took a lot of money." Oki Hikaru became more and more angry.

"Mr. Oki, I have given you a lot before. For example, the Pan Situo project, I decided to give it to you Mitsui & Co., so don't cross the river and tear down the bridge." Kurt stood up, and he was not feeling well.

"The Pan Situo project has only 8000 million tons of reserves. Can it be compared with the Ashburton River project? Can it be compared? Now I am very angry... By the way, who found this Hong Kong company? How? Would such a company come out of a good place before?", the more Oki Guang thought about it, the more wrong he became, and the more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became.

Regarding the joining of Hongyuan Investment, Oki Guangneng guessed that Kurt got it in to put pressure on him.But at that time, the cooperation between him and Hikari Oki had not been negotiated on the conditions, and there was no problem with the intentionality, so he didn't take it very seriously.Now that Kurt shot himself in the foot with a rock, causing the fat sheep that was almost in his hands to fail, the stricken Da Muguang had no choice but to bring this matter up to satirize Richard Kurt.

"Don't mention the past again." Kurt felt ashamed, and returned to his seat in despair, "This matter is not over yet. They won the bid, and they may not be able to get this project." Sean, the chairman of the International Investment Approval Committee, is a good friend of mine. We are close friends, and when they submit the proposal for this development project, I will try to get Mr. Sean to suppress it.”

"Oh? Can he?", this is the best news for Da Muguang at the moment, his shrewd eyeballs rolled again.

"It is not easy to get a project, but it is not difficult to stop a project. Sean will have many excuses, such as worrying about destroying the local ecology, such as national security, such as reviewing the source of funds, etc., are all fair and aboveboard excuses." As soon as Oki became interested, Kurt regained his governor's confidence.

"Okay, that's good. We will continue to strongly support Mr. Kurt in your candidacy. As long as you fail the approval over there and you are re-elected, we still have a chance." It became hot, and his complexion became very fast.

Richard Cotter, who was valued and respected again, turned his feet up, complacent, with a faint smile on his face and a vague contempt for Hikari Oki.

You have Zhang Liangji, Ouyang Zhenhua and the others also have wall ladders.Ever since Lawrence found out about the relationship between Sean and Richard Cotter, they didn't intend to report to the International Investment Approval Committee as soon as they won. After the election.And the specific implementation will be carried out by BHP Billiton, and they will be dragged to do it, so as not to bring unnecessary troubles to themselves.They are authentic local businesses with far more leeway.

Therefore, the West Australian government urged them to cooperate with the report as soon as possible. Every time, Ander came out to stand in the way and took all the problems on himself. Either the documents were not ready or there was a problem with the bank account.If Hongyuan Investment is like this, then Kurt just used this as an excuse to place charges on them, and finally took back the project.But BHP Billiton was the one who went wrong, and Kurt couldn't be charged with the crime. Otherwise, BHP Billiton would definitely rebound, which would also affect his election. Is it possible to get the project back?

Richard Cotter couldn't even make a move.

1996 is a year of general elections. Many countries are conducting elections. Australia and the United States will elect a new government in this year, but the timing is very coincidental. The time to determine success or failure is in November. Lawrence invited Chen Kangjie to attend his last and biggest rallying party in Melbourne in early November, the last weekend before the general election.Chen Kangjie agreed, but his troubles also came.

Lawrence has a friendly attitude towards China, so he proposed to implement a multilateral and friendly foreign policy in his election platform.This makes Americans a little uncomfortable.

Australia has always been a staunch ally of the United States. Among Western countries, they are closer to the United States than France and Germany. Moreover, Australia's geographical location is very critical and important. It is between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. The country with the largest area in the vast waters connected by the sea, and close to Southeast Asia, plays a very important role in the United States' exerting influence in East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Ocean.

As a result, the Americans are somewhat resigned from Lawrence's claim of diplomatic bias.Starting from their own interests, the Americans still hope that Australia can stick to the Australia-US alliance and stand firmly with the United States instead of pursuing any multilateral friendly strategic approach.

Americans do not want Lawrence to win the general election. They hope that the Conservative Party will continue to be in power so as to further stabilize the Australia-US alliance and cooperation. At the same time, they will not give the rising China more geopolitical space and raw material supply chains.Although it does not admit it, the United States has actually gradually turned China into a future imaginary enemy since the end of the Cold War, and thus established blockades one after another around China. The development space of China and the space for military activities are compressed.

Conversely, Australia is of great significance to China.Around China, there are too many countries that stand on the side of the United States.One reason is that they have more or less conflicts with China in various aspects, whether it is historical, territorial or ideological. The two allies we have developed are still very poor countries.Second, due to their guard against the development of China and their security concerns after its development and strength, they also ran into the arms of the United States one after another.

In this situation, we need friends, especially friends from Western countries and neighboring countries, in order to expand our strategic space for activities.Australia just occupies such a dual identity, and it is a Western developed country next to the South China Sea.In addition, Australia has rich agricultural and mineral resources, which can just help the domestic economic development, so the top management hopes to find a breakthrough to deepen the relationship with Australia, and the election of Lawrence and the joining of Chen Kangjie just provide such an appropriate opportunity Otherwise, the country would not have leaked Chen Kangjie's identity to Lawrence.

The news that Chen Kangjie agreed to attend Lawrence's campaign rally quickly reached President KLD's ears.

For the long-term interests of the country. Kld does not want Lawrence to be elected. Even if Lawrence has no intention of changing the basic policy of the two countries, the Australia-US alliance, Kld still does not want those in power in Australia to get too close to China.

Even if kld does not want Lawrence to be elected, he will not say it outright. This is not a matter of interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, but from the perspective of the allies. He cannot speak, otherwise it will cause resentment and backlash from the Australian people and Lawrence .

It is obvious that objection cannot be done, so kld intends to adopt a method of making troubles secretly.They all knew what kind of person Chen Kangjie was. He had just won a few gold medals in the Atlanta Olympics, and he had great influence and appeal among ordinary people, especially young people.

Americans who are accustomed to elections know very well that as long as Chen Kangjie goes, even if he doesn't say anything, it will greatly enhance Lawrence's momentum and have a motivating effect on many voters.So far, Chen Kangjie has no bad shortcomings or character that can be criticized by Lawrence's competitors. He is too perfect and amazing, with comprehensive literary and military skills, people will have a blind illusion about him.

According to the current statistics of local polling agencies in Australia, Lawrence has not yet achieved an overwhelming support rate among voters, and even he has a [-]% gap in support compared to the current ruling Conservative Party candidate. After all, he It has been several years since she has been active in the front line of the political arena, and her popularity is worse.

However, Chen Kangjie's participation may change this situation, not to mention that Lawrence's approval rating has been rising in the past month.The sabotage action taken by the United States was to pretend not to know about it, and then President KLD invited Chen Kangjie to the United States as a guest, and also attended his last campaign rally in Wisconsin in early November.

Recently, the idol storm caused by Chen Kangjie in school has just calmed down a bit.Not to mention that he is just a person, even if he is a god, if he is often seen, he will have the effect of being familiar with it.

Chen Kangjie, who just got a respite from the chaos, really did not expect that the President of the United States would look for him at this time.

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