rebirth of change

Chapter 956 Turn Bad Things into Good Things

"Mr. Ouyang, where is Mr. Chen?" Lawrence asked hurriedly as soon as Ouyang Zhenhua connected the phone.

"Are you still ashamed to ask? You have to explain clearly, what's going on? It's unreasonable." Ouyang Zhenhua seemed filled with righteous indignation.

"Mr. Ouyang, explain and I will explain. Have you already arrived at the Meyer Music Bowl? Huh?" From Ouyang Zhenhua's words, Lawrence knew that Ouyang Zhenhua and the others had seen the relevant situation, so he did this ask.

"Be clear first," Ouyang Zhenhua said bluntly.

Lawrence did not answer Ouyang Zhenhua's question, "Mr. Ouyang, I'm sorry, it's really not the time to discuss this. This is not what I meant. If Mr. Chen is by your side, please ask him to answer the phone."

Chen Kangjie who was sitting next to him heard the conversation between Ouyang Zhenhua and Lawrence clearly.He stretched out his right hand towards Ouyang Zhenhua who was turning towards him blankly, "Let me talk to him!". <, tell me! ", Chen Kangjie calmed down a lot at this time, and his tone was flat and steady.

"Mr. Chen, I think you have already arrived at the Meyer Music Bowl. I'm really sorry. I just found out about the same situation. At present, I'm still at the Hyde Hotel and driving here..." Lawrence What he said was a little strange.

"You just know that too? How is this possible? Isn't your campaign headquarters organizing today's campaign rally? It's really unbelievable," Chen Kangjie said with a chuckle on his face.

"Frankly speaking, I don't know what the problem is at the moment, but I will give you an explanation later, and I will definitely find out the reason. Now, what I want to discuss with you is whether to expose the poster immediately Come down, if that's the case, you might not be able to participate in this rally tonight." Lawrence is worthy of doing great things, and under such circumstances, he can still make such a suggestion, which surprised Chen Kangjie a little.

Chen Kangjie didn't say anything right away, but thought about it for a while. Ten seconds later, the anxious Lawrence heard Chen Kangjie say: "Since everything happened, you can't hide from it. Even if I miss today's meeting, the media will They won't stop there, they will definitely believe the content of that poster, in other words, the secret that I am long seems to be lost regardless of my absence."

What Chen Kangjie said is the truth, it is like an egg with a gap, there are only two options, the first is to eat the egg immediately, maybe you can have a good meal, the second is to seal the egg Wow, even if frozen, it will go rancid very quickly and the chicks will never hatch.

This photo is the gap. Whether Chen Kangjie admits it or not, it will become a fact sooner or later, because Lawrence will be questioned constantly, and Chen Kangjie himself will also be questioned by everyone.He can lie to some people, but Chen Kangjie can't be hypocritical to everyone in the world, besides, he will have to face this special identity sooner or later.

What's more serious is that if Chen Kangjie is absent, then Lawrence will basically lose.The election rally will definitely change. The reporters probably don't have much thought to interview his campaign content. Quite a few people should be more concerned about whether Long is Chen Kangjie or not.

This is a question that Lawrence can't escape. If he answers no, it will always be a disaster for him, because Long's identity will be revealed to the world at some point. If he answers in the affirmative, it doesn't matter whether he has Chen Kangjie's permission or not. , he had to move Chen Kangjie out, otherwise, he would be cheating, using long's photo and identity to make false publicity, and his support would only decline, not rise.The standard of honesty is generally valued in developed countries.

Lawrence's failure was something Chen Kangjie didn't want to see. It was not in his interest, let alone the country's interest.Chen Kangjie cannot give up lightly.

"Thank you, thank you, long, thank you for your understanding, ah, that's great", Chen Kangjie's words made Lawrence feel relieved.

"You're welcome, then tell me, what should I do now?" When such a change occurred, Chen Kangjie would of course ask Lawrence about the arrangement.

"Well..., how about this, you go in through the side door first, I will be there in a few minutes, let's meet and talk later, I arranged for my assistant to pick you up there, there are no reporters over there", in Aside from being happy, Lawrence had no other solution at once. He could only settle down with Chen Kangjie first, and the face-to-face meeting would make it clearer.

"All right".

Ouyang Zhenhua and his three cars diverted to the side door. Sure enough, before they reached the door, they saw Lawrence's campaign assistant leading several people guarding there.

After helping Chen Kangjie open the car door, the first thing Lawrence's campaign assistant said to Chen Kangjie was "I'm sorry".

If you have caused trouble to others, correcting your attitude at the first time is the key to getting forgiveness.Moreover, many things about Lawrence's campaign were personally arranged by this assistant, even today's rally arrangement was the same.So no matter what, it can be said that it was his fault when such a situation happened, so Chen Kangjie can afford his apology.

Chen Kangjie just nodded at him, showing no expression at all. The assistant couldn't tell whether Chen Kangjie forgave him or continued to be angry.

In a small lounge in the Meyer Music Bowl, as soon as Chen Kangjie sat down, someone poured tea and served fruit. Everyone waited on Chen Kangjie carefully, fearing that he would be offended.Lawrence's campaign aides were even closer, always accompanied by smiling faces. The eyes of those serving tea and water peeked at Chen Kangjie from time to time, intentionally or unintentionally. They all wanted to see clearly what Long was like. My friends also have topics worth talking about.

Seven minutes later, Lawrence entered the waiting room out of breath. It seemed that he was either running or briskly walking for a distance of more than 7 meters.

"Long, I'm sorry... I'm really sorry, I really didn't know this would happen", Lawrence expressed his apology again as soon as they met.

"Mr. Lawrence, sit down and talk, first calm down," Chen Kangjie said, pointing to the sofa on his left.

Lawrence is not young, and he is a little bit fat. He has the advantage of running for the head of a country. No matter how you look at it, Chen Kangjie can't take it easy. Now that he has decided to stay, it is better to deal with the relationship. Good point comparison has more value.

"Long, I am very grateful to you, so are you really going to play with your real face tonight?" This is actually a question that Lawrence is very concerned about. If Chen Kangjie shows up with his real face, it will definitely give him a lot of points.

Looking into Lawrence's expectant eyes, Chen Kangjie nodded, "Originally I didn't intend to, but now that this situation has happened, it seems that I can't hide even if I want to, so it's better to just do it. But , you still have to find out where the problem is, this has had a great impact on me, and I don't want things to be muddled." Chen Kangjie gave a final warning.

There is no doubt that if Lawrence did not instruct him at this time, then there must have been a traitor in his campaign team, perhaps a traitor of a high level, otherwise such absurd things would not have happened.

Chen Kangjie has always hated traitors, and this kind of people should be more hateful than enemies who fight face to face on the battlefield.Upright enemies at least have a kind of subconscious respect for each other, and they all know each other's purpose.The traitor, on the other hand, first deceived the feelings of those who trusted him, so that this originally good-hearted feeling was used by him as a strike weapon.The most that a face-to-face enemy brings is hurting people, and what a traitor brings is not only hurting people, but also sadness to a greater extent.

"Long, even if you don't remind me, I will definitely find out." Lawrence rarely showed a sharpened cold light from the corner of his eyes. It seemed that Lawrence was more angry than Chen Kangjie.

"Okay, then let's talk about it, what should I do today, as long as it helps you, we can't let the other party's plan succeed, I guess, some people don't want me to help you, don't want I appeared on today's occasion", Chen Kangjie's deduction is reasonable.

Chen Kangjie's deduction pointed out the direction for Lawrence, and calmed his somewhat chaotic state of mind.Chen Kangjie's words are already very clear, that is, whoever benefits the most is most likely to be the one who did it. Almost no one in the world will look at things that harm others and benefit themselves.

"Long, what you can do today is the greatest help to me. How can I ask for anything more? In a word, you can do whatever you want, sing a song, dance, make a speech, etc. It’s possible, and I really can’t force anything more.” The smart Lawrence almost adopted a retreat-for-advance strategy towards Chen Kangjie. On the one hand, he said that Chen Kangjie could do whatever he wanted, and on the other hand, He pointed out some possibilities, such as singing, dancing, and even giving a speech. In fact, he just hoped that Chen Kangjie would do all these actions, so that the effect would be maximized.

"Hehe, ok, then I'll sing a song, someone will dance for me, and make bad things good," Chen Kangjie said with a smile.

Hearing that Chen Kangjie only sang a song, Lawrence was somewhat disappointed, but he didn't show it.

It's not that Chan's singing at Lawrence's campaign rally didn't have the slightest effect, but the effect was predictable.What Lawrence hopes most is for Chen Kangjie to say something. Only by pointing out certain tendencies will the effect be good. This can weaken the meaning of entertainment and strengthen the role of politics. The effect of this method is unpredictable, and no one can imagine it. How big it will be, the only certainty is that the effect will be much better.

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