Under the afterglow of the sun, the Meyer Music Bowl is warm and beautiful. Tens of thousands of people have gathered on the huge lawn, and the parking lot and roads around the Music Bowl are densely packed with citizens' private cars.In order to ensure the safe conduct of the event, the Melbourne Police Department mobilized nearly a thousand police officers to maintain law and order and stability at the scene. The three TV stations have set up the seats and they will broadcast live the event tonight. As for the print media and broadcast media, naturally Unwilling, they sent their own team of reporters to the scene to collect first-hand consultations.

Following the host's introduction, Lawrence was the first to take the stage. He first spent more than 20 minutes delivering a campaign speech that was not short or long, and made a detailed analysis of his ideas on domestic affairs, diplomacy, economy, military affairs, and people's livelihood. elaboration.

A loyal and honest appearance gave Lawrence a lot of points. His speech was cadenced, with some eloquent parts and some passionate parts. He even shouted out "our country needs reform, and only by reform can we Great strides forward and making our lives richer."

Lawrence opposed major military expansion. As a medium-sized country, Lawrence felt that it was sufficient to maintain a reasonable national defense force. Lawrence strongly refuted the competitor's plan to purchase a large number of destroyers, frigates, and submarines. He believed that , Australia is not necessary.

This is not to say that Lawrence doesn't care about national security, but that Australia firstly has no security threats from its surrounding areas, and secondly, they are allies with the world's number one power, and a large amount of security guarantees should be borne by friendly countries.At the same time, Lawrence is also opposed to someone stationing troops in Australia. He allows the necessary take-off and landing of military facilities, but he will not agree to the normalization of troops, which is the key to ensuring national sovereignty.Rebirth: Changing the World 957

Lawrence's core idea is that Australia should vigorously develop its economy. Only when the economy is prosperous can it better exert its influence and improve people's lives.In the detailed introduction, Lawrence believes that Australia's advantageous industries should be developed at the end, especially large-scale agriculture, mining and metal processing industries.At the same time, Lawrence warned voters to have a development vision and a global "vision", and must learn to use the tide and trend of world economic development to benefit themselves.

In this part, Lawrence shouted the slogan "We are the Asia-Pacific nation".This slogan shows that the focus of Lawrence's diplomatic strategy is on the Asia-Pacific. He will not be too partial to any one side, but will use his unique position in the middle to seek the best interests of the country.

It can be said that Lawrence's strategy is most in line with their national interests. They can get security protection from the United States and continue to recognize the Australia-US alliance. On the other hand, they can get economic profits from East Asia, especially China. Play to your own strengths.

For a country with a population of just over 2000 million, what better choice could there be.We can see that Lawrence's strategic vision is very clear. He understands that the United States will not abandon them. China needs them very much. No matter which party has a bad relationship with Australia, it will bring about extraordinary loss.With this in mind, Lawrence was able to confidently put forward this idea with considerable changes.

After Lawrence finished his speech, he received a lot of applause from the crowd.Many voters are rational, and many of them feel that they should elect people who will do things like this.

After Lawrence finished his speech, his running mates and campaign aides stepped onto the stage one by one, or hugged him, or shook hands with smiles.Facing the microphone, these people naturally revealed a lot about Lawrence's early life and hobbies from another side, allowing the public to have a more comprehensive understanding of him.

Some entertainment stars who care about politics and support Lawrence also came to the scene to add to the fun.These people, as members of the electorate, naturally have the right to express their opinions and political leanings.Many of them came here by invitation. Although everyone hopes to flaunt and promote themselves with good relations with upper-level political figures, from a certain interest point of view, they will also maintain their own tone and invite In addition to their own personal factors, there is also the possibility that they have already been booked by competitors and some celebrities are unwilling to participate in the rectification.

Today's rally, Lawrence and the others invited twenty artists in advance, only eight of them agreed to come, and 12 politely declined.But just two hours ago, seven people suddenly expressed that they had time and were willing to come to the Meyer Music Bowl to add to the fun.The idiots also knew that they should have gotten the news that Long would be there in person.

Everyone understands that the appearance of long will definitely greatly increase the attraction and attention of this rally, and a considerable part of the media's attention will be placed here.Some people are out of the need to increase their popularity, and some are fans of Long themselves and are full of curiosity about Long. For Long's first glorious appearance, no matter what, they have to go to the scene to experience it in person.

These stars either sang, danced, or vigorously expressed their support for Lawrence. In the middle, Lawrence's wife and a pair of children also joined the battle. Under the pre-set questions of the host, they jokingly said that Lawrence behaviors, such as working late every day, insisting on collecting folk needs, etc., while the children expressed their admiration and admiration for Lawrence, they also criticized him as not being a good father, and rarely went to school for their affairs. So far, None of the teachers remembered Lawrence clearly.

The rally that day had serious parts, moving parts, emphatic parts, and entertainment parts. There were also three voters who stood on the stage and expressed their firm support for Lawrence. Not only did they support them, but they also mobilized their family members to support support.Chen Kangjie was arranged to play at the end of the finale.

Of course, Lawrence must make good use of such a good card. If Chen Kangjie plays too early, it can be predicted that his chances after his appearance will most likely change. The focus of the media and the public will be removed from him, causing the cart before the horse. s consequence.

The rally has been going on for more than two hours, and no one has seen Chen Kangjie's shadow appear. Some of the audience and those in front of the TV are impatient, and the media is even better, especially the entertainment media.

Suddenly, I don't know who suddenly yelled, "long, we need long".

Judging from the sound, people who are close can hear it from a girl.If someone takes the lead, someone will follow. Anyway, to be honest, a considerable proportion of people are here for Chen Kangjie.

Wave after wave swept over the Meyer Music Bowl, and many people in front of the TV were also shouting, no matter whether anyone could hear it, they thought it would release their emotions.

Under normal circumstances, the popularity of music is higher than that of literature and sports, because people don't need to understand anything, as long as they can listen.Sound is transmitted through the air, which is the most convenient way and the most soothing art form.Therefore, the popularity of singers is often greater than that of writers and sports stars. The vast majority of people in the world like music. It will be much less, which makes the name long spread more widely than the two names Chen Kangjie and jkchen.

Later, two high-level party officials came out to speak, to cheer Lawrence and the voters, and to explain the core purpose and philosophy of the Liberal Party again.Now it seems that it can't be done, only Chen Kangjie can come up, otherwise, the crowd below probably didn't have the time to listen to the "nonsense" of the two high-level officials, and it is possible to be blasted down.

"Everyone, will the long-awaited Long appear in front of us now? What image will he appear in? I don't know, let's wait and see," said a reporter with his back to the stage The place started a live broadcast.Rebirth: Changing the World 957

"Dear listeners, I am quite nervous. Now there is a huge mystery. Although there are indications that Long is the jkchen who just won the Olympic champion and wrote many best-selling books, but after we kept asking the organizers, we didn't get a single one. The exact answer, except that the huge poster has not been taken down. I hope long can appear, if not, Mr. Lawrence's rally may turn into a widely criticized hoax, I believe this is what everyone does not want to see The situation... The surrounding noises are getting more and more intense, can the audience hear it? Let us continue to look forward to it... ", the reporter of the Voice of Australia radio station also said to him Millions of listeners published their own quite seductive program commentary.

"I'm quite excited, frankly, I don't understand how a foreigner can appear in our political process, but I welcome long, I sincerely welcome him to visit Australia, if possible, I will try to invite him to participate Come on our show, fans of music, movies, books, and track and field, get ready to cheer. Long's first full-scale appearance is in Australia, let us all Shout out his name together, long, long, long...", provocative words are a compulsory course for hosts and reporters, and only when they speak in this way will the audience and listeners feel motivated.

"Ladies and gentlemen, maybe everyone is full of various questions. Let us reveal the answer now. Please invite Mr. Long and Mr. Lawrence to appear." After receiving the instruction, the host wisely chose to follow the public opinion. .

As soon as the host's voice fell, Chen Kangjie and Lawrence, who were standing on the elevator, slowly rose to the center of the Meyer Music Bowl, leaning on each other.


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