Chapter 96 It's too early to go to college

After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, He Wanrong was going back to work in Hong Kong, and He Baoguo and Zhao Yuexiang would personally send her to the airport in the provincial capital. Thinking of He Wanrong's dedication to his professor during this holiday, Chen Kangjie would also send her off.

"Godfather, don't use your car, I've already called Master Kong to drive President Ouyang's Mercedes-Benz."

He Baoguo originally planned to use his own Santana, but was interrupted by Chen Kangjie.

"That's not good, right? That's President Ouyang's special car." He Baoguo hesitated a little. After all, it was Ouyang Zhenhua's special car. If Chen Kangjie just used it like this, it would have a bad effect.

"What's the problem? President Ouyang told me that I can use it casually. Besides, we are doing private business today. Using your car is not good. You are the public servant of six of us with hundreds of thousands of people. How can the public car be used for private use?", in order to reassure He Baoguo, Chen Kangjie could only lie and say that Ouyang Zhenhua agreed (Ouyang Zhenhua didn't tell Chen Kangjie this, but did he need to say it), and in the end he didn't forget to clean up his godfather some.

He Baoguo felt that what Chen Kangjie said was right. Although private use of public cars was very common, He Baoguo's goal in his official career was far from that.Since Ouyang Zhenhua agrees, then there is no problem. It is really not suitable to use the bus that he works at. It is a private matter after all. I have just sat in this position for a year, and there are rumors that I will improve it, whether it is true or not. False, or try to minimize some negative effects.

During the Chinese New Year, many friends and subordinates came to He Baoguo under the pretense of being fans of He Wanrong's songs. They all admired He Baoguo for raising such a popular daughter all over the country, and they kept praising him.However, these people like He Wanrong's songs, which makes sense, but how could it be some song 'fans', civil servants in their 40s and [-]s, who obviously came to get close to He Baoguo, so that He Baoguo could be supported after he was promoted.For the New Year's Eve, everyone will naturally not come empty-handed, they all come with big bags and small bags. Knowing that He Baoguo doesn't accept gifts, they all say that they are for their idol He Wanrong, but why is He Wanrong lacking these things now? All politely declined.

According to He Wanrong's personality, she would not have a good face towards these hard-working people, but under Chen Kangjie's intentional gesture, she still didn't show it, and she behaved very decently. People can accept, "I'm in Hong Kong all year round, I can't bring these gifts from you, and it's a waste to put them at home."

He Wanrong didn't know Chen Kangjie, but he knew very well that in the officialdom, there was one hero and three gangs. He Baoguo and Chen Qigang had a weak foundation in politics, few connections, and hadn't cultivated their own direct lineage. Many tasks still needed these subordinates to do, no A group of credible team members cannot achieve results with one person and two hands.Besides, some of them were He Baoguo's friends rather than subordinates, so they shouldn't be too arrogant. Being able to directly come to He Baoguo's country during the New Year's Eve has something to do with He Baoguo, and he has to save face for others.

"Xiaojie, this Mercedes-Benz is much more comfortable than that Santana." After putting He Wanrong's luggage into the trunk, after getting into the car, Zhao Yuexiang was very curious about the interior of the big Mercedes-Benz, "touched" it, Squeeze there.

The reason why Chen Kangjie turned up the Mercedes-Benz was because it was almost a long-distance run, and it was better to be more comfortable, at least it would not be so uncomfortable.

"Godmother, if you like it, I'll buy you one," Chen Kangjie said to Zhao Yuexiang with a smile.Zhao Yuexiang loves Chen Kangjie very much. To Chen Kangjie, this sentence is not a joke.

"Godmother is very relieved that you have this kind of heart. Godmother doesn't know how to drive. Besides, your godfather's position is there. If godmother drives such a car, I'm afraid your godfather's life will be uncomfortable." Zhao Yuexiang was very touched by Chen Kangjie's filial piety. Although this kid is not her own son, she is almost like her own son. She also knows that Chen Kangjie can make a lot of money. If she wants to, Chen Kangjie will probably buy one.In the end, he still didn't forget to make fun of He Baoguo with a smile.

"What's wrong with me? Giving it to my godson is not a bribe, and I'm not corrupt." Although He Baoguo said so, his stern face has undoubtedly revealed his heart, and he is still very concerned. I was worried that Chen Kangjie would really buy a big one if he didn't know how to play.It's just that he doesn't agree with his tone.

Zhao Yuexiang's mother and daughter and Chen Kangjie were all amused by He Baoguo's seriousness.

"Dad, don't tell me, if mom learns to drive, I will buy a car for my mom if Xiaojie doesn't buy it," He Wanrong said to He Baoguo with a smile while holding Zhao Yuexiang's hand.

Now He Baoguo, who was sitting in the front row, stopped talking, and he could only feel bored. If he went out and sat in a Santana in the future, and his wife drove a Mercedes-Benz, it would be nothing.I was so depressed that I wanted to take out a cigarette to smoke, but when I reached my mouth, I saw the three people behind me from the rearview mirror, and put it down again.

"Godfather, in fact, in the future, you will rise up step by step, and when you reach the provincial and ministerial leadership position, the 'government' will not be able to provide a provincial and ministerial leader with a Santana car." Chen Kangjie's words are half-true and half-joking.

There was a brief silence in the car, and everyone's heartbeats were a little rushed by what Chen Kangjie said about the provincial and ministerial leaders.

"Xiaojie, do you think you are the head of the central organization, and provincial and ministerial leaders are so easy to get in?" He Wanrong, who is not very interested in politics, made fun of Chen Kangjie's childish words.

"Hehe, Sister Wanrong, although I am not the head of the central organization, but the godfather's political achievements are solidly placed there, the leaders above can't be blind?" Chen Kangjie smiled and said the crux of the problem.

He Baoguo himself fell into deep thought. He knew that what Chen Kangjie said made sense. Although this year was short, the changes in the six were enormous. The National People's Congress hadn't been held yet, but at the end of the year he already knew some data, and the financial revenue doubled. It has doubled to more than 90 million, accounting for half of the city's total. Hongyuan International's donation has enabled the full realization of universal nine jobs in 20.00. The expansion of the food industry park has increased a lot of employment. Driven by industrial parks and agricultural product markets, the increase was 2000%. Not to mention gdp and investment, they simply multiplied. Chen Kangjie later revealed that Master Kong had also created [-] million US dollars in foreign exchange income.With these tough political achievements in front of us, no leader can ignore it.

He Baoguo is not an official 'fan', he was an official not for money, because among other things, He Wanrong's current income can already make him a rich man.He mainly wants to realize his own value, and wants this piece of water and soil that nurtures him to change the face of poverty.

Beyond the boundary of the six, the road conditions were not so good, and the vehicle experienced some bumps. Fortunately, it was a high-quality Mercedes-Benz. If it was another car, it would probably be more uncomfortable.

Everyone chatted about Chen Kangjie's study in the car again. No one admired Chen Kangjie's study. He used to get full marks every time in the Mining School for Children, but he still got full marks when he came to the Special Economic Zone Elementary School. It is said that the principal once gave Called Chen Qigang and reported that he couldn't find an excuse for deducting one point, and he was meticulous in punctuation.In fact, the headmaster also wanted to use this to get closer to Chen Qigang, otherwise there would be no headmaster who wanted to deduct his child's points and tell the parents.

Others can admire and even envy these achievements, but it is impossible for Chen Kangjie to be complacent.For him, a college student's wisdom, learning the content of elementary school, if the exam fails the chain, it will be really shameful and thrown home.So Chen Kangjie never took other people's compliments seriously, he just smiled at most.

"Xiaojie, which university do you plan to go to in the future? Capital University or Shuimu University." In He Baoguo's opinion, these two universities in the whole country can accommodate Chen Kangjie.

"Godfather, I'm only in the fifth grade. It's still early to go to college. Besides, it doesn't matter which university I go to. The most important thing is to learn the real skills." Chen Kangjie really didn't think about which university to go to in the future, he wanted to go to Capital University, but I miss the college in the province I went to before, and I miss those college classmates very much, and I am very entangled.

"Xiaojie is still right, the most important thing is to learn skills." Zhao Yuexiang has always been on Chen Kangjie's side, which made Chen Kangjie couldn't help holding her arm and giggling.

"Speaking of ability, who else has your ability now? At the age of six, I made money from knowledge, and it was a lot of money. Now I am only ten years old, and the annual salary from Hongyuan is already the first in the province." He Wanrong recalled how she and Chen Kangjie had just met, and recalled the process of working together, she couldn't help sighing.

"I'm not humble at this point, hehe", as the saying goes, if you know three days earlier, you will be rich and honored for thousands of years.Chen Kangjie almost knew about it 25 years ago, how could he not be rich?That being the case, there is no need to be humble.

"I think, you should go to study abroad in the future. Domestic universities are not suitable for you as a young genius from the system. It may be the same if you go to top universities in Europe and America." He Wanrong graduated from a university. The current education system is a kind of imprisonment for Chen Kangjie's "special talent", so it is suggested that he go directly to study abroad.

"The ruler is long and the inch is short. Let's talk about these things later, it's still too early." Chen Kangjie didn't think about where to go to university at all, so he just ambiguously said.

They were chatting all the time. Although the driver didn't join in and seemed to be concentrating on driving, he listened very carefully to their conversation.

In the morning, he just heard the notice asking him to drive to the district committee family courtyard to take the mayor and his family to the airport in the provincial capital. So what happened.This kid sitting in the back row actually gets the highest annual salary in the province at Hongyuan International, isn't that higher than Mr. Liu's salary?Then what is his position in the company? This car is most likely assigned to him by the company, not for Secretary He.

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