Chapter 97 Painting Cake

After running for a while in Shun'an City, we entered Puzhu Expressway.

"It's comfortable now, this road is really good, and the road just now was a bit uncomfortable after a long time." Zhao Yuexiang felt emotional about the contrast between the two roads.

"Yes, Dad, when was this road built? Why don't we turn our roads into such high speeds?" He Wanrong was very curious. When he came back years ago, he always took the train to avoid the bumps in the car. Fortunately, it was winter, and the six ones were so tightly wrapped that no one would recognize them.

"This road has just been opened to traffic. You can say it nicely. How much will it cost to repair everything like this? I have heard that in order to repair this road, the province has tightened their belts." He Baoguo is also a department-level cadre anyway. He is well-informed, and he knows how difficult it is to build this road.

"Secretary He is right. This road was built when Secretary Zhao Zhibang was in office. We used to drive around, basically in the southwest, and the road conditions were not good. Ours is the first high-grade road in the west. What?" The driver also 'interrupted' at this time, probably talking about his feelings. As a driver, he travels around and knows a little about the roads in many provinces, but he just paid for the first high-grade road in the west. Gonglu was overjoyed for a moment, and Chen Kangjie's face turned dark when he saw him. "I don't know when the next one will be repaired? I heard that high-grade roads are very expensive, and we don't save that much money." He said the following words a little sadly.

The adults basically have a deep understanding of the situation in their hometown, and they have all lived in this land for decades.After listening to the driver's words, they all looked at the scenery outside the window in silence.

"In fact, we don't need to be pessimistic. This highway is not a real expressway, but only a semi-closed first-class highway. The investment for 1 kilometer is only 300 million yuan, and the benefits are still good. I estimate that the benefits will be realized within three years. It can reach 21 million, so the "government" still has to try its best to build more roads like this. The investment is a bit large, but the transportation capacity is two or three times that of ordinary roads. Now, the road is ready, the drivers around are willing to pass by, and it will bring a lot of resources, so it is worthwhile.” Speaking of it, Chen Kangjie feels deeper than them. As a reborn person in the [-]st century, he knows the expressways of Qianzhou well. It didn't catch up to the domestic middle level until after [-]. During this period, there were too many development opportunities.Qianzhou has rich mineral resources, rich ethnic customs, beautiful green mountains and green waters, excellent climate conditions, considerable military research strength, and simple working people.If it can have convenient transportation, then Qianzhou can actually develop faster and better.

"I heard that when you chatted with Secretary Zhao Zhibang and Governor Huang Zhenhua, you suggested that we build more than 4000 kilometers of expressways and [-] kilometers of ordinary roads?" He Baoguo asked with great interest.

He asked if it was okay, but he shocked the driver. Although Zhao Yuexiang and He Wanrong didn't know what that meant, they were also very scary to hear the number. Just now He Baoguo said that this car would let the provincial government run for 1 kilometer. If you tighten your belt, the 4000 kilometers will not go bankrupt directly.

The driver knows very well that if there is a 4000-kilometer expressway in the province, it will be their driver's blessing, but is this possible?The gdp in our province is less than 5 billion. It will be a year of the monkey to build so many good roads.

"Yes, that's what I suggested. If our province's economy is to develop greatly, transportation is the bottleneck. In fact, roads alone are not enough. At least 1000 kilometers of high-speed railways and more than [-] kilometers of electrified railways need to be built. High-speed railways The electrified railway is the main artery, the expressway connecting the counties is the main line, and the ordinary roads connecting the towns and villages are the network.” Chen Kangjie said this very seriously, neither talking nonsense nor joking trace.

"What is a high-speed railway? Is it like the Japanese Shinkansen?" He Wanrong also became interested. There is no high-speed railway in China at this time, but He Wanrong has heard of the Japanese Shinkansen.

After the reform and opening up, the relationship between China and Japan has been greatly improved. The exchanges between the two sides are very frequent. Many university graduates who have the opportunity to study abroad choose Japan as their destination. Japanese investment accounts for a considerable proportion of foreign investment. Gao, Dongying culture is also entering China on a large scale at this time.Therefore, the Chinese people's understanding of Japan is relatively high compared to other countries. The Shinkansen, as the world's first passenger high-speed railway system that was put into operation in 1961, is therefore well known to more Chinese people.

"It's almost the same, but the speed may be faster than the Japanese Shinkansen. In other words, it takes four hours to reach Guangzhou and seven hours to the capital." Japan's good.

"Wow, how fast is that? Does our country have this technology?" Zhao Yuexiang first sighed, and then was a little skeptical. She was a little distrustful of the current domestic technological strength.

"There is no such technology yet, but I think there will be one soon. I heard that the Ministry of Railways is developing it. It seems that there is nothing that our country wants to do that cannot be done." Chen Kangjie wanted to dispel Zhao Yuexiang's doubts and worries. That's why I say that.

In fact, this is indeed the case. In the late 80s and early 90s, the Ministry of Railways had already begun to organize systematic research on high-speed railways. This is the need of national conditions and the needs of future economic development.Socialism naturally has its unique advantages, that is, to concentrate efforts to accomplish great things.

"But we don't have that much money. There are highways, high-speed railways, and hundreds of thousands of kilometers of ordinary roads. The money needed is at least astronomical." He Baoguo thought to himself, the wish is beautiful, but the reality is Cruel, his exclamation was equally what the driver had in mind.

"You're right. Counting everything, the province needs almost one trillion yuan," Chen Kangjie said easily.

"Wow, trillions!" Even people who don't understand mathematics know how huge this number is. This is still only building roads in the province, and all four of them let out a sigh of relief.

"In fact, you don't need to be surprised. Even if it is repaired, it will not be completed in one year. It will take at least ten or eight years, or even 20 years. Our country is developing at a high speed. Wealth is accumulated. Rome is not a day. It can be built", Chen Kangjie further explained to them, if there is no hope, no matter how beautiful the dream is, it is still a dream.

"Xiaojie is right. We have to look at things dialectically. Things in the world are not static. Although it can't be realized in the short term, I think we can achieve it after decades." He Baoguo is worthy of being a "government" cadre. He can see things farther, but from the tone of his voice, he doesn't really believe that he can see that day.

"At that time, I will become an old aunt." He Wanrong pouted, dissatisfied that Chen Kangjie made big cakes for them, and they couldn't satisfy their hunger. It was simply out of reach.

"Hehe, Sister Wanrong, there is no need to be unfounded. When my godfather becomes the mayor or secretary of the municipal party committee, I will help him build the road at Liushuipan into an expressway, which will be twice as wide as the current road, with four lanes. Closed, the speed can reach 100 kilometers," Chen Kangjie said to He Wanrong with a smile.

"How much money can you have? No matter how high your annual salary is, it's still not enough to build a road without spending your salary for the rest of your life." He Wanrong disdained Chen Kang's bragging. This kid can only paint cakes today. And they are all super pies that are hard to see clearly.

When other people heard what He Wanrong said, they would also laugh heartily, it's childish.

"I don't have it, but Ouyang Zhenhua has it. I can persuade him to repair it. Even if he is not enough, there are other consortiums in Hong Kong. Just like what I suggested to Secretary Zhao and Governor Huang, adopt the bod model, Hongyuan International pays for road construction and signs a toll contract with the 'government' for a certain number of years. Although the time is longer, the cost can still be recovered by collecting tolls, and in the long run, it will also make money, which is right for' The government' is a good thing for enterprises and the people. From the perspective of the 'government', in order to change the way of development, the thinking should not be too conservative. Railway facilities such as high-speed railways are led by the central 'government' and need to be saved. For the profitable roads such as expressways, they can be handed over to investors, while the 'government' finances are mainly for ordinary township roads and rural basic roads." Chen Kangjie brought the topic to Ouyang Zhenhua On the head, talking freely.

"That's right." He Baoguo slapped his hands excitedly, "That's a good idea. He may not have the strength to build roads in the whole province, but to build roads in our city, he only needs more than one billion to drive three The districts are connected, and our city mainly builds ordinary roads leading to the villages." He Baoguo knew of Chen Kangjie's influence on Ouyang Zhenhua, and he knew that this matter was really possible.

"Godfather, what are you thinking about? More than one billion? Don't even think about it without 40 billion. It's not like you don't know the geographical conditions of Liushuipan. The cost of building a real expressway is at least the current first-class road four or five times that of He Baoguo." Chen Kangjie poured cold water on He Baoguo.

Liushuipan has high mountains and steep slopes, and the construction of highway bridges and tunnels accounts for almost half of the cost, which will naturally increase the cost. Moreover, it is a fully enclosed standard four-lane highway with a roadbed width of 24.5 meters, and the cost is even greater.

"Oh, yes, then can he afford so much money?" He Baoguo also realized that the roads are basically built on flat land, and there are very few bridges and tunnels. Relatively speaking, the cost is It will be much cheaper.

"It should be no problem. I have been to their company in Hong Kong. It is a very powerful big company. It should be no problem with billions or tens of billions. Maybe I will be asked to help in the next year. At that time, I will mention it and test his position. View", Chen Kangkang did not want to dampen He Baoguo's enthusiasm, so he gave him a reassurance in advance, which was also a foreshadowing for his going to the Soviet Union in the next year. He also counted on He Baoguo to help persuade Chen Qigang and Ma Fangqin to let him go out.

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