rebirth of change

Chapter 963 How to Handle Appropriately

Entertainment stars have always been more popular than sports stars and literary authors.Sports stars are often popular when there is a game, but if there is no game for a while, they will disappear quickly from the public.As for literary writers, because their influence is expressed through their works, and with the acceleration of the pace of society, more and more people like fast food culture, and the number of people who can read a book from beginning to end is steadily decreasing. trending.Relatively speaking, music and movies are the easiest to accept, they are purely pleasant, and can be adapted to different groups of people. No matter whether they have advanced culture or not, they will have their favorite music or movies, especially among young people. You may not have your favorite sports expertise, you may not like reading books, but you must like music and movies, which is almost a common phenomenon all over the world.

The identity of < is a little later, and the number of people who like the two identities of Chen Kangjie and long must be in the front.

For the international entertainment industry, Long's identity was exposed, and these two days are definitely everyone's focus. Since it was a local election rally in Australia, the participants were mainly local residents and media, and there was no Weibo at this time. Facebook and other fast-spreading tools on the Internet, so the news did not start spreading until the next day.

The people in the country were very happy and excited when they got the news. Even middle-aged and elderly people who don't care much about entertainment are happy to see this happen. It is inevitable that everyone will be surprised. The young guy who won the great honor of the country actually has such a huge secret and energy wisdom.

Most of Chen Kangjie's fans are young people. These people are either his fans, sports fans, or book fans and movie fans. In the current critical period when domestic and international aspects are fully integrated, Chen Kangjie is regarded as a symbol of international influence. I know that Long is Chinese, but I have been suffering from not knowing his specific identity. Therefore, no matter how much I admire or admire, these typical star fans can’t find someone to express their emotions and talk to. According to rumors, people already knew that Long turned out to be Chen Kangjie who had just returned with a high reputation, so how could they let such an opportunity go.

As a young man living in the same city as Chen Kangjie, he is the most excited and excited. Everyone came to the gate of No. [-] Middle School almost spontaneously in the early morning, full of enthusiasm and looking forward to admiring the idol at close range elegant demeanor.

Today, the schools in Liushuipan City are not destined to be peaceful. By the time of self-study in the morning, there have actually been large-scale skipping incidents in all middle schools. In No. 600 Middle School, which is the closest to No. [-] Middle School alone, [-] people have appeared Did not arrive at school on time.

Early in the morning, a few aunts selling breakfast at the gate of the No. 7 Middle School felt that the atmosphere was not right today. Their business was surprisingly good. Whether it was selling flatbread or glutinous rice balls, there would be some left over. Today is not yet [-]:[-] Ten are all sold out.Mu's small restaurant usually has students coming to eat breakfast in the morning, but they all rush to school after eating, but today is good, after eating, these students all gathered at the door of his shop and did not leave.

"Muni, what kind of activities are your school doing today? Why are there so many students waiting at the school gate instead of entering the school?" Wang Ying pulled Mu Ni, who was helping to serve powder, and looked at three or five or two or three students on the sidewalk. A group of students who were standing or squatting asked curiously in low voices.

"I don't know. Many of those people are not students of our school. Their school uniforms are different from ours. I'm also surprised... I haven't heard of any important activities today." Mooney tilted her head Neck, she couldn't figure out the situation either.

Mu Ni and Mu Fang, who are already in high school, study hard. They seldom watch TV at night, so they don't know that Chen Kangjie is Long.

"Then I'm really puzzled...".

"Boss, hurry up and have a bowl of noodles, a big bowl", Wang Ying had no time to think about the next step, and students who couldn't wait urged loudly.

"Okay, here we come, here we come, wait a moment", it was not Wang Ying who answered, but Mu Yuantu who had just cleared a table.

"Business is so good, what are you talking about? Hurry up, hurry up, people can't wait any longer." Mu Yuantu held a pile of used dirty dishes and chopsticks in his hands, and planned to put them into the big basin behind and hand them over to Mu Yuantu. Fang Cleaning, when passing behind Wang Ying, urged impatiently.

"Ok, ok, ok", the needs of the guests made Wang Ying grab the big colander in the cauldron in front of her and get busy again.

. . . . . .

"Hey, why did you come here so far from No. [-] Middle School?" A male student wearing No. [-] Middle School uniform walked into the Haozailai restaurant and saw two acquaintances who were waiting for fans.

"Brother Hu, come on, come on, sit here with me, we skipped class today, it's good if you come, I'm relieved to see you." The boy who urged Wang Ying and the others just now saw Lu Hu, immediately She happily stood up to greet him, and gave up her seat.

Lu Hu sat down with peace of mind, "What's the matter? Just say, there won't be a fight today, right? There are so many people gathered at the gate of No. [-] Middle School."

It seems that Lu Hu still hasn't figured out the reason for all this.

"Brother Hu, where is the fight? Look, there are hundreds of people here now. Have you ever seen such a big fight? It's something else. Haven't you heard of it?", The man bent down and approached Lu Hu and asked.

"Your noodles, a bowl of big row, a bowl of spicy chicken." At this time, Mu Ni approached with two large bowls.

"Hehe, thank you, thank you", Lu Hu turned his head to see Mu Ni, and quickly thanked her with a smile, very friendly, almost flattering.

"No", Mu Ni simply spit out two words and left.

Back then, before Lu Hu was taught a lesson by Chen Kangjie, he would come to Mu Ni's restaurant to eat from time to time, but at that time it was completely out of spite, with the purpose and idea of ​​picking up girls.After being taught a lesson by Chen Kangjie, his thoughts were completely dispelled, and when he comes back later, he will take care of the business completely, which is what Gong Rui ordered.

At the beginning, when Lu Hu and the others came to Mu's restaurant again, Mu Ni was a little worried and also acted unnaturally, but after a while, I found that Lu Hu and the others did not do anything excessive, and their attitude was surprisingly good. The slow Mu Ni accepted these special guests frankly, but she has always been so lukewarm towards Lu Hu and the others.

"Brother Hu, this chick is not bad, very fresh, you come here for breakfast, don't you..." After watching Mu Ni for a long time, the student from Fifth Middle School turned around with a smile on her face. To Lu Hu.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Lu Hu hurriedly kicked the opponent, "Do you want to die? Don't cause trouble for me."

Being kicked and scolded by Lu Hu repeatedly, that person was a little unhappy, but thinking of Lu Hu's identity, he patted his trousers casually, smiled again on his face, and said flatteringly: "Brother Hu, what trouble can this cause? ? Given your position in the No. [-] Middle School, what else is unjust?".

"Okay, you don't want to flatter, figure out the situation, you forgot who else is in the third middle school?" Lu Hu waved his hand in annoyance, and after finishing speaking, he picked up his chopsticks and started eating by himself.

"Hehe, of course I know. Aren't you friends? This is why we came here this time. Brother Hu must help."

"I said what's wrong with you guys? It's been a few months since Master Jie won the championship, and you're still chasing after him? Do you want Master Jie to show you? Cut," said Lu Hu while eating. . <It’s Chen Kangjie, the news just broke out last night. . . . . . ".

"Ah!", Mu Ni was serving powder to the students at the next table, and just heard this sentence, she couldn't help but yelled.

Lu Hu put down his chopsticks and looked back at Mu Ni who was stunned, then turned his head to stare at his friend, "What you said is true?".

Lu Hu really didn't think that these people came here because of this news.

"Of course it's true, Brother Hu, you and him are friends, you must find a way to get me an autograph."

"Still get a fart's signature, this time it's a big deal...".

Lu Hu was right, the matter was really serious.There were more and more young people gathered at the entrance of the No. [-] Middle School. The Kangle Road was full of people. The road had been completely interrupted. Many No. [-] Middle School students also stayed at the gate of the school after they heard the news, instead of going to school.In order to avoid the situation, the Municipal Public Security Bureau mobilized a large number of police forces to the scene to maintain and observe the situation.

The city TV station and the city daily didn't send reporters to the scene because they didn't get approval after asking for instructions. However, the reporters who came from the provincial capital didn't care so much. To Chen Kangjie.

Faced with this situation, how could Chen Kangjie still go to school, he could do without going out, but Chen Qigang was too busy.

Before he went out to work in the government building, Ding Pei called. He hurried to the city hall. Ding Pei and two police officers were waiting for him directly at the gate of the building.

At this time, Xiao Minghu of the Municipal Bureau had almost retired due to health reasons, and it was only a nominal procedure. The work of the Municipal Bureau was basically presided over by Ding Pei, who was just in his early thirties.

Just halfway through the report, Chen Qigang felt a big headache. It is a good thing that his son is promising, but it is not a good thing for him to have such a situation.

"Secretary Chen, the mayor of Gong went to the provincial capital for a meeting. We have to report to you. You can see how we deal with it more appropriately. At present, I just send people to maintain order on the scene so that there will be no trouble." Ding Pei knew that Chen Qigang directly The handling is more sensitive, so I'm more careful in my words. If Gong Huaigu is in the city, then Ding Pei will look for Gong Huaigu as soon as possible.

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