Chen Qigang sat on a chair, propped his head with his right hand, and rested his elbow on the desk.

Ding Pei's question made him very embarrassed. If it was another question, he could still criticize Ding Pei, but he couldn't this time. He knew that he was also very embarrassed.

The gathering of so many people was an emergency, and it was the first time such a situation had occurred in the city.In the past, the government used two methods to deal with this situation, persuasion or dispersal. The former method seemed calmer, while the latter method was mandatory, and even arrested some people to increase the deterrent effect.

However, neither of these two methods will work. Some of the rallies that took place in the past, the people have some kind of interest demands, and the government can basically make it even if they come forward. As long as the government is willing to make promises, these current people have no substance Moreover, quite a few of them are still minors, and the method of expulsion is not very suitable. If this is not done properly, there will be big troubles.The more critical point is that Chen Kangjie, a key figure, has a special identity. If he is not careful, Chen Qigang may be chewed on.

"Dididi", before Chen Qigang could figure out what to do, Ding Pei's caller rang.

Ding Pei took off the call machine on his waist to take a look, he was a little entangled, whether he should leave to answer the phone, or whether he should stay.

In view of the current overall income situation, although mobile phones have already appeared in the market, they are relatively luxury goods. Generally, only business people will use them. Government organizations have not popularized mobile phones, at least in 1997. Ding Pei is The deputy director was still using the call machine at a glance.

"Just take my phone back." Chen Qigang raised his head, pointed at the landline in front of him, and waved to Ding Pei.

"Ah, oh, okay." Ding Pei was taken aback for a moment, and felt that it was not appropriate to use the landline of the secretary of the municipal party committee to return to the caller, but the content on the caller still made Ding Pei temporarily put aside that inappropriateness.

Ding Pei carefully picked up the landline and went back to the phone number left on the caller.

"Hey, Captain Jiao, what's the situation over there now?" Ding Pei glanced at Chen Qigang cautiously, and then asked Captain Jiao of the security brigade who answered the phone.

"Director Ding, quickly think of a way to deal with it, and now the situation has changed again." Captain Jiao's voice seemed very anxious, and some noisy voices could still be heard on the phone.

"What has changed? You said".

"There are more and more people gathering now, not just students. The number of people at the scene may have exceeded 2000. The entire Kangle North Road has been completely occupied. The crowd has moved from the intersection to the flour mill. The scene is mainly Young people, and the number is still increasing. Now they have not seen the appearance of the target person, and their emotions have begun to get a little excited, especially when many social idlers are also filling it, and there are already seven or eight media outlets doing it. I was worried that something would happen if we dragged on the interview. The dozens of people in our security brigade couldn’t handle it at all. The dozen or so people in the traffic police team directing traffic had been squeezed out repeatedly by the crowd, and the shops on both sides of the street began to panic. ..." Captain Jiao introduced in one breath.

Maybe it was to confirm Captain Jiao's words. Before he finished speaking, Ding Pei heard Captain Jiao's words being interrupted on the phone, "Hurry up, I'm going to close the door, hurry up, hurry up."

Captain Jiao should have used the public phone of the roadside store. It seems that the store is also afraid that its small store will be affected, so it plans to close it quickly.This kind of large-scale gathering of people, if not done well, will lead to smashing behaviors. Often when such a situation occurs, the first to suffer losses are those roadside shops.

The police and Chen Qigang were not the only ones who were anxious. The school leaders of the No. [-] Middle School may be under even greater pressure.Who told these people to gather at the gate of No. [-] Middle School?And many of them are students of No. [-] Middle School.

In order to control the negative impact caused by the situation as much as possible, Principal Gui mobilized all the forces in the school that could be mobilized. All the head teachers immediately stationed in each class, trying to do the work of the students as much as possible, and don't let them join in the fun. Hold on to these students.Other teachers who are not head teachers must also actively cooperate. Female teachers guard the teaching building downstairs to stop and persuade students who want to leave the teaching building. Male teachers are required to go to the school gate together with the school security department to guard against any impact. School situation.Principal Gui kept calling the Municipal Public Security Bureau and the Municipal Education Bureau to report the current situation.

Although Chen Kangjie was at home, he also had his own sources of news. Tan Jun and Pang Hui were on the scene at this time, constantly feeding back the situation to Chen Kangjie through mobile phones.

After learning about the situation at the school gate, Chen Kangjie was actually very anxious, making such a big commotion a little bit beyond his expectations.

"Secretary Chen, I think the armed police must be eliminated. I will personally lead the team to the scene and persuade the students to go back as much as possible... Otherwise, I am worried..." After hanging up the phone with his right hand, Ding Pei's forehead was covered with sweat. He only hesitated for a moment, and then mustered up the courage to suggest to Chen Qigang that he didn't finish his worries, but everyone understood the meaning.

It was also the first time for Ding Pei to face such a battle, and he had no good way.But he knew that if these young people really messed up on Kangle Road, the situation would develop in an unmanageable direction, and it would not be a good thing for Chen Qigang or Ding Pei.It's just that there is not much time to think about it in detail at this time, someone must stand up, and if the situation goes bad in the future, the person who stands up is very likely to become the person who tops the tank.

Ding Pei knew that it was absolutely impossible for Chen Qigang to be the one who took the blame, so he had no choice but to volunteer.

Before Chen Qigang could make a statement, the phone on his desk rang. The call was from the Director of Education. The Director of Education, who had no good idea, had no choice but to submit the question. The secretary of the district committee of the special zone and the head of the city's propaganda department also came to Chen Qigang's office. They all came to wait for Chen Qigang to make up his mind.

"Okay, I see, you should notify the leaders of the schools in the city as soon as possible, and ask them to take effective measures to stop losing their students and minimize student participation. This is your current important task," Chen Qigang said on the phone The director of the education bureau here gave instructions and hung up the phone with a "snap".

"Everyone sit down," Chen Qigang waved to the leaders. It was really rare for him to be able to hold his breath at this time.

After everyone sat down, Chen Qi just continued: "We can't send armed police to the scene. This is not a criminal activity, nor is it an illegal assembly. The students have no political or interest demands. Adding these police forces will only make the situation worse." Vicious spread... I see it this way, the Municipal Public Security Bureau and the Shuishan Public Security Bureau dispatched some plainclothes police to keep abreast of the situation of those social idlers. If anything happens on the scene, they can be controlled immediately. It is necessary to prevent these people from instigating the students without knowing the truth. As for those students, I think we can find the teachers and parents of the students in various schools to do work and try to persuade them to leave. to a scene that they shouldn't have seen."

Chen Qigang's method is not a good one, because it does not fundamentally solve the problem.However, he asked people to know the situation of those idle people in society. This is a backhand. If something happens, these people will be blamed.In addition, he said not to let the students see what they shouldn't see, referring to the real incidents of smashing or other bloodshed and police arrests after conflicts, which will have a negative impact on the psychology of these students.

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements right away." Ding Pei stood up, picked up his police cap, and left quickly.

"Call the leaders at home and hold an emergency meeting immediately, and everyone will discuss the next step together," Chen Qigang said to the others after Ding Pei left.

Faced with this special situation, Chen Qigang couldn't act arbitrarily by himself. Regardless of whether it was related to Chen Kangjie or not, he had to respect the principle of collective leadership. At the same time, this was also to share the problem.Even the more related to Chen Kangjie, the less he can make decisions by himself, at least he can't give others an excuse.

Chen Qigang and their meeting hadn't come up with any results yet, and Ding Pei's arrangement had only just progressed, and the atmosphere at No. [-] Middle School's gate had become even worse.

At the beginning, the students just waited in peace, waiting for Chen Kangjie to appear. As the number of people increased, everyone communicated with each other. Everyone enthusiastically exchanged their love and understanding for long. Girls, boys are more energetic, and they show off and show off in front of girls, showing that they know more.

After the morning self-study started at 7:[-], before Chen Kangjie appeared, the students became agitated, and some people began to yell loudly, "Why isn't Long coming? Is Long not coming today?". . . . . .Some people advised everyone to wait patiently. People in the know said that Chen Kangjie would not be absent from class, and they have not heard of him being absent from class.

After eight o'clock, Chen Kangjie still didn't show up. Everyone who was waiting anxiously felt depressed, not to mention the 3000 young people, even the students from No. [-] Middle School who were trying to persuade Chen Kangjie not to skip class. , These people are like a pair of dry wood, as long as there is a small spark, it will quickly ignite.

"Long doesn't look down on us at all", "Damn, isn't this tricking us to wait here", "Long won't show up anymore, maybe he has already left Liushuipan". . . . . .Under the instigation of those social idlers, the atmosphere at the scene became very hot.

"Let's go to the city hall", "I want to see long", "I'm going crazy", "make things big, and long will appear". . . . . .

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