rebirth of change

Chapter 965 Publication of TV Sermons

The sky was low, as if gathering an energy that was about to explode, and the air was filled with some invisible faint smell of gunpowder.

More and more people joined the huge crowd, and the ethnicity of joining in the fun made many adults on their way to work in the morning also join in, and the security police who had been on the periphery couldn't control the situation at all.

The position in the center of the crowd is like the center of a bomb. The atmosphere here is the most tense, and people’s emotions are also the most intense. Amid all kinds of abuse and agitation, some people began to kick the trash cans on the side of the road, and the closed parts The shutter doors of shops were also slapped, and people's violent emotions began to spread outward.If there is no further action, it won't be long before these young and vigorous young men and women may go to extremes. In their minds, the legal awareness is not very complete, and the thinking that the law does not blame the public has a deep-rooted thinking among the people. market, which is prone to accidents.

Chen Kangjie was completely in control of these situations.

At this moment, Chen Kangjie must stand up. He knows that only he can resolve this imminent crisis. Chen Kangjie also knows that it is unlikely that his father and ordinary people in the city who are facing this sudden situation for the first time will have anything better The method, in the past, what the government can often do is to cover up the matter after a major event occurs, and not allow a few words to appear in the media.

The trouble is, there are already several media outlets at the scene, and the provincial media and domestic media are not too worried. This is something that the government can completely control.However, after Tan Jun's report, a reporter from the Associated Press and a reporter from the Hong Kong "Crystal Daily" were there at this time somehow.

With these two troubles, as long as the situation gets out of control, the reputation of the local government and his image of Chen Kangjie will be affected to some extent, especially the reputation of the government.In comparison, Chen Kangjie was not at the scene, no matter what happened, he could clean up the relationship, but his father couldn't, besides, so many of his alumni were present, Chen Kangjie certainly didn't want so many innocent people A student has an accident.

Chen Kangjie immediately contacted Chen Qigang, but because he was in a meeting and could not be reached, Chen Kangjie had no choice but to call Secretary Song. Song Pengfei was not surprised to receive Chen Kangjie's call.

Song Pengfei has changed a lot since he joined Chen Qigang. He used to wear jackets, but now he wears suits every day at work. Of course, ties are unnecessary, except for following The secretary attends some special occasions.

Because he is Chen Qigang's secretary, he has a special job role, and he often goes to the Chen family. In addition, he helped Chen Kangjie that time, so the relationship between them is naturally much closer. He also knows a lot of things about the Chen family. No matter how courageous he is, he dare not speak casually outside.

"Brother Song, where is my father?"

"Oh, Xiaojie, Secretary Chen is having a meeting with several leaders in the city to discuss how to deal with the problem of gathering people at the gate of the No. [-] Middle School." Song Pengfei was often by Chen Qigang's side, and Song Pengfei did not call Chen Kangjie like everyone else. Master Jie is the most common and intimate "Little Jie". This is a kind of clever tacit understanding. If Song Pengfei calls Chen Kangjie "Master Jie" in front of Chen Qigang, Chen Kangjie will definitely be punished.

"Then you ask him to answer the phone right away. It's already this time. Why do you still have a meeting? Tell him to answer the phone. I can handle it safely." Now that time is tight, Chen Kangjie doesn't care about those many rules.

Song Pengfei agreed without questioning, doubting, or showing any embarrassment. If someone asked him to interrupt the secretary's meeting with other leaders, Secretary Song would definitely not be so forthright, but he didn't need to have anything to do with Chen Kangjie. He was very aware of the importance of Chen Kangjie to Chen Qigang.

Song Pengfei pushed the door open and walked into the meeting room of the municipal committee, walked gently behind Chen Qigang, bent down and whispered something to him, Chen Qigang announced a temporary break, and he went to answer the phone.

Chen Qigang is the secretary of the municipal party committee and the squad leader in the city. Regarding the meeting, when to hold the meeting and when to rest, it is a matter of his words, and others can only obey.

In fact, from the appearance of Secretary Song, everyone in the conference room closed their lips and focused on Song Pengfei. At this time, the appearance of Secretary Song must have brought good news.

"What trouble are you making again?" Chen Kangjie walked out of the meeting room, took the phone from Secretary Song, and half reprimanded Chen Kangjie, after all, he caused this incident.

"Where am I making trouble? I'm helping you, you old man don't know good people," Chen Kangjie said proudly on the phone.

"How can you help me? This is all caused by you," Chen Qigang said as he walked into his office.

"It's because I have something to do with it that I stand up. At this moment, your government's way of dealing with the gathering crowd will not work. No matter what you do, it will be difficult to achieve peace and quiet. I have to come out."

Chen Qigang walked to the door of his office, pushed the door open with his left hand that was not holding the phone, and then sat casually on the black leather sofa by the door.Song Pengfei was one of the first batch of mobile phone users in the municipal government. His mobile phone was given by Chen Kangjie, nominally for Chen Qigang, but it was not convenient for Secretary Chen to hold the mobile phone at any time, so he put it away With Secretary Song, no one could say anything about such a reason.

"You come out? Don't make trouble, you think I don't know? If you appear on the scene, the situation will only become more unmanageable. At this time, you stay at home for me, that is the best choice , don't mess with me."

Chen Qigang didn't seem to be completely ignorant of the possible changes in the situation, but he misunderstood what Chen Kangjie meant. It was impossible for Chen Kangjie to go to the scene so stupidly. If he really went, violent scenes would not appear, but Stampede could happen at any time, especially he himself might be trampled by young men like wolf and tiger.

"I'm not talking about going to the scene, forget it, I don't have time to talk to you slowly, you hurry up and ask the city TV station to prepare, prepare a live broadcast room for me, I will go to the TV station, and give a televised speech to these people. There is a way to get everyone to disperse in peace. At the same time, you send a few vehicles with loudspeakers to the scene to inform those people to go home and watch TV, and say that I have something to say to them... Let's do this, the time is set at 9:[-]...", Chen Kangjie stopped making detours and spoke out his solution in one breath.

Chen Qigang thought about it quietly, let alone, this should really be the best way at present.Only in this way can there be no chaos, and so many people can be dispersed. As long as these young people are dispersed, things will become much easier.

"Okay, let's do this, I'll arrange it."

Soon the TV station made relevant preparations, and the propaganda minister of the municipal party committee was personally in charge.The Municipal Transportation Bureau and the Municipal Urban Management Bureau sent six pickup trucks with loudspeakers to the scene, and they shouted continuously to the crowd gathered at the scene from three directions: Renmin Road, Jianshe Road and Zhongshan Avenue.

I heard that Long was going to give a televised speech to everyone at 9:[-], and the crowd who planned to make a big fuss began to collapse layer by layer from the periphery like a river embankment soaked in flood.

Those who are close to home should run home as soon as possible, and those who are far away from home should find ways to find classmates, friends or relatives who are close to home, and make sure to see and hear Chen Kangjie's demeanor and voice as soon as possible.Some people who can't go home and have no classmates or relatives or friends nearby go to those roadside restaurants or shops, or spend money, or beg the shopkeeper to turn on the TV.Seeing so many people pouring in, some shops were reluctant to receive them at first, but under the begging and coercion of the crowd, the shopkeepers could only be satisfied.

All in all, it took only half an hour for more than 2000 people to basically disperse, except for leaving a lot of garbage on Kangle Road.

In order to ensure the safety of the two or three streets near No. [-] Middle School, this side is still under traffic control for the time being. At the same time, the local security department has begun to strengthen its vigilance. Dozens of policemen have been added to each road, but they do not harass these young people. People, just observe and pay attention, as long as nothing unexpected happens, they don't care.

The location chosen by those reporters was different from that of these students and ordinary citizens. They chose the city TV station, because since Chen Kangjie went there to give a televised speech, they might meet him, and maybe they could interview him.

Anyway, this is the first time after the turbulent years that so many students are absent from class in the city, and there are also many units absent from work.In order not to cause additional incidents, the city requires that all schools and units not take punitive measures against those who are absent from school and work, which has made many people take advantage of it.

In the campus of the No. [-] Middle School, there is no way to conduct normal classes today. In order to reduce the possibility of similar incidents and meet the requirements of the students, the school turned on all the TVs used for audio-visual teaching in each class and adjusted them to City TV's broadcast channel, waiting for Long's first televised speech.

lsptv used to be an unknown small local TV station, and it could only be watched locally through cable, and the ratings were also very low. Except for some good movies, some people watched it, other programs can be said to be unpopular .

Today, this local small TV station is finally going to show its face once. Not only will the ratings reach a new high, but I believe it will not take long. Their broadcast video will definitely be adopted by major TV stations, and it will even be circulated because of it. to the West and around the world.

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