rebirth of change

Chapter 969 The result will be announced soon

Ouyang Zhenhua, who was far away in Australia, was currently observing the local general election wholeheartedly. He didn't care about how many girlfriends Chen Kangjie would have.

In the division of labor with Chen Kangjie, Ouyang Zhenhua needs to handle all the affairs in Australia, including the purchase of Christmas Island. Anyway, they have communicated with each other about the basic idea. In front of Lawrence and Ouyang Zhenhua, Chen Kangjie also talked about it. The following is the specific procedure if Lawrence can be elected.

It's impossible for Chen Kangjie to be idle, he can't be idle, there are too many things for him to do in China, and, with the exposure of his long identity, both Miramax and Feiyang Entertainment are under tremendous pressure , the lobsters want Chen Kangjie to start filming and release new albums as soon as possible to meet their spiritual needs.

Regarding Lawrence's election, Chen Kangjie watched it in his office in Zhucheng New World Center. This is the only place in the province where he can watch Australia's largest public channels abc and sbs. These two TV stations are using live broadcasts to follow the whole country Voter turnout across Australia.In front of Chen Kangjie's desk are two large-size TVs, each of which is watching a TV station. The staff just installed it for him yesterday.

When the news was interrupted in the middle, Chen Kangjie kept seeing himself being mentioned. There were two scenes, one was the pomp and speech of himself attending Lawrence’s last election rally, and the other was the picture of Chen Kangjie’s TV speech yesterday morning. The anchor said This video confirmed Long's identity, and they all looked forward to Long's official visit to Australia.

Last night, after sending Deng Min back, Chen Kangjie stayed at Lin Ling's place for one night.Regarding Deng Min's last question, Chen Kangjie could only smile sarcastically, and he couldn't give any definite answer, because now he already has more than one girlfriend.

Chen Kangjie became more and more obsessed with coming to Lin Ling. This may be caused by his mature psychology and the irresistible temptation of his body.A mature man, especially a well-developed man, after experiencing the love between a man and a woman, will become like refueling a car. If you don’t add some oil to your fuel tank and do maintenance from time to time, then the condition of your car will deteriorate. problem appear.

Or just like the inside of the human body, the water needs to be changed every eighteen days. Lin Ling is as tender as water, and Chen Kangjie wants to go to her once in a while, otherwise he will be emotionally dry and physically agitated.

The reason why Lin Ling has such charm and aggression, apart from the temptation of sex, the key point is that Lin Ling will no longer cause troubles to Chen Kangjie, and will not complain about his identity or life, which reduces the Under Chen Kangjie's pressure, he didn't need to do anything to please him, and his spirit was very relaxed.

Last night, the two didn't talk about Chen Kangjie long's identity in detail. Instead, they were exhausted after several rounds of the hearty battle, and the two fell into a deep sleep in a sweet dream.

Seeing that reporters from the two stations were interviewing voters who came out of two different polling places, Chen Kangjie picked up the phone in front of him and dialed a long list of phone numbers.

"Master Jie, hello, do you have anything to tell me?" Han Geng picked up the phone, and he could hear from his tone that he was very excited. Chen Kangjie could still hear the whistling wind on the phone. the blow.

"Where are you? You seem to be very happy."

"Hehe, I'm in the Maldives. I don't have anything to do these two days, so I came here to have fun. Young Master Jie, don't worry, I haven't delayed my business." Because he was worried that Chen Kangjie would have objections, Han Geng hurriedly confessed and did guaranteed.

"Oh, the little days are very pleasant, there must be many beautiful women to accompany you?" Chen Kangjie didn't care about those, he believed that Han Geng would understand the importance, otherwise Chen Kangjie would not have entrusted so much funds to him to manage.

Speaking of which, in Chen Kangjie's group, he and Ouyang Zhenhua are the busiest, and those responsible for invisible investment are the most leisurely. Chen Kangjie has not set any performance indicators for them. When there is no big move, they only need to maintain profitability That's fine, there is nothing else to pay attention to, so these people often have a lot of spare time to enjoy during the year.

Chen Kangjie does not object to his subordinates enjoying life like this. Earning money is originally for enjoying. If you earn a lot of money, get a lot of salary and bonuses, and end up living like an ascetic monk, it will be torture to everyone and not very attractive. .

"Jie Shao, isn't this your care, there are one or two beauties, and there are many in the local area, hehe."

"Hehe, don't patronize and play, take it easy, you will be busy for a long time."

"Jie Shao, is there really a big move? Hey, it's time for you to arrange some big moves, otherwise, the brothers will all be sick. Jie Shao, where is it aimed at this time? Or Japan?" Chen Kangjie said to Japan attacked the most times, causing Han Geng to have a mental inertia. It seemed that Chen Kangjie only stared at Little Japan.

"This time it's not Japan, they've already been seriously injured, let them recover, besides, someone over there will do it themselves", Chen Kangjie alluded to myzh, this guy has already got the Ebola virus from Africa , I believe there will be action soon.

"Oh, Master Jie, then what are we targeting?" Han Geng didn't ask, in his consciousness, Master Jie would say what should be said, and if Master Jie didn't say anything, don't ask too many questions. It's better to concentrate on doing what needs to be done. Things to do.

"I'll talk about this after we meet. You play for two days first, and then come to Hong Kong. Let's get together and talk about it slowly." On the phone, Chen Kangjie didn't reveal any details.

"Okay, ok, I'll book a plane ticket to go back now", Han Geng immediately became excited, every time Chen Kangjie made a big move, he would definitely make a lot of money, as long as this effect is achieved, everyone can get a big share.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Kangjie continued to watch the live broadcast on TV, and asked someone to bring him to the office for meals.

In the evening, as the voting at each polling station ends, the result will become clear.

This election is a bundled election, with the local government and the central government running at the same time. Voters have to fill out two ballot papers, one for the local governor candidate and the other for the prime minister candidate.

In Western Australia, there was not much suspense in the election. At the beginning, there was some suspense when Richard Cotter ran for the election, but when Jeffrey Nash asked someone to secretly announce that Richard Cotter was actually seriously ill After the news, Kurt was basically defeated.Nash can't stand up on his own, that would damage his image, and voters would feel that he was adding insult to injury. This kind of thing can only be done in secret.Even if the opponent knew that it was him who did it, but he never showed up, there was no way to blame him.

After Richard Cotter heard the news on TV, he was so angry that he was half dead. Coupled with the severe exhaustion of his body caused by the days of campaigning, he basically had no chance to refute, and was immediately admitted to the hospital .

The content that broke out in the media was very detailed, even the case and diagnosis results were displayed in detail. At first, the voters were a little unconvinced, and they waited for Richard Cotter to come out and clarify.Unfortunately, Richard Cotter has already verified the accuracy of the news with the fact that he was admitted to the hospital. Every day, reporters squatted in the hospital where Cotter stayed. interviewed.In the face of the facts, Kurt could only acquiesce, and entrusted Fisher to announce his withdrawal from the election.

Kurt's withdrawal was really not reconciled, but he was powerless. While he resented Jeffrey Nash, Da Muguang and the others also resented him, so before that, Da Muguang and the others didn't know that Kurt The matter of illness, otherwise, they should not bet heavily on him, and they should do everything possible to get close to Jeffrey Nash.

Now Da Muguang and the others can only fetch water from a bamboo basket, so there is no reason not to feel resentment.

Western Australia was originally governed by the Liberal Party, which has a certain basis of popular opinion among voters. Now that Richard Cotter has withdrawn, his former followers will turn their attention to Nash, who was originally a member of the Liberal Party. This greatly deepened Nash's chances of winning.In addition, Nash promised that if he is elected, he will invest as much to improve people's livelihood, how much employment will be solved, and how much subsidies will be provided in pensions. These pies have completely won the favor of most voters.

Some voters also expressed doubts about his promise. After all, similar promises have been made more than once before, but they were not fulfilled satisfactorily.

At this time, Nash settled accounts with the voters. Starting from the existing economic structure, he finally focused on the project of the Ashburton River. He said that he would operate the project according to the market price, and he could clearly tell the voters , How much employment can be driven, how much taxation can be increased, and how many related industries can be stimulated. Everything speaks in numbers. In the end, a large number of numbers deeply penetrated into the hearts of voters.

In the upper right corner of the TV broadcasting the abc channel, the selected election numbers have begun to scroll. Although this is not Chen Kangjie's own election, his heart is also suspended. The result of the election has full significance for him. Moreover, Lawrence's votes are now in a state of stalemate with his competitors. You were in the lead a second ago, but I have the right hand in this second. The distance between the two has not been widened significantly. The difference is less than [-] votes.

The statistics start from the western states, and gradually advance to the eastern states. When it comes to Difficult Zhou and Queensland, the gap has not been widened, and they are still biting each other tightly.

It was completely dark outside the window, but Chen Kangjie's office was still brightly lit. It was already seven o'clock in the evening, and the data of Victoria and New South Wales would be inserted next.

The population of these two states is the densest, accounting for 60.00% of the whole of Australia. Therefore, during the election, Lawrence and his competitors will pay so much attention to these two states. One will put the final election rally in New South Wales. Sydney, a Melbourne in Victoria.

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