rebirth of change

Chapter 970 The Dust Settles

Chen Kangjie leaned lazily on the back of the sofa chair, raised his feet, crossed them on the desk, and stretched his hands back to cover his head. He was chic and comfortable, but in fact, he was still very nervous, worried that Lawrence Really lost the game.

The election data in New South Wales first flashed on the TV screen like a stock display board. There were nearly 3 legal voters in New South Wales. According to estimates, there were 220 million people who participated in the voting that day, and the turnout rate was 70.00% %, such a turnout rate is considered high in general elections.Although many people have legal voting rights, they have no interest in politics, and some people do not have time to spare, so they do not go to the polling station to vote.

As the numbers progressed, Lawrence received 37 of the 19 votes cast, a slight lead.

At this moment, Lawrence himself is anxiously waiting for the results to be released at his campaign headquarters.In the past two days, he didn't care much about why Chen Kangjie's large poster appeared out of thin air. All his energy and eyes were occupied by the election. He met different people and thought differently every day.

Seeing that he had won a lead of 3 votes, Lawrence felt a little relieved and proud. Who knows, within [-] minutes, his mood was disturbed again and he raised it again.As the person involved, Lawrence's feelings are very different from others'. Others can still be proud of their own affairs, but he can't. This is related to his life, his value, his ideals, his His historical position, his ambition, etc., his sense of tension is the strongest, and he will worry about gains and losses from time to time. After all, he has reached the final step. No one wants to be defeated in this position. Will be willing to happen to their own body.

Of the 43 newly added votes, Lawrence received only 23 votes, while his opponent received [-].

In every country, the support for a certain candidate is often not the national average. There will always be some places that are higher and some places that are lower. generally high.This is not only about fame and similar emotions, but more importantly, once elected, they will often invest more public resources in their hometown, and everyone will have a simple hometown complex.Just like Chen Kangjie, although he did not run for any office, a considerable part of his financial resources was spent in Qianzhou.

According to the information, Lawrence's competitor was born in New South Wales, and completed primary and secondary school there, and his home is also located in a small town there, so it's no wonder he was able to overtake Lawrence.

It's just that until the last moment, the victory or defeat is unpredictable, and it is still unknown who will have the last laugh.

Later, the Central Election Commission announced three batches of ballots, 57, 55, and 141. It seems that good luck will be on Lawrence's side. Among the 2 million ballots , the competitor not only failed to expand the lead, but was caught up by Lawrence. In the end, among the more than 114 votes, Lawrence actually got 106 million votes, and the competitor only got 8 million. The largest state was pulled to [-] votes.

It stands to reason that this is a bit difficult, how could it happen like that?

Through interviews on the street and explanations by experts, Chen Kangjie understood what was going on.

During street interviews, Chen Kangjie saw many young people, many of whom were college students, which was not easy in the past.In general, only middle-aged and old people are keen to vote in elections, and young people generally don't care so much, as long as they can have fun.

When these young people faced the camera, most of them mentioned long. They told reporters that it was because of long that they entered the polling station, instead of using this day off to go on an outing or party. The date was chosen on the day when Long officially visited Australia.

Seeing this, Chen Kangjie had a smug smile on his face, which gave him a special sense of accomplishment.Anyway, he is the only one in the office now, and he can be free, without worrying that someone will laugh at his "brazenness".

It is not known how many of the 30 people in the increase were young voters who walked into the polling station because of long. Anyway, at present, they are helping Lawrence. As for the western states that are tied, it is the millions of farmers Thanks to the support of these farmers, Lawrence did not fall behind in the Midwestern states.

All that remains to be seen now is whether these young men can really help Lawrence enter the top hall of his political career.

After 7:[-], the Central Electoral Commission will announce the elections in Victoria, the Capital Territory and Tasmania.Now, so to speak, the decisive moment of the election has arrived.

Victoria is the second most populous state in Australia, with 260 million registered voters. As for the Capital Territory and Tasmania, due to their sparse population, the combined number of voters is only ([-]).

Now the key to decide who will be in the Prime Minister's Office of the Commonwealth of Australia lies here (8 voters, the result has been displayed on the TV screen, a line of small words in the upper right corner shows that the turnout rate in the capital area is 68% Among the 66, the turnout rate in Tasmania was 79%, while the turnout rate in Victoria was as high as 30%. The turnout rate in the three administrative regions has hit the highest level in ten years. Victoria has not seen such a high election turnout in [-] years, and it is also the state with the highest turnout in the federation.

Seeing the turnout figures in Victoria, Chen Kangjie laughed, and Lawrence laughed even more.They all have reason to believe that these increased voters are definitely not going to Lawrence's competitors.

The following facts also confirmed this point. Among the 9 votes in the capital area, Lawrence won [-] votes, while his opponent only got [-] votes. Lawrence narrowed the gap to [-] votes.

Lawrence and his electoral team were already celebrating after Victoria's election was announced.

Among the 210 million voters in Victoria, Lawrence actually got 1 votes, while his opponent only got 83, which was 40 more votes than his opponent. It was an overwhelming advantage.Seeing this number, Lawrence's first reaction was to be so surprised that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear. After a long pause, he recovered from the cheers of the campaign team.

Seeing Lawrence's changed expression through the TV, Chen Kangjie smiled embarrassingly.I thought to myself that I didn't expect such an effect, and it seemed that Lawrence definitely didn't expect it either.While Chen Kangjie was happy for Lawrence, he also completely let go of his mood, and only hoped that Lawrence could fulfill the promise reached by both parties later.

There is no need to pay attention to the election in Tasmania later on. To put it bluntly, even if all those votes were cast for competitors, the result of the election will not be changed, because most of the citizens have already done so. Made a wise choice.

Suddenly, the phone on the table rang, and Chen Kangjie picked it up, and it turned out that it was Ouyang Zhenhua.

"Jie Shao, Lawrence won, Lawrence won..." Ouyang Zhenhua on the phone was very excited, as if he was the one who won.

"I saw it, hehe, look at you, why are you so excited, this is not your election," Chen Kangjie said with a smile.

"Although I was not elected, but we are an alliance. Oh, this election is really ups and downs, like gambling, too exciting and thrilling, investing so much energy and financial resources, just for this moment, no At the end, no one dared to laugh, hehe, I have experienced it once," Ouyang Zhenhua sighed passionately on the phone.

There is no universal suffrage in Hong Kong. In other words, as a British colony, there are no political elections at all. Hong Kong’s politics are controlled by London.Therefore, Ouyang Zhenhua had never personally participated in such an exciting election, and this time, he finally experienced it.

Chen Kangjie is not like this. Although there is an "Electoral Law" in the Mainland, there are no practical elections. Even those deputies to the National People's Congress who have participated in the elections can't actually feel it, because the elections they participated in are not very suspenseful. Most of them are equal, and there is no suspense. They can't even see or hear the candidates' campaign platforms and campaign promises.

Although he didn't go through every link in Australia this time, it didn't prevent him from having the same feeling as Ouyang Zhenhua.After all, they secretly provided funds and help to Lawrence. On the eve of the vote, he went to the platform in person. Everyone is in the same camp again for the same goal.In this sense, Chen Kangjie also regarded Lawrence's victory as his own victory.

After chatting with Ouyang Zhenhua and reminding him to return to Hong Kong in a few days, Lawrence called. He had to deal with his team supporters before he was able to go to a small dark room to give Chen Kangjie a quiet Give a call and say thanks.

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