Calling Chen Kangjie, Lawrence was moved with emotion. His gratitude to Chen Kangjie was beyond words. Although it didn't make him choke up, his mumbling words were not smooth.

"Hehe, Mr. Lawrence, I am very happy that you were elected. It seems that your people have made a wise choice. I believe that you will be an excellent politician and a wise man with a long-term strategic vision. You will definitely lead you As for me, it is nothing to worry about. We are partners, or rather friends. Even if we do a little bit of effort, it is a matter of course," Chen Kangjie said with a calm smile.

As a mature person, Chen Kangjie was not so low-level as to mention those promises and deals at this moment of celebration.It's just that in his words, it's not difficult to hear such a warning, and Chen Kangjie believes that Lawrence can hear it.

"Yes, yes, anyway, I want to thank you. If it weren't for you, it would be very difficult for me to win, let alone achieve such a great result. We are friends, as long as it is beneficial to you and me, I will do my best." Lawrence accepted the meaning of Chen Kangjie's words vaguely.

"Haha, that's it. I don't intend to make friends with you overnight. Although there is a big age difference between you and me, I still hope to maintain a long-term friendship with you, sir. I think that having more friends like this in life It's something worth celebrating," Chen Kangjie said with a light smile.

The experienced Chen Kangjie now often speaks with two meanings in one sentence, or this is the city.Judging from the power he showed this time, it gave Chen Kangjie extra confidence.In addition to sincerely wanting to maintain a relatively friendly personal relationship with people like Lawrence, he also hinted that the election you Lawrence will face is not limited to this one, and there will be another four years later, and I, Chen Kangjie, am I right? will stand on the opposite side.Of course, as for whether you will stand on the opposite side, it depends on whether you, Lawrence, are a man.

"Hahaha", Lawrence smiled heartily, "I thought so too. Being able to get to know you is really a good luck brought to me by God. Why don't I cherish and seize it. Actually, I have long By the way, long, when will you visit Australia again?" Perhaps it was due to the inertia of using English, or because he felt that Chen Kangjie's most famous name was long, so Lawrence simply didn't call him Mr. Chen.

"Your Excellency, you haven't issued a formal invitation yet, how can I come back?".

After Chen Kangjie finished speaking, the two laughed heartily at the phone line.

"By the way, Mr. Lawrence, there is one more thing you haven't done yet." After laughing, Chen Kangjie said again seriously.

"Long, are you talking about revealing your identity?" Lawrence asked speculatively.

"Yes, I want to know who caused me so much trouble", Chen Kangjie gave an affirmative answer to Lawrence's guess.

Regarding cooperation, both parties can keep secret, but for this matter, they have to speak out clearly.If Chen Kangjie was cheated, he would not be able to figure out who did it, it was not in line with his character.

"Sorry, Long, I really didn't expect to have such a big impact on you. I'm really sorry." Lawrence also saw the troubles Chen Kangjie suffered from the news, and he couldn't go to school.As a beneficiary, it is normal for him to make such a statement.

"This has already happened. You don't need to feel sorry and blame yourself. The key now is to know who did it, so that you can prevent problems before they happen. Otherwise, the ghost knows what will happen next time." , Chen Kangjie's words were very plain, since it had happened, he could only accept it and deal with it calmly.

"Because I have been busy with the election for the past few days, the dust has settled now. I will definitely find a way to find out who made the trouble. Don't worry, I will give you a reply in a short time. I promised before, I will I will never break my promise," Lawrence said firmly.

. . . . . .

Now that Lawrence has been successfully elected, and he has agreed to Chen Kangjie's wishes no matter whether it is open or dark, then Chen Kangjie will really live a busy life in the future.

First of all, the place Chen Kangjie is going to is not Hong Kong, but the capital. He has a deal to discuss with those big shots.

When we arrived in the capital, we stayed in the presidential suite of Mengting Hotel.He didn't go to visit Zhao Zhibang or other big bosses right away, but headed to Xishan Villa after washing up. He wanted to visit the old man first.

When he came to Xishan Villa this time, Chen Kangjie's mood was very different from before. He felt very heavy and lost, and there was a faint pain in his heart.The reason is that, if historical logic remains unchanged, the old man will not have much time, not even half a year, and he will leave the country and people he loves so much.

However, the moment he saw the old man, Chen Kangjie's gloomy face changed immediately, and he showed a bright and happy smile.

Chen Kangjie was a frequent visitor here, Lin Minchang led Chen Kangjie to the door of the old man's room, and told him not to talk for too long, as the old man was not in good health, so he left for now.

This time the old man didn't sit on the sofa, but lay on the bed with a blanket and pillows. He was not in a good mood, his complexion was a little pale, he was wearing reading glasses, and he was holding a newspaper in his hands full of age spots.

"Hehe, old man, he loves to study, hehe", as soon as they met, Chen Kangjie pretended to be very happy, and even joked with the old man.

The old man turned his head to see that it was Chen Kangjie, put the newspaper in his hand casually, and slowly took off his glasses, "Little devil, do you still remember me? I haven't seen you for so long, I thought you went crazy again ".

"Old man, your criticism is not right. Why did I go crazy again? It's like making me very funny. Didn't I come to see you whenever I have free time? It seems that you are still in good spirits." Chen Kangjie pulled a chair and sat beside the old man's bed, and said flatteringly.

Although the old man's complexion was not very good, Chen Kangjie still couldn't tell the truth, and sensible people knew that they should try their best to soothe the old man's mood by saying good things.This is not the time to be an honest person, otherwise it will aggravate the depression of the elderly, which will have adverse effects on health and be counterproductive.

"Cough, cough, cough", the old man wanted to laugh, but he couldn't breathe, which caused him to cough. Chen Kangjie quickly stood up and used his palm to soothe the old man's chest.

"It's okay, it's okay, you sit down, I'm fine. Hey... After entering the winter, the weather in the capital is always so gloomy and gloomy, it makes people feel suffocated and uncomfortable,... .In the past two days, my body has been feeling weak. You see, I was lying on the bed, and I said that I was in good spirits. I am really dishonest. When did I become so glib! ", the old man relaxed for a while Afterwards, he said to Chen Kangjie with a blush on his face.

"Hey, why am I so glib? Back then, you fought north and south, climbed snow-capped mountains, and crossed grasslands. You have never seen any storms, not to mention the weather in this small capital." Chen Kangjie continued to brazenly flatter the old man, but changed the subject , Chen Kangjie said: "However, if you think the climate here is not good, you can go to the south and find a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters where flowers bloom all year round."

"Forget it, I'm a 92-year-old man. It's the same wherever I go. Besides, don't burden the comrades in the central government. I think they won't agree even if I raise it." The old man looked out the window, lovingly Said.

At the level and age of the old man, no one would dare to let him leave the capital, because if something happens, no one can take the responsibility.Moreover, the medical conditions in the capital are the best in the country, and there can be complete treatment here, even if there is any accident, it is easy to deal with the aftermath.

If it is in a foreign place, not only the conditions of care are not perfect, but if that moment really comes, the leaders of the younger generations may not even get a word.Whether the old man is healthy or not is a major political issue that involves all aspects, and the top level must keep abreast of slight changes in the situation in order to make appropriate arrangements and deployments.

"They are also doing it for your own good," Chen Kangjie said insincerely, "I believe you will recover soon, and at that time, I will definitely fight you again."

"I remember that there is no holiday yet... why did you come to the capital? Is there something wrong? You usually go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing." The old man's voice was even weaker, maybe It's because I talked a lot for a while, and my body is a little overwhelmed.

At this moment, Chen Kangjie was really touched that the old man could still care about him.Recalling that he was still telling stories to a group of big shots in his yard back then, and now that the old man was a little powerless even chatting with him on the bed, Chen Kangjie felt his nose sore and his throat congested.

However, Chen Kangjie didn't show these sad emotions, he pretended to be relaxed, "It's nothing, I just miss you, so I came to see you and learn about the company's business here, that's completely incidental ".

Chen Kangjie didn't tell the truth, and he couldn't tell the truth. The old man is so weak now, how could he burden her and bring her troubles.If that's the case, Chen Kangjie is really too naive.

"Hehe", the old man showed a little smile with difficulty, even though he knew that what Chen Kangjie said was probably not the truth, he didn't go to ask.

At this moment, Lin Minchang came in accompanied by two health care doctors. The old man needed to take medicine, and then he was resting, so he couldn't chat with Chen Kangjie anymore.

The old man originally wanted to talk to Chen Kangjie again, but even Chen Kangjie persuaded him to take a good rest and said that he would come to visit him again. It took him a long time to coax the old man into submission.

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