rebirth of change

Chapter 972 Wanting a Navy Helicopter

After returning to the hotel, Chen Kangjie sat alone for a long time.It was really hard for him to accept the old man's current situation, but this was an insurmountable natural law. Everyone would grow old and face exactly the same situation.Chen Kangjie really wanted to do something, but he found that he couldn't do anything. The old man received the treatment provided by the power of the whole country. The government used the best doctors in the country, medicines regardless of cost, and thoughtful care and observation. He didn't need himself at all. do what.

The more he couldn't help, the more uncomfortable Chen Kangjie felt.Over the years, even if the old man has not given him a big favor, he has given him care and love that ordinary people can't get at all, and he completely treats him as his own junior.Besides, for Chen Kangjie's ambition, the master's support can be regarded as a great deal.

Since he couldn't help, he could only bless and pray in his heart.I don’t expect anything else, as long as the old man can survive until the return of Hong Kong on July 97, 7, that may be his last and greatest wish. He has always been looking forward to visiting the colony he took back under his leadership .

This is a heart knot, the heart knot of the people of the whole country. It also has symbolic significance in the world. It heralds the end of imperialism. It is almost impossible to take back this Pearl of the Orient through peaceful means.

In the evening, after dinner, Chen Kangjie was able to attend to his business.

Chen Kangjie originally only notified Wei Zhonghua and Zhao Zhibang, but when he arrived in Ouchi, the seven giants were there, which he did not expect.

In fact, it is easy to understand, and this is the most natural thing, because the business that Chen Kangjie wants to discuss with them is too big, especially very sensitive, perhaps also to unify the understanding and reach a consensus, Wei Zhonghua called all his partners and colleagues together Get up and meet Chen Kangjie together.

The meeting place for Chen Kangjie was in a small conference room next to Wei Zhonghua's office, and it was Zhao Zhibang's secretary Qin Hua who brought him in.

Seeing that the seven giants were all there, Chen Kangjie was somewhat uneasy.Under normal circumstances, people have a characteristic, that is to talk about private things, the less people there are, the easier it is to talk. If there are too many people, there will often be psychological pressure, and they will always worry that private things will be leaked.More importantly, if there are only one or two people, then the way of wording and conversation can be organized according to the personalities of the two people and the close relationship with oneself. If there are more people, there will inevitably be greater differences in personalities and relationships. There are more and more differences in closeness and closeness, so it is difficult to cover everything, and you will be afraid of neglecting the other.

In fact, Chen Kangjie didn't think too much about it. First of all, as the top bosses in the country, there is nothing to say about the party spirit and discipline. They will never leak the real secrets.Secondly, although the seven giants made up their minds together, the core opinion is still based on No. [-] Wei Zhonghua. As long as he nods, the others will basically not object. This is the authority of the squad leader.

"Comrade Xiaojie, we have been waiting for you for a long time, why did you come?" When seeing Chen Kangjie, Wei Zhonghua, as the landlord, took the lead in greeting him cordially.

Wei Zhonghua's address to Chen Kangjie today is a bit special. For the first time, he used the title of "comrade". It stands to reason that Chen Kangjie is not a party member, but also a junior. Such a title should not be used.But Wei Zhonghua just used it.

For the time being, Chen Kangjie didn't think about why he became a comrade because of his identity. After the leaders spoke first, Chen Kangjie didn't dare to be sloppy.

After sitting down on the red sofa at the end of the conference room with a semicircular layout, Chen Kangjie forced himself to say relaxedly: "Why did the leaders finish their work so early today? The Sixth Plenary Session has just finished, and you should be very happy." It’s right that you’re busy, I guess you probably haven’t eaten yet?”

"Comrade Zhonghua, how are you doing? Let me tell you that I can't hide from this little guy, he is smart despite his young age, haha", Zhao Zhibang said to Wei Zhonghua with a narrow smile.

The other giants also laughed happily.

"You can even guess that we haven't eaten yet. It's up to you. We just finished a standing committee to discuss next year's disarmament. For your sake, we have to go hungry first." After laughing, Wei Zhonghua Then he pointed at Chen Kangjie and said teasingly.

"Then I'm really guilty. If the people of the whole country know about it, then they can't blame me. Or, why don't you eat first?" Chen Kangjie shrank his body and asked suggestively.

"Little comrade, we are not emperors or feudal aristocrats, how can we say that we are eating?", the Prime Minister sitting diagonally opposite Chen Kangjie said to Chen Kangjie with a solemn face.

"It seems to be about the much, hehe", Chen Kangjie originally wanted to say, "It seems to be about the same, but he immediately realized that it was very inappropriate to say that. After braking in time, he changed his rhetoric sensitively, and finally Also smiled awkwardly.

Chen Kangjie has always had a mediocre view of this prime minister.It's just that he almost forgot that his feelings cannot be brought here. What kind of occasion is this, who is he facing, how can there be disrespect in words?That's going to cause trouble.

"Okay, let's get down to business, what do you think?" Chief No. [-] in front of Zhao Zhibang glanced at everyone present, and said muran.

The head of No. [-] is a bit special. He is the only soldier among the giants, with the rank of admiral. If Wei Zhonghua is the marshal of the military, then the head of No. [-] is the specific executor, the first general.What Chen Kangjie is here to talk about tonight can be said to have a very direct connection with him, so he can't wait to get to the point as soon as possible.

"That's right, let's get to the point." Wei Zhonghua looked at the No. [-] chief, then at Chen Kangjie, and finally patted on the armrest of the sofa and said, "Comrade Chen Kangjie, you just put what you need Seriously tell us all again, in the previous phone call, it was not very clear."

When it came to serious matters, and several big bosses were there, Wei Zhonghua called Chen Kangjie another layer of formality, directly calling his full name with the suffix of Comrade.

Chen Kangjie adjusted his breathing and state, pondered for a while, and then he straightened his sitting posture and said solemnly to several giants: "In order to save the precious time of the leaders, I will make a long story short."

"Let's talk," Wei Zhonghua, who was sitting in the middle, nodded and said.

"It's like this. Everyone knows that Mr. Lawrence has already been elected. In order for him to be elected, you have betrayed me. As for me, I have lived up to the trust and barely completed the goal. The key focus Also here, in the process of contacting Lawrence, I made a deal with him, which has not yet been completed, but the message he sent me is that the deal can continue...", Chen Kangjie did not After finishing speaking, his words were interrupted by Tang Haoming, who was ranked fifth.

"What kind of deal are you talking about?".

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's my fault that I didn't make it clear," Chen Kangjie apologized to Tang Haoming and then continued, "The deal I mentioned is that I plan to buy an island in Australia. The name of the island is Christmas Island. On the Indian Ocean, it is about 360 kilometers away from the main island of Thousand Islands, 1400 kilometers away from the northwest of Australia, 10°30′ south latitude, 105°40′ east longitude, and an area of ​​135 square kilometers. I plan to develop this island. Because of this island The geographical location is very special, so if I want to achieve in-depth development, I need the support of the government. I won’t make any detours here, let’s make it clear, I need you to rent or sell some moisture-proof and salt-proof naval transport Give me the helicopter, more specifically, I hope that I can transfer some straight-eight helicopters", Chen Kangjie really said it succinctly, and he finished in a few words.

In fact, what Chen Kangjie wanted was not just the navy transport helicopter, he also wanted to wait for the landing ship to park the helicopter.The reason why I didn't mention this is because the landing ship is too special, bulky and easy to be monitored.On the other hand, to be honest, there is no such excellent equipment in China.

Although the Type 072 amphibious landing ship that has just been installed can be used, it can only park two helicopters. Its main purpose is to transport land combat equipment. It can transport a medium tank company and an infantry company, or an infantry battalion. and a battery of recoilless guns.Chen Kangjie is not going to fight, so these things are useless. Besides, he believes that the high-level officials will not sell or rent such sensitive equipment to him. Besides, the entire Republic Navy has only six such ships. ship.

It's not bad, these six ships are all equipped for the South China Sea Fleet, maybe they can really provide him with support at that time, anyway, they are not far away from their sphere of influence.

In fact, Chen Kangjie didn't tell the truth completely, at least in terms of the use of Christmas Island, he had great reservations.What he is most worried about is that once they know the real purpose, Zheng Jun and his team will not be able to keep it. So far, the country has never allowed the existence of private armed forces, even if it does not threaten the existence of the current regime. Or safe.

Chen Kangjie set his goal on the straight eight, which is really his only choice.So far, the best transport helicopter equipped by the domestic navy is the Zhiba. It is developed and produced on the basis of the SA-321 Super Hornet helicopter. It can be said that this is also the best level of domestic helicopters. Although the number of equipment is not enough, but Chen Kangjie believes that if the superior is willing, it should still be possible to spare a few fights.

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