"Captain Zuo, our third brigade took over this case. I can't hand it over to you without an order from the superior." Officer He didn't expect the other party to be so straightforward. He frowned slightly, and finally summoned up the courage to push back.

There are certain rules for the public security organs to handle cases, and it is not a department that accepts them at will. Moreover, Captain Zuo is not the direct superior of Police Officer He. Police Officer He can indeed resist. There is no room for bargaining, only unconditional obedience.

"You, a small traffic policeman on duty, still tell me this? Hehe, have you eaten the guts of a leopard? The captain of your third brigade, Lao Huang, used to be my subordinate. He didn't dare to be so arrogant here." Captain Zuo said very seriously. Contemptuously, he raised his eyebrows and frowned, completely ignoring Officer He. As for the internal rules and regulations, they were of course worthless in front of him at this time.

This is the greatest manifestation of the rule of man. Whether it is regulations or laws, in the face of rights, it seems that they do not have so much prestige and can be bypassed.

"You guys, confiscate the credentials and equipment of these two guys, hmph, what the hell?" Captain Zuo turned around and immediately gave orders to his subordinates.

The subordinates brought by Captain Zuo have been with him for a long time. They understand his temper and character. Without a word, four people immediately rushed up without hesitation, and took the certificates of Officer He and Officer Ma as well as those on their bodies. The walkie-talkie and other equipment were given away.

No matter how aggrieved, police officers and the others dare not use force to resist. Others have said it very bluntly. The captain of his brigade used to be his subordinate. If he resisted with force, it would only be more harmful to him. Li, Officer He could only look at Chen Kangjie and Zhao Dayong with eyes full of expectation and asking for help, and let others do things to him.

After Police Officer He and Xiao Ma were stripped to the skin, Captain Zuo's gloomy expression looked a little better.

"You two, just said that you want to assist in the investigation, right? Then come back with us, the traffic here must be cleared quickly, and the traffic on the main road in the capital must be smooth." After whispering a few words with Huang Shao, Captain Zuo nodded He walked up to Chen Kangjie and the others in high spirits and said.

From the expression Huang Shao looked at himself, it can be imagined that these guys must not have any good ideas, presumably after going back with them, the ending will not be too good.Don't even think about it, they must be trying to get revenge.

"Comrade, our assistance work has been completed, there is no need to go with you, you hurry up to clear the traffic, we still have something to do." Chen Kangjie did not speak, but Zhao Dayong stood in front of Captain Zuo neither humble nor overbearing.

Zhao Dayong deserved to have such an impressive name, he stood in front of Captain Zuo, he was half a head taller than Captain Zuo, and his burly body was no thinner than the fat Captain Zuo.Just that little bit, compared to Captain Zuo in terms of momentum.

Zhao Dayong's confrontation made Captain Zuo's complexion suddenly darken, but he didn't lose his temper. He saw Zhao Dayong's epaulets. He is low.Although the military and the land do not belong to each other and do not interfere with each other, in the boundary of the capital, everything is not so clear.

"Which unit are you from? We are performing official duties, please cooperate." In order to find out the other party's situation, Captain Zuo's expression eased, and Fu asked Zhao Dayong politely.

"Army, I have cooperated very well. I have told Officer He everything I saw. The materials you hold in your hand are my dictation records," Zhao Dayong replied seriously.

Hearing Zhao Dayong's answer, Chen Kangjie burst out laughing. He didn't know if he was pretending or he really didn't understand. It was like asking him the name of his unit, but this guy came to the military branch in a daze.The Army, the Army of the Republic has millions of people and [-] group armies, not including the armed police and border guards. With such a large scope, it is equivalent to not answering. It is like answering that the other party is a soldier. It is too funny.

"Why are you laughing? Ah? Why are you laughing?" Just when Chen Kangjie couldn't help laughing, Captain Zuo shouted at him with a blushing face.

"Smile when you're in a good mood. What's the matter? Hehe, the army, Brother Zhao, I can't see how humorous you are, hehe." Chen Kangjie casually glanced at Captain Zuo, then smiled while holding Zhao Dayong's shoulder.

Zhao Dayong was inexplicably laughed at by Chen Kangjie, he thought to himself, I'm not wrong, what's so funny about it?Could it be that this Mr. Chen has a brain problem?

"I belong to the army, I don't understand, what's so funny?" Zhao Dayong gave Chen Kangjie a sideways look, and said angrily.

Hearing "Army Force" again, Captain Zuo couldn't hold back. He thought the other party was making fun of him. At the same time, he turned his head and quickly made an analysis. Judging from his experience, the major in front of him was not a big deal. departments.Because Captain Zuo has been in the capital for many years, as long as the people he comes into contact with are from privileged units and departments, he will immediately report his name or the title of leader to frighten them.But Zhao Dayong didn't, and instead played tricks, so he quickly judged that Zhao Dayong was just a high-ranking military leader.

Now that he has made such a judgment, Captain Zuo will not be polite to Zhao Dayong. Anyway, the army and the land are different, even if there is a little disturbance, and he has Director Huang to take care of him, it should be fine. He will be locked up by the army. Who told him to destroy the conflict between the army and the people?

Thinking of this, the left captain smiled "hehe", which made people feel that his face was full of sinister.

"I don't care which unit or department you belong to. Since you are willing to testify, then we will do business and follow us back to investigate. As for the record you wrote," Captain Zuo slowly confiscated it from Officer He He lifted up the recording paper, and under the light of his smile, he slowly tore it into strips in front of Chen Kangjie and the others, and finally put it to his mouth and blew it, before throwing it on the road in awe.

"Now I don't see that you have a record of what you did, so go back and make another copy with us." Captain Zuo said softly at the end, but anyone who saw this scene would have a fire in their hearts. It's so unscrupulous, to dare to destroy evidence like this in front of so many people.It's simply lawless.

Seeing that what he said for a long time was torn apart by others, Zhao Dayong stared straight, and the fire in his heart was creeping up. In his opinion, this was an insult to him. Not just him, but the contempt for the military.For a long time, Zhao Dayong followed the leader's ears and eyes, and deeply felt that honor is everything to a soldier, more than life, Captain Zuo is so excessive, how can he stand this, the blood of the soldier burst out immediately.

For a moment, Zhao Dayong didn't think too much, his eyes were spitting fire and he raised his left hand to grab the collar of the left captain's police uniform, lifted him up at once, sent his right hand to his stomach, and touched his toes on the calf bone. Kicking, and releasing his left hand again, Captain Zuo immediately knelt on the ground.

The whole movement was done in one go, that is, within a few seconds, before the others could react, the left captain's knee had already made intimate contact with the hard concrete floor.

"Ah", Captain Zuo was not light, and under the action of gravity, the pain in his knee made him scream in spite of face.

Of course, Chen Kangjie noticed the signs early in the morning. When Captain Zuo just tore off the first tear, Chen Kangjie, who was standing behind him, keenly saw the bulging veins on the back of Zhao Dayong's neck. The guy is angry.It's just that he didn't intend to stop it, and he couldn't understand these arrogant and arrogant guys.He really wanted to take action to teach him a lesson, but the current environment was really inconvenient for him, since someone wanted to take action, why should he stop him?

From Chen Kangjie's point of view, this is not a murder with a borrowed knife.The social environment in the capital is that those big bosses live here, and they don’t live here by themselves, so of course they are obliged to help purify the social air here. Even if the effect is not fundamental, at least it will be beneficial if it can be improved a little .

Since Zhao Dayong was sent to greet him twice, Chen Kangjie knew that this person was highly valued in the Cao family, so even if he got into trouble, it would not be a big deal according to the influence of the Cao family in the Republic. The Cao family will definitely reach out and settle things quickly.

Seeing that the opponent had already made a move before he made a move, Captain Zuo's subordinates and Director Zhang were stunned at first, and then gathered around one after another.

Captain Zuo and his subordinates surrounded him because his boss had been beaten. As for Director Zhang, they surrounded them, on the one hand, to atone for their crimes, and on the other hand, this was not just a traffic accident. Assaulting the police, he had to take care of it at this time.

"Arrest, arrest them, assaulting the police, this is a felony." Seeing that his rescuer was beaten, Huang Shao was not only not depressed, but excited, jumping up behind him and shouting.

In the past, Chen Kangjie and the others were only assisting the investigation of traffic accidents as a group of people, and the police could not resort to tricks on them. Now that it has developed into a criminal case, Young Master Huang feels that this is exactly what he wants. As long as these people are arrested, he can do whatever he wants Play.

"Hmph, if you dare to fight against me, I'll see if I don't kill you all." Young Master Huang lusted in his heart.

The sudden change in form also made the nearby people who joined in the fun sweat at Chen Kangjie and the others. Everyone knew that this was a troublesome moment. As long as they were arrested, they would definitely not have a good life. They offended the Public Security Bureau The chief's son.

"Can you still protect me?" Chen Kangjie calmly asked Zhao Dayong when he saw so many people surrounding him aggressively.

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