rebirth of change

Chapter 982 Drawing the Gun

Chen Kangjie's question was obviously meant to be ridiculed. Leaving aside his identity, Chen Kangjie also believed that the two of them could deal with these people. He could already see Zhao Dayong's method against the left captain just now. Some clues, this guy is a little simple-minded, but he is definitely not an easy person.

"You will stay behind me for a while", Zhao Dayong did not answer Chen Kangjie's question directly, but directly told him to explain.

It seems that action is already inevitable. Zhao Dayong's duty is to protect Chen Kangjie, so of course he has to stand in front.

Captain Zuo's subordinates plus Director Zhang and the others are more than ten police officers.After these people gathered around, without saying a word, they wanted to arrest Zhao Dayong who did the fighting.

Although it seemed that Chen Kangjie and Zhao Dayong were in the same group, it was Zhao Dayong who made the move, and Chen Kangjie did not do anything. Therefore, their first goal was to subdue the soldier Zhao Dayong first, and then bring Chen Kangjie with them in the end.

To be able to be a guard next to a big leader, with the rank of major, if you don't have hard work in your hands, it will definitely not work.

The traffic policeman who was the first to rush to the front was about to grab Zhao Dayong's right hand, but he turned back, and his shoulder was instantly pinched by his right hand like a pair of iron tongs, and the sweat immediately burst from his forehead When he came out, his body softened lightly.

After all, this is not fighting alone, Zhao Dayong quickly subdued one, and the helpers behind him also arrived.Zhao Dayong kicked the traffic policeman pinched by his right hand in the stomach, and the traffic policeman flew backward immediately, knocking down two colleagues who caught up behind him to the road.

Chen Kangjie's face was calm at this time, and he even showed a faint smile. He wasn't worried at all, instead, he folded his hands and watched the live performance with great interest.

Fighting started at the scene, and the onlookers were frightened and scattered back again and again. They were deeply afraid that the fish pond would be affected, and now the police and soldiers were fighting. Who is unlucky next to him.

Needless to say, this Zhao Dayong usually looks calm and calm, but this move is unambiguous, like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth. Anyway, as long as you fight him, you will be fooled by him in two or three times. lie on the floor.After all, the police and the soldiers are very different. What the police learn is how to capture the opponent, while what the soldiers learn is to kill the enemy as much as possible while protecting themselves. Because the purpose is different, the means will be completely different.Besides, these are ordinary policemen, under normal circumstances it is very difficult to deal with big cases, and their skills are just as usual. Zhao Dayong is different, he can work beside Mr. Cao, he was selected layer by layer Yes, when the selection was made, the first rule was to overthrow ten armed police soldiers with bare hands, which was extremely strict.

Therefore, Zhao Dayong's methods are much cleaner and neater, each move is powerful, and all of them are ruthless moves to control the enemy.It's just that Chen Kangjie still saw some tricks, and this Zhao Dayong is not a reckless man.Every time he strikes, he is fast, ruthless, and accurate, but he uses his strength very well. The power he emits can subdue the opponent or lose his combat effectiveness, but it will not be life-threatening. He also knows that if he rashly makes it If someone is killed, and the other party is a policeman, then he is not easy to deal with.

Director Zhang usually doesn't look at him flaunting his power, but he is also a cautious person. From his attitude towards Chen Kangjie and the others just now, he can see this. Young Master Huang asked him to arrest people, but he did not carry out.This kind of cautiousness can be seen from another aspect, that is, he cherishes life. In his previous work, if he arrested a small criminal, he would take the lead, but if it was a big case, he would intentionally or unintentionally Shrinking back, this is a cowardly and clever self-preservation.

It was the same today. He saw the captain of the traffic police team being attacked. In order to close the rift between him and Young Master Huang, he shouted with great momentum, but it was his subordinates who rushed up first, not himself.

Director Zhang was dumbfounded when he saw that the traffic police and his men were knocked down seven or eight in an instant.He never thought that a soldier would dare to stand up to the corner, let alone that his colleagues would be so vulnerable. His face was blue and white, and he couldn't move his feet. He stared straight at the terrifying man Zhao Dayong.

"Draw the gun, draw the gun, you idiot," an impatient voice sounded in Director Zhang's ear.

Traffic police are generally not equipped with guns. Even in police stations, only the director, deputy director, and instructors are usually equipped with guns. Other police officers generally do not carry automatic weapons. receive the same.

At this moment, among the policemen at the scene, only Director Zhang had a Type 64 police pistol pinned to his waist.

The sound just now was called by Young Master Huang.Before, his face was smug, but as the situation took a turn for the worse, and everyone on his side was brought down one by one, Huang Shao's face became more and more worried, and the look in his eyes was surprised, that is, scared.

However, as a police officer, Huang Shao is obviously more courageous. It can also be said that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. When he saw the pistol holster on Director Zhang's waist, he immediately jumped over it regardless of whether the timing was right or not. The director shouted at him in an orderly and encouraging tone.

This cry called Director Zhang back from his astonishment.Out of instinct and conditioned reflex, he hastily put it on his waist.

It may be that he was too nervous, or Director Zhang hadn't drawn his gun for a long time, and he didn't pull out the pistol several times, which made him turn around in a hurry.Seeing that his colleagues on the field were about to be dealt with, Director Zhang couldn't be in a hurry, but his own hand just didn't obey, and it took him a long time to open the holster.

"Don't move, don't move, don't move at all," anyway, Director Zhang finally took out the gun, raised it to Zhao Dayong, and shouted the command words they were familiar with.

Seeing the scene of looting, the onlookers, who had retreated quite a distance just now, became frightened and scattered, running farther, some running more than 200 meters away before daring to stop.

Everyone knows that if this gun is used, it is no joke. The bullets do not have eyes. If he is shot by a stray bullet, it will be dry and unlucky.

Director Zhang’s roar was indeed powerful. At least no one on the scene made any moves. Two policemen who hadn’t fallen quickly moved back and out of Director Zhang’s shooting line of sight. The only solution is to continue lying down.

Zhao Dayong, who was pointed at by the gun, didn't do anything again, but he didn't show any fear or panic, but moved his body quickly in front of Chen Kangjie, using his body to completely cover Chen Kangjie behind.

In fact, what Director Zhang and the so-called Young Master Huang did just now fell into the eyes of Chen Kangjie who had been watching coldly. However, since Chen Kangjie decided not to make a move, he ignored it. He just wanted to see how Zhao Dayong would deal with it.Moreover, at this time, Chen Kangjie felt that the bigger the trouble, the better, and the bigger the trouble, the harder it would be to stop it.

After some thought, it was not that young master Huang that Chen Kangjie wanted to deal with.This kind of ignorant boy is just a disease of innocence. If there is no Lao Tzu behind him, no matter how courageous he is, he would not dare to be so arrogant.Moreover, from Huang Shao's actions, it can also be seen that his father is definitely not a good bird, at least it is necessary to indulge his family members and subordinates to run amok.People often say that dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes, and the son of a mouse can make holes. Besides, if Huang Xiaoyang is a correct cadre, his children will not be so bold, at least they are proud Capital will also be much more restrained.

From this point of view, what Chen Kangjie had to deal with was the Deputy Director Huang Xiaoyang. Such a person would absolutely not be able to stay in the public security department, let alone occupy a very important leadership position.There are raging soldiers, and there will be raging nests. As long as such a leader is still there, then his destructive power will be at least one Huang Shao, a hundred Huang Shao. The quality and style of the cadres themselves are the key and foundation of the social atmosphere.

Since Director Zhang wanted to draw his gun, Chen Kangjie would naturally not stop him. Only in this way would the effect be better. If he dared to draw his gun at Mr. Cao's guards, this kid really didn't know what to do.

Chen Kangjie was not nervous at all at this moment, and still had a faint smile on his face, but his falcon-like eyes were always staring at Director Zhang's index finger on the trigger of the pistol. He firmly believed that as long as Director Zhang pulled the trigger, He must be able to pull Zhao Dayong out of danger.

"Don't move, raise your hands, you attacked the police, now I'm going to arrest you", seeing that the situation was finally under his control, Director Zhang eased his nervousness a little and said.It's just that his hand holding the gun was still trembling.

"You'd better put your gun down, we will cooperate with you whatever you need," said Zhao Dayong, facing the muzzle of the gun, straightened his face.

For Zhao Dayong, he is not afraid of the gun at all. He is very confident that if he activates it, even if the opponent has a gun, he can still take him down.It's just that he needs to protect Chen Kangjie now, so he can only use his mouth and not his hands. Zhao Dayong didn't know that Chen Kangjie was better than him.

"Put down the gun? Hmph, it's not that cheap, aren't you good at fighting? Fight, if you arrest again, you can be executed right now." Huang Shao is worthy of being the son of the police chief, these words He is still clear.

Now Young Master Huang began to feel complacent again, the situation was under control, and his nervousness and worries just now were immediately left behind by him.

Director Zhao cast a dissatisfied glance at Huang Shao, do you really think that Fa-rectification is Fa-rectification?The other party is a major officer, and he has not committed any serious crimes, so you don't have to think about it, don't say that I dare not, and your father may not dare here.

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