Chapter 103 – Eat My Hammer

in the mansion.

The man in the purple snake pattern kimono looked up at the sky, and he gently wrapped his wife and child beside him into his arms.

But in his mind, the face of another child could not stop appearing.

The guy with messy auburn hair holding a flute and calling himself "brother"...

His impression of that person also stopped when he was a child.

After all, the two haven't seen each other since then.

" are you now...Yuichi."

The man murmured softly, and unconsciously clenched the hands on his wife's shoulders.

"What's wrong? Husband..." After hearing the man's murmur, the wife raised her head curiously and looked at the man in doubt.

"...No, it's fine."

The man froze for a moment, then shook his head with a smile, and at the same time felt a little disgusted with his thoughts just now.

——I...why do I think of him?

——Thinking of that makes me sick.

In my mind, I can't get rid of a smiling figure holding a flute.

In the courtyard, the boy with pigtails was still vigorously waving the wooden knife.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" The boy waved the wooden knife vigorously.

Sunny, clear and clean.

The years are quiet.



Aya Town

It is daytime, so there are only two or three people walking on the street.

street side.

The hallway of a two-storey mansion.

The corridor was closed around, so that no sunlight could come in.

Slap... Slap...

Blood flowed down the corridor to the landing.

Following the blood, a man in a brown kimono with his head hanging was pierced through his chest and nailed to a wall on one side of the corridor.

Wu Mi was sitting in the room opposite the wall, squinting contemptuously, sipping the blood tea in his hand.


The man nailed to the wall gradually let out some hoarse roars, and blood slowly poured into his body along the pierced chest.

Blue veins protruded along his neck, and scarlet and bloodthirsty murderous intent slowly appeared in the man's eyes.

The blood on the ground is also rapidly evaporating.

Wu Mi frowned, and he slowly put down the teacup in his hand.

Just now, he inexplicably felt a chill in his heart.

——Kaomen Mao?

He closed his eyes, trying to get some images from Shigeru Kamado, who had been reduced to ashes.

In the end, Wu Mi succeeded in getting the incomplete fragment from his mind.


It's the sun again!

"Tch... from the Ghost Slayer Squad..."

Afterwards, Wu Mi smacked his lips and waved his hands indifferently.

"...Useless guy."



Now, downstairs.

A long-haired woman holding a pipa is leaning against the wall with trembling hands, and there are several drunken listeners sitting in front of her.

She is a singing girl.

This is Fukiyacho.

It is currently a relatively stable place in Nihong, but most of the people who work here are involuntary.

A few days ago, it seemed that someone proposed to transform this place into a special flower street.

The name after the transformation is called "Yoshihara".

It seems to be because the man's hometown is in a place called "Yoshihara".


Her hand trembled a little because of some emotion, and accidentally scratched the pipa in her hand.

She was shaking not because she couldn't help it.


——She hasn't killed anyone yet.

Yep, she hasn't killed yet.

Her husband, a gambler, often used the tips she got for playing the pipa to gamble.

Therefore, as a pipa girl, her family is extremely poor.

Then, one night, her husband sold the kimono she wore to play the lute to pay off the debt.

This completely touched the bottom line of Pipa girl.

Unbearable, she picked up a hammer and put her sleeping husband into a deep sleep forever.

After the murder, the pipa girl unexpectedly found that she received more praise and rewards when she played the pipa.

So, she developed a habit.

Before each lute is played, go and kill someone.

Over time, if she didn't kill someone before playing, she would not get used to it, and her body would tremble unconsciously due to excessive excitement.

Thinking about it, the pipa girl slowly closed her eyes, calmed down her emotions, and said to the drunken listeners in front of her:

"...Excuse me, there is something wrong with the pipa...Maybe it needs to be repaired."

"I'll step back first..."

Saying that, the pipa girl was about to sit on her knees and back away slowly, trying to close the door in front of her.

"It's okay, it's okay, we'll wait for you here."

"Okay! Drink!"

"'s not too peaceful here..."

"What do you do with so much..."

The drunken listeners didn't care too much, they are also people who often come here to drink, so they are quite familiar with Pipa Girl.

"Thank you." Pipa girl smiled and nodded to several people, then closed the door and backed out.


Then, the pipa girl who was smiling just now seemed to change her face suddenly. She walked skillfully to the side of the corridor, and opened a sawn-off secret compartment from the corner of the wall.

From the hidden compartment, I reached out and fumbled a few times at random, and grabbed a handful of things.

When it was pulled out, it turned out to be a heavy hammer.

After weighing it carefully a few times, the pipa girl slowly hid the hammer in her cuff.

"... Hehe." Pipa girl smiled strangely a few times, she lifted her long hair that covered her eyes, and looked up at the corridor.

"...Today, who will it be?"

The eyes under the shadows were full of perverted excitement and excitement.


Da da da……

She walked up the stairs slowly.

The second floor.

The air was filled with a faint smell of blood, and the man who was nailed to the wall just now disappeared without a trace.

The pipa girl hid the hammer in her wide sleeve, and her eyes hidden under her long hair quickly searched for the target.

You can't easily do it in the corridor, and the corpse is not easy to deal with.

On the second floor, if you throw it from the window, you can also die as a fall.

In this place where people's lives are worthless, no one will care what is going on.

Then she stopped in front of an open room.

She bent down slowly, knelt down on the ground, prepared a good disguise, and slowly moved her body to the door of the house.

He raised his head and looked into the dark room.



She entered the room slowly and closed the door behind her.


Wu Mi sat in the corner, he turned his eyes suspiciously, and looked at the pipa girl who was gradually approaching him with interest.

When the gap in strength is too large, the offense you arrange quietly can only be used by others as a tool to pass the time.


Wu Cang looked at the Pipa girl who took out the pipa from behind and wanted to get closer to her without saying a word, and said something abruptly.

"...Guest, what are you talking about?"

The pipa girl was shocked immediately. Fortunately, she had done this kind of thing many times, but Wu Mi's words were a little inexplicable, which made her puzzled.

Ordinary people would ask questions first after she came in.

Then she would approach the man while answering the question, and then hit his temple with a hammer.

Wu Mi narrowed his eyes, put down the teacup in his hand, and did not answer Pipa girl.

The pipa girl clenched the hammer hidden under her sleeve, and she was already at a distance where she could throw the hammer.

But this is not very safe after all.

So, she stood up slowly.

"Guest, let me make tea for you."

With that said, she walked towards the table in front of Wu Mi.

After approaching the table in front of Wu Mi, the pipa girl squeezed the hammer tightly.

My heart was also excited because of the soaring adrenaline.

--It's now!
Pipa Girl's pupils hidden under her hair were full of perverted excitement and excitement. She gasped nervously for a few times, and then suddenly raised the hammer under her sleeve!

Violently hammered towards Wu Mi's temple!
(End of this chapter)

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