Chapter 104 – Naruto


next moment.

A few hideous lumps of flesh wrapped tightly around Pipa girl's limbs in an instant, and the excited expression on her face gradually turned into panic and bewilderment.



The piece of meat tightly restrained Pipa girl's wrist, and in pain, she let go of the hand holding the hammer.


The hammer in her hand fell to the ground feebly. At this moment, the Pipa girl saw clearly the teacup in front of Wu Mi.

Where is the tea!
Under the faint reflected light, the dark red plasma coagulated on the surface of the teacup.

That's clear!It's a cup of blood!
"Ha...ha...ho..." She choked her throat, her face turned pale with fright, she looked at the lump of flesh wrapped around her in horror, and struggled subconsciously.

"...It's really interesting." Wu Mi sat on the spot, resting his chin with his hand.

The sticky blood-wrapped flesh spread and climbed around the room, quickly immobilizing Pipa girl's limbs.

"what is this?!"

The pipa girl looked at the surrounding meat in panic, and a coolness climbed up her spine.


The piece of meat kept tugging on Pipa girl's limbs.

"...Hoah!!" Pipa girl screamed in horror and misery, her face was full of panic and panic, and a few crystal clear tears came out of the corners of her eyes.

"Let me go! I was wrong! I know I was wrong!! Hahahaha!!" Pipa Girl struggled in panic, and she looked at Wu Mi pleadingly, her eyes full of helplessness.

"It's not from the Ghost Slaying Squad...but it's holding a hammer."

Wu Mi raised her eyebrows, lowered her eyes slightly to look at the hammer that fell on the ground, and sneered:

"Isn't there such a person?"

"What are you talking about..."

He thought of the members of the Ghost Slayer Squad who kept calling "monster" and "damn" in the past, and felt disgusted in his heart.

Afterwards, the flesh that was holding the Pipa girl twisted violently.


The pipa girl struggled desperately, her wrist tightly gripped by the flesh had a faint tendency to fold away.




Strange chewing sounds and the sound of running water continued to come from the tightly closed room.

Then, a man's cold voice came slowly.

"...after you..."

"It's called."

"Naruto girl."

"Replace that woman and be my valet in the future."

Then, after a period of silence in the room, a cold and calm female voice replied:

"Yes, Lord Wu Miserable."



With the sound of the pipa, in the room.

The figures of Wu Mi and Naruto have disappeared without a trace.



Narrow Mist.

Doctor's Hall.

The doctor was standing in front of the cabinet beside him, fiddling with something vigorously.

Ganroji Sakuramochi said that it was almost time for the shrine's annual regular festival, and she was going back to the shrine to prepare.

The streets outside are also full of items related to shrine festivals for sale at the moment.

"When was the last time you met Wu Mi?" Shang Quannai was sitting opposite Zhu Shi, he put his hand on his chin, and was considering whether to go to the so-called "Takiya Town".

Zhu Shi pondered for a while, and then answered Shang Quannai's question:

"On... the night before yesterday, I separated from him."

"Another night has passed, I'm afraid...he has already left." Zhu Shi was thinking, and she told Shang Quannai her thoughts.

"I think it's also... tsk." Shang Quannai held the bone knife in his arms, frowned and smacked his lips: "I'm not happy."

Zhu Shi raised his head, looked at Shang Quannai, and said straightforwardly:

"You should also know that he is a coward."

As he spoke, Zhu Shi lowered his head and was silent for a while.

She looked at her hands, raised her arms suspiciously, and observed carefully.

Her hands were trembling slightly.

Reminiscent of the ghostly aura she also sensed from Shang Quannai, but the other party is not afraid of the sun at all, Zhu Shi was puzzled for a while.

"...What the hell is this..." Zhu Shi frowned tightly, and slowly raised her head puzzled.

clap clap!

Just as Zhu Shi raised his head, Shang Quannai stood up, walked to her side, patted her shoulder lightly, and sighed:
"Don't worry too much, first solve your own physical problems."

"…I see."

Seeing Zhu Shi nodding, Shang Quannai turned around, pushed open the door of the room, left the doctor's office, and walked to the street outside.

There is a bird shed on the roof of the doctor's building, which is a temporary foothold for the crows.

At this moment, there are a few emergency crows exclusive to doctors sleeping under the shed, enjoying the clear sunlight.

——Although Wu Mi may have left there, it is necessary to investigate.

In the current situation, I can't find Wu Mi at all.

Thinking about it, Shang Quannai yelled to the crows cuddling together on the roof:

"Karma!" The crows, who were awakened, fluttered their wings in fright, and flew to the side in a mess.

"Karma! It's that lord!"

After seeing clearly that the person calling him was Shang Quanna, the crows landed on the roof peacefully.

Then, a crow slowly flew down from the roof, and the trembling Chaoshang Quannai flew over and landed on his shoulder.

"Master Shangquan...what's the matter? Karma?" The crow probed his head, looking at Shang Quannai cautiously.

Shang Quannai took out a piece of paper from the clothing made of his own flesh, with some small characters written on it, and he rolled the paper into a small tube.

tied to the crow's ankle.

Then he rubbed the crow's head with his fingers, and said:

"Give this to Ubuyashiki."

The crow that had been rubbed on the head was a little dazed, his eyes shook his head brightly, and the intimacy from the depths of his blood made him nod involuntarily:

"Absolutely! Leave it to me! Master Umizumi!"

After a loud cry, the excited crow turned around and flew out of the barrier.

The crows on the roof looked at each other, looking strangely at the messenger crow that rushed out as if it had been injected with chicken blood.

After seeing the crow slowly fly away, Shang Quannai looked away, and he turned to look at the shrine on the mountain.

"Hey! This guest!"

At this time, a small vendor suddenly stopped Shang Quanna who wanted to go to the shrine. He fiddled with the praying ema in his hand and said to Shang Quanna:

"My guest, how can I go to the shrine without praying for an ema, I have a special ema here, and there is a blessing left by the priestess on it!"

Shang Quannai paused, glanced at the smiling peddler, and subconsciously looked at the painted horse in his hand.

First of all, there are a few black brush characters: "Family Harmony"

And in the corner of the wishing ema made of wood, there are a few imperceptible words written indistinctly:
"wake up quickly"

Shang Quannai took the ema from the peddler and pointed to the doctor's office next to her:
"I want an ema, and ask the doctor for the money."

(End of this chapter)

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