Chapter 107 – Consecration


"Hmph! That's great! As Zhu, I can go on missions!"

"I have my own exclusive crow! Hmph!"

My wife, Shancun, sat beside her with folded arms, humming resentfully.

The crow was flapping its wings and shouting:

"This mission! We must act together with the rock pillar! Karma!"

"Investigate Wu Mi's whereabouts! It's very dangerous! Please be careful! Karma!"

On the side, Jiichiro was scratching the back of his head embarrassingly, he straightened his clothes, and waved to Shancun:

"Shancun! I'm going to see Senior Yan first!"

"Go! Go! Anyway, I'm fine by myself!" My wife Shancun turned her head away and stopped looking at Jiichiro.

"Yes Yes."

Jiichiro Inagaki glanced at the back of my wife Shancun Luoji worriedly, but due to the importance of the task, he gritted his teeth, opened the door and left the mansion.


Following Jiichiro's departure, the pushed wooden door closed slowly with a sad creaking sound.

My wife Shancun heard the sound of the door closing behind him, he sighed slowly, and looked up at the only tree in the courtyard.

The sun is shining brightly, sprinkled on the green treetops, everything seems so beautiful.

"Why? Why is it that I can't grasp it well..."

My wife Shancun wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and he pursed his lips, his face full of helplessness.

He lowered his head and looked at the calluses on his hands. The rough texture did not look like the hands a teenager should have.

He slammed his fist on the corridor fence beside him, sniffling angrily.

The sun shone warmly on my wife Shancun, making his melancholy heart a little drowsy.

He lay slowly on the corridor outside the mansion, looked sideways at the blue sky, and fell into a deep sleep.


As Shancun closed his eyes, a vast white world slowly opened up.

is a dream.

A very happy dream.

I am strong.

stronger than anyone.

Able to help the weak and those in trouble.

The exercises I did, waving the wooden knife desperately, were not in vain.

Everyone in the Ghost Slayer Squad regards me as the leader.

Practice in the ice and snow and become a pillar.

Slay evil spirits and protect the happiness of others.

To protect the younger generation, bet on your own reputation.

Finally... in the hut in the mountains, I spent my old age peacefully.

…No. not my life.


In the dream, my wife Shancun frowned, showing some faint signs of awakening.



Fukaya Town.

People come and go on the street.

Since it was daytime, Yanzhu Yanjima and Narutoji Jiichiro could only investigate ordinary people to see if there were any abnormalities.

The crow hovered over the two of them, searching for traces of ghosts.

It is dangerous to rush into the shady places, and it is best to let the crows, which can stay in the air and will not be noticed, be responsible for the search of these places.

at this time.


The "Famous Sword Raikiri" hanging on Jiichiro's waist suddenly vibrated slightly twice, which made him lower his head in surprise and glance at the saber.

"What's the matter? Did you find anything?"

Iwami Kenji looked at Jiichiro's surprised look, turned around slightly, and looked at Jiichiro suspiciously.

Jiichiro quickly reacted, waved his hand, scratched his head with a smile:
"No, it's fine."

At the same time, Jiichiro also had some doubts in his heart.

This "Famous Sword Raikiri" is also called "Naruto Raikiri" by members of the Demon Slayer Squad.

Like other bone knives, Ming Dao is handed down from generation to generation by Ming Zhu.

And the vibration of Ming Dao often appears.

However, this phenomenon will only appear before the thunderstorm.

There are also rumors that "Ming Dao" can only play its true role in thunderstorms.

"Is the sky going to change..." Jiichiro raised his head, looked at the extremely clear sky, and frowned slightly.

At this time, suddenly.


A weak, vaguely hoarse growl sounded into Liang Zhu's ears, and the two immediately leaned back to back to be vigilant, and began to distinguish the direction of the sound.

But the people on both sides of the street acted as if they hadn't heard it, they were still talking and laughing.

Several people looked at Jiichiro and the two with strange eyes, but after seeing the bone knives on their backs and waists, they suddenly looked away in fright.

As pillars whose bodies have been polished to the peak of human beings, their hearing is naturally better than ordinary people.


Jiichiro held Rachel who was vibrating slightly at the waist.

His crow quickly landed on Jiichiro's shoulder, lowered his head, and said in a low voice:

"Karma! I saw it! On the second floor of the third-to-last mansion on the west side of the street, there is a ghost."

"It shouldn't take long to become a ghost, it's not Wu Mi! Karma!"

Afterwards, Jiichiro and Iwami Yanci looked at each other and nodded.

Ji Yilang quickly released the crow and asked him to go to the headquarters to notify reinforcements, while the crow at Yanzhu was on standby to deliver information at any time.




in a dim room.

"Roar!!" The man in the brown kimono was half kneeling on the ground. He was holding something in his hands, stuffing it into his mouth bit by bit and chewing.

With the chewing action in his mouth, a trace of reason slowly emerged in the man's pupils.

pat, pat.

A few drops of viscous black-red liquid flowed out from between the fingers and dripped onto the ground.

"Ho...ha..." In the corner of the room, a woman in a gorgeous kimono was half lying down, and the kimono on her body was already stained red with blood.

Her face was pale and terrified, her pupils were fixed on the kneeling man in front of her, but her hoarse throat had already made her unable to cry out for help.

The massive blood loss had already made her almost faint, not to mention that such a terrifying scene was unfolding in front of her eyes.

Following her gaze, she saw her calf exposed outside the kimono.

It has been completely cut off, leaving only half of the thigh.

"Squeak... squeak..."

The sound of chewing kept echoing in the room.



Naruto Mansion.

As my wife Shancun fell into a deep sleep, the originally clear sky gradually dimmed.

Time passed, and it slowly came to the afternoon.

The blue sky was already covered by thick black clouds, and the gloomy weather made my wife Shancun, who was lying in the corridor, feel a little damp.


The faint sound of thunder rolled in the darkness deep in the clouds, constantly brewing something.

"…What's wrong?"

My wife Shancun, who was lying on the corridor, felt something was wrong. He slowly opened his eyes and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

He looked up at the already dark clouds.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light at the bottom of the cloud!
boom! ! !
A ray of thunder suddenly protruded from the clouds, and burst towards the Mingzhu mansion on the ground!

My wife Shancun's eyes widened, he reacted quickly, even his body's instinctive reaction was much faster than his brain's thinking!
With a subconscious kick, he slammed on the fence at the edge of the corridor!Jump hard!
next moment!
boom! ! !
The flashing and roaring thunder slashed straight at the top of Mingzhu's mansion!The huge power instantly destroyed most of the houses!
Including the corridor where my wife Shancun was lying just now!At this moment, it has also turned into a scorched black!

My wife Shancun fell down in the courtyard with a terrified expression on his face. He was so frightened that he quickly crawled up a few times, looking at the ruined mansion in horror, a chill ran up his spine.

"what is this?!!"

The thunder just now almost brushed against his body!He can even feel the heat on the surface of his body!
"Hide... hide away."

My wife Shancun wiped the cold sweat off her forehead, her chest heaved rapidly, and after a while she was afraid:
"Fortunately, I avoided it... If you get hit, you will die!"

"Absolutely will die!!"

This time!

Another roar came from above my wife Shancun's head!


(End of this chapter)

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