Chapter 108 – The Kingdom of Heaven



His face tightened with fright, and he quickly raised his head to look at the gloomy sky!
Her calves were trembling, and my wife Shancun stood up almost relying on her desire for life.

next moment.


Another roaring thunderbolt rushed towards my wife Shancun!But this beam of lightning is much smaller than the one just now.

"Hoah!!" My wife Shancun was terrified, and he jumped up again, onto the tree in the courtyard, hugged the tree trunk tightly, and quickly climbed up a few times.

boom! !

Lightning struck the place where my wife Shancun had just been sitting, leaving a deep black hole.

Still belching white smoke.

"What the hell is going on!!"

He looked at the half-ruined Ming Zhu mansion and the potholes in the courtyard in a panic, his brain was a little out of order.

Two consecutive narrow escapes made his body's adrenaline soar.


As if in response to my wife Shancun's words, the third thunderclap slowly came from the thick ink billowing clouds overhead.

boom! !

"Hey!!" My wife Shancun cried in the storm, he stared at the top of his head with a dejected face, and he hugged the tree trunk.

Then suddenly jumped from the tree trunk towards the burning roof!
The shining thunder roared and sprinted down!Slash straight towards the tree trunk!
My wife Shancun gritted her teeth and let go, kicking her feet off the tree trunk!Lean back and jump!

He looked in horror at the thunder light that was about to touch the tree trunk, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

at this time.

In my wife Shancun's eyes that are gradually collapsing!

The falling thunder light made a strange ninety-degree turn in midair!

Slash straight at him who is still falling in mid-air!

boom! !


The thunderbolt struck my wife Shancun who was stuck in the air.

He froze in mid-air, screaming loudly and twitching.



With the lightning strike, my wife Shancun gradually fell into a vast expanse of whiteness.




When he woke up again, a warm breeze blew on his face.

Twitching her fingers slightly, what she touched was soft and smooth grass.

Slowly opened his eyes, his eyelashes trembled a few times, in the clear sky, white clouds were slowly drifting past.

"Ho!!" My wife Shancun's eyes widened suddenly, she sat up suddenly, and then touched her body with both hands in horror.

"Head! Body! Hands! Still alive! I'm still alive! I'm still alive!!"

After confirming that she was safe and sound, my wife Shancun stood up in great surprise and shouted happily.

Then, looking at the endless green grassland around him, he was stunned.

"Huh—" The breeze blew, and the grass on the grassland bent softly and attached to the ground, forming waves of green waves.

Some grass clippings flew up, floating in mid-air, blowing with the wind.

The breeze blew his clothes, and he didn't know when there was a sun wheel knife around his waist.

My wife Shancun raised her head dully, looking at the blue and white cloudy skyline in the distance, and there was a roar in her head.

Ming Zhu's mansion did not appear in memory, my wife Shancun looked around in a daze, feeling a little flustered suddenly.

"Here...where is it?"

There is an endless grassland, and there are fluffy white clouds in the blue sky.

The clean and clear sunlight shone on my face, which made my wife Shancun stunned.


He lowered his head dully and touched his body again.

"Actually... I'm already dead."



My wife Shancun raised her head and shouted to the boundless grassland with a look of despair:

"Is it actually Heaven?!"

He fell to his knees on the ground, weeping bitterly.

"Do not!!!"

My wife Shancun beat the ground with old tears, and he wiped away the tears, heartbroken.

"I'm still so young! I'm still..."

He raised his head and roared to the sky!
"Do not!!"

At this time, my wife Shancun, who had swaying eyes, vaguely saw a figure standing in the distance.

He froze, blinking his eyes.

"…That is."

He immediately cheered up, stood up, rubbed his eyes, and looked intently.

I can only see the distance.

Indistinctly, there is a human figure.

It was a figure with dark yellow sleeves, yellow hair, and a black scabbard around his waist.

His back was facing my wife Shancun, and his sleeves were blown up by the wind.

"Human? Is it a human!?"

Thinking about it, my wife Shancun straightened out the sun wheel knife that appeared around her waist at an unknown time, put her hands by her mouth, and shouted over there:

"Hey!! Are you okay?!"

But the figure didn't seem to hear it, and he still stood there on his own, letting the wind blow his clothes.

My wife Shancun looked around, and after confirming that there was only one figure in front of him, he quickly opened his legs and ran towards him.


Under his constant yelling, the figure seemed to come out of his daze, and slowly turned towards my wife Shancun.

On the somewhat vicissitudes of the face, a hideous scar ran across the cheek.

In the dark brown pupils, there is a little confusion hidden in the determination.

After seeing the black-haired boy running towards him, his eyes lit up, as if he understood something.

"You... Hu... Hu..." My wife Shancun came running panting heavily.

He didn't expect that this seemingly short distance would be so far away.

Even though he has been exercising all year round, it took a lot of effort to run over.

After taking a few breaths, he straightened up, with some worry in his eyes:
" know what this is..."

In the middle of speaking, my wife Shancun's tone suddenly froze. He looked down at the clothes of the yellow-haired swordsman in front of him, and frowned tightly.

Dark yellow sleeves, and an empty black scabbard hanging from his waist.

...This is Naruju's costume, right?

My wife Shancun recalled Jiichiro's usual clothes and raised her eyebrows.

"...Excuse, you are..."

He scratched the back of his head, and asked the yellow-haired swordsman cautiously and hesitantly.

The yellow-haired swordsman looked at my wife Shancun's cautious look, smiled slightly, and then slowly raised his hand.

And the moment I saw the yellow-haired swordsman raised his hand, my wife Shancun's eyes were covered with white again.

Then, the scenery in front of him and the yellow-haired swordsman began to retreat continuously!

Do not!no!

It is he himself who is constantly moving away from here!

"...wake up quickly..."

"……Your friend……"

"...It seems that... I have encountered some troubles..."

The faint voice echoed in the confused mind of my wife Shancun, and he closed his eyes tiredly.

…my friend?

trouble! ?
Jiichiro! ! ?

In reality, my wife Shancun, who was lying unconscious on the grass in the courtyard, took a deep breath and sat up abruptly.

clap clap!

He patted his face, still a little dazed.

Looking back at the messy courtyard, I confirmed that everything just happened was real.

His pupils shrank suddenly.

Jiichiro is in trouble!

(End of this chapter)

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