People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 109 - Good Morning, Good Noon and Good Evening, Friends

Chapter 109 - Good Morning, Good Noon and Good Evening, Friends

Just now.

Da da da!
Ciichiro and Yancijian quickly ran on the wooden and tiled roofs, approaching the area where the ghost was found.

Due to geological and material reasons, most of the nearby houses are one-story or two-story mansions, and the main structure is made of wood.

"It's daytime, try to stand in the sun."

"Find the right time to harass, and don't get hooked into the shade."

Yan Zhuyan, who was more experienced, Jian Yancijian was instructing Ciichiro who followed beside him.

"Monk, can you destroy the roof?" Ciichiro looked up at Yan Cijian who was half a body taller than him: "After all, that ghost is on the second floor."

"...When necessary, yes." Yan Ci clasped his hands together, choked for a while, and agreed with Ciichiro's idea.

"And... please call me by my name."

"Okay monk, no problem monk."

"..." The corners of Yan Ci's squinted eyes twitched a few times invisibly.

The two had a brief conversation, and drew up a crude combat strategy.

The pillars often fight and practice with each other, so the tacit understanding between them is quite high.

Although it wasn't long before Jiichiro was promoted to the rank of Zhu, with his familiar personality, he quickly developed a tacit understanding with the other Zhu.

Yanci carried a long naginata on his back, but his tall and thin figure was very strong inside. His long hair at the temples swayed back and forth with his fast movements, and he squinted his eyes to look ahead.

The crow flapped its wings and flew in the sky, guiding the two of them.

Jiichiro looked up at the somewhat cloudy weather, he thought of my wife Shancun who collapsed in the courtyard just now.

I'm a little worried about that guy...


His hand unconsciously clenched Rachel's waist.

As the current Naruto, he is quite clear that ordinary people can't make the sword moves on the "My Wife's Genealogy".

That's simply not possible!

The speed of the knife, the toughness of the body torsion, and even the power that erupts from the soles of the feet in an instant are not what humans can achieve!

Therefore, Shancun has not been able to make that kind of action, but it is normal.

As for how Jiichiro himself became Naruju...

First, his body was tempered to the peak earlier than Shancun.

Second, the sword skills that Jiichiro mastered are actually based on his own body as a reference point of view, modifying the outrageous sword skills on "My Wife's Genealogy".

It has become a "weakened version of swordsmanship" that is only suitable for his own use.

Yes, Jiichiro is that kind of born "genius of swordsmanship".

At the same time, he is very selfish.

He didn't want my wife Shancun to participate in the fight with ghosts.

"It's time to speed up, keep up!"

Ciichiro, who was somewhat lost in memory, shook his head, and he smiled at Yanci:



The sky gradually became cloudy.

West side of the street.

The roof of a house.

Ciichiro and Yanci landed on the roof, looked at each other, and nodded as they looked at each other.

The crow hovered above, ready to call for reinforcements at any time.

[This is it! 】

Through brief eye contact, the two have already understood each other's thoughts.

Ciichiro's eyes glowed, he smiled and nodded to Yan Cijian:

[I can blow up here, right! 】

Yanci clasped his hands together, opened his eyes slightly, and waved his palm slightly:
[Proceed with caution, try to detect the enemy's situation]

[The strength of the ghost left by the ghost king should not be underestimated]

[The two of us are still at risk]

Jiichiro raised his head and looked at Yan Cijian's movements with sharp eyes, then smiled with a smile that showed his teeth, and gave him a thumbs up:
【good!I exploded! 】

Then, in the shocked eyes that gradually opened in Iwami Kenji's eyes, Jiichiro pulled up his Raikiri high up, and slashed towards the roof below!

next moment!
boom! ! !
The heavy Leiqie slashed fiercely on the roof of the wooden girder, directly breaking a big hole in it!
Dust was everywhere, and a few beams of light suddenly penetrated into the dark and damp room.

Within the visible range, looking down from the hacked open roof, dark red plasma flowed all over the ground.

The faint light penetrated through the heavy gray mist in the room, reaching the bottom with difficulty.


On the street, the passers-by who were walking on the street looked at Jiichiro Inagaki who was holding Rachel in surprise, and turned their heads away quickly.

"It's too messy! Ciichiro!" Yan Ci frowned with his hands clasped together, he had already grasped the handle of the naginata behind his back.


Jiichiro scratched the back of his head, and tightly held Raiqie with the other hand, but he had already concentrated all his attention on the room below his feet.

Glancing slightly, he couldn't help sighing:
"It's been so long since it's been cleaned, the floor is so dusty that I can't see it..."

A smell of rot and mildew mixed with blood rushed towards the face, making Ciichiro and Yanci frowned.

Yan Ci narrowed his eyes, and quickly reached out to cover his nose.

"...It smells bad." Jiichiro pursed his lips.

Just for a moment when Jiichiro was in deep thought.

Rachel, who was tightly clenched in his hand, suddenly stopped vibrating.

He glanced at Lei Qie who had regained his composure in his hand, and had a faint sense of foreboding.

Jiichiro looked into the room through the big hole created by the bombardment, but the dust raised up was too obstructing his sight, so he couldn't see much at all.

something is wrong...

He narrowed his eyes, stood up and looked around, the hazy weather made the atmosphere a little depressing.

There are fewer people on the street.

The crow above the head also kept circling, but remained silent, everything seemed to be getting weird.

"What should we do, do we want to expand the range of the roof?"

He raised his head, looked at Yan Ci who was standing aside with twitching eyes and asked.

Yan Ci's expression became serious, he held the naginata in both hands, without saying a word.

"Monk? Hello! Monk!"

"Monk! Yanci!"

"See you!"

Ciichiro yelled several times to Yanci who was beside him, but the other party didn't respond.

Inagaki Jiichiro frowned tightly, he took two steps back slightly, feeling a little chilled in his heart, the inexplicable strange atmosphere made him a little worried.

This time!

A faint and cold voice slowly came from the room with the broken roof.

"…Good morning."

With the end of the sound falling, the hazy sky above Jiichiro's head suddenly became clear, and the sun shone warmly.

The morning sun slowly reappeared in the sky, making the quiet world even more eerie.


With his back facing the sun, Jiichiro lowered his head slightly and looked into the room, his pupils constricted suddenly and trembled, as if he understood something.

"good afternoon…"

The sun in the sky suddenly became scorching hot, shining straight on the earth, and the hot temperature seemed to be real.

"...and, good evening, my friend."

In an instant, the sun, which was still shining brightly just now, disappeared into the sky, and it was fleeting!

Jiichiro's pupils constricted, he grabbed Yan Cijian who was beside him, jumped back suddenly, landed on a roof in the distance, and looked up at the darkened sky.

A blood-red full moon hung high in the sky, dyeing the surrounding black clouds red.

"…What's this."

(End of this chapter)

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