Chapter 110 - The Real Genius ([-])


The sky became pitch black, and a blood moon hung high in the sky.

At this time.

far away.

In a room with a broken roof.

pat, pat.

Two tentacles grabbed the broken edge of the roof, and then exerted a little force.


A man in a brown kimono poked his head on the roof, grinned at Jiichiro from a distance, and smiled:
"…How are you doing, man."

"The moon tonight is so beautiful."

Blood was dripping from the corner of the man's mouth. He stood slowly on the roof, and the tentacles behind him twisted and waved wantonly.

"...Blood ghost art?" Jiichiro frowned tightly, recalling the gloomy day just now, but it turned into night in an instant.

The surroundings were very quiet, so quiet that Jiichiro could hear his heart beating.

He shrugged his nose, only feeling a faint musty smell enveloped himself.

Cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

"When..." He took two deep breaths to calm down the ups and downs in his heart.

Can vampirism be done to such an outrageous level?

Can you turn back time in the blink of an eye?
Jiichiro thinks.

will not.

If there really were ghosts capable of this kind of blood ghost technique, then this world would have long since become a paradise for ghosts.

Of course... the possibility that this ghost was not just born must also be taken into account.

An unprecedented thorny feeling flooded Jiichiro's heart.

The ghost left by the ghost king...

Ciichiro squatted on the roof of another house away from the broken roof, and Yan Ci, who was standing still, was put down by him and thrown on the roof beside him.

The ghost in the distance just looked at Jiichiro with a smile, and the tentacles behind him kept swimming.

Jiichiro touched Raiqie who was retracted at the waist, at this moment Raiqie had already stopped vibrating.


A few tentacles suddenly stabbed towards Jiichiro, and quickly turned into sharp rays of light and waved them around!


Rachel's waist was instantly unsheathed!
The black blade had just crossed the air, but suddenly it began to turn into a spot of light and dissipate!
"What?!" Jiichiro's eyes widened. He looked at Leiqie whose hands suddenly disappeared into light spots in shock, and was a little dazed for a while.


Seeing that the situation was not good, Jiichiro retreated abruptly, away from the attacked place again!

boom! !

Those waving tentacles suddenly bombarded Jiichiro's foothold just now, and a house was cut into ruins in an instant.

Jiichiro cautiously stared at the distant roof, recalling everything just now.


Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he suddenly looked at the Leiqie scabbard on his waist.

Just now, the moment he split the roof, Rachel, who had been vibrating in his hand, stopped vibrating.

At the same time, Yanjian Yanci also froze in place, silent like a stone man.

All the strange situations appeared after that moment.

And the difference that happened in this instant was that he split the roof.

A faint musty smell enveloped Jiichiro, he looked at the broken roof in the distance, his thoughts gradually brightened.

The sun, moon, time, cannot be manipulated or influenced.

Rachel will not disappear suddenly and inexplicably.

So what can be affected by...

He stood up and slowly clenched his fists.

only myself!

Inagaki Jiichiro's eyes were firm, he clenched his fists and stared at the evil spirit in the distance.

The blood moon flickered behind him.

In other words.

The world right now.

It was an illusion in his eyes!



"Ugh! Ho!!" Jiichiro struggled unconsciously, he was firmly pressed to the ground and couldn't move.

Iwami Kenci pinned Jiichiro to the ground, his slender body possessed tremendous strength, he covered his mouth and nose, and carefully looked at the distant roof.

"...Vampire induced by smell and sound..."

Yes, the experienced Yan Cijian covered his mouth and nose the moment he saw the dust floating up, but he didn't have time to stop Jiichiro who was beside him.

Jiichiro, who inhaled the dust, lost his consciousness in an instant, and kept trying to kill himself directly with the Raiqie in his hand!
Fortunately, Yanci reacted in time, grabbed Ciichiro, and brought him to another roof far away from that one.

The crow that has been circling overhead has also gone to the headquarters to ask for reinforcements.

This ghost must be killed during the day!

Once it is dragged into the night, I am afraid that you must cover your hearing and sense of smell in order to fight against it.

And at night, under the condition of limited vision, the risk of facing ghosts obviously increases several times!
This time!

Boom boom boom boom boom! ! !

A few violent shakes mixed with noise!The cracked roof in the distance suddenly began to spread cracks towards this side!

boom! !

With the last shock and sound!The roof under Iwami Yanci's feet suddenly cracked!

Then the whole fell into the room below!

There was a heavy landing sound, Yanjian Yanci tied his mouth, nose and ears with a cloth belt, and he fell into the room half kneeling.

Beneath Yanci's knees was suppressing Ciichiro who had gradually returned to calm.

"... Cough! Cough! Monk? Monk! Let me go!"

Jiichiro, who woke up from the hallucination, coughed twice, and then pushed away the tense Yanci.

He lay down on the dusty floor and coughed violently.

Ever since he knew that the world that would become unstable was an illusion, Jiichiro decisively used the most stupid method to get rid of the illusion.

Hold your breath.

He choked his breath and kept fighting the ghost in the illusion. Perhaps because of the illusion, he felt much lighter in his body.

Because he was afraid that if he was injured in the illusion, he would also be injured in reality, Jiichiro chose to commit suicide without feeling.

In the end, his eyes went dark, and he finally woke up.

"Cough cough! Cough!" Jiichiro stood up from the ground, held Raiche who was still vibrating at his waist, and pulled it out abruptly.

The cold blue sword light flickered in the rising dust, he covered his mouth and nose, and looked forward cautiously.

The dust is so thick that even the sunlight can only lightly penetrate to half the height, and the following is the dark environment.


Whoosh!Whoosh whoosh! !Whoosh! !

A few sharp tentacles instantly broke through the extremely low-visibility dust and rushed over!
Jiichiro's pupils shrank, subconsciously waved the Raiqie in his hand, and slashed forward!
Yan Ci brandished the naginata, and also slashed at the stabbing tentacles!

pat, pat.



the other side.

Narrow Mist.

Doctor's Hall.

"That doctor used to be a miserable person, his family was ruined, and he was seriously ill..."

"...Finally, I also encountered an evil ghost. Fortunately, Master Purgatory arrived in time and saved him..."

Shang Quannai was sitting in the lobby of the doctor's building, listening to the wounded Yin telling some stories about the doctor's building.

At this time.

"Karma!! Karma! Help! Fukiya-cho! Mingzhu Rock Pillar, please help!!"

"The enemy's blood ghost technique! The illusion produced by the sense of hearing and smell!"

Shang Quannai turned her head and looked at the crow that flew in staggeringly, with a string of small red rosary beads hanging above its head.

(End of this chapter)

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