Chapter 117 – Blood Conflict


"Can you still move? The rock pillar?"

"Karma! Master Umizumi! The nearby Yin team members will be here immediately!"


Narrow Mist.

Doctor's Hall.

"Monk? Monk! What are you doing, monk?"

Ciichiro was lying on the hospital bed, wrapped in bandages all over his body, curiously poking his head at Yanci who was on the bed next to him.

Yan Cijian's abdomen was tightly wrapped, and he was sitting with his hands folded and his eyes closed, ignoring Ciichiro's intentions.

"It's so boring, you guys!"

Jiichiro muttered and tossed vigorously.


Another bed.

" hurts..."

My wife Shancun was lying down with a livid face. He looked at the ceiling, his body was quite weak.

He was pulled out by the evil spirit before and broke his ribs. It seems that he didn't feel it because of the adrenaline rush at that time.

Now that he has calmed down, he can't move.

"Why does it hurt so much..."

"Why is Jiichiro so energetic..."

My wife Shancun tilted her head and looked at Jiichiro who was full of energy with a weak face.

"I don't know!" Jiichiro smiled, turned his head and looked at my wife Shancun.

After killing the evil spirits, Shang Quannai summoned many hidden team members through the crow, bandaged the three of them on the spot, and sent them to the doctor's office in Sawu Mountain.

Of course, Shang Quannai rejected the doctor himself who tried to operate, and instead let Zhu Shi take care of the main treatment.

For this reason, the doctor was depressed for a while, and then happily went to help Zhu Shi.

At this time.

Zhu Shi and the doctor were standing outside the door of the room, communicating with Shang Quannai.

"...Unfortunately, with my current ability... I can't connect that Zhu's arm." Zhu Shi lowered his eyes, and there was a little sadness in his lavender eyes: "I'm sorry."

"You have tried your best...!" The doctor stood aside, comforting Zhu Shi worriedly: "Don't blame yourself so much!"

Shang Quannai nodded slightly, he looked through the open door to Jiichiro who was having a playful smile with my wife in the room, and sighed slowly.

He turned his head, looked at Zhu Shi with downcast eyes, and questioned:

"I'll pass this news on to him later. Other than is your own handling?"

Shang Quannai leaned against the wall of the corridor, and it was daytime outside, so his tone was relatively relaxed.

Zhu Shi's face became a little heavy when she heard the words, she slowly shook her head:

"It's been pretty slow."

"At present, I can only slightly weaken my desire for flesh and blood, and cannot solve the problem from the root."

"I originally wanted to use your blood to find a way to get rid of that guy."

"But... I failed. When your blood comes into contact with that guy's blood, there will be a violent reaction."

Zhu Shi raised his head and met Shang Quannai with serious eyes:
"I took some of your blood from Ms. Ganlu Temple, and when conducting the touch experiment, your blood and Wu Mi's blood first fused together."

She paused, then said:

"Subsequently, most of them were reduced to ashes."

Zhu Shi's eyes were serious and dignified, and her tone was full of worry and fear:
"This process of turning into ashes is not unidirectional, but mutual!"

"Later, I took out the blood that belonged to Wu Mi from my body again, and used twice the amount of Wu Mi's blood to fuse with your blood."

"Eventually, there will be less and less amount of your blood left."

"In other words, not only your blood can harm Wu Mi, Wu Mi's blood can also harm you."

"As long as Wu Mi's blood is enough, it can even consume your blood back!"

Shang Quannai looked at Zhu Shi's serious appearance and her words.

I couldn't help but recall Zaomen Mao a few days ago in my mind.

When he dripped blood on Shigeru Zamen's wound, he seemed to have a similar reaction.

reduced to ashes...

By the way...Speaking of which, I seem to have wiped Renshan's Lei Qi knife with blood before, and asked him to chop ghosts...

Shang Quannai lowered his head and thought for a while.

He is a ghost who eats the soul of Wuyou.

Every piece of flesh in one's body can effectively damage Wu Mi's soul.

No, it cannot be said to cause harm, but it can touch Wu Mi's soul.

Whether it causes harm depends on the subjective actions of the "user".

The innocent flesh and blood that has been deprived of its soul will be reduced to ashes.

This is at the soul level.

So now this touch of blood turning to ashes is...

Zhu Shi looked at Shang Quannai worriedly, she saw that Shang Quannai was distracted, and said quickly:

"Please be careful, don't let Wu Mi inject blood into your body!"

There was a look named “fear” in her eyes: “Otherwise, you might be with him…”

Having said this, Zhu Shi frowned tightly for a moment:
" ashes."

She was worried, and she had to be.

Zhu Shi learned from Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake that all the origins of Sawu Mountain seem to come from this man in front of him.

In other words, if something happens to this man, everything under Sagiri Mountain will be affected, or even directly destroyed.

And part of the base of the Demon Slayer Squad, even the hidden headquarters and the doctor's office, are all within the range under the Sagiri Mountain.

In other words, once Shang Quannai had an accident, the possibility of killing Wu Mi that dirty guy would plummet!Until it approaches zero!

"So, if Wu Mi wants to devour my blood in reverse, he must use blood that is several times or even dozens of times larger than my blood to counteract, right?"

Shang Quannai rested her chin with her hand, and asked Chao Zhushi.

Seeing that Shang Quannai seemed to have considered it seriously, Zhu Shi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded slowly: "Yes, so far, that's how it is."

The doctor stood aside, scratched his face in bewilderment, and looked at the two in bewilderment.

"I see…"

Shang Quannai nodded, and the worries on his face just now turned into relief:
"Then you should concentrate on overcoming your instinct first, and I won't bother you."

He pointed to the three people lying in the room, and smiled at the doctor and Zhu Shi:

"I'll leave those three to you, I'll leave first, goodbye."

After finishing speaking, Shang Quannai left the doctor's office. He stood on the street, looking up at the blue sky.

Zhu Shi's experiment came to a very simple conclusion.

That is, Wu Mi can indeed cause harm to himself.

But when he wants to hurt himself, he will first cause greater harm to himself.

Shang Quannai rested her chin with her hand, recalling Wu Mi's character.

"Perhaps... just pay attention."

Thinking of this, Shang Quanna stretched, he turned his head to look at the shrine on the top of Sagiri Mountain, and took steps in that direction.

(End of this chapter)

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