Chapter 118 - [The Winding II]


the other side.

In a dark room.

Naruto sat beside her holding a pipa.

Wu Mi was squinting his eyes, and was resting on the tatami beside him.

Feeling the extinguishment of the lives representing Fukiyacho's subordinates in his mind, he shook his head disdainfully.

At this time.

On the floor in front of him, a figure kneeling on one knee suddenly appeared.

The figure had long black hair, and there were some blood stains on the dark yellow robe.

There is a twisted blade pinned to his waist, and a little blood drips from the blade, which looks quite strange.

"My lord, the task you ordered has been completed."

"All the threatening swordsmen around died, and no one survived."

A cold female voice came from the lowered head of the half-kneeling ghost.

"A suitable building has also been found, just in the shade to the southeast."

Wu Mi tilted her head, half-closed her magnificent scarlet eyes lazily, and asked in a cold voice:

"is it?"

"The location of Zaomen Chaifu...have you found it?"

At this time, the half-kneeling female swordsman did not speak, but fell silent in a choked state.


Wu Mi's scarlet pupils stared at the swordsman indifferently, and the blood in the swordsman's body trembled instantly!
"No, Mr. Wu Mi." She hung her head, her pupils constricted, blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth, and she answered Wu Mi tremblingly.

She gritted her teeth, forcibly resisting the boiling and vibrating blood in her body.

"Ah... no." Wu Mi sat up, leaning his elbows on his knees, leaning his face slightly forward, staring indifferently at the half-kneeling female swordsman.

"You know."

"I didn't want to create you... your kind."

"But it has to keep increasing..."

"Disgusting to me..."

"Now you can't play the role you should play..."

Wu Mi said, squinting his eyes, recalling the figures of Zhu Shi and Zaomen Mao in his mind, and the veins popped up along his neck.


He clenched his fist unconsciously, and then looked at the half-kneeling swordsman with contempt.

The body of the long-haired female swordsman trembled violently, and the fear of death enveloped her instantly. She quickly lowered her head and said remedially:

"My lord, I! I found the suspected headquarters of the Ghost Killing Squad!"

Wu Mi let go of his clenched fist, and raised his eyebrows slightly:


He just wanted to directly kill the guy in front of him who bored him, but he glanced around and found that the peak combat power of his power at this moment seemed to be pitifully small.

He smacked his lips impatiently.

Then he waved his hand indifferently:

"Forget it, I'll give you another mission."

" find someone who is suitable to be the top string."




Wu Mi's eyes radiated a strange red light in the darkness:
"do you understand?"

"... "

The female swordsman with dark yellow sleeves slowly raised her head and looked at Wu Mi.

In her scarlet eyes, there were several black characters written like this:


"I understand, my lord."

Wu Mi nodded slowly, and then glanced at Naruto who was holding a pipa.

Mingnu understood, her sickly pale hand gently brushed the pipa in her arms.


The sound of a pipa echoed in the room.

When the swordsman in [Switching No. [-]] raised his head again, there was no trace of Wu Mi and Naruto in the room.

She clenched the twisted knife at her waist, stood up slowly, and patted the blood on her body.

The dark yellow sleeves were covered in viscous blood so that they couldn't see the color. The more she smeared it, the redder it became. In the end, it was impossible to tell that it was originally a yellow dress.

The golden sword at the waist has long been rusted, and it is wrapped in ferocious and terrifying blood vessels, which seem to be alive and beating one by one.

Turning around slowly, looking at the sticky and sticky blood on her palm, she closed her eyes and sighed heavily.

The long black hair drooped on her shoulders, and the female swordsman frowned slightly as she recalled the vaguely existing memories in her mind.

pat, pat.

Slowly left here.


Narrow Mist.


The sky was as clear as blue, and the afternoon sun shone warmly on the roof of the shrine.

"My lord, what should I do next?"

Ganluji Sakuramochi stood in front of the main hall, directing several people to build the things for the festival with a serious expression.

"Now it's time for the final check."

"Everyone please take your place."

Her tone was flat, and she looked at a sedan chair with a small shrine in front of her, and several people in haori were standing in front of the sedan chair.

Shang Quannai stood quietly behind her, holding a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth, and stuffed his hands into his wide sleeves.

Several people in haori glanced at each other, then chanted slogans together, and held the wooden pillar on which the sedan chair was placed:
"One! Two! Three! Lift!"


The whole sedan chair made of wood was easily lifted up, and the gilded wooden beams looked quite gorgeous in the sunlight.

clap clap clap!
Looking at the lifted sedan chair in good condition, Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake clapped her hands in surprise. On the surface, she remained calm and motioned to a few people:
"Okay, you can put it down."

"Everyone can rest, just prepare for tomorrow's festival!"

Looking at the well-made sedan chair, Shang Quannai couldn't help but nodded.

At this time, Ganluji Sakuramochi, who had been busy all day, wiped the sweat from her forehead. She turned around and happened to meet Shang Quannai who was standing on the edge of the steps.

She froze for a moment: "You..."

Shang Quannai smiled and waved at her, interrupting her surprise:

"are you available now?"

Ganlusi Sakura Cake choked nervously for a while, rubbed her thumb with her index finger in a panic:
"what happened?"



Down the mountain.

Doctor's Hall.

Jiichiro outside their ward.

Shang Quannai quietly stood at the door of the room with Ganluji cherry cake, he pointed to my wife Shancun who was lying on the hospital bed with a weak expression:


Ganluji Sakura Cake looked in the direction of Shang Quannai's finger with some puzzlement.

After seeing the "yellow dandelion flower" shaking on the bed, her eyes widened in surprise.

"That is…"

At this time, my wife Shancun, who was lying on the hospital bed in the room, suddenly fell ill. He looked at Jiichiro, who was able to get up and move around, and shouted:


"Why can't I move yet!?"

"Why is Jiichiro, who is more seriously injured than me, able to run!?"


Just when my wife Shancun suddenly fell ill, he suddenly tilted his head.

He caught a glimpse of Shangquanna standing at the door, Ganlusi Sakura Cake, Zhushi, Doctor, and Yin who were looking towards him.

His complexion suddenly turned pale, and then his eyes were in a trance and he turned away.

"...Why are there so many people staring at me at the door...?"

Yan Ci, who was sitting by the side, clasped his hands together:


 In the original book, when Tong Mo first became the top string, it was the top string six, and later changed to the top two in the bloody battle.

(End of this chapter)

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