Chapter 121 – The Shrine Festival


Narrow Mist.

Shang Quannai was sitting on the roof, the sky had just dawned, and the sun pierced the ground like a sharp sword cutting through the clouds.

The mist shrouded in the narrow foggy mountains seemed to be stripped away by the clear sunlight, revealing the sedan chair walking down the bluestone steps from a distance.

White shimenawa ropes are wrapped around the sedan chair with red lanterns, and the gold-plated red and black roof is particularly prominent in the sun.

Ganroji Sakura Mochi stood in front of the main hall of the shrine, holding a Kagura bell in her hand, shaking gently and rhythmically.

Every time the Kagura bell is shaken, Kanroji Sakuramochi will make a leisurely and slight movement accordingly, and her steps will move forward a little.

There are three layers of Kagura bells, and each layer is hung with small golden bells.

The handle is tied with five colors, and it shakes and blows in the sun as the sakura-ji sakura cake shakes.

Her white wrist swayed slightly, and the golden bells sparkled and collided in the sun, making a melodious sound.

Although the vibration of the bell was small, the sound spread far and wide from the Sawu Mountain to the entire town.

The clear tone makes people feel physically and mentally immersed, and the breath of dawn in the morning makes people want to close their eyes comfortably.

On the street, people who came out of the house closed their eyes, lowered their heads reverently, and listened to the clear sound of bells in their ears.

On the access road in front of the main hall.

Sunlight shines through the gaps in the trees around the approach, reflecting on the shrine.

Kanroji Sakuramochi is wearing a red and white priestess costume, holding a Kagura bell with both hands, and her white fingers are very dazzling in the sunlight filtered through the forest.

Under the white sunlight, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and her eyes looked down at the golden Kagura bell in her hand.

She shook the bell in her hand lightly.


The scarlet in the eyes flickered slightly.

【Blood Ghost Art · Qingming】

【Blood Ghost Art · Blessing】


The sound of the bell immediately spread within the range of the enchantment until it touched the barrier of the enchantment.

With every shake of the Kagura bell in Kanroji Sakuramochi's hand, the shrine sedan chair that was slowly lifted down from Sagiri Mountain would take a step forward.

Shang Quanna stared at the shrine on the mountainside of Sagiri Mountain in a daze. At this moment, a beam of light just broke through the sky and shone there.

He squinted his eyes, watching circles of discordant red sound waves spreading from the mountainside of Sagiri Mountain.

"It's amazing! The sound can travel so far!"

Purgatory Renshourou put away the wooden knife in his hand, stood in front of the doctor's office, listened to the sound of bells from Sawu Mountain, and closed his eyes with a smile:

"Wow! Feeling more refreshed!"

But looking around at the crowds that were gradually crowding on both sides of the street, Purgatory Renshourou turned around and suppressed the thought of pulling out the wooden sword in his heart.

He looked up at Shang Quannai who was sitting on the roof, and shouted with a smile:

"Your Excellency Kamizumi! Thank you very much for what happened last time!"

Shang Quannai was attracted by Purgatory Renshoulang's voice, he lowered his head slightly, and looked at him with some doubts.

last time?What's up?

Purgatory Renshourou also seemed to see Shang Quannai's confusion. He scratched his fluffy hair and explained with some embarrassment:

"Last time, I almost fell into my own knot and couldn't get up. Fortunately, Your Excellency woke me up directly!"

"thank you very much!"

"...Mmm." Shang Quannai was silent for a while, then nodded slowly.

Was it the last Zhuhe meeting...

He didn't pay much attention, and continued to look at the distant Sagiri Mountain from the roof, and watched the sedan chair carrying the small shrine slowly move towards the street.

"Big brother!"

At this time.

A short-haired little girl with a small carp banner in her hand tugged on the haori of Purgatory Jinjurou.

Purgatory Renshoulang was taken aback for a moment, and quickly lowered his head to look beside him, just in time to meet the curious little girl with wide open eyes.

"Big brother! Are you a swordsman?"

The little girl pointed to the wooden knife on the waist of Renshoulang in Purgatory. His bone knife was placed in the doctor's office. Fearing accidents, he only carried the wooden knife with him.

Purgatory Renshoulang smiled when he heard the words, bent slightly and rubbed the little girl's head, his voice was a little softer than the loud voice just now:
"That's right, big brother is a swordsman!"

"Oh——! So handsome!" The little girl suddenly lowered her voice and sighed. She clenched the carp flag tightly in her hand, and her eyes suddenly flashed as she looked at Purgatory Jinshourou.

"I want to become a swordsman in the future!"

Facing the little girl whose voice was suddenly lowered, Purgatory Renshourou's outstretched hand was a little stiff for a moment, and he stared at the little girl for a while in surprise.

This is, several eager shouts came from the crowd behind the "little girl":
"Where did you go? Xiuzai! Xiuzai!"


Then, in the reflection of the pupils of Purgatory Renshourou, a woman in a green kimono with green pupils squeezed out from the crowd.

After seeing the "little girl" standing in front of Purgatory Renshourou, she shouted in surprise:

"Ah! Here it is!"

She hurried over, grabbed the "little girl" by the hand, and then nodded apologetically to Purgatory Renshourou:
"I'm very sorry, I didn't take good care of the child, didn't it cause you any trouble?"

The woman in the green kimono spoke softly and apologetically to Jinjurou Purgatory:

"This kid is more naughty."

"It's okay, it's okay!" Purgatory Renshoulang quickly waved his hands to express that it's okay: "A very energetic child! Very cute!"

"That's it, then I'm relieved." The woman in the green kimono smiled and said to Purgatory Renjurou:

"He's running around a lot, which worries me a lot."

Due to the difference in the pronunciation of "he" and "she", Renjurou Purgatory was slightly taken aback.

"...Isn't it a girl?" Purgatory Renshourou was stunned for a rare moment, he turned his head in surprise, and glanced at Xiuya who was holding his hand.

"No, Xiuya is a boy." Xiuya raised her head, her green eyes looked at Jinjurou Jinjurou, her young voice was not so depressed.

"That's it!"

"Very cute!" Purgatory Renshoulang nodded, then crossed his arms, smiled and walked through the crowd, looking at the sedan chair slowly approaching in the distance.

Due to his height, Purgatory Renshoulang stood at the end of the crowd and could easily see the slowly moving sedan chair.

The woman picked up the "little girl" and stood at the same spot with peace of mind, looking at the approaching shrine sedan chair not far away.

on the roof.

Shang Quannai looked expressionlessly at the approaching sedan chair in the distance.

A bunch of crows were sitting in his arms, and one squatted on top of his head and one on his shoulders.

The crows seemed to feel that the nest built for them by the doctor's hall was not comfortable leaning on Shang Quannai's side, so they leaned over one after another.

Shang Quanna was fascinated by the continuous waves of sound, as well as the joyful crowd on the street who made way for the sedan chairs. For a moment, there was an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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