Chapter 122 – A Peaceful Life Quietly Away
"Festival Ema! Bells! Gokudama!"

"I heard that the festival has been held every year for hundreds of years."

"Ah, it makes sense that such a relaxing festival can continue."

"I heard that the festival has always been in charge of that priestess!"

"Well, after all, it's that Eight Hundred Bhikkhuni."

"It's great, a peaceful, war-free life."

"Now this is the only place where such a peaceful life exists, right?"

"Who knows."


"Grandpa! Grandpa! Look!"

"I got the bell!"

"Oh! It's beautiful!"


"Bless the gods, I pray that Dengzi and the others can return to Sawu Mountain safely."

"God bless..."


"Oh—! I saw it! It's Miko-sama!"

"Ah!!! Miko-sama looks beautiful today too!!"

"Hmm! Miko-sama has been so beautiful since I was a child!"


Sequences of conversations came from the crowded crowd. Shang Quannai sat on the roof, and his powerful senses allowed him to listen to the conversations of the people around him.

He felt the breeze blowing from the roof, and his fingers lightly scratched the crow's head in his arms.

Inside the doctor's hall.

in the room.

"Shancun, get up quickly! The shrine festival has begun!"

Jiichiro stood next to my wife Shancun who was soundly asleep, grabbed his hair with his hands, and pulled it carelessly.

"...Ah! Ah! What?!" My wife Shancun rolled her eyes, woke up suddenly from her dream, and sat up all at once: "Has the ceremony started?"

He stretched and yawned.

At this time.


The sound of the Kagura bell came from afar and rang into the ears of my wife Shancun.

The peaceful and clear voice calmed the hearts of several people in the room.

Then, my wife Shancun, who was sleepy, sat on the hospital bed and fell asleep again.


In the room, only Iwami Yanci's deep voice was left behind.

Next room.

Zhu Shi sat on the tatami mat, holding a small porcelain bottle in her hand, which contained some wisteria flower powder.

There are several plates beside it, containing bright red blood.

She frowned, cut her finger, squeezed the fingertips, and dripped the squeezed blood into the wisteria pollen.


A burst of white smoke rose up, Zhu Shi quickly picked up the plate on the side, and poured the blood in the plate into the wisteria pollen.

With the sound of grinding, Zhu Shi put down the grinding rod in his hand, and sighed a long time:
"...failed again."

She stood up, pushed open the door of the room, and looked outside the bustling doctor's office.

But accidentally saw the doctor.

The doctor was sitting in the lobby, lying on the table with his eyes closed, and fell into a deep sleep.




the other side.

On an unknown mountain.

Between the mountainside.

In a house made of solid, heavy wood and a little hay.

There is a lot of space in the room, and the thick tatami board in the middle replaces the function of the porch. At the same time, there are two beds on the large tatami board.

Next to the door is the place to cook and cook, and a pile of firewood is piled next to the door.

There are also gourd hats and other things hanging on the wall next to it, and haystacks are piled up in the corner.

On the wall opposite the door were several cabinets with a few pots and pans on them.

Everything seems to be full of a warm atmosphere of life.

Although it is a bit shabby, it makes people feel very happy.

At this moment, on the tatami in the middle of the room.

A woman in a light yellow patterned kimono with obi wrapped around her body and a swollen belly is kneeling on the futon on the tatami.

Her eyes were as clear as obsidian and shone with love.

"I'm going to be a mother soon."

She smiled lovingly, and gently stroked her stomach with her hands.

"What's a good name for the child? Be sure to choose a nice name!"

"Have a good meaning...what's the name..."

"Boys and girls have different names too..."

Thinking about it, the smile on the woman's face became more intense, and she was imagining her future life.

"By the way, let's think about it together when he comes back!"

"If it was him, what name would he choose...?"


She is pregnant and soon to be a mother, which makes her very happy.

Looking back on my life in the past ten years, there were not too many ups and downs and waves, just a stable and ordinary happy life.

"It's nice to live a happy and peaceful life."

At this time, the door of the house was slowly opened.

The woman's eyes were attracted by the voice from the door, and she subconsciously looked up.


Some old wooden doors made an overwhelmed sound.

A man wearing a coir raincoat, a maroon feather, and a high ponytail appeared at the door.

The man didn't have much expression on his face. After seeing his wife who was sitting on the tatami and looking happily at this side, the corners of his mouth raised slightly imperceptibly:
"I am back."

"Welcome back!" The woman in the light yellow patterned kimono shouted happily, she looked at her husband with a happy face:

"Thank you, I can't go out with you during this time."

"Speaking of which, it's been a while since we went for a walk by the paddy fields!"

The wife seemed to have the word "happy" written on her face forever. She looked at the ceiling slightly, and then said with a smile:

"Have you gone to pick chestnuts today?"


Pulling the wooden door casually, blocking the cold wind from blowing into the house, the man slowly took off his coir raincoat and hung it on the wall beside him.


The man lowered his eyes slightly, his eyes full of tenderness, and he stretched out his other hand that was hidden under the coir raincoat just now, holding a small basket made of bamboo, which was filled with large and small "green fur balls".

"Ah! Today's chestnuts are so big!" The wife clapped her hands in surprise, and then said with a smile:

"Enough to eat for a long time!"

"You can't eat too much at one time." With a faint smile on the corner of the man's mouth, he raised his head and put the bamboo basket beside the cooking stove.

"I know~"

The man casually put down the small white cloth bag tied to his body, and took out a short flute from it.

After stuffing the flute into his waist, he walked to the tatami, took off his foot bag, and sat down in front of his wife.

Only when he got closer could he find that the edge of the man's black hair was slightly reddish, and he was wearing a small orange sleeve under the dark red feather.

There are two sun earrings on the ears.

"Oh! This is!"

At this time, the sharp-eyed wife blinked her big eyes, looked carefully at the man's shoulder, and gently stretched out her fingers.

She took a very beautiful butterfly from the man's shoulder.

The wife covered her mouth with her other hand, and seemed quite excited. She showed the butterfly lying on her finger to the man:
"Look, you must be the reincarnation of Ksitigarbha...!"

She raised her head and looked at the man:

"There will be a lot of small animals coming back with you every time!"

Seeing his wife smiling so happily, the man couldn't help but tilt his head, although his expression didn't change.

But the emotions in his heart were actually passed on to his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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