Chapter 126 – A Walk in the Fields


The vast starry sky enveloped everything.

The bright moon hangs high in the sky, slowly attending like a feast being pulled down.

The day's festival is finally over, but the streets are still lit up at night.

The hawkers still haven't come home, and for them the festival night is the real "festival".

on the street.

"Dangling~Dangling~" Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake ended the day's ceremony, she happily shook the Kagura bell in her hand, and walked along the street towards the doctor's office.


Inside the doctor's hall.

"Gudu! Gudu!" The voice of swallowing liquid came indistinctly.

"Cough cough!! Vomit cough cough cough!!"

A few Zhu were kneeling on the ground, pinching their own necks and retching desperately, their bodies were adapting to Shang Quannai's blood.

Only Yan Ci, who was slightly injured, sat on the chair calmly, clasped his hands together, silently feeling the changes in his body.


Jiichiro, who survived the disaster because his body had reached the limit of the amount of blood he could receive, shivered. He looked at the pain of his companions, and turned his head to look at Shang Quanna who was sitting indifferently on the chair.

My wife Shancun also did not drink Shang Quannai's body, perhaps because of family inheritance, he already had a relatively high concentration of blood in his body.


With a happy face, Ganluji Sakuramochi pushed open the door of the doctor's office.


The wooden door made an overwhelmed sound.


When she was about to say something, she was suddenly frightened by the big men all over the floor, and her face turned pale.

"Hey!!" Ganluji Sakuramochi looked in horror at the several pillars lying on the ground and retching. She was so frightened that she felt goosebumps all over her body and jumped to the side:
"what happened?!"

She looked for help to Shang Quannai who was sitting on the seat in the lobby, and Purgatory Renshourou who had returned to normal.

"It's okay, it's just a small modification." Shang Quannai smiled slightly, and raised two fingers to make a gesture at the cherry cake of Ganlu Temple.

Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake looked at the big men all over the floor, walked around these people with a slightly blue face, and walked to the seat on tiptoe.

She turned her head and saw the container with blood left on the table at a glance.

Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake was taken aback for a moment, then carefully perceived the body breath of those pillars, and frowned slightly.

Until——perceived the aura belonging to Shang Quannai from Jingui Renshoulang.

Only then did she suddenly realize and nodded.

Shang Quannai looked at the painful looks of the pillars, and he couldn't help but glanced at the energetic Purgatory Renshourou.

Perhaps, it will take some time to observe.



The next day.

in the cabin.

The sun gradually rose, and the light of dawn pierced the sky.

The warm sunlight passes through the dense forest and gently falls on the side of the wooden house.

As some sunlight penetrated into the room, the man opened his eyes early and woke up.

Looking at his wife who was still sleeping beside him, he slowly sat up and put on the haori on the futon.

Getting up and going to the stove, he processed the chestnuts a little bit and made a simple breakfast.


The wife seemed to be awakened by the faint voice, she raised her head in doubt, and slightly opened her sleepy eyes.

In a blur, she saw the man's back, and couldn't help but smile happily, with a sweetness in her heart.

The man turned his head with a smile, just about to signal his wife not to get up.

But I heard my wife exclaim:

"what happened?"

The man's face changed slightly, he quickly put down the things in his hands, and with a sudden force on his feet, he almost rushed to his wife in one stride.

Steadily stopped, he half-kneeled on the tatami, and looked at his wife worriedly:
"Are you uncomfortable?"

The wife stared blankly at her stomach, then she raised her head with a surprised expression on her face:

She reached out and gently stroked her belly, looked at the man, and shouted in surprise:

"Child, move!"

The man's expression was slightly startled, then he looked into his wife's belly, and also stretched out his hand to feel it slightly.

Although the expression on his face didn't change much, he was already happy in his heart.

The about to be born.

Probably... two more days.

can feel it.

In the past, he also felt his mother's condition almost instinctively.

He looked at the appearance of the fetus in his wife's womb.

He couldn't help stretching out his fingers in a daze, and lightly stroked the position where the fetus' arm was.

"Hey, shake hands with Dad~" The wife smiled happily, she gently held the man's hand and placed it on her stomach.

"I'm so happy~"

The man's brain was thinking quickly. When his wife was still surprised to feel that the child was moving, he looked at his wife with a serious expression and a sincere tone:
"Go to the midwife."

"I'll go now."

Obviously not expecting her husband to speak like this, the wife was taken aback for a moment.

"Eh? Now? Is it a little too early..."

"No." The man shook his head lightly, with some imperceptible excitement hidden in his drooping eyes: "Now is the time."

Looking at her husband's serious expression, the wife obviously saw the hidden excitement in his heart, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

She waved her hands lightly and looked at her husband with a smile:
"Okay~ But you have to go early and come back early~"

"By the way, be careful on the road, don't run too fast!"

"However, you are still too excited!"

"...Is it obvious?" The man's expression suddenly became stiff, and he asked in a daze.

"Very obvious!"

"Hahahaha~" Seeing her husband at a loss, the wife couldn't help but clapped her hands and smiled happily.

Smiling, the wife gently took her husband's big hand, stroked the thick calluses on his hand, and said to him with a smile:

"Want to take a walk together?"

She raised her head and looked at her husband:

"It's okay, just walk to the door."

The man looked at his wife's smile and nodded with the same smile. He took his wife's little hand and gently helped her up.

"Ah~" The wife stood up, looked up and looked at her husband with a smile, and slowly walked off the tatami.

"Let's go."

The two smiled like this, took each other's hands and walked to the door of the house.

Just like in the past, they held each other's hands and walked in the mountains and fields.

"By the way! Haven't eaten yet!" The wife was taken aback suddenly, clapped her hands, and exclaimed.

She turned her head to look at her husband, only to find that he was always looking at her with a smile, and he didn't look surprised at his reaction at all.

"Let's eat." The man smiled, looking down at his wife.


The sunlight that leaked through the crack of the door fell on the man's face.

But alone, it did not shine on the wife.


(End of this chapter)

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