Chapter 127 - Let me go home with you!

After dinner.

The wife was wrapped in a bandage, and she was wearing a light yellow patterned kimono.

His long hair was slightly restrained by a bandage wrapped around his head like a hat.

At the corner of the bandage of the hat, there is also a tied bow.

She folded her arms on her chest, her eyes curled up with a smile, and she stood in front of the wooden house, looking at her husband who had already walked halfway along the bamboo path.

She raised her hand aloft, and called to her husband:

"Bon voyage~"

The man turned his head back with a smile, raised his arms to his wife as well, and said goodbye briefly.

He turned his head and looked at the blue, warm clear sky, and felt a warm current in his heart.

It's almost noon now, counting the time to find the midwife, I can probably make it back before sunset.

After thinking about the approximate time, the man walked further and further on the bamboo path that he and his wife made together.

Standing in front of the wooden house, the wife watched her husband's back gradually shrink until she could no longer see her, then she turned around slowly and walked into the wooden house.

The warm room was filled with the atmosphere of the happy life of the two.

The wife looked at the bedding in the room, she walked gently onto the tatami, and knelt down on the futon beside her.

Her eyes scanned every detail in the room, and she couldn't help but put a happy smile on her face.

She smiled softly.

Waiting always takes time.

"Ah, this is it." The wife was looking at the items in the room, when she suddenly found a corner of the cabinet, a little maroon fabric seemed to be exposed.


She gently opened the cabinet, and gently took out the neatly stacked clothes from inside.

What came into view was a small dark red feather weave.

"It's his childhood clothes..."

Holding the dress, the wife smiled slightly, and couldn't help but fall into memories in her mind.

However, this memory does not seem to be all the good parts as in the memory.


Ten years ago.

At that time, it was a period of high incidence of epidemics.


"Goo... woo..."

When she was young, she stood in front of a big fire, with sad tears flowing from her black eyes, and she looked at the flames that were constantly beating in front of her in grief.

She was young and knew that it was not someone else lying in the flames.

It was her family who died of the disease.

"" The corners of her eyes were red from crying, her nose was sore, her stomach was empty, but she still wanted to vomit something.

The family, all died.

The grief in her heart seemed to overwhelm everything, making the young her so overwhelmed.

For her, her family was everything to her.

But now, everything about her disappeared in an instant, leaving her alone.

Other people passing by covered their noses with their hands and stayed away from her, for fear that they would also contract some disease.

She just stood in front of the flame in a daze, watching the flame gradually burn out, and watching some people in charge of the cremation come over with cloths wrapped around their faces to clean up the remaining ashes.

She stayed until the night, and she never left.

Until the dawn of the next day.

She seemed to have just come out of the truth that her family members were dead, and left here like a walking corpse.

She walked aimlessly.

Walk from the river to the street.

From the street to the field again.

When she came back to her senses, she suddenly realized that she seemed to have gone too far.

In his hand, he didn't know when there was a small wooden basin.

She came back to her senses, her eyes were swollen from crying and her eyes hurt unbearably. She sat on the path next to the paddy field and put her legs in the paddy field.

"Cough ho...!"

Feeling the cool touch of the water, tears flowed out of her eyes again unstoppably, she gritted her teeth and lowered her head, tears blurred her vision.


Big teardrops dripped down her face. She wiped her face with her dirty little hands, but she couldn't stop the tears no matter what.

There seemed to be a hole in my heart, and tears kept pouring out of that hole.

At this time, she felt a little itchy feeling on her feet in the paddy field.

She sobbed, her red nose twitched, and her eyes swollen from crying looked into the paddy field.

A group of small black tadpoles were wandering around her ankle, looking very happy.

Seeing this, she slowly stood up.

Picking up the wooden barrel on the side, when he was about to do something, he froze in place again.

Tadpoles have their own family, and their own family...

Tears seemed to have dried up, she stared blankly at the blue sky and clouds beyond, and just stood there motionless.

With his feet stuck in the pool, feeling the coolness from his ankles, he held the wooden barrel and remained motionless.

At this time.

"Da da da!"

There was a faint sound of hurried running coming from afar.

"Da da……"

As the sound of running approached, it suddenly slowed down and finally stopped.

The girl who was in a daze at a loss didn't notice the sound of running behind her, but stood in the paddy field, holding the wooden barrel in her hand in a daze.

She didn't realize at all that there was a boy with messy hair and dark red clothes watching her from behind.

The boy who stopped running watched her.

A small white cloth belt was slung across the dark red clothes, which contained all his luggage.

The boy also stared blankly at the girl's back, and the girl looked blankly at the distant sky.

"What are you doing?" There was no highlight in the boy's red pupils, he just stood there and spoke bluntly to the girl.

The girl who didn't notice was not startled by the boy who suddenly spoke, but replied blankly:

"The epidemic... killed everyone in the family."

As she spoke, she sobbed again, with a crying tone in her tone.

"It's lonely being alone."

"So, I want to bring home the... tadpoles from the rice fields."

After finishing speaking, she was stunned again and stood there blankly.

after a long time.


The sun gradually sets.

She bent down stiffly, and poured the tadpoles already in the barrel back into the paddy field.

"Aren't you taking them home?" the boy's voice came from behind.

He also stood here all day with him.

"Well..." she replied: "These children who are forced to leave their families... are poor."

Almost without thinking, the boy looked at the girl's back, and his tone was so flat, as if he was talking about something that had already been decided:

"Then I'll go home with you!"

"Eh...?" She turned her head, the tears in her eyes turned into teardrops, and she stared blankly at the boy's expressionless face.


"What's your name?"


"Ji Guo Yuan Yi."

"Oh! It sounds like a great name!"


...Drowsy, she seemed to fall asleep amidst waiting and memories.

When he woke up again, the faint light cast through the crack of the door represented the current time.

It's already sunset.

"...Aren't you back yet?" She rubbed her sleepy eyes, sat up, and looked towards the door.

"It's already sunset."

(End of this chapter)

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