Chapter 128 – The Lost Life

The wife sat up patiently, she touched her stomach, her face was full of warmth.

She raised her head and looked in the direction of the door, feeling a little worried in her heart.

Her husband, Yuanyi, is a carefree person.

Gentle and dislikes fighting with others

No matter when, he always looks unmoved.

Even so, she was able to clearly perceive the emotions hidden under Yuanyi's appearance.

She and her husband always like to hold hands and take walks beside the paddy fields, because that is where they used to meet.

She also likes listening to her husband slowly telling his past stories, such as his brother, mother...

During the long but not torturous wait, the smile on the wife's face gradually became a little worried. She sat on the edge of the tatami and looked in the direction of the door.

At this time.


The wooden door was slowly pushed open.

The bright moonlight leaked through the crack of the door.

The wife was taken aback for a moment, then raised her head in surprise, and looked in the direction of the door:

"Yuanyi! You're back!"

She stood up, sitting on the edge of the tatami, she easily walked to the ground, but it was a little difficult to move.

"Hey!" She put on her clogs and stood up slowly.

"I came back very late today, did something happen on the way?"

However, a cold voice belonging to another "person" slowly came from behind the door:

"Yuanyi...who is it?"

The voice was cold and wandering, as if it was vibrating the eardrums, which made people feel disgusted.

"!" All of a sudden, a cold breath tightly pinched his wife's heart like suffocation!Her face turned blue, and she subconsciously took two steps back.

"...not Yuanyi."

She is quite sensitive to changes in emotional tone, so she can naturally hear some meaning contained in the voice outside the door!

She hurried forward, picked up the iron rod next to her, and blocked the door with force.

After confirming that several iron pans were stuck, the wife wiped the cold sweat from her forehead.

Afterwards, she slowly backed up and returned to the tatami, but she was so slow that she couldn't leave from the only exit of the house.

At this time.

boom! !

There are two crashing sounds!

An arm suddenly penetrated through the wooden door, and then fumbled up and down twice.


Throw the iron bar stuck on the door to the ground!

pat, pat.

A wet, veiny arm pushed open the door and pressed against the wall next to the door.

"Oh~ Is there only one person at home?" A strange-shaped head slowly poked in from behind the door.

The alien's twitching eyes swept casually, then he opened his disgusting mouth, and leaned his whole body in.

On that weird face, several horny substances protrude from the occlusal muscles, looking very hideous.

After the wife saw the appearance of the person, her pupils shrunk tightly. She subconsciously covered her stomach, and cold sweat slowly flowed down her face.




the other side.

As the sun set, the dark atmosphere lingered around the moon, and the dim light fell on the earth.


A red figure quickly swept across the forest, heading in one direction at top speed!
The sound of rapid but rhythmic breathing continued, and his speed was getting faster and faster!

The two sun-patterned earrings kept shaking due to the bumps in the dark night.

Ji Guoyuan frowned slightly, he controlled the rhythm of his breathing, looked up at the already dark sky, and felt a little worried.

I originally planned to come back before sunset, but on the way down the mountain, I met an old man who planned to cross three mountains.

The old man obviously had a bad heart and lay down on the ground in pain, but because he was anxious to see his dying son on the battlefield, he had no choice but to move forward.

So, he carried the old man on his back and sent him to his son.

But at that time, the time had come to dusk.

Although he ran very fast, when he hurried home, it was already sunset and it was almost midnight.

There is no rush to find a midwife tomorrow, the baby will be born in about two days.

Though thinking this way, Ji Guoyuan still quickened his pace.

The afterimage of the red haori flitted across the forest and rushed to the next hill at top speed.


Not far away, the faint bamboo path can already be seen.

The wooden house also becomes a small spot, which is gradually getting bigger.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

When he ran so hard that he could see the bamboo path where he set off, a fishy smell accompanied by a strong smell of blood blew over with the wind!
As soon as Ji Guoyuan didn't stop, he quickened his pace even more, without any psychological changes visible on his expressionless face.

But if his wife was here at the moment, she would definitely be able to clearly sense the anxiety in his heart.

Finally, under the constant running, the appearance of the wooden house gradually became clear.

almost there!

He rushed out with a stride, and approached the wooden house in an instant, his outstretched hand was already on the door frame!


Open the door with one hand!
"I returned…"

An incomparably strong smell of blood mixed with a stench that had never been smelled suddenly surged into the nostrils.

The choking made his throat numb.

The familiar voice did not sound again.

Ji Guoyuan suddenly stopped in his tracks.

For the first time, he looked at the scene in the room with trembling pupils, and all the words he wanted to say choked in his throat.

For a moment, he froze in place, staring straight at the room, without moving for a long time.

Into the goal, is a mess of blood.

The light yellow patterned kimono that was dyed red, the torn white bandages, and the blood flowing all over the place.



It's been a long time.


He clenched the wooden door with his hand and forcibly tore the door frame into pieces. His eyesight was lax, and he walked into the room with trembling steps.

pat, pat...

He stepped on the still warm blood like a walking corpse.

Dead wood in general.


the other side.

Doctor's Hall.

"Cough cough vomit!!"

Except for the room between Purgatory Renshoulang and Yan Ci, the other pillars were still vomiting ferociously.

Shang Quannai was squinting her eyes, carefully observing the body changes of Purgatory Renshourou.

It is understandable that Iwami can adapt quickly. After all, he is so big, and his heart ability must be better.


Shang Quannai looked at the body of Jingui Renshoulang, feeling a little puzzled.


"Hey!!!" Shang Quannai's pupils shrank, he stood up suddenly, his mind was unsteady, he grabbed the clothes on his chest, staggered back, and leaned against the wall!
Veins popped up along his face, he stared at the ground with wide eyes, and the inexplicable emotions in his heart continued to rise.

what happened?
what is this?
Shang Quannai leaned against the wall, he clutched the clothes on his chest, and there was an instinctive wail from the bottom of his heart.

He raised his head, his eye sockets trembled, his rising anger instantly covered up the grief in his heart, and he stood up.

His eyes quickly locked in one direction, firm and dignified.

"Are you okay?" Ganluji Sakuramochi stood up, and she was startled by Shang Quanna who suddenly got up and backed away.

Shang Quannai took a few deep breaths and waved to her: "It's okay."

(End of this chapter)

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