Chapter 129 - Can You See Me?
At this time.

"Karma! Purgatory! New mission!" Purgatory Renshoulang's crow flew in from outside the doctor's office, screaming loudly.

Shang Quannai glanced slightly in the direction of Purgatory Renshourou.

"Karma! In that direction!" The crow landed on the ground, stretched out its wings and pointed to the south of Sawu Mountain.

Just when Purgatory Ren Shoulang was about to nod in agreement and wanted to leave.

Shang Quannai's voice sounded from behind him:

"I'll go as well."

"Eh? But..." Purgatory Renshoulang was taken aback when he heard the words, he turned his head in a daze, and looked at Shang Quannai whose blue veins on his face were gradually fading.

Shang Quannai calmed down the inexplicable emotions in his heart just now, and he clenched his fists.

"do not worry."

"It's just that your physical condition seems to be a little special. I need to observe you for a while."

As he said, he looked back to the south direction, and a vague sense of traction was coming from there.

"Let's go."

After finishing speaking, Shang Quannai left the doctor's office at a faster pace under the suspicious eyes of several Zhu Zhu nearby.

Purgatory Renshoulang froze on the spot, scratched his head in doubt, and then prepared to open the door of the doctor's office and go out.



Shang Quannai opened the door from the outside, stretched out her hand, and grabbed Purgatory Renshoulang who was standing at the door of the doctor's hall!
"hurry up!!"


In the doctor's office.

Crow, Pillar of Wind, Pillar of Water, the two of them looked at each other, and they all saw the doubt in each other's eyes.


the other side.

in the wooden house.

pat, pat.

Ji Guoyuan stepped on the blood flowing on the ground and slowly came to the side of the tatami.


He bent down slightly, his callused hands trembling a little, supported his body, and knelt on the tatami.

He stretched out his hand and tremblingly touched his wife who was lying face down.

The wife covered her belly with her hands, as if she was trying to protect the baby in her belly.

The grief in his heart was already so strong that he wanted to drip water, even for a person like him who had never expressed his feelings on the surface, he couldn't help but become short of breath at this moment.


Gently turning his wife over and holding her in his arms gently, he stretched out his fingers and slowly combed her hair stained with blood on her face.

Looking at the scars on his wife's body, Ji Guoyuan's heart sank to the bottom, his fingers trembled, and the corners of his eyes were slightly red.

With the ability to see through things, he had clearly seen his wife's heart that was no longer beating.

His greatest wish is to live a peaceful and happy life with his family.

When you look up, you can see the smiles of your loved ones, and when you reach out, you can touch their temperature.

Even if the house is small, as long as they are there, it is enough.


Ji Guoyuan lowered his head and leaned his face against his wife's. He closed his eyes, and the sore corners of his eyes trembled slightly.


Nothing can be protected...

He knelt and hugged his wife like a dead tree, his mournful back gradually dimmed.



Maybe it was because he was too sad, he couldn't bear to open his eyes to see any blood.

He also didn't notice that the blood in his wife's body was still flowing slowly at an imperceptible speed along with the extremely weak trembling of the heart.





"Hoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Purgatory Renshoulang opened his mouth wide.

He recalled the movement of Shang Quannai's foot force and then the sudden rush just now, and something seemed to flash in his heart.


Purgatory Renshoulang looked at the ground passing by under him, and shouted in surprise.

Like an owl hooting in the sky most of the night.

Shang Quannai was squinting her eyes and looking at the direction ahead, slightly changing the direction of her sprint with her outstretched arms.

I don't know what happened to the inexplicable throbbing in my heart just now.

But he could vaguely sense that it was throbbing from the blood source and from the depths of the soul.

The reason for bringing Purgatory Renshoulang with him is also very simple, it is indeed to observe his physical condition at any time.

In case this guy's body starts to collapse at any time, he can quickly deal with it by his side.


Shang Quannai narrowed his eyes, and the throbbing deep in his body became more and more intense. He slowly looked towards a short mountain not far away.

The muscles of the body tense violently!The whole person quickly sank in mid-air!
"Oh!!!" Purgatory Jinshourou opened his eyes wide. He glanced at Shang Quanna who was leaning over to charge, and shouted because of the surge of adrenaline.

Shang Quannai's feet landed on the ground and smashed into the soil hard, causing dust to rise everywhere.

Purgatory Renshourou on the side was thrown onto the tree with a vigorous shake of his force.


Purgatory Renshoulang patted the stained leaves on his body, successfully jumped down from the tree and landed safely.

He glanced back at Shang Quannai who was identifying the direction, and hurriedly followed.

——The speed of Purgatory Renshoulang's actions this time, even the crows didn't have time to keep up!
Therefore, once Monk Quannai separates, in this unknown place, it is very likely to get lost!

Shang Quannai was standing in a paddy field, he turned his head left and right, squinted his eyes and observed.

suddenly!He locked a direction.


A blue figure with an anxious expression and something in his arms was standing.

"Your Excellency Shangquan! Did you find anything?" Purgatory Renshoulang had already rushed over. He stood beside Shang Quannai and asked in a low voice.

Shang Quannai didn't answer the words of Purgatory Renshourou, he blinked and walked towards the figure standing not far away.

The figure exuded a faint blue light all over, wearing a light yellow kimono, with an anxious expression on his face, and stamped his feet wearing clogs anxiously.

"What to do, what to do..."

As the figure muttered like this, the eagerness on his face became more and more intense.

"Excuse me." Shang Quannai stood beside the figure, looking at the thing in her arms.

——It was a cute baby who was sleeping soundly.

"What happened?" Shang Quannai looked away and asked the woman in the light yellow dress in front of her.

The woman in the light yellow patterned kimono turned her face, her black eyes flashed an expression called "Hope", she turned around excitedly:
"can you see me?"

"...Of course..." Shang Quannai frowned slightly, he took a step back indistinctly, and subconsciously looked at the feet of the figure in front of him.

Until—he saw the most intense blue light under the man's feet.

In an instant, Shang Quannai understood the whole story.

——The woman holding the baby in front of her.

— is a soul.

——A soul with independent thinking ability just like Ah Shang.

"Great!" The woman in the light yellow kimono stepped forward excitedly, and she tried to reach out and grab Shang Quanna.

But unexpectedly, she was taken aback. She looked at her hand and was slightly taken aback.

"Huh? This is..."

(End of this chapter)

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