130 - Chapter [-]
The moon is surrounded by darkness, and the dim moonlight barely reflects on the paddy fields.

Purgatory Renshourou, who was running towards Shang Quannai, slowly stopped. He looked at Shang Quannai who was talking to the air, and frowned suspiciously.

"...Huh?" Purgatory Renshoulang tilted his head, crossed his arms, and cautiously chose not to move forward.


"Can't touch..."

The woman in the light yellow kimono stared at her translucent palm, froze for a moment, and blinked her eyes.

She clenched her fist tightly, raised her hand slightly, and placed it under the dim moonlight.

It wasn't until the moonlight clearly reflected the blood on her arm through the palm of her hand that she was taken aback.

Afterwards, she couldn't help tightening her hands holding the child in her arms, and smiled bitterly at Shang Quannai:
"Ah... that's right... I've already..."

The child in her arms closed her eyes and was sleeping very peacefully.

"My name is Uta."

She closed her eyes slightly, and then strengthened her belief. She and Shang Quannai looked at each other, and bowed deeply:
"Although it was sudden! I'm sorry too! But can you please come with me!"

She raised her head, with a lot of anxiety hidden in her resolute eyes, she eagerly explained to Shang Quanna:

"My husband, he has been sitting there for a long time, not moving, not even blinking..."

"He can't see me...he can't hear me..."

"He's just sitting there, I know you may not understand, but..."

"I'm afraid that if he continues like this... he will..."

Shang Quannai frowned slightly. Looking at the soul in front of him, he could feel a very familiar feeling.

But this feeling did not stay firmly on the woman in front of him.

Instead, it's like falling in love with someone because you've been with someone for too long.


"Then, please take me to see your husband." Shang Quannai pondered for a while, then he raised his head and said to Yuta in front of him, "Perhaps, I can help you convey what you want to say."

When Yu Duo heard this, her body trembled slightly due to excitement. She covered her mouth with her hands, squeezed the "tears" at the corners of her eyes and bowed vigorously:
"Thank you very much!"

As soon as she bowed, Shang Quannai followed her gaze and looked down.

Then, he saw two blue lines that were faint but visible at night.

There are two blue lines extending from the back of Udo and the body of the child in her arms!

Connecting to the relatively short mountain in the distance, the line seems to be slowly becoming weaker, as if it will break apart in the next moment.

what is this?
Shang Quannai narrowed his eyes, and he looked into the distance along the intersection of the two lines.

A very small splash of gold seems to be looming in the night.

"Please follow me..." She straightened up slowly, and when she was about to guide Shang Quannai in the direction, she was suddenly interrupted by Shang Quannai.

Standing in front of her, Shang Quannai pointed to the place where the two blue lines he saw on the short hill in the distance meet:
"Is it there?"

Yu Duo was taken aback for a moment, then nodded while holding the baby: "That's right."

"Let's go." Shang Quannai squinted his eyes and nodded, and he waved to Purgatory Renshourou who was standing far behind him.



far away.

Inside the wooden house on the mountain.

The room was extremely dark, the door behind Ji Guoyuan was open, and the cold wind kept blowing, but he didn't seem to care.

His heart was full of bewilderment, and he sat there like a dead tree without thinking.

Holding the body of his wife who was already slightly cold in his arms, he stared straight ahead.

God gave him a gentle mother, a kind brother, and a beautiful home.

But now, my mother died of illness ten years ago, and the beautiful home in front of me has been torn to pieces under the random trampling of others.

Nothing... failed to protect...

The sadness of being unable to protect him lingered in his heart, and Ji Guoyuanyi's body gradually became stiff.


nearly 20 years ago.

"Wooooow!" With a cry of a baby, a pair of twins were born.

It is "Yuanyi" and his elder brother "Yansheng".

The two were born into a samurai family with the surname "Jiguo".

Yuan Yiyi was born as a fairly quiet child, not even crying.

And in this Warring States period where the twins were regarded as "unknown", "demon" and "a harbinger of family ruin".

As the head of the family at that time, the fathers of the two would naturally make decisive choices for the sake of the family.
— to cover up the news and abandon one of the children.

And Yuanyi, who was born with ferocious markings on his face, naturally became the child who was about to be abandoned by the family.

Even because of the markings on his face that resembled the symbol of a demon, the young Yuanyi almost died at the hands of his furious father.

Fortunately, the mother who heard the news frantically protected Yuanyi, so that Yuanyi escaped by luck.

However, he was still not treated as the real son of the head of the family. Yuanyi was sent to the temple to become a monk when he was ten years old.

In the family, no one would go out of their way to contact Yuanyi. He lived in a room the size of a "three fold" mat.

Smaller than a servant's room.

The clothes Yuan Yi wore were very simple, even an adult's haori was casually wrapped around his body.

Unmanaged hair, casual clothes, this is the image of Yuanyi when he was young.

And his elder brother, Ji Guoyansheng, was trained as the head of the next generation.

The basic necessities of life of the two are simply worlds apart.

This is the path the family planned for the two. They were clearly brothers, but they went in completely different directions from the very beginning.

But even so.

In Yuanyi's memory, his gentle elder brother always contacted him regardless of the obstruction from the outside world.

His brother is really a very gentle person.

Even if his father beat him with a bruised nose and a swollen face because he played "Double Six" with him, his elder brother would come to him with a swollen face laughing and laughing the next day.

Later, Yan Sheng also polished the piccolo out of bamboo with his own hands, gently put the piccolo in his hand, and said to Yuanyi like this:

"If you want to find my brother, just blow on him, and my brother will come to help you right away!"

"So, don't worry about anything!"

The bruised and swollen face that was beaten by his father said with a smile.

The young Yuanyi held the flute in his hands, and he had no expression on his face, nor could he say any words of thanks.

He just silently engraved his brother's gentleness in his heart.

Therefore, his young brother Yan Sheng treated him as a deaf-mute.

Even my mother would sit in front of the shrine every day and pray devoutly for Yuanyi's ears to recover.

The gentle mother even invited a pair of sun god earrings from the shrine in order to cure Yuanyi's never-before-seen ear disease.

Yuanyi once felt very guilty for his mother's worry about him.

Because he can hear and speak.

In this way, under the care of his mother and elder brother, Yuan Yi immersed himself in his own pure world, without being affected by any turbulent world.

Until that day, with the permission of his elder brother, Yuanyi stayed aside to watch Yansheng practice swordsmanship.

He spoke for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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