Chapter 133 – Pulling You Back

Purgatory Renshoulang leaned against the door, with his hips akimbo, looking vigilantly around in the dark night.

Here, there is a faint ghostly atmosphere.

Holding the handle of the bone knife at his waist, Purgatory Renshourou scanned his surroundings sharply.

inside the room.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan sat opposite Shang Quannai, he opened the transparent world and stared closely at Shang Quannai's fingers.

He could see that Shang Quannai's blood was slowly flowing into his wife's body.

Shang Quannai's forehead was sweating a little, and Yu Duo's physical condition was much worse than that of the group of people in the Ghost Killing Squad who were in good health every day.

The amount of blood to be grasped is naturally different.

The purpose of his blood transfusion this time is to add a certain amount of vitality to Udo.

It is best to recover most of the injuries.

Can last until she can go back to the doctor's office.

With the infusion of Shangquanna's blood, a warm feeling flowed in Yuta's body.

Seeing this, Shang Quannai stretched out another finger, and gently placed it on the dug out fetus.

The amount of blood needed by the fetus is even less, even less than 1ml.

Soon, under Ji Guoyuan's surprised gaze.

Udo's heart started beating vigorously again!
The blood was pumped from the heart again, and the wife's face, which was already a little purple, gradually returned to rosy.

"This is it!" The soul of Uta, who was sitting aside, was looking at the blue lines on his body in surprise.

These lines link her with his body, and are constantly attracting her back into his body.

The same was true for the baby in her arms, slowly laying down in her body.

As Udo's soul continued to overlap with her body, the wound on her abdomen was also gradually healing.

Tiny granulation slowly grows until the open wound on the abdomen is completely healed.

Shang Quannai wiped the sweat from his forehead, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

It's almost there.

The rest just need to be sent to Zhu Shi, then checked and checked, and it will be enough to cultivate for a period of time.

Maintaining a continuous and stable blood delivery is really exhausting.

"Puff cough!! Ho—!" Yuta suddenly opened his eyes, coughed up dark red blood clots to the side, and then took a deep breath.

She quickly looked at her abdomen. At this moment, the prematurely born child was lying on her lower abdomen smoothly.

The baby was closing its eyes and curled up with a somewhat cold body.

"Udo..." Ji Guoyuan's nose felt slightly sore when he saw his wife's eyes opened again, and he gently embraced his wife and child in his arms.

"Sorry...I'm late..."

The movements of hands and feet are light, as if afraid of damaging some artwork.

Yu Duo opened her hazy eyes, looked at Ji Guo Yuanyi who had red eyes in front of her, and patted him on the shoulder with a weak smile:

"Okay~ Isn't it all right now~"

"Don't cry, don't cry~"

She stretched out her hand and wiped away the tears from the corners of Ji Guoyuan's eyes:

"Let's eat chestnuts tonight, shall we?"


As soon as Ji Guoyuan hugged his wife, he buried his head on her shoulder, the pain of loss made him not want to let go.

At this time.

"Wow——!" The baby in the arms of the two seemed to breathe out suddenly, and began to cry loudly, Yuan Yi was so frightened that he let go of his hugging hand in a hurry.

He carefully picked up the child, exchanged a glance with the sweaty Yuta, and laughed.


Seeing Ji Guoyuan and Uta embracing each other and crying, Shang Quannai's body gradually stiffened.

The originally joyful mood also slowly disappeared.

He was like a dog who was kicked on the street.

At this moment, Yuta turned his head, looked at Shang Quanna wearily, and solemnly thanked:

"thank you very much…"

"If it wasn't for you, I might really..."

Shang Quannai smiled, he waved his hands indifferently, and then instructed the two of them:
"It's okay, I will send you to a special hospital for a second treatment later."

Saying that, Shang Quannai touched her chin with her hand.

Shang Quannai had his own selfish intentions in sending the two of them to the doctor's office.

The doctor's office is in Sagiri Mountain, and Sagiri Mountain belongs to the main area of ​​influence of the Demon Slayer Squad.

Then, once Ji Guoyuan joins the Ghost Killing Squad, it will be smoother.


Ji Guoyuan looked at his wife with some doubts. Logically speaking, she should not know what happened.

Yu Duo, who is sensitive to emotions, instantly saw the doubt in Yuan Yi's eyes. She lay in Yuan Yi's arms and explained softly for him:

"I... When I passed out, I found that I seemed to have left my body..."

"The whole person became light and light, as if he could fly immediately."

"No one can see me, not even you when you come back."

"I can't touch you either, I can only watch you worry."

"However, this doctor can see me."

Yu Duo said, turning his head to look at Shang Quannai.

"I brought him here because you've been sitting still for so long! I'm! Very! Worried!"

As he said that, Yu Duo hammered Ji Guo Yuanyi's chest with his hand as if complaining.

When Ji Guoyuan saw his wife complaining, he smiled helplessly.

Yu Duo turned her head curiously, exhaustion made her head a little unclear, she muttered softly:

"It's a strange feeling, the feeling of being able to fly...I kind of want to do it again..."

"Don't do it again!" Shang Quannai was taken aback when he heard the words, and he quickly interrupted Yu Duo's soft murmur in a daze:
"That's the soul, the human soul." Shang Quannai looked at Ji Guoyuan's puzzled expression, and he got up slowly:
"There are souls in this world."

Shang Quannai patted the dust on his body, and he got off the tatami:
"After death, people will become souls, and they can choose to reincarnate or go to hell to redeem their sins according to what they did during their lifetime."

He looked at Yuta, whose brain was a little unclear because of exhaustion:
"You feel like you're going to fly, that's because you're about to reincarnate."

"Don't do it again." Shang Quannai narrowed his eyes, and he reached out and nodded Ji Guoyuan: "You must take good care of your wife."

When Ji Guoyuan heard the words, he blinked and nodded his head as a matter of course.

Holding his wife who was slowly falling asleep in his arms, he was surprised.

This is the first time that Shang Quannai brought up the conclusion of "soul" to outsiders.

This kind of statement does exist in the original work, and there is even a scene where Wu made atonement in Abi Hell after his tragic death.

Looking at Ji Guoyuan's faint "Shangquannai" three words, Shangquannai felt mixed feelings for a moment.

Speaking of which, the first person I met was Ah Shang.

At this time, as soon as Ji Guoyuan looked at his wife and child sleeping in his arms, he raised his head and looked at Shang Quannai with a little apology:

"excuse me."

"I have a question."

Shang Quannai stopped stepping out of the door, he turned his head:

"what happened?"

Ji Guoyuan turned his head and looked at Shang Quannai:

"What should I call you?"


"Go... no, Shang Quannai, just call me Shang Quannai."

(End of this chapter)

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