Chapter 134 – What is a Genius?

Time slowly arrived in the middle of the night.

Exhausted, Yu Duo slowly lay in Ji Guoyuan's arms, and fell asleep in a daze.

Yuanyi held the child and his wife in his arms, the joy of regaining what had been lost made him not want to let go for the time being.

"Great! Your Excellency Shangizumi!"

Purgatory Renshoulang turned his head and glanced at the Jiguo couple who were resting in the room, and he smiled at Shang Quanna beside him and said:

"Looks like they're all right!"

Shang Quannai stood at the door, he looked around, there were some flower clusters dotted on the bamboo path.

"Do not."

Shang Quannai leaned against the door of the wooden house, yes, there was a ghost here just now.

The stench of cannibalism lingers here and will not go away for a long time.

That ghost hasn't gone far, maybe it's still lingering around here.


There are two.

Shang Quannai turned his head slightly, and the breeze blew through his fingertips, bringing information from his surroundings.

He looked at Purgatory Renshourou next to him, and squinted his eyes to observe the condition of Renshoulang's body:
"How does your body feel now?"

"Oh!" Purgatory Renshoulang was taken aback when he heard the words. He raised his arms and clenched his fists. Feeling the power coming from deep in his body, he looked at Shang Quannai with piercing eyes:

"A lot of energy!"

"I feel like I can cook three bowls of rice at once!"

Purgatory Renshourou's golden hair was flickering, and he looked very energetic.

"That's it." Shang Quannai gently rubbed her dry eyes, nodded slightly, and then reached out and pointed in a certain direction behind the house:
"So, as an episode to get used to the body, there's a ghost in that direction."

He turned his head sideways and looked at Purgatory Renshourou:

"Go and kill him."

Purgatory Renshoulang heard the words, subconsciously looked in the direction of Shang Quannai's finger, he held the bone knife at his waist, smiled confidently and nodded:

"Well! Leave it to me!"

next moment.

He pulled out the bone knife on the spot, flicked the blade, and then bowed slightly.

He rushed out of the dense forest with Shang Quannai's finger!

Shang Quannai squinted his eyes, staring at Purgatory Renshourou.

Purgatory Renshoulang's body adapts to his own blood, which is frighteningly high.

While others are still vomiting uncomfortably, this guy can already use his enhanced strength to start using sword skills.

At this time.

"" As soon as Ji Guoyuan stood at the door, his expressionless face was faintly tired at this moment.

Not physically exhausted, but spiritually derived.

On the tatami behind him, Uta was holding the baby, and was falling asleep peacefully in the futon.

"What's the matter?" Shang Quannai turned his head and looked at Ji Guoyuanyi: "It's really not possible, you can call me Nai."

Ji Guoyuan was startled for a moment, then nodded, and said with some difficulty:


"When is it appropriate for us to leave for the hospital?"

Ji Guoyuan lowered his eyes slightly, and he was deeply relieved, but there was still some worry in his heart.

Shang Quannai turned his head to look at Uta and the baby in the room, and he glanced at the still dark sky:
"Let your wife rest and rest, it's not too late to leave at dawn."

At the same time, Shang Quannai used the transparent world indiscriminately. He observed Ji Guoyuanyi's body, and his heart surged with horror.

——What kind of monster is this?

The muscles of the body are perfectly in place, and the strong and powerful heart is beating slowly and surgingly.

The lungs are rising and falling with a special and regular amplitude.

Although the figure hidden under Haori looks a little thin, it is actually extremely strong!

Although I knew this guy would be quite powerful.

But when you actually see it, you can't help but be shocked.

is a monster.

Humanoid monster.

Shang Quannai smiled, and turned his head back a little stiffly.

"I see...thank you." Ji Guoyuan nodded slightly, and then sat on the edge of the tatami at the door.

He also opened the transparent world to observe Shang Quannai, frowning slightly, and sighed in his heart.

Ji Guoyuan could clearly perceive the powerful vitality bursting out from Shang Quannai's body that could almost overwhelm him.

The body's functions are not as powerful as a doctor can possess.

Unheard of physique.

Very strong.

And it seems to have the same "transparent vision" as myself.

Is this why I feel familiar with him...

Ji Guoyuan looked back at his wife and children on the tatami, with a smile on his face.


in the jungle.


Purgatory Renshourou scanned the surrounding trees with eyes like torches, and he carefully perceived the surroundings.

Holding the handle of the bone knife with both hands, the tense nerves showed no signs of relaxing.

——Here it is!

——The place with the strongest stench!
Just now, there was the sound of something rubbing among the leaves!

overhead? !

Purgatory Renshoulang turned the blade of the bone knife in his hand slightly calmly.

At the same time, vigilantly focused on the top of his head.


On the tree above the head of Renshoulang in Purgatory.

A ghost that looks completely different from the ghost that entered the Jiguo cabin just now is lying on the top of the tree.

The translucent body clearly reflected the bones and internal organs in his body under the moonlight.

Seeming to be very light, the evil spirit lay motionless on the platform area composed of several huge leaves.

But the crimson eyes were staring at Purgatory Renshourou below.

——Who is this?Very conspicuous hair color...

—Holding a knife...I don't remember such a Chafu around here...

Forget it.

——I happen to be hungry!

He grinned ferociously, licked his face with his long tongue, and then slowly lay down on the edge of the treetop.


He stuck out his tongue, and the sticky and crystal-clear saliva gathered on the tip of the tongue, forming a long thread of saliva, slowly dripping towards Purgatory Renshourou.

The saliva hung in the air, and suddenly sparkling silk threads burst out to the surroundings, as if it wanted to envelop Purgatory Renshoulang!
This time!

Purgatory Renshourou, who was standing under the tree where the evil spirit was, squatted slightly with his legs!
【One Type · Shiranui】

The legs that had been charged suddenly leaped diagonally backwards!
Like a bright flame suddenly ignited in the night!

Purgatory Renshourou's conspicuous flame-colored hair instantly appeared in the treetops!

Purgatory Renshoulang exerted force on his abdomen, and stayed in the air behind the startled ghost, then the muscles of his arms holding the bone knife tensed!
Eyes like torches fixed on the evil spirit lying on the broad leaves!
He suddenly picked out the bone knife in his hand!

【Three Types · Summer Rising】

The bone knife cleanly cut across the evil spirit's neck, and before the evil spirit could react, the crusade had been completed!

Under the reflection of the moonlight, on his pure white bone knife, it seemed that the phantom of the flame was faintly ignited!


Purgatory Renshoulang retracted his knife and fell to the ground, the feathers on his body fluttering in the wind.


The evil ghost's eyes widened, and its head, full of disbelief, rolled to the ground.

"...What..." Before he could finish his sentence, he had already been reduced to ashes.

Purgatory Renshoulang stood up, looking at his hands excitedly.

Got stronger!
That barrier-like thing back then!It disappeared completely at this moment!

(End of this chapter)

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