Chapter 135 – This is the Demon Killing Squad

the other side.

In front of Ji Guoyuanyi's wooden house.

Shang Quannai was sitting on the edge of the tatami with Ji Guoyuan one by one.

Both of them remained silent, just quietly staring at the gradually dawning bright sky in the distance.

Its daybreak.

"Huh...huh..." Purgatory Renshoulang sat beside him, panting heavily.

The body is also covered with leaves and some mud.

After he killed the evil spirits.

Because of being in a strange dense forest.

he's lost.

It wasn't until Shang Quannai discovered that Purgatory Renshoulang had been spinning around in the mountains that he successfully brought Purgatory Renshoulang back.

"Your Excellency Yuanyi, you don't have to stay up all night with us." Purgatory Renshoulang looked at Jiguo Yuanyi who was expressionless, and reminded him kindly.

"With such ups and downs all day, you must be quite exhausted! Don't force yourself!"

Seeing Ji Guoyuan turning his head slowly, Purgatory Renshoulang continued to persuade.

"It's okay." Ji Guoyuan shook his head slightly as he looked at Purgatory Renshoulang.

Seeing Ji Guoyuan's appearance, Liangui Renshoulang had no choice but to give up.


"" In the room, Uta, who was sleeping soundly, slowly opened her sleepy eyes, she stretched, and then sat up.

Subconsciously touched his stomach, and when he touched the flat lower abdomen, Yu Duo froze for a moment.

And my child! ?

Her expression became tense, she sat down quickly, and touched her flat stomach again.

Yu Duo raised his head in a panic, and looked at the back of Ji Guo Yuanyi at the door, his voice was a little crying:

"Yuichi~! Child! Is the child in my belly..."


At this time, the baby who was accidentally squeezed out of the bedding by Uta felt the cold, was suddenly awakened, and instinctively burst into tears.

Yu Duo was stunned for a moment, then quickly turned his head, and picked up the crying child.

"Ah, boy..."

She patted the child's back lightly. At this moment, her head was still a little unclear.

Shang Quannai turned his head and looked at Yu Duo who was sitting up. He said to Ji Guoyuan:

"You can go now."

As soon as Ji Guoyuan turned his head, seeing Yu Duo's dazed look, the worries in his heart dissipated immediately.

"Okay." He nodded to Shang Quannai, and picked up the package that was prepared beside him.

Then he entered the house and sorted out the clothes for his wife.



Ji Guoyuan took Yu Duo, who was holding the child in his arms, and he stood in front of Shang Quanna with a lot of burden on his back, and nodded to the two of them:
"Let's go."

Several people looked at each other, and slowly followed the bamboo path full of memories, leaving the wooden house behind them.

The sun was shining brightly in the sky.

The warm sunshine fell on the faces of Uta and Ji Guoyuan, who were holding hands and smiling happily.


And the child in Uta's arms.




Narrow Mist.

The scorching sun scorched the earth, and the vendors on the street fanned their fans impatiently.

Near the doctor's building, several pillars of the Ghost Slayer Squad were experimenting with a body that had become stronger with surprise on their faces.

And on the top of the mountain opposite Sagiri Mountain.

"Haven't arrived yet..."

Yu Duo was carried on the back by Ji Guoyuan, and she wiped the sweat from her forehead tiredly.

"We'll be there soon, just go down this mountain." Shang Quannai turned around and answered Uta's question.

It's no wonder that such a long journey is really difficult for Yu Duo who has just come back from the dead.

Ji Guoyuan held Yu Duo behind his back with one hand, and held the child in his arms with the other, but his heart was full.

Then, under the slightly surprised expressions of Uta and Ji Guoyuan, they walked to the enchantment of the cherry cake in Ganlu Temple.

Shang Quannai stepped forward, stretched out his hand and gently placed it on the blood-red barrier.


Circle after circle of ripples spread from Shang Quanna's palm, and Uta behind him looked surprised.

"Eh——? Huh?" Yuta walked down from behind Ji Guoyuanyi, she held Yuanyi's hand, and asked curiously in a low voice:

"Yuanyi, Yuanyi, do you know what this is?"

Ji Guoyuan looked at the enchantment slowly revealing a hole for people to pass through, and shook his head slightly:

"I do not know either."

"It's amazing!" Yu Duo covered his mouth in amazement after regaining his energy, and carefully walked through the barrier with Ji Guoyuan.


Doctor's Hall.

In the ward.

"I'm sorry, Zhushi." Shang Quanna nodded to the gaze who was in charge of examining Uta's body.

"No, it's okay, it's what I should do."

Zhu Shi smiled and waved his hands, then walked to the side of Yuta who was already lying on the hospital bed, and began to examine carefully.

Shang Quannai and Purgatory Renshoulang looked at each other, and left the ward tacitly.

Not long after.


Zhu Shi slowly opened the door, and she put away the record board in her hand.

"There is no big problem, as long as you cultivate well."

Zhu Shi smiled and said this to Shang Quannai, and then returned to his room.

In the open room, Ji Guoyuan opened the side window to let the sunlight into the room.

"Ah la~" Uta hugged the child in his arms, teasing him happily.

A few pillars gathered curiously at the door, squeezed beside Shang Quannai, and looked into the room.

Ji Guoyuan slowly sat on the edge of Yu Duo's bed. He held Yu Duo's hand and asked worriedly:

" you remember what happened yesterday?"

He hesitated, he was afraid that this would cause Udo to think of bad things.

Therefore, Ji Guoyuan held it back for a whole day, and only asked about it in the afternoon.

Yu Duo was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, she looked up at the ceiling, thinking softly:

"Hmm... Let me think about it..."

"Ah... that's right!"

Yu Duo seemed to have suddenly remembered something, she blinked nervously, and her breathing became rapid:

"At night, Yuanyi, you haven't come back yet, so I'm a little worried."

"Then, then, a very ugly, very ugly thing broke into the house!" Yu Duo frowned tightly, she stretched out her finger, and poked Ji Guo Yuanyi's face beside her.

"That thing has many horns on its face, a long tongue, and great strength..."


"That's a ghost." At this moment, my wife Shancun who was eavesdropping suddenly said, "Evil man-eating ghost!"

My wife Shancun's voice attracted Ji Guoyuan's attention, Ji Guoyuan turned his head and asked my wife Shancun:

"Can you tell me what happened in detail?"

"In this world, there are evil ghosts that cannibalize people." Shang Quannai took over the conversation, and he said to Ji Guoyuan who was sitting next to Uta:

"They are powerful, and the more people they eat, the stronger they become."

"They disregard life and trample on human beings at will."

"They wantonly hurt and kill for pleasure."

"In order to resist the intrusion of evil spirits, humans have formed an organization to train powerful swordsmen to fight against those evil spirits that eat people."

"Get to know each other again."

Shang Quannai walked into the room, and Chao Ji Guoyuan stretched out his hand:
"My name is Shang Quannai."

"This is the Ghost Killing Squad."

The bright red in his eyes flickered slightly:
"It is an organization born to exterminate evil spirits."

(End of this chapter)

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