Chapter 143 – A Good Sword Move

My wife Yuzi looked at my wife Shancun's running back and the direction in which he was running.

—Didn't you run back?
Somewhat unexpectedly, he raised his head and glanced in the direction of Forging Sword Village.

Then, her feet moved slightly.

With the slight shaking of the treetops, my wife Yuzi disappeared in place like a breeze.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Under the moonlight, the figure of my wife Shancun quickly shuttled between the dense forests.

He turned around and gradually ran away from the general direction of Forging Dao Village.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but did not dare to relax his tense nerves.

He tightly clutched the wound on his shoulder, but his palm was already overflowing with blood due to exercise.

He was so sad that he could barely breathe, his vision was blurred, and he dared to keep running forward.

Gritting her teeth, holding back the corners of her sore eyes, my wife Shancun's trembling hand held Leiqie's knife handle at her waist.


Join the Ghost Killing Squad and practice swordsmanship...

Obviously, it was to prevent my sister from getting hurt...


Why use it against my sister now!
Thinking about it, my wife Shancun kept running. He climbed up a tree, jumped a few times and looked back.

Panting heavily, he scanned the dense forest under the moonlight in panic, but he couldn't see or perceive any figure!
where? !
Didn't catch up? !

Could it be that!
My wife Shancun shrank his pupils, and he thought of a terrifying possibility.

——My sister bypassed me and went to Forging Sword Village!
However, the next moment, he dismissed this idea.

Because, behind him, there was a slight landing sound!
My wife Yuzi suddenly appeared not far behind my wife Shancun, standing tall on a raised stone.

He stared indifferently at the back of my wife Shancun.

She raised the knife in her hand that looked similar to "Leiqie", and then slashed towards my wife Shancun's back with a blank expression!

next moment!
The knife in her hand suddenly grew longer!He stabbed straight at my wife Shancun!
My wife Shancun's body was stiff, his ears moved, and he listened carefully to the sound coming from behind him.

Finally, the moment the blade approached his back, his pupils shrank!Body muscles are tight!

The whole person suddenly twisted to the side!

The sharp blade grazed my wife Shancun's chest, and the light yellow sleeve he was wearing was scratched instantly.

"Hoha! Ha...!" My wife Shancun staggered and fell from the tree. He looked back at my wife Yuzi who retracted the super-long blade, and swallowed nervously.

Fortunately, the response was timely, just a little scratch.

"Sister! It's me!"

He panted heavily, looking at my wife Yuzi who was standing in the distance with flickering eyes as if asking for help:

"Me! My wife Shancun! Your brother!"

But my wife Yuzi was unmoved and just looked at my wife Shancun coldly.

"...Can't you remember?"

My wife Shancun could hardly hold back the tears in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth trembled. Awakening his sister's last consciousness was probably the only straw he could grasp.

Holding the knife in her hand, Yuzi appeared in front of my wife Shancun in an instant.

My wife Shancun's face tightened, he subconsciously pulled out the Raiqie from his waist, and fought in front of him!
A bright knife light flashed!
The blades collided quickly, and a brilliant spark suddenly appeared in the dark jungle!
The majestic force came from the blade, and my wife Shancun deflected the slash with difficulty, causing his mouth to go numb.

My wife Yuzi was expressionless, she held the knife casually, and swung it up again!
"Hey!!" My wife Shancun took a deep breath, her eyes widened in the darkness, and she stared precisely at the incoming knife light!
Sparks flicker.

My wife Yuzi kept waving the blade in her hand at extreme speed. Seeing that Shancun in front of her was gradually adapting to the rhythm of the attack, she suddenly increased the attack speed.

At the same time, a trace of doubt gradually rose in my heart.

Why, my own attack will be inexplicably weak?

Can't use all my strength...

Unhappy, I feel so uncomfortable if I can't cut it down.

A trace of impatience gradually appeared on her face.

At this time.


My wife Shancun saw the timing, and deflected my wife Yuzi's slash.

Taking advantage of his sister's blade tilted to the side and the middle door opening wide, he leapt forward!
I hugged my wife Yuzi hard.

He yelled at the top of his lungs:

"elder sister!!"

My wife Yuzi was obviously taken aback by her actions, her pupils trembled slightly, then her eyes froze, and she quickly stared at my wife Shancun who was hugging her.

She slammed on her knees!
"Puff ho!"

My wife Shancun was caught off guard by a huge force and hit her abdomen. He choked violently, and the hands holding my sister loosened in pain.

He was kicked hard and flew out!

He rolled into the darkness not far away in embarrassment.

"Ha...ha..." My wife Shancun panted, his rough hands were aching, and he held Leiqie's knife handle tremblingly.

He could feel that his sister's attack strength and speed had always been within his acceptable range.

It's the same as before when training together.

My sister is always like this, to guide her own attacks.

So, my wife Shancun is sure!

He slowly got up, put Lei Qie in front of him, panted heavily, and looked at his sister not far away with bright eyes.

sister!must!It has its own consciousness!
As long as you work harder, you will definitely be able to...

But in the next moment, his eyes slowly opened wide, and his hands were slightly weak.

I saw not far away.

My wife Yuzi was holding up the knife in her hand.

The long golden hair gradually floated as if affected by some force.

The azure blue and reddish thunder light twinkled and twinkled on it, constantly flickering.

——Take him out once and for all!

My wife Yuzi's eyes gradually became firmer. For a moment just now, she felt that her mood seemed unstable.

My head is also aching now.

If this continues, something unexpected may happen.

A mere human being!
Her lips parted slightly, and the clear words reached my wife Shancun's ears:

"Blood magic."

"One Type, Thunderbolt Flash, Change, Far Thunder."

When it came to the last syllable, my wife Yuzi took a step back, as if she was accumulating strength, and slammed the tip of the knife behind her!

The lightning all over his body instantly gathered at the tip of the knife, and my wife Yuzi's brown pupils lit up with a touch of blue!
"Six companies!"

My wife Yuzi slammed the blade at my wife Shancun!The azure blue thunder pulp is wrapped by the slightly reddish thunder and lightning!Like a wild horse running wild!He was thrown off the tip of the knife in an instant!
Thunder burst towards him at an extreme speed!

It is said to be lightning, but in fact it looks more like a shining slurry, and its shape is like blood!
The extremely shining thunder light gradually enlarged in my wife Shancun's pupils, and the light illuminated everything around him. He stared blankly at the real thunder, his body was so paralyzed that he couldn't move.

For an instant.

My wife Shancun's eyes changed, his body moved spontaneously, and he skillfully grasped the handle of the knife with both hands.

Then on one side of his body, he caught Lei Ting with Lei Qie's blade!

Lei Qi was poured on Lei Qie, the shining blade began to heat up, golden sparks flickered in my wife Shancun's hair, he twisted his waist to use his strength to turn around and slammed it!
Under my wife Yuzi's surprised expression, she threw back her blood ghost technique!
"My wife Shancun" grinned slightly, he looked at my wife Yuzi through the lightning that didn't look like lightning:
"Good sword move."

(End of this chapter)

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