Chapter 144 - Yes, Lord Wu Mi


Forging knife village.

on a certain roof.

Jiichiro was lying on the roof, frowning and looking at the moon covered by dark clouds, he sat up and looked at the endless dense forest below.

"Shancun...isn't he coming back?"

There was some worry in his heart.

At this time.


The faint sound of thunder came from afar, slightly attracting Jiichiro's attention.


boom! ! !
The huge thunder flashed and jumped between the dense forests not far away. After flashing six times in a row, it disappeared completely.

My wife Yuzi waved her hand, and cut open the surrounding area where the smoke was rising with a knife. Her eyes changed slightly, and she looked at Shancun on the opposite side with some seriousness.

The breath has changed.

She held the knife, then jumped lightly, onto the treetops behind her.

She is one of the top strings!

How could I have been entangled with this little ghost for so long!
"Tsk." My wife Yuzi was speechless slightly, her head was a little unclear, and her thinking became dull.

"My wife Shancun" casually shook Lei Qie in his hand, then narrowed his eyes, and brought Lei Qie back to his waist.

In his mind, two voices were talking.

"Look, feel every change in your body."

"That's my sister!"

"Understood, you just need to be optimistic about me now..."

"Don't hurt her..."

"...Listen to me."

My wife Shancun opened his eyes, he took a deep breath, and the relaxed eyes just now disappeared.

He became himself again.

The previous feeling of being taught by someone's hand came to my heart again, and my wife Shancun followed the instinctive feeling to hold the handle of the knife at her waist.

Step your feet back, push the soles of your feet on the ground, and your muscles slowly tense.

In the dark sky, the moon is hidden behind heavy clouds like thick ink, and a faint light shines in it.

On the opposite side, my wife Yuzi shrank her pupils, and then did the same.

"Blood ghost technique..."

【One Type·Thunderbolt Flash】

boom! !

A golden thunder erupted from my wife Shancun instantly!He opened his eyes suddenly!

The lightning was easily transmitted to Leiqie in his hand, and his tense muscles exerted force!

boom! !

Like a thunderbolt bursting out in place!Surrounded by thunder, he sprinted out in an instant!

The same is true for my wife, Yuzi, who is opposite, but she is surrounded by a hot thunderbolt that is more solid than Shancun!

The moment the two faced each other, they pulled out the blades at their waists one after another!
boom! !

The two collided fiercely in mid-air!Violent thunder flickered wantonly in mid-air!The dense forest below was constantly strafed by the occasional high-temperature thunder and lightning!

The thunder that had been simmering for a long time broke out in an instant!

The shining light illuminated half of the forest!


on the roof.

Jiichiro stood up instantly, his pupils trembling slightly looking at the dense forest lit up with thunder in the distance.

It's Shancun!That breath!

Are you in trouble?
Subconsciously, he wanted to jump off the roof to help, but his empty right arm was suddenly blown by the breeze.

Feeling the touch from the broken arm, Jiichiro choked up his steps, he slowly stretched out his hand, and touched his broken arm.

He slammed the roof hard under his feet, filled with anger at his own incompetence.


Jiichiro raised his head, he looked towards the central street inside Forging Sword Village, and suddenly remembered someone who could help.


With a powerful leap, he left the roof and started running towards the central street.

And at the same time.

Column-level guest rooms.

Shang Quannai and Ji Guoyuan sat face to face.

The two people who were not good at communicating just stared dryly at the eaten dishes.

Occasionally, their eyes meet in mid-air, and then they quickly dodge.

In the end, there seemed to be a somewhat awkward atmosphere that couldn't be restrained.

"...Nai." Ji Guoyuan lowered his eyes slightly, put his hands on his knees, and asked Shang Quannai hesitantly: "The soul you... said before..."

Just when Shang Quannai raised his head to listen, suddenly!

A faint thunder came from afar.

Shang Quannai and Ji Guoyuan looked at each other, and they both saw the doubt and surprise in each other's eyes.

next moment.



The door of the room was slammed open!

"Huh! Huh... Master Umizumi..." Jiichiro, who had rushed all the way, stood at the door, and he raised his head to look into the room.

But there was no one in the room.

Jiichiro frowned anxiously until he saw the other side of the room.

An inconspicuous window was open, blowing a cold breeze into the house.



"Sister... sister!" My wife Shancun used a knife to resist the burning thunder and lightning on the opposite side, and there were already some burn marks on his body.

He looked at his sister who was wrestling with him tremblingly, feeling powerless in his heart.

"Don't call me... elder sister!" My wife Yuzi's eyes trembled violently, and a certain blood in her body gradually boiled, stabilizing her thoughts: "!"

Suppressed the trace of emotion that had just risen to the bottom of the valley!

My wife Shancun was keenly aware of the flash of emotion in my sister's eyes. Although the words were hurtful, he saw the light of hope in his heart.

The strength of the sprint was exhausted, and my wife Shancun, who was still a half-human body, could not stay in the air for a long time, so he used his strength to jump back.


It fell to the ground easily.

He remembered the feeling of using the sword move just now, but at this moment, in Shancun's view, it is more important to wake up his sister!

"...It's so annoying!" My wife Yuzi panted heavily, she looked at her hands irritably, and glared at my wife Shancun fiercely.

She frowned and clenched the handle of the knife tightly, but she couldn't cut down on the yellow hair in front of her no matter what.

elder sister?younger brother?
There was a dull pain in his head, and the memory that had been somewhat vague before seemed to be beginning to become clear under the constant calling of the other party.

Speaking of which, what was my purpose all along?
At this moment, my wife Yuzi stared at my wife Shancun in a trance, and began to have doubts about her own existence!
She turned around, looked at the cliffs and stones behind her, and waved the knife in her hand a few times as if venting her anger!

The next moment, boom! !

The light of the knife across the cliff cut the whole boulder into pieces in an instant!

At this time, a familiar call came from behind:

"Sister! Look!"

She turned around, and my wife Shancun was slumped on the ground exhaustedly, holding a tattered small wooden knife in both hands under the dim moonlight.

There are traces of repairs in the middle of the small wooden knife, which looks quite worn.

My wife Yuzi stared at the wooden knife with her pupils fixed, her mind was unsteady for a while, and she staggered back two steps.

Then, a cold voice came from my mind.


"Why did you hesitate?"

"Cut it off, he's just a human being."

A faint figure in a black kimono appeared, and her scarlet eyes stared fixedly at my wife Yuzi in her mind.

My wife Yuzi's body trembled violently, sweat secreted from her forehead, she took a few deep breaths, and then opened the pair of eyes written with [winding] and [one].

"Yes, Lord Wu Miserable."

(End of this chapter)

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