Chapter 146 - Looking Across Space (Two in One)

"Jiichiro... are you Jiichiro?"

My wife Yuzi blinked and looked confused. The memory in her mind was incomplete, but it was much better than when she couldn't remember a single thing just now.

The moment Jiichiro saw my wife Yuzi turn around, he realized something was wrong.


Shrugging his nose, a strong breath belonging to the ogre continued to come.

"...Umizumi...Your Excellency...This" Jiichiro seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar, his voice was trembling, and he looked at Shang Quanna in disbelief.

Shang Quannai was observing my wife Yuzi. He put his hand on his chin, and he and Ji Guoyuan looked at each other, thinking about how to deal with my wife Yuzi.

"Well, Shancun's sister has become a ghost." Shang Quannai nodded lightly, affirming Jiichiro's thoughts: "However, it seems that she still has her own consciousness, which is somewhat similar to Miss Zhushi."

"...that's why... that's why... this..." The tinnitus continued to surround Jiichiro, he staggered forward a few steps, his legs went limp, and he knelt down on the ground, looking at my wife Yuzi.

Although he is the same age as Shancun, as a pillar, he has a much stronger psychological quality.

He quickly forcibly stabilized his emotions.

After hearing Shang Quanna's explanation of the second half of the sentence, Jiichiro breathed a sigh of relief, and his pupils trembled as he looked at my wife Yuzi.

He couldn't imagine what the sister in front of him had gone through.

Then, like Shancun, he hugged Yuzi and Shancun with tears in his eyes.

"Jiichiro... Shancun..." My wife Yuzi hugged Zencun who had passed out and Jiichiro who was leaning over, the confusion in her eyes was slowly being dispelled.

Ji Guoyuan stood where he was. He looked at my wife Yuzi crying sadly, looked down at his palm, and didn't know what he was thinking.


"Hey cough!!" My wife Yuzi suddenly raised her head, as if being grabbed by something!There were blue veins on her spine that were painfully spreading!

The appearance of the moon was reflected in the yellow-brown pupils, and she screamed in pain, instantly attracting the attention of Jiichiro who was still awake.

"Sister? Sister!" Jiichiro raised his head, and he looked at my wife Yuzi who was screaming in pain in panic.

Shang Quannai and Ji Guoyuan who were on the side also reacted instantly, they became vigilant at the same time, and pulled my unconscious wife Shancun out of Yuzi's arms.

Ji Guoyuan pulled my unconscious wife Shancun, stood aside, and became vigilant.

Shang Quannai stands behind my wife Yuzi, who is ready for any situation.

Suddenly, he shrugged his ears, and there seemed to be some unclean sounds in his ears.

at this time.

A cold voice sounded in the mind of my wife Yuzi:
"...One of the Winding Strings."


"What are you doing?"

"Crying while hugging two members of the Ghost Killing Squad?"

Wu Mi put down the affairs in hand, he once again paid attention to the state of my wife Yuzi, and looked into my wife Yuzi's heart fiercely:

"You are a ghost."

"Don't you understand yet?"

"Wu Mi... my lord... ho..." My wife Yuzi's eyes widened tremblingly, as if the pain had turned into substance and wanted to swallow her up!
"…I'm wrong…"

She was forced to look up at the sky in pain, the spine on her back seemed to be like a needle, poking her body painfully.

Wu Mi was condescending in the vague consciousness of my wife Yuzi. In the darkness, there seemed to be flowers blooming in the blurred plum red pupils. He said contemptuously:

"Ghosts are perfect creatures beyond the existence of puny humans... They're just food."

"Have you... developed feelings for your food?"

"Puff ho!" My wife Yuzi's eye sockets trembled, and she spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Switching... Is this the only thing left?" Wuyou said in a low and hoarse voice, with no emotion in his tone, as if he was narrating a pre-determined matter.

"Useless things."

"…go to hell."



Almost instantly, my wife Yuzi's body began to deform deformedly!Swell!

The long yellow hair also withered instantly!The breath of the whole ghost suddenly collapsed!
"Sister!!" Jiichiro shrank his pupils, and he shouted in horror.

At this time, a few small footsteps came from behind my wife Yuzi.


The veins in Shang Quannai's neck were bulging, and he stepped forward, holding my wife Yuzi's shoulder with one hand, and covering the moon in my wife Yuzi's eyes with his head.


The scarlet eyes moved closer to my wife Yuzi's eyes!

The whites of the bloodshot eyes stared fiercely at something!

"I heard you..."

"...Where are you? Wu Mi..."

Shang Quannai gritted his teeth and muttered, his eyes met those of my wife Yuzi.

His eyes flicked and twitched quickly, as if searching for something in the pupils of my wife Yuzi.

It seems to be because of some special connection between soul and bloodline communication.

When Wu Mi was talking to my wife Yuzi just now.

Shang Quannai also heard Wu Mi's voice.

Through the mirror-like eyes of Yuzi, he vaguely glanced at a certain figure.

The figure's appearance gradually became clear, and finally became completely clear!
Shang Quannai's fast-looking eyes froze, and he fixed his eyes firmly on top of Yuzi's eyeballs.

He stared at the black figure through Yuzi's eyes.

The appearance of that figure gradually became clear in Shang Quannai's eyes.

He chuckled twice, and even vaguely saw the bright lights around him, a somewhat familiar environment.

"…Got you."

"No misery."

He whispered in a low and depressed tone, but it was like a heavy hammer hitting the listener's body hard!
Almost at the moment when the ending of this sentence fell, my wife Yuzi's body stopped deforming, and the original deformed part returned to normal in an instant like a tide!

Wu Mi, who was wearing a black kimono, stayed in the consciousness of my wife Yuzi, and the expression on his face gradually became astonished, and finally turned into panic.

In the brightly lit overlapping housing space.

"!!" Wu miserably opened his eyes, his scarlet pupils narrowed tightly, and all the cells in his body trembled from the depths.

Almost as soon as they looked at each other, he withdrew from my wife Yuzi's sight.


His face was hidden in the shadows, his plum red pupils and eye sockets trembling violently.

The eyes that seemed to be suffocating tightly strangled Wu Mi's neck.

His body froze in place, his pupils trembled violently, and the veins bulged around his eyes.

just now…

...that guy, is that guy?
Really that guy? !

Kamisenna? ! !
Wu Mi's body was stiff, and the whites of his eyes gradually became bloodshot, and his leisurely tone disappeared in an instant.


The wood on the seat gradually shattered, and he sat on the spot expressionlessly, gulping down a mouthful of saliva.

Forcibly suppressing the body's instinct to split, Wu Mi choked his throat, and there was a faint pain in his body, which seemed to remind him of something.

Is that guy already awake? !
After the emotions called fear and depression, there is endless anger that was diverted to cover!

No one told me? !

Are the ghosts in Sagiri Mountain idiots? !

Wu Can's face was covered with blue veins due to anger and fear. Before that, he was wandering outside recklessly, even creating human beings who could become powerful ghosts everywhere.

"Puff!!" Naruto sat aside, her skin suddenly turned purple, and the dark red veins burst out along the veins of her body. She lost her center of gravity in pain and supported her body with her hands.

pat, pat.

The blood spurted out of the mouth dripped down the corner of the mouth onto the ground.

She lowered her head in horror, hugging her zither, not daring to move.


at the same time.

Outside the barrier of Sagiri Mountain.

Somewhere in a cave.

Three ghosts who were sent to Sawu Mountain by Wu Mi after Zhu Shi are being tied together. They are blindfolded and have all kinds of bamboo tubes inserted into their bodies.

At first glance, it is the masterpiece of Zhushi and a certain maiden with the surname of Ganlu Temple.

Sudden!The bodies of several ghosts began to twitch violently.

"Hoooooo!! Cough!"

The body began to deform crazily and bulge.

On the layered skin, there are constantly raised bumps containing pus!

Finally, in the silent struggle, everything from the flesh to the bones dissolved into a dark red paste.

A puff of black dirty smoke rose.

Under the moonlight floating at the entrance of the cave, it was completely invisible.


The dense forest near Forge Village.

Shang Quannai raised his head. He observed my wife Yuzi who had returned to her original appearance, and even her hair had turned back to black. He made a roll of rope with his own blood and tied up my wife Yuzi.

His own blood can temporarily suppress the distortion caused by Wu Mi's blood.

The veins on his neck gradually subsided, and Shang Quannai knew that when Wu Mi reacted, my wife Yuzi would definitely face the risk of death again.

The most urgent task is to send my wife Yuzi to Ganlu Temple, and cut off the monitoring without misery!
As for exposing his identity in front of Wu Mi, Shang Quannai believes that Wu Mi should have known the fact that he was awake long ago.

After all, since he woke up, he has encountered so many ghosts.

He chopped down several near Sawu Mountain.

Able to detect the ghost's vision and thinking without misery, if you haven't realized that you have awakened in this situation.

That Shang Quannai really overestimated his IQ.

in the forest.

Shang Quanna held my wife Yuzi, who had passed out due to the pain, on his shoulders, and he turned his head to Jiichiro and said:

"I'll take her to Sawu Mountain first. When Shancun wakes up, you can tell him."

"Go to Miss Zhushi and look for her, that's all."

"Okay, okay!" Jiichiro looked at my wife Yuzi back to normal, and nodded in a daze.

Afterwards, Shang Quannai identified the direction and jumped forward!
left here.

After a while.

In the same place, Ji Yilang reacted from the bewilderment, he raised his head suddenly, looked in the direction where Shang Quannai left in a panic, and shouted at the only sober Ji Guoyuan beside him:

"Broken! We were blindfolded when we came!"

"How does Your Excellency Shangquan know the way back..."

clap clap!

Ji Guoyuan smiled slightly, he patted Jiichiro's shoulder lightly, and shook his head at him:




In a brightly lit room.


Wu Mi closed his eyes, he took a deep breath, and kept emphasizing to himself that 600 years had passed since that incident.

"I'm... not the same person I was 600 years ago."

Wu Mi opened his eyes, he had already made a presupposition in his heart for this day to come, but he still didn't slow down so quickly.

"No, no no no no no."

He whispered softly, shaking his head slightly.

"The current me is absolutely the closest to a perfect creature."

"That guy has been sleeping for 600 threat at all."

Wu Mi's confidence gradually increased. He glanced at the surrounding environment. He was underground, and the space where only blood ghosts could enter gave him a strong sense of security.

"...No, I'm not afraid at all."


"No, it's better to say that he should be afraid."

"Pathetic guy with human emotions..."

"Maybe I'm still grieving over my brother's death!"

Wu Mi's pupils trembled violently, he kept changing his posture on the seat uneasily, and his voice trembling inexplicably to himself.

"...I am a perfect creature..."


Naruto lowered her head, her only remaining eyeball trembled slightly, not knowing what the adult in front of her was thinking.

She didn't dare to think about it, as a close servant, her mind was the easiest to be noticed by Wu Mi.

Therefore, Naruto skillfully suppressed her inner emotions and tried her best to be a tool person who could not think.

Wiping the blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, Naruto found that there were faint traces of ulceration on her arm.

the very center of the space.

on the platform.


Wu Mi shook his head slowly, and he opened his eyes, which were full of wisdom.

Although his mood is not particularly stable, he is already able to think normally.

Just now, that guy looked at me.

Through the perspective of my wife Yuzi, he met his own eyes.

In other words, he is now by my wife Yuzi's side.

Wu Mi grinned, and the veins popped up along his neck.

Well done!Winding one!
He took a deep breath, and connected with my wife Yuzi's body in his mind, stirring his own blood in her body.

My wife Yuko...

One of my winding ones!

The corner of Wu Can's mouth curled up slightly, and he was faintly excited.

Play your last role!
He gritted his teeth.

Fry him for me!

With sharp eyes, he took a deep breath, and then slowly stretched out a hand.

He didn't link to my wife Tamako's vision, not because of any emotions or anything like that.

Just because I think it is too troublesome, there is no need to watch things that can be directly manipulated.

Wu Mi opened his eyes and clasped his hands fiercely!


With the control of the blood, my wife Yuzi's breath of life should completely disappear.

However, the imagined scene did not happen.

Looking at his hand in surprise, he clenched his fist again!

In his perception, the existence of my wife Yuzi is still there.

Then, slowly, he could no longer perceive the existence of my wife Yuzi.

The warm light shone on his dull face.

Naruto on the side raised her head curiously. Seeing Wu Mi's dull look, she blinked her eyes and lowered her head again.

(End of this chapter)

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