Chapter 147 – Permeable World and Tieqiao (two in one)


In the distance of the dense forest outside Forging Knife Village.

A few ghosts dressed in black squatted on the treetops, and they had been waiting for a while.

They looked at each other, with the words [Xiawu], [Xiasan], [Xiaer] written in their pupils, while the other pupil did not have any writing.

"What should I do? There is no news from Lord Yuzi yet." The ghost of Xia Xian Wu asked Xia San and Xia Er beside him, and he scratched his damaged and bright red skin impatiently:
"Should we attack first?"

He grinned a few times in a low voice, and salivated down the tree along his teeth:

"I've already smelled it, human breath, meat...ah~ I can't wait!"

"Speak up, we can just wait for the order of Master Wu Mi!"

The second of the lower strings glanced at Xia Wu with disgust on his face, he slightly covered his nose with his hands, and the clothes he was wearing appeared to be quite clean:

"Before you speak next time, put away your vampire skills!"

Saying that, Xia Xianzhi Er turned his head away, holding the handle of the knife at his waist with some anxiety.

"Eh—?" Xia Wu was stunned for a moment, he looked at the faint green gas rising around his body, and pursed his mouth:
"Tch... prudish."

"Yeah." Xia Xian Zhi San nodded dully, he looked up at the moon with a blank expression: "Xia Er is right."

Wu at the end of the string glanced at the two ghosts, finally squatted on the tree, silently took back the green gas around his body, and said nothing more.

Just after a tidy meal and a long wait.

The lower string trio finally received...

Instructions from Naruto-sama.


"My lord Wu Mi has no time to talk to you right now... Just disband in place."

"Go back to your own area."

"Stay away from that village."

The cold female voice resounded in Sangui's mind along with the sound of the pipa.

Accompanied by it, there was a faint noise, like the sound of something exploding.

They looked at each other and saw the doubt in each other's eyes.



In a brightly lit room.

Wu Mi was hanging upside down from the ceiling, and the surrounding rooms had become ruins.

The humiliation that the matter was out of control made Wu Mi extremely angry, the veins on his face burst out, and even Zhu Yuan, who was hanging in the distance, passed out.


Sawdust fell from the ceiling.

Naruto hung her head, closed her eyes, and stroked the strings with trembling hands.


Just now.

Narrow Mist.

The town at night is very quiet, with a few lights that do not dazzle the surrounding environment.

The red torii on the mountain is wrapped in mist, adding a sense of mystery to the shrine.

A red figure streaked across the sky like a shooting star.

In the end, it smashed hard outside the barrier of Sawu Mountain.

The smoke and dust were everywhere, and Shang Quannai jumped out of the rising dust with my wife Yuzi on his shoulders.

Stretching out his hand to touch the enchantment, the blood-red film enchantment suddenly opened an entrance, and he threw my wife Yuzi in with his backhand.

Then he twisted his neck and lowered his head to get in.

The moment Shang Quannai entered the barrier of Sagiri Mountain, the barrier behind him closed immediately, and Wu Mi lost his ability to perceive my wife Yuzi in an instant.

Similarly, the possibility of remotely controlling her self-destruction is also gone.

"Huh..." Shang Quannai clapped her hands, took back the blood rope that bound my wife Yuzi, then squatted down, and subconsciously opened her eyelids to look at her pupils.

After discovering that my wife Yuzi was still in an unconscious state, Shang Quannai held her on his shoulders again and walked all the way to the doctor's office.

The door of the doctor's office.


Shang Quannai pushed open the door, and when she was about to call Zhu Shi, a golden fluffy hair with red corners came over.

Purgatory Renshoulang stood at the door, and within a few breaths of seeing Shang Quannai, he rushed over:
"Your Excellency Kamizumi! When are we going to forge knives..."

Shang Quannai froze for a moment, then said nothing, and nodded to Purgatory Renshourou.

Carrying my wife, Yuzi, to the door of Zhu Shi's room.

dong dong.

"Please come in."

Zhu Shi's voice came from the room.

Purgatory Renshourou looked at Shang Quannai's back gradually walking away with a radiant face.

In the end, he found that Shang Quannai didn't seem to pay attention to his intentions, and silently petrified on the spot.


the other side.

Forging knife village.

in the jungle.


Ji Yilang carried my wife Shancun, who was exhausted and unconscious, and picked up the fallen Lei Qie. He followed behind Ji Guo Yuanyi, and looked back worriedly at the direction Shang Quanna left from time to time.

"What's wrong?" Ji Guoyuan saw Ciichiro hesitantly moving forward, he stopped, turned his head and asked.

"Ah... Sure enough, I'm still worried..." Jiichiro was stunned for a moment, then lowered his eyes, and said worriedly: "Even though Your Excellency Shangizumi had a close relationship with the swordsmiths hundreds of years ago..."

"However, it has been so long, and the site of Forging Dao Village has changed so much...I..."

Jiichiro frowned tightly, he said nervously, feeling quite urgent in his heart.

It wasn't that he was uneasy about Kamiquanna, but that he finally saw his sister, and Jiichiro couldn't bear the scene of his precious person passing away again in front of his eyes.

Ji Guoyuan looked at Jiichiro's worried look, and he took out the thick cloth belt that was used to tie his eyes on the road from his clothes.

Three times, five times and two times, he tied the cloth belt on his eyes.

The ears, nose and other parts were torn off and blocked with the remaining cloth tape, which seemed to completely cut off the sense organs.

Afterwards, Ji Guoyuan took his hand under Ciichiro's puzzled eyes.

Kick off!

Ji Guoyuan pulled Ji Yilang, and quickly ran in the dense forest with uneven roads and dense forests!
Even the fast Jiichiro couldn't keep up for a while!

In the end, the two ran out of the dense forest with twisted paths smoothly all the way!
Jiichiro carried my wife Shancun on his shoulders, his eyes changed from puzzlement to astonishment to shock.

In the end, when he followed Ji Guoyuan and stood on the street of Forging Knife Village, he was already staring at Ji Guoyuan's smiling face and was speechless in shock.

Looking at the knifesmiths passing by on the street, Jiichiro opened his mouth slightly in a mess, he raised his head, and looked at Ji Guoyuanyi who was standing beside him smiling.

At this moment, he seemed to understand something.

"Let's go back to the room together." Ji Guoyuan took off the cloth belt, nodded to Jiichiro, and did not explain further.

"Okay, okay." Jiichiro with messy hair froze for a moment, then nodded quickly, my wife Shancun on his shoulder showed some signs of awakening from the jolt.

Ji Guoyuan turned around and walked along the street towards the hotel.

He used to be used to the life of being alienated by others.

Meeting other people in the family, or while living away from home.

When he learned that the world in the eyes of others is different from his own, he also seemed to understand why this alienation came from.

But now, he has met a person who is almost the same as himself, and even the markings on his face are similar, which makes Ji Guoyuan feel a special sense of belonging to this place.


Go into the room.

The rooms of several people are separated, but they eat in the same Japanese room.

Ji Guoyuan has a room alone, Shancun and Ji Yilang have a room, and Shang Quanna has a room.

In Jiichiro's room.

Jiichiro put my wife Zen on the tatami, and he rubbed his sore shoulders.

Although I don't know how that Your Excellency did it just now.

However, he did breathe a sigh of relief.

Jiichiro thought about it, he touched his neck, and the soreness came from there.

Ji Guoyuan held my hand just now, but he was running with my wife Shancun between his head and shoulders!
He only has one hand!
Jiichiro kept rubbing his sore shoulders, and he fell heavily on the soft tatami.

But the worries in his heart were destined to make it difficult for him to sleep tonight.

Tonight, a few people encountered too many things.



The next day.

early morning.

Birds are singing in the morning sun, summer mornings are always so refreshing.

dong dong!

Just as my wife Shancun and Jiichiro were asleep, there was a slow knock on the door of Jiguo Yuanichi's room.


Ji Guoyuan, who woke up early, slowly opened the door and looked outside.

I saw "Tie Qiao", the swordsmith who was in charge of leading several people into the swordsmith village, was kneeling and sitting at the door. He nodded to Ji Guoyuan.

"Your Excellency, please follow me down."

Tie Qiao was wearing a mask, he raised his head, and exchanged a glance with Ji Guoyuan:
"Your sun wheel knife, this time it will be forged by me."


on the street.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan put on his clothes, he followed Tie Qiao and walked along the street to the bamboo forest outside the gate of Forging Knife Village.

"Your Excellency, the Sun Wheel Knife is forged from Orangutan Scarlet Iron and Orangutan Scarlet Ore that absorbs sunlight all the year round. Using the Sun Wheel Knife to kill evil spirits can completely kill evil spirits."

"This kind of material is abundant on the mountains closest to the sun."

"Since hundreds of years ago, when the lord of the Ghost Killing Team discovered this material, almost all visible ores have been mined and sealed up."

"The sun wheel knife is the most basic necessity for the ghost killing team to fight against evil spirits."

"It is also known as the color-changing blade. After being held by someone who has reached the strength, the color of the blade will change."

"But very few people can do it, and those who can do it basically become Zhuzhu later, and they will never use the sun wheel knife again."

When Tie Qiao said this, his tone seemed to be a little sighing.

Along the way, Tie Qiao explained the knowledge about the Rilun Knife to Ji Guoyuan.

As he spoke, Tie Qiao clenched his fists tightly, and his voice became a little low, but the emotion contained in it was extremely firm:

"Most of the knife forgers who came to Forge Village lived here before, or their family and friends suffered certain disasters because of the existence of ghosts."

"A good life, a happy family, will easily disappear under the attack of ghosts."

"I must... forge a knife that can kill all evil spirits."

"Dirty ghosts are creatures unworthy of living in this beautiful world."

Tie Qiao said, his tone paused, he scratched his head, turned around and smiled embarrassedly:
"Sorry, I said a lot of things I didn't want to do."

When Ji Guoyuan looked at Tie Qiao's back, he didn't speak, but followed him silently.


Finally, as if he had reached the place, Tieqiao stopped, and Ji Guoyuan also looked up.

What catches the eye is a small wooden house, and there is something like a furnace on the open space in front of the wooden house.

as well as.

On the table in the center, a piece of ore glistened in the sunlight penetrating from the bamboo forest.

Tieqiao walked quickly to the side of the house, then turned around, looking at Ji Guoyuan with some pride, he reached out and touched the ore:
"This ore was passed down from my ancestors. It is said that it was the ore that was first discovered and was on the top of the mountain."

"The quality is also one of the best I've seen!"

Ji Guoyuan blinked his eyes, and after seeing Tie Qiao's proud eyes through the mask, he nodded slightly.

Tieqiao looked at Ji Guoyuan who nodded, he patted his head, and said with some embarrassment:

"Your Excellency seems to be a bit dull."

"Actually, sometimes, it's better to be more open-minded."

"If it continues like this, it won't work."

Tie Qiao waved his hand, his fire mask reflected a reddish light in the sunlight of the bamboo forest:

"In any case, sir."

He clapped his hands on the ore:

"Your knife is forged with this ore!"

"Don't worry! I will definitely forge the best blade!"

Tie Qiao patted his chest, he stood under the sunlight penetrating the bamboo forest, his eyes were full of firm belief:
"Use my identity as a knife forger as a guarantee!"

In the mist among the bamboo forests in the early morning, the sun is slowly falling, and under the light gray cover, the green pillars look very bright.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan raised his head, he looked at Tie Qiao standing in the sun, his eyes were calm.

"Why." Suddenly, he asked.

Under Tie Qiao's dazed and puzzled eyes, Ji Guoyuan continued to say:

"Why provide me with such a good ore."

"It's not long since I joined the ghost killing team, and I haven't even performed a mission."

Ji Guoyuan kept talking in vain, he was indeed puzzled.

Tieqiao was taken aback for a moment, then he waved his hand, pointed to his eyes, and said in a relaxed tone:

"Your Excellency, my eyes are very accurate."

"I can tell at a glance that Your Excellency's swordsmanship must be extraordinary."

"Your Excellency has an undetectable aura, which will make it difficult for people to notice Your Excellency, but it can't fool me as a knife forger."

"Just like among the few people walking with you, apart from Lord Umizumi, the remaining yellow-haired swordsman must have extraordinary strength."

"It is actually my honor to forge a sword for a powerful swordsman like you."

After Guo Yuan was silent for a while, he slowly lowered his head, and then said in a heavy voice:

"Thank you."

In fact, it has been nearly ten years since Ji Guoyuan Yi last held a knife.

But the feeling when he held the knife ten years ago is like a scorching sun, deeply imprinted in Ji Guo Yuanyi's heart.

"This is what us swordsmiths should do." Tie Qiao shook his head.

"Excuse me, sir, do you have any requirements for the knife?"

Tie Qiao smiled, he found a stool from the messy room, and handed it to Ji Guoyuan:

"For example, the shape of the blade, the shape of the blade, or the length of the handle."

"And the content of the carving on the knife."

As soon as Ji Guoyuan took the stool, he sat down and shook his head slightly:
"No, just follow what you want, that's it."

"...Your Excellency, what an easy-going person."

(End of this chapter)

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