Chapter 148 - Escape is shameful, but useful (two in one)


In a brightly lit room.

Wu Mi sat on the platform in the middle, his legs dangling from the edge of the platform.

After venting his emotions for a period of time, he has calmed down now.

He lowered his head, his scarlet eyes showing patterns like stained glass in a church under the shadows.

——That guy has woken up.

Such words echoed in Wu Mi's heart.

——Sure enough, it’s better not to venture out for a while.

Followed by this thought.

During the more than ten years after Shang Quannai fell asleep, Wu Mi gradually realized that he had not yet become the most perfect creature.

Of course, it is also the closest to perfection!

He is afraid of the sun, and he can't even go out during the day, and can only hide in the shadows in fear.

Therefore, Wu Mi went to Yiyu Country, which was the Sanyashiki mansion at that time.

It was to find the prescription left by Kamiquanna there.

It was also there that Wu Mi encountered the strongest combat force of the Ghost Killing Team at that time - Zaomen Mao.

The guy had similar red lines on his face.

The madness in the fight almost made Wu Mi think he was a ghost.

What he was holding was a bone knife with Kamiquanna's blood, and he had a natural ability to restrain himself, so Wu Mi fell into a disadvantage for a while.

But human beings are human beings after all, and the flesh is always extremely fragile.

The injured hands and feet couldn't recover, and his physical strength couldn't keep up. Soon Shigeru Zaomen could only drag on with perseverance.

After going through a big battle, he was almost dragged into the daylight by Zaomen Mao, but luckily he had the ability to split and escape.

There is no misfortune to guess that if the final prescription is developed, it may allow him to overcome his weakness of fear of the sun, and eventually become a creature without any weaknesses.

And this conjecture was also confirmed by him in subsequent human experiments.

And in the prescription, the last medicinal material that was erased was also found out by Wu Mi.
—— Zhiyang.

For this reason, Wu Mi found countless medicinal materials that met the requirements in Nihong's native land in the past few hundred years, and continued to experiment, but none of them was what he wanted.

Thinking about it, Wu Mi raised his head, and instead of looking at Naruto who was trembling beside him, he said directly:

"Naruto girl."

"Has the human doctor controlled it?"

Naruto heard Wu Mi's gloomy voice, trembled all over, quickly lowered her head, and answered Wu Mi's question:
"Master Wu Mi, together with his family, has already controlled it."

Wu Mi closed his eyes slightly, he took a deep breath, glanced at Zhuyuan who was hanging in mid-air, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up:

"well done."

In the next period of time, Wu Mi estimated that he would not return to the ground again.

There are enough ghosts left on the ground, and the human forces that can be controlled are gradually developing.

For 600 years, he kept spilling his blood in the land of neon.

As a result, there is now a legend of "Heian Era, Hundred Ghosts Walking at Night".

As for leaving Neon, Wu Mi hadn't thought about it.

But at that time, he had developed his surroundings into a comfortable environment, and Shang Quannai's deep sleep, so Wu Mi didn't choose to leave here.

And now...


——For the past 600 years, it’s not that I haven’t done anything.

In the large shadow behind Wu Mi, red eyes slowly lit up one after another.


Outside the forging knife village.

main entrance.

Shang Quannai carried the blindfolded Purgatory Renshoulang, and walked slowly to the gate of Forging Knife Village.

There are several purple patterned sachets hanging around his waist.

This was given by Zhu Shi.

It is said that after being specially treated by her, it can more effectively resist the infestation of evil spirits.

It can even reduce the attraction of thin blood to ghosts.

"Your Excellency Kamizumi! Have we arrived yet?" Purgatory Renshourou felt that Shang Quannai had stopped, and he questioned.

Because of the strong request of Purgatory Renshoulang, Shang Quannai had to take him to Forge Sword Village again.

"Here we are." Shang Quannai patted Purgatory Renshoulang on the shoulder, then turned his head and looked around Forging Sword Village.

Shang Quannai was still in a good mood, and was able to easily resolve the danger that was going to happen without affecting others.

It also made Wu Mi suffer another deflation.

This made him very happy.

Taking a deep breath of the fresh air of the summer blue sky, he slowly walked into Forging Sword Village with Purgatory Renshoulang.


Hotel entrance.

My wife Shancun was standing next to Jiichiro with a tired face. He rubbed his sleepy eyes, drooped his shoulders, and looked listless.

"...Jiichiro~why did you come out so early~"

My wife Shancun was full of complaints, while Jiichiro looked at Shang Senna and Purgatory Jinshourou who kept coming.

"Master Umizumi." Jiichiro ignored my wife Shancun, but looked at Shang Quannai with slightly anxious eyes: "Sister, he..."

"By the way! Sister!" My wife Shancun suddenly woke up from exhaustion and sleep, and he turned his head to look nervously at Jiichiro and monk Quanna.

"Well, it has been sent to Miss Zhushi." Shang Quannai followed behind Jingui Renshourou, and he nodded: "When you leave here, you can see her when you go back to Sawu Mountain."

Hearing this, Jiichiro breathed a sigh of relief, he quickly pulled my wife Shancun who was beside him, and then the two bowed deeply to Shang Quannai: "Thank you very much!"

Purgatory Renshourou on the side looked left and right, he hugged his arms, smiled slightly, and didn't speak.

It seems that something happened again when he didn't know it!

Purgatory Renshoulang thought, and nodded slightly.

"By the way, what about Yuanyi?"

Shang Quannai turned his head and glanced at the range of the forging knife village. He did not feel the soul belonging to Ji Guoyuanyi in the forging knife village.

"Your Excellency Ji Guo?"

Jiichiro blinked his eyes, and pointed out the village:
"From what the village chief said, His Excellency Ji Guo seems to have followed the swordsmith out of the village early in the morning."

"Now, it should be in the bamboo forest outside the village."

"That's it, I see." Shang Quannai looked outside the village in the direction of Ciichiro's finger, and then nodded.

"By the way, Master Umizumi."

Jiichiro withdrew his fingers, lowered his eyes slightly, and said curiously:

"I'm actually a little puzzled, although it's a little rude."

He raised his head and looked at Shang Quannai who turned his head:

"Your Excellency Jiguo's Jiguo... is that Jiguo's surname?"

There was an inexplicable light in Jiichiro's eyes:
"That...I heard that the head of the family is a samurai family with twins."

Shang Quannai looked at Jiichiro's flickering eyes, he choked for a moment, then nodded silently.

"So that's it! Thank you!" Ciichiro obviously had a happy smile on his face. He pulled my wife Shancun who was bewildered beside him, and nodded to Shang Quannai again.

"Let's go find Your Excellency Ji Guo now!"

"Eh? Ciichiro?" My wife Shancun still looked unresponsive.


It was noisy and noisy, and it was rare that there were no evil spirits intruding. Just like this, the few people spent a few days leisurely in Forging Knife Village.

It seems that because of my wife Yuzi, even the members of the Demon Slayer Squad have relaxed a lot in the past few days.

——The crows were surprised to find that the activity of ghosts has decreased these days, and most of the ghosts that can be seen are very weak ghosts who are hungry.

According to the doctor, it has been a few days since I have seen a seriously injured player.

Jiichiro also seems to have developed a high affection for Ji Guoyuan because they were twins born in a samurai family.

And tonight, a few days later, Ji Guoyuanyi's Rilun Saber was finally finished.


Inside the hotel.

"Your Excellency." Tie Qiao sat in front of several people, holding a long strip wrapped in a cloth belt in his hand:

"Because I was too excited, I didn't pack it carefully, please forgive me."

"This knife is definitely the most perfect knife I have ever forged in my life."

His voice trembled, and in the eyes of several people, he held the knife in both hands and handed it to Ji Guoyuanyi.

"Thank you." Ji Guoyuan also took the tightly wrapped knife with both hands, and then slowly opened the cloth.

What was exposed was a knife that was more than one meter long, and the mirror-like knife reflected a sharp cold light.

And where the blade is close to the blade, the word "Mie" is engraved concisely and powerfully.

The golden edge of the knife is inlaid with obsidian-like minerals in the middle, which looks very noble.

On the handle of the knife, the golden yellow shark skin is wrapped by the black handle roll, forming a unique aesthetic texture.

And at the moment Ji Guoyuan held the handle of the knife with one hand.

The blade, which was originally mirror-like, seemed to be stained with ink.From the root of the blade, the darkness spread upwards.

"Oh! This is it!" Tie Qiao's hands trembled, he looked at the color-changing sun wheel knife excitedly: "The color-changing blade!"

He looked at Ji Guoyuanyi excitedly, the fire mask he was wearing almost fell off because of his emotion:

"Your Excellency is indeed a man of superb swordsmanship!"

He wiped his hands on his clothes excitedly, and his face under the mask was full of smiles:
"'s black!"

My wife Shancun and Jiichiro who were on the side also looked at the gradually darkening Hilun Dao in astonishment.

They have also held the sun wheel sword before, and although there has indeed been a change in color, they have never seen the blade turn black.

Sitting cross-legged on the side, Purgatory Renshoulang smiled and nodded: "It's very beautiful in black!"

The pitch-black blade reflected the light in the room, and there were faint traces of color flow.

If you insist on describing it, you can only say it is colorful black.

Ji Guoyuan stared blankly at the darkened blade, frowned slightly, turned his head and looked at Shang Quannai who was cooking.

"Hmm." Shang Quannai, who was stuffing his mouth full of food, raised his eyes, and gestured for Ji Guoyuan to hold the handle of the knife with both hands.

When Ji Guoyuan turned his head, he held the handle of the knife with both hands.


Shang Quannai saw the right moment and blew out the oil lamp beside him, and the room was instantly plunged into darkness.

next moment.

Dots of bright red flashed suddenly, like hot magma, dotted in the darkness.


A wisp of evaporated white mist rises from the Sun Wheel Saber.

Ji Guoyuan held the handle of the knife with both hands without much force, and the blade of the Rilun knife gradually became bright red. The high temperature seemed to be rising, and the surrounding dark space seemed to be distorted.

The black undulating knife pattern on the Rilun knife also turned dark red like magma, and the red blade was like a burning flame, illuminating Ji Guoyuanyi's face.

"This is it!" Tie Qiao looked at the red Sun Wheel Knife, and was speechless for a moment.

"...The blade, is it hot?" Jiichiro sat beside Ji Guo Yuanyi, and he personally felt the faint temperature from the blade.

"It's glowing!" My wife Shancun sighed, and wanted to reach out to touch the blade, but was quickly stopped by Jiichiro, who had quick eyes and quick hands.

"real or fake…"


The few pillars on the side were also stunned in shock.

Ji Guoyuan held the Rilun Knife, observed and felt it carefully, and did not speak.

Only Shang Quannai looked excitedly at the Rilun Knife in Ji Guoyuan's hand.

He knife!

Sure enough, it was even more shocking to see it with my own eyes.

Heating the blade through the grip until the blade is as hot as the scorching sun. Is this really something humans can do?

Shang Quannai looked at Ji Guoyuan holding the He Dao, took the oil lamp beside him casually, and leaned on the He Dao.

In an instant, a flame lit up on the oil lamp, illuminating the room again.

"I got the knife, let's go hunt a ghost?"

Shang Quannai turned his head to Ji Guoyuan once he went out the door.

Ji Guoyuan took a look at his knife, and he slowly loosened his grip on the handle, and the red blade cooled down rapidly, turning black again.

He raised his head and looked at Shang Quannai:
"it is good."


Forging knife village is far away.

In a small town with few people.

"Ah! Ah!!" The immature voice yelled in fear.

A panic-stricken man ran with his daughter in his arms. He quickly fled around the corners of various alleys.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, father is here." The man comforted the young daughter in his arms as softly as possible, even though he himself was extremely uneasy.

He is a businessman.

But now is the era of war, and he can only struggle to maintain his life in the war.

In many cases, it is also the death of people and wealth to survive.

Therefore, he felt very guilty in his heart, but he had no choice but to survive.

Although the family has a lot of money now, life is very difficult, and it is easy to be looted by people who take advantage of the fire if they are not careful.

So, he moved to live in a town where few people came.

And now, in the middle of the night, I met a monster who didn't know what it was!

What a bad luck!

The man's face was livid, and he looked back in horror.

I saw a humanoid creature with horns on its forehead and many strange lines on its body crawling on the wall!
Sticky and disgusting saliva was swaying from the corner of his mouth, and he was quickly climbing towards this side!
The raised pustules on the skin were covered with sores, and the layers of dead skin on the skin were already bluish.

The man was terrified. He just saw that thing lying on the ground and eating the corpse with his own eyes!
"Hahahaha! I didn't expect to encounter thin blood in such a place!"

The evil spirit suddenly jumped!

It fell directly in front of the man!
The evil ghost licked his face excitedly, his scarlet eyes looked into the man's arms, and then he smiled ferociously:

"Hey hey hey, I'm still a child, the taste must be very good!"

Just when the man backed away in a panic.

A slightly excited voice sounded from behind the evil ghost:
"found it!"

(End of this chapter)

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