Chapter 152 – The Joy of Miyashiki Fuyo

"That's it." Shang Quannai lifted the crow that was still sleeping deeply with his hands, and gently rubbed the crow's head with his fingers.

Looking up at the sky, Shang Quannai sat on the wooden bench next to the door of the doctor's office, narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling the comfort of summer.

Seeing this, Ganluji Sakuramochi also sat at the other end of the bench.

Leaning against the door of the doctor's office behind him, he hid his head in the shadow of the eaves, listening to the cicadas coming from his ears.

Because it was daytime, Yin's team members were also sorting out their supplies, preparing for the next dark night.

Shang Quannai looked at the blue sky, but couldn't stop thinking in his head.

He didn't know the current strength of Wu Mi's side.

As far as he understands, he has already encountered two [One of the Winding Strings] these two times.

That is to say, after Shigeru Zaomen died, my wife Yuzi acted as a replacement and became the second [One of the First Strings].

Although they were all resolved by accident, it is not clear whether there will be another replacement, and if it appears in an unknown location, it will be a disaster.

The gold content of [First String One] is not just talk.

Due to various reasons in the previous two times, Zaomen Mao and my wife Yuzi never had time to display their true strength.

You know, in the original book, [Shangxian Land] has the ability to instantly turn a decent and prosperous town into ruins.

But Wu Mi... always hides somewhere and can't come out.

A sense of urgency gripped Shang Quannai's heart instantly.

He slightly rubbed the crow he was holding, and frowned.

Thinking about it, he stood up, and under the suspicious eyes of Ganluji Sakuramochi, he pushed open the door of the doctor's office and walked in.

——He wants to contact Ubuyashiki.


The moment he pushed open the door, sunlight poured into the closed doctor's office.

Zhu Shi who happened to come out of his room was startled.

She took a few steps back in a hurry, only to get away from the place where the scorching sun was spreading.

Zhu Shi looked at the sun's marks on the ground and was silent for a while, then raised his head and looked at Shang Quannai.

"...Sorry." Shang Quannai closed the door casually, and nodded apologetically to Zhu Shi.

"It's okay, I just have something to ask you." Zhu Shi shook her head, she pursed her lips, and there was some sadness in her purple eyes: "Are you free now?"

Behind her, the doctor frowned tightly, with thick dark circles around his eyes.

As a human doctor, he insisted on studying with Zhu Shi, who is a ghost, all night, and Zhu Shi couldn't persuade him.

Fortunately, after research.

The Physician managed to create a relatively crude prop:

A crude short blade.

It is very simple, and it even looks a bit like a syringe. It is used to store blood samples for various researches.

Doctors call this thing: "blood collection knife".

Shang Quannai lowered his head, looked at the "blood-collecting knife" that had just taken shape in the doctor's hand, and then looked up at the doctor and Zhu Shi.

In my impression, such similar props should have been made by a guy named "Yushiro" who was born around the Edo period in later generations.

He squinted at the doctor's dark circles and his proud appearance, and nodded slightly.

In this world, it seems that there are not only reincarnations, but also past lives.

In Zhushi's room.

The doctor was lying on the table beside him. After staying up all night for four or five days, he was finally willing to take a rest.

"So..." Shang Quannai looked away from the doctor, and he looked at Zhu Shi suspiciously: "What is it?"

Zhu Shi gently rummaged through the things stacked on the table, answering Shang Quannai's question:

"Before, I stayed by Wu Mi's side as his valet."

"Stayed for more than a hundred years."

When Zhu Shi said this, the sleeping doctor next to her trembled a few times.

Shang Quannai glanced at the doctor and told him through the world - this guy is not asleep.

Zhu Shi was obviously a little tired, she rubbed her sore shoulders slightly, and then finally pulled out a piece of fine-textured paper from a pile of things.

"During that time, Wu Mi kept me by his side because of my medical skills."

"I also know a little bit because of this."

Zhu Shi turned around, she took the paper and handed it to Shang Quannai.

Shang Quannai took the paper, he roughly scanned the content on it, and then his pupils shrank.

Although there are only two medicinal materials written above, they are things that Shang Quannai is very familiar with:

Black lotus, tortoise shell.

These are the two herbs in the prescription given by Ah Shang back then.

Shang Quannai frowned slightly.

Is Wu Mi looking for a prescription... This is reasonable in his imagination.

After all, Wu Mi in the original book is always on the way to find the "blue flower of the other side".

It's just that I didn't find it until I died.

Because... the blue Bana flowers bloom during the day.

Shang Quannai's frown did not loosen, he was a little worried.

Zhu Shi saw Shang Quanna's appearance, and she continued:

"He seems to be looking for the next content of this prescription, but after a hundred years of research and simulation, he only calculated two flavors."

"Of course, there are reasons why I don't want to do it, but it's not important."

"After these days of research, I discovered a very important medicinal material in the prescription."

Zhu Shi's eyes became serious, she was a little hesitant, after all, she was a foreign and unfamiliar ghost, and she also vaguely felt rejection in the first few days when she joined the Ghost Killing Squad.

Fortunately, in the end, everyone's eyes became much more kind.

So she hesitated for several days before planning to tell Shang Quannai.

Zhu Shi took a deep breath, she stabilized her emotions, and said calmly:

"I guess, that medicinal material may be the key for ghosts to resist the sun, and you... as a ghost, you can walk under the sun..."

"I think you should know what is the most important medicinal material of that taste."

Shang Quannai put down the prescription in his hand, raised his head, and looked at Zhu Shi:

"So, you want that potion, don't you?"

Zhu Shi opened her mouth and choked for a while, she looked at Shang Quannai's eyes, and then nodded stiffly.

She knew that she wanted that medicinal material in her heart to make a potion related to "turning ghosts back into humans".

But my situation doesn't seem to be worthy of others' trust...

Shang Quannai heard the words, put the prescription on the table back into the pile of things, nodded, he stood up:
"I understand. I will try my best to find that medicine for you, but don't hold out too much hope."

Zhu Shi was taken aback when she heard the words, and she looked at Shang Quannai's back as she walked towards the door in a daze.

——Is it so easy to believe her?

——She hasn't said what she wants the medicinal materials for...

Shang Quannai reached out to hold the door.


Cyan Bana flowers bloom during the day, close to the sun, and only have a few days of flowering in a year.

He knew it, but it was hard to find it.

"That's right." Shang Quannai turned his head, he looked at the dazed Zhu Shi: "How is your ghost instinct restrained?"

Zhu Shi quickly reacted, she nodded quickly:
"It's almost there, and now it's enough to drink some blood every week."

"It's just going to be a little bit exhausting."

Shang Quannai nodded, and he glanced at the sleeping doctor beside him.

Those who are physically exhausted are probably doctors.

From his point of view, the only person Zhu Shi can take blood from is a doctor who trusts her unconditionally.

"That's right!" Zhu Shi seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and she called Shang Quannai to a stop.

Then, when Shang Quannai turned around, he handed him a small bottle of pills, and ordered:

"I've heard about that... my lord."

"I tried to use your blood to make some pills. It may have some effect, but at least it won't be harmful to the human body."

"Please help me pass it on to my lord, thank you."

Shang Quannai looked at the bottle in his hand, and nodded to Zhu Shi.

Then he closed the door and walked out.


in the lobby.

in the next room.

Ciichiro and Shancun brought back their dying father, and they were crying and reminiscing about the old days in the next room.

Zhu Shi, another busy day has begun.

Shang Quanna sat in the lobby and began to write a letter to Fuyo Miyashiki.

He hopes to have a deeper understanding of these 600 years without tragedy, and hold another Zhuhe meeting.

It is Shang Quannai's plan to let these pillars collectively learn the breathing method through the Zhuhe meeting.

And, let us know that Ubuyashiki Fuyo and Ji Kunienichi have joined the Demon Slayer Squad.

Although Shang Quannai felt that he should already know.

From the previous signs, people from Ubuyashiki's lineage had long foreseen the inevitability of "Jiguniu Enichi" joining the Demon Slayer Squad.

And call it "the sun" on the bamboo slips.

When he had finished writing the letter, he rolled up the note, wrapped the vial in the middle of the note, tied it to the crow's leg, and threw him into the air.

And the first crow created by Shang Quannai is still sleeping peacefully on his shoulder at this moment.



Ubuyashiki mansion.

At that time, Nuo Da's ethnic group now only has the direct line, but the people of this line have been cursed by blood.

Therefore, the mansion is much smaller than the Ubayashiki mansion 600 years ago.

"Karma! Karma!" The crow flapped its wings and yelled, delivering the letter to Chen Ji.

On the side, Miyashiki Fuyo was unable to get up, he was lying on the tatami, his pupils turned white again.

The effect of Shang Quannai's blood has basically disappeared, and his life is about to come to an end.

Beside him, his young son was kneeling and sitting worriedly, but his immature face had a sorrow that didn't match his age:


He looked at his father, holding his father's numb palm with his small hand.

"...It's okay, don't worry..." Fuyo Ubuyashiki turned his head slightly, his warm and warm voice had become a little hoarse:
"Everything will go in a good direction."

"The dark age is over, next...cough! No matter how bad it is, it won't be as bad as it is now...cough!!"

Saying that, Fuyo Miyayashiki coughed violently a few times, a lot of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and purple scars spread to his arms.

"Fu Shi!" Chen Ji quickly wiped the blood from the corner of Miyashiki's mouth with a handkerchief soaked in warm water, her face was full of worry.

But Ubuyashiki stopped him with his hand, and he said:

"Don't worry about me so much... The ancestors of Ubuyashiki... all of them have experienced such hardships."

"Compared to the sacrifices of those children in the Ghost Killing Squad...I am nothing."

"...I see." Chen Ji couldn't bear to look back, she was silent for a while.

"Fushi...I'm starting to read." Chen Ji finished reading the letter, and she pursed her lips as she looked at the obstetrician Fushiki.

"...Yeah." Fuyo Ubuyashiki nodded weakly.

"Taiyang... Following Guo Yuanyi, he joined the Ghost Killing Squad..."



"I've finished reading..." Chen Ji put away the letter, she lowered her eyes, but she didn't get a response from Miyashiki Fuyo for a long time.

Waited for a while, still no response.

"Father!!" The voice of the young little princess came from the side, which touched Chen Ji even more.

Her pupils trembled slightly, her eye sockets trembled and she raised her head, her nose was already sore, she looked at Fuyashiki Fuyo who was lying on the quilt.

Miyashiki Fuyo's mouth trembled slightly, as if he was saying something.

She listened closely, only to faintly hear some breathless voices from the mouth of the obstetrician Fushiki:

" good..."

Just when Chen Ji closed her eyes, tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

Dang bang.

The medicine bottle wrapped in the blank part of the envelope fell out.

On the medicine bottle, there is a line of small characters written like this:
"The medicine that relieves the Lord's condition is not very effective, but it is useful-Zhushizhi, Umizumi Naru."

She froze for a moment, then her pupils shrank slightly, and she quickly grabbed the medicine bottle on the ground.

After opening the medicine bottle, Chen Ji took out the pill, and gently stuffed it into Fuyashiki Fuyo's mouth.


After Fuyo Miyayashiki swallowed the pill, his complexion improved a lot, at least the appearance that he was about to die just now was gone.

Fuyo Ubuyashiki opened his eyes, and his white pupils, which had lost sight, were staring blankly at the ceiling, and he was stunned for a while.

Then he said to the people around him:

"Chen Ji."

"Yes, I'm here." Chen Ji quickly held Fuyo Miyashiki's hand.

"A week later, hold a Zhuhe meeting."



A week later.

Miyashiki Fuyo was still lying on the futon, but the location was no longer in the room, but on the roof near the garden.

The warm sunlight poured down from the courtyard and fell on him.

At this time, several noisy voices came from not far away.

"Hey! Do you know, I have met several people who are willing to provide me with rest and accommodation in the past few days!"

"Their food is also delicious, which is amazing, to be able to do this at a time like this."

"Hey! Did you meet it too?!"

"Wait! You all met!?"

A few people with the word "Yin" written in white on the back walked through the courtyard, and one of them glanced sharply at the roof.

He exchanged a glance with Miyashiki Fuyo who was lying on the roof.


Immediately, Yin was taken aback, and hurriedly pulled the people around him to kneel down, and apologized loudly:

"I'm really sorry to disturb your rest!! My lord! We just..."

"No, it's okay." Fuyo Ubuyashiki shook his head with a slight smile. Although he could no longer see, he still turned his face to the direction of the voice:
"Can you tell me what you discussed just now?"

"Yes, of course, my lord!"

(End of this chapter)

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