People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 153 - The most important thing between people is trust

Chapter 153 - The most important thing between people is trust


"That's it... I see, thank you." Ubuyashiki Fuyo lay on the roof, he slowly listened to the description of the two Yin players, and then nodded.

"No! This is what we should do...!" The Yin team member was excited, raised his head and waved his hands, but he was very happy in his heart.

"My lord, we will retreat first, so as not to disturb your rest."

The corners of the other Yin's mouth twitched, he tugged at Yin with a happy face, and then hurriedly said to the obstetrician Yashiki Fuyo.

"Yeah." Fuyo Ubuyashiki nodded with a smile, and then slowly moved his head back.

"Hey hey..." Yin smiled silly and touched the back of his head.

"Idiot! Let's go!" The other couldn't bear it anymore, slapped Shale on the head, and forcibly pulled him away.

On the roof, Miyashiki, who lost his eyesight, didn't know what happened, but was thinking quietly in his heart.

"The family of the wisteria family pattern..."

"The a nice person..."

"...Unfortunately, I can't walk anymore." He sighed.

If it was placed before the curse had seriously affected him, he would definitely pay a visit and thank him for his behavior.

It would be even better if it could be recruited into the ghost killing team and become an affiliated organization like the forging knife village.

In such an era, it is not easy to do so.

However, in such darkness, although they are weak, they always yearn for the light persistently, which is exactly what they have been doing all along.

I couldn't help thinking of my own child, and Fuyo Miyashiki felt a little better.

His children seem to be more talented than him.

Maybe...with the help of those two...the Dark Ages can really end here.

Just as he was thinking for a moment, the door inside the roof was pushed open.


The old wooden door made an overwhelmed sound.

"Fu Shi, are you okay?" Chen Ji appeared at the door, holding a medicine bottle in her hand, this was already the third bottle of medicine she asked Zhu Shi for.

"Well... You have worked hard during this time, Chen Ji." Miyayashiki Fuyo smiled in the direction of Chen Ji's voice, but he didn't notice that Chen Ji had already knelt down beside him.

Chen Ji raised her head, seeing Fu Shi smiling at the air at the door, feeling bitter in her heart.

In fact, she is often unimaginable.

Her husband in front of him, how much he has endured, is trying to live.

When will this kind of life... end.

"The time for the Zhuhe meeting should be in the afternoon." Chen Ji spoke slowly, her voice trembling.

Fuyo Ubuyashiki was taken aback for a moment, then slowly turned his head around with a smile and nodded.

Chen Ji frowned slightly, she twisted a pill with her fingers, and put it gently on the mouth of Miyashiki Fuyo:
"It's only morning...why are you here so early...take a rest..."

"Chen's okay." Fuse Miyashiki interrupted Chen Ji's words, and his tone became a little more solemn: "My current physical condition, I don't know when I will die suddenly."

"Being able to lie here and wait for them quietly is enough."

When Chen Ji heard this, she looked at her husband in a daze, pursed her lips, and said nothing more.

All we can do is believe that fate will develop in a good direction... right?

Having been with Miyashiki Fuyo for many years, she can naturally hear the emotions hidden in her husband's words.



Soon, it was noon.

After finishing their respective trainings, the pillars rushed from all directions towards the Ubuyashiki mansion, which is the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Squad.

Several figures quickly turned over from the wall and landed easily.

Afterwards, they all gathered in front of the roof of the Sanyashiki mansion, kneeled respectfully, and pressed their fists to the ground.

Different from the previous Zhuhe meeting, the number of Zhu who came this time has become six.

The extra one was naturally Ji Guo Yuan Yi.

Shang Quannai does not count, because he is not a human, he is a ghost.

This time, Jiichiro did not attend the Zhuhe meeting due to his physical injury, and my wife Shancun came instead.

At this moment, my wife Shancun was drooping her head tremblingly, and her eyes had gradually become dull.

Next to him, the column of wind and the column of water confronted him and caught him in the middle. My wife Shancun even wanted to find a crack in the ground to question Jiichiro.

Does Jiichiro always survive like this? !


My wife Shancun trembled.


The moment Ji Guoyuan stepped into the courtyard, he noticed Fuyashiki Fuyo who was lying on the roof, coughing slightly.

Ji Guoyuan could clearly see the horrific purple marks left by the curse on his body.

Slightly paused in his steps, he turned his head and glanced at Wu Nizhu who was half kneeling towards Miyashiki Fushi.

He glanced at Shang Quannai who was skillfully sitting on the rock behind him.

"Ahem... I am very happy to see you all again."

The warm afternoon sun fell on the face of Miyashiki Fuyo, and he spoke with difficulty, although the corners of his mouth no longer overflowed with blood:

"That person over His Excellency Ji Guo."

Ji Guoyuan, who was suddenly named, was stunned for a moment. He turned his head and was about to nod, but through the penetrating world, he found almost necrotic cells behind the two white eyeballs of Fushi Mibuyashiki.

"Yes, I am Ji Guoyuan." Ji Guoyuan looked at Fuyo Ubuyashiki, and he answered him like this.

"I can't get up because of my health, I'm very sorry."

Ubuyashiki smiled apologetically, and coughed a few times.

A few pillars in the courtyard looked at the state of the obstetrician, just about to say something worried, but slowly closed their mouths.

Seeing the appearance of the lord, several Zhu lowered their heads, their hearts filled with resentment towards their own incompetence.

Ji Guoyuan stared at Miyashiki Fuyo in a daze.

Before coming here, Shang Quannai had talked to him.

The people of Ghost Killing Squad respect this protagonist very much.

As for the reason, Shang Quannai said so.

"You'll understand when you see him."

Just when Ji Guoyuan was in a daze for a moment, Fuyo Ubuyashiki turned his head slightly, and he continued:

"Everyone should already know something about Your Excellency Ji Guo. He is a new member of the Ghost Killing Squad."

"Ahem... Last time, I heard about what happened in Forging Dao Village. Thank you for saving Forging Dao Village from disaster."

"The villagers of Forging Knife Village are also moving to the new village site, everyone can rest assured."

Saying that, Fuyo Ubuyashiki closed his eyes in the direction of Ji Kuni Enichi, Shang Senna, and my wife Shancun, and nodded with his head down, as if to express his gratitude.

My wife Shancun raised her head, and he glanced left and right slightly.

Now, shouldn't he say something?
But after seeing that Ji Guoyuan's first monk Quan Nai didn't speak, he also slowly lowered his head again.

"Shancun, I'm sorry about your sister." Ubuya Shiki Fuyo suddenly opened his eyes, and he looked towards the approximate location of "Naruju": "Is she okay now?"

My wife Shancun was stunned for a moment, then said quickly:

"It's... nothing serious! It's just that my memory is a little confused..."

His tone was a little flustered, after all, it was the first time he faced this lord head-on.

"Is that so..." Fuyo Miyayashiki lowered his eyes slightly, he coughed a few more times, his physical condition did not allow him to explain further: "Say hello to Yuzi for me."

We must get to the point quickly.

"Cough cough cough!!" He coughed violently. Seeing this, Chen Ji at the side hurriedly took out another pill and handed it to Fuyashiki Fuyo.

Then, Ubuyashiki Fuyo slowly opened his eyes:

"Then, let's officially start this Zhuhe meeting."

"First...we're going to add a bar."

Ubuyashiki turned his head slightly, and he looked at the place where Kunienichi was standing in the memory:
"Your Excellency Ji Guo, are you willing to...become Zhu?"

Shang Quannai sat on a stone beside him, and he looked at Ji Kuni Enichi, Ubuyashiki Fuyo, and other pillars who were looking at each other from the air.

How could there be an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

Just at this time, a breeze blew, and the petals of wisteria and cherry blossoms in the courtyard fluttered along with it.

The fragrance of flowers flowed into the nasal cavity, and Shang Quannai couldn't bear to rub her nose.

"I agree." Ji Guoyuan nodded slightly.

Fuyo Miyayashiki heard the words, nodded with a smile, he took a few deep breaths, and then coughed again:

"Cough cough!!"

Blood spewed out from the hoarse mouth, and he supported himself a little weakly.

"My lord!"

"My lord! Don't force it!"

"You! Hurry up and get some hot water!" Feng Zhu looked at my wife Shancun and thanked him nervously.

Following the complete collapse of Ubuyashiki Fuyo, several pillars swarmed up, and Ji Kunien also leaned forward with some worries.

At this moment, Fuyo Ubuyashiki, whose expression was blurred, grabbed Ji Kuni Enichi's sleeve, and he coughed up blood again, with a hoarse voice:

"...Your Excellency Jiguo... about the breathing method...I read it in the letter of Your Excellency Umizumi..."


"…Ha ha……"

Fuyo Miyashiki gasped for breath, his eyes were in a trance, and he forced himself to spend a day outside blowing the cool breeze in the courtyard, which made his body worse again.

"...the children of the Ghost Killing Squad..."

"...I'll leave to your Excellency...and Your Excellency Kamiizumi..."

After saying these words, Fuyo Ubuyashiki seemed to be exhausted, and slowly closed his eyes.

The hand holding Ji Guoyuan's sleeve also slowly loosened, and finally dropped down.

But fortunately, the heart was still beating slowly and weakly, and did not die.


In the end, the Zhuhe meeting ended with the exacerbation of Miyashiki Fuyo's condition.

It also made Purgatory and my wife Shancun, who hadn't come last time, understand the concept of breathing for the first time.

"Eh? What?"

"How to breathe?"

My wife Shancun said so.

"...Already, it's too late to be sad." Shui Zhu stood aside, his heart was full of powerlessness and regret for himself a week ago.

He raised his head together with Naruya Kazama, and looked at Ji Guoyuan with solemn eyes:

"Please! Teach us how to breathe again!"

"Thank you very much!!"

After settling in Yashiki Fushi, they must take advantage of the time when there are no ghosts born, and quickly improve their strength.

Time will not give them extra chances.



the other side.

a mansion somewhere.

A man wearing a purple serpentine feather weave walked quickly in the hallway of the mansion.

The wooden boards of the clogs rattled in the corridor.

His expression was cold, and his face was like a rock cut by a knife, which made people feel very stiff.

But when he walked, his back was straight, like a sharp sword, sharp and straight.

This is the temperament cultivated by years of practicing swordsmanship and killing enemies on the battlefield.

But this temperament should not be shown in one's own home.

"Father...?" A boy with pigtails was standing in the courtyard. Seeing his father's hurried appearance, he couldn't help but put down the wooden knife in his hand and murmured.


"Shh, give Father some time." The mother on the side quickly covered her son's mouth, she raised her head worriedly, and looked at her husband.

War has always been a constant topic in this era.

Hearing his son's murmur, the man turned his indifferent face slightly, but he didn't stop any longer, but walked through the corridor near the courtyard faster.

Just now, he received news from the frontline warriors.

Many samurai were attacked by surprise and suffered heavy casualties without knowing it.

Even the seven samurai generals known as the "Seven Guns of Jiguo" were attacked, and the "Seven Guns" have since become the "Six Guns".

Moreover, until now, it has not been found out who stole into the camp.

At this moment, the man felt that he seemed to have cultivated a bunch of waste.

How does this allow him to stabilize his emotions!
Before the war started, his side had already lost some combat power.

If this continues, let alone become the number one warrior in this country.

Jiguo family!It has begun to perish!

In my own hands!
This must not!

In his mind, the image of a young man holding a flute and smiling at him emerged, and the man gritted his teeth.


He stopped.

In front of him was a sealed room.

The surrounding environment is very dark, and the afternoon sun can't even reveal half a minute.


The seal was torn violently, and the man kicked the door open.

In the room, there were messy bloodstains and black marks of struggle on the walls.

The weed pile next to it was already full of traces of blood staining.

In the middle of the room, a figure was hanging there with its limbs tied up in the character "big".

The man held the handle of the knife at his waist, and his sharp eyes stared straight at the opposite wall.

That was bound by ropes, hanging in mid-air, a powerless figure.

"...What's the matter?" The figure's voice was very hoarse, and his figure was as thin as a bone, but he still had breath:

"Do you need my help?"

His limbs were bound by iron chains and ropes, and he slowly raised his head, the scarlet eyes flickering faintly in the darkness.

The man was silent, he just held the handle of the knife at his waist, looking warily at the chained and hanging figure in front of him.

"I told you..."

"...want my help..."

"Meat! Give me meat!!"

As he was talking, the figure suddenly became crazy, and his thin limbs shook the iron chain with great force, but the iron chain bound him tightly, making him unable to break free.

The figure was speechless, and he stopped moving.

He hadn't eaten for a long time, so he couldn't even break free from this level of iron chain.

"Monsters like many are there?"

Seeing the frenzied appearance of the figure, the man drew out the knife from his waist and questioned in a cold tone.

"Oh, monster?" The figure sneered, "I don't know!"

"Hundreds? Thousands? Not even tens of thousands!"

The man narrowed his eyes slightly, put the knife back in his waist, then faced the figure, and slowly exited the room.


As the old wooden door gradually closed, the figure's cold and hoarse voice continued:

"…you're going to need me."

"There will be that day, I can see the ambition in your eyes..."

"...Remember, when that day comes, give me the meat."


As the door was completely closed, the figure in the room grinned ferociously, and he laughed wantonly.


(End of this chapter)

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