People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 154 - The future is bright, the road is tortuous, and people cannot be generalized

Chapter 154 - The future is bright, the road is tortuous, and people cannot be generalized


"Master Patriarch!"

"Master Patriarch!"

Da da da!
Along the way, the man's expression was indifferent, and even the servant who passed by to say hello lowered his head in fear.

He went into his room and took away the armor he needed to wear on the battlefield.

It is undeniable that the monster just now was right.

He would need that monster one day, which was why he bound it instead of killing it.

He knows the monster's weakness - the sun.

As long as it touches the sun, the monster will tremble with fear, and even turn into ashes.

That's why he can catch monsters.

——He set up some simple mechanisms in the monster's room. During the day, pulling the mechanism at any time can open the window sill behind the monster, allowing sunlight to leak in no matter what angle it is.

After putting on the armor, the man patted the dust off his body, and then, under the watchful eyes of his wife and children, he left the family mansion without looking back.

He wants to go to the battlefield himself to see what happened!
The man's eyes are sharp and firm.

Just watch, I will definitely live a successful life... and more successful than you!

In the bottom of my heart, I secretly made an oath I didn't know who to say to.



Soon, it was evening.

The evening sun gradually faded, like the back of an old man on crutches, getting thinner day by day.

The clouds on the horizon slowly dimmed, and a dark and damp atmosphere enveloped the sky.

In the garden in front of the Ubuyashiki mansion.



The sound of violent breathing was like a rapid gust of wind, whistling bitterly in the courtyard.

It has been like this from noon to evening.

"Hmm!" Purgatory Renshoulang's eyes lit up, and he adjusted his breathing intently.

As the one with the best blood absorption effect among several pillars, he also seems to have made faster progress in breathing than the other pillars.

Although the breathing rhythm of the other pillars was even, their sweaty faces and gritted teeth showed that things were not simple.

Things seem to be moving in the right direction.


"Hiss—!!" My wife Shancun clenched her teeth, following the method taught by Ji Guoyuanyi, she suddenly compressed the oxygen in her lungs.

He practiced very hard without reason.

Since the afternoon, after witnessing Ji Guoyuanyi's breathing method, my wife Shancun has become like a desperate Saburo.

His face was blushing, and he changed back after being corrected several times by Ji Guoyuan.

Perhaps it was because of the hoarse cry of Jiichiro who was bloody and bloody back then.

Or maybe it was because she saw the bewildered eyes of Yuzi who had turned into a ghost.

No matter what the reason is, my wife Shancun is now working harder than before.

He knew that he needed to become stronger.

Shang Quannai was sitting on a tree beside him, he looked at my wife Shancun with some concern.

That guy's lungs are going numb.

It was the first time he had seen such congested lungs.

Shang Quannai narrowed his eyes, he observed my wife Shancun's physical condition.

My wife Shancun's lungs were red and swollen.

The pillars who have honed their bodies through life-and-death battles all year round, and their physical bodies have reached the peak of human beings, fully meet the standards for direct learning of breathing methods.

What's more, they still drank Shang Quannai's blood now. wife Shancun's body...seems like it can't stand his tossing so desperately.

——"Puff cough cough cough!! cough cough!!!"

At this time, there was a sudden violent coughing sound, which instantly attracted the attention of Ji Guoyuanyi who was observing the crowd.

"Cough cough ho—vomit!" My wife Shancun knelt down on the ground in pain, he grabbed his throat with his hands, and suddenly coughed up a large puddle of blood.

Ji Guoyuan leaned over in a hurry, knelt down and patted my wife Shancun's back lightly, frowning slightly, looking at my wife Shancun's lungs.

" uncomfortable...cough cough cough!!"

My wife Shancun supported Ji Guoyuanyi's shoulders, and he coughed while wiping the sticky stuff around the corner of his mouth.

It was blood stained at the corner of his mouth.

Stretching out his hand, seeing the blood on his hand, my wife Shancun's pupils shrank, and he shouted again in a hoarse voice:

"Ah!! Blood!! I, oh, oh!!"

Ji Guoyuan quickly covered the mouth of my wife Shancun who was about to scream, and stopped the possibility of further deterioration of the situation.

"You go to the side to rest for a while..." Ji Guoyuan lowered his eyes, and he looked at the blood on the ground, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart.

His dark red irises reflected my wife Shancun's painful appearance.

—— breathing method...

——Again... because I...

In my mind, the image of the young brother gradually emerged.

In the beginning, it was also because of him.

Otherwise, the elder brother will not be replaced by him and become a monk who needs to become a monk.

He hates feeling like this...

After helping my wife Shancun to sit down, although his face was expressionless, he said softly:

"…Feel sorry."

My wife Shancun was taken aback. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with a cloth, and stared blankly at Ji Guoyuan as he walked towards the other pillars practicing breathing.


He tilted his head, and exchanged a glance with Shang Quannai who was beside him.

Not knowing where the courage came from, he subconsciously asked in a hoarse voice:

"Your Excellency Ji Guo...why do you want to apologize to me?"

Shang Quannai propped his chin with his hands in boredom, and he glanced at my wife Shancun:
"He's that kind of guy."

"Just get used to it."

My wife Shancun slowly looked away, he lowered his head and blinked his eyes.

Seeing Ji Guoyuan's back gradually walking towards the pillars, he was in a daze for a moment.



Several pillars forced Ji Guoyuan to ask for a rest, and they looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to refuse.

They could only sit under the tree, resting anxiously one by one.

It's like playing with a mobile phone, suddenly remembering that I didn't write my homework, and then continued to play with my mobile phone with a nervous face.

"No! Now is not the time to rest at all... cough cough cough!!" Minazuki Shiro stood up abruptly, just as he was about to argue for something, he coughed violently a few times.

He rubbed his neck with his hands and frowned slightly.

Her throat became hoarse, and her lungs felt like a knife-scratching pain.

……how come.

Mizunatasuke felt the needle-like pain in his throat in a daze.

Ji Guoyuan stood aside, his pupils shrank slightly, his fists hidden behind his back were clenched slightly, and he opened his mouth, revealing deep self-blame in a flat tone:
"...Please rest."

Shuimu Yuebai raised his head, looked at Ji Guoyuan, hesitated for a while, then nodded slowly, and sat back.

Yanjian Yanci at the side sat upright, clasped his hands together, and kept moving the rosary in his hands.

pat, pat.

His rough fingers moved the rosary delicately.

Yan Ci felt the feeling coming from her lungs, and always felt that the "breathing method" of His Excellency Ji Guo didn't seem to be suitable for her.

That kind of "breathing method" is indescribable, they use it with a little reluctance, and he can barely keep up with the breathing rhythm.

According to his thinking, if this "breathing method" is deeper, slower and thicker, it may be easier to learn.

No, that might not work for other people.

pat, pat.

While thinking, he moved his rosary.

Just as Iwami Yanci was thinking this way.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan sat under the tree where Shang Quannai was lying on his stomach, he hung his head and was thinking of a solution.

Shang Quannai looked at Ji Guoyuan with his head down, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and he put his hand on his chin, and said slowly:


When Ji Guoyuan heard the words, he slowly raised his head and looked at Shang Quannai who was lying on the tree above his head.

I saw Shang Quannai propping his head with one hand and raising the other hand up, narrowing his eyes slightly, and said earnestly:

"This person cannot be generalized from person to person."

"I used to be..."

Shang Quannai squinted his eyes and said, his body suddenly became stiff, and then he stopped talking.

A hint of confusion appeared in Ji Guoyuanyi's eyes. Seeing that Shang Quannai waved his hand, unwilling to explain further, he could only lower his head again.

Continue to think about yourself.

He knew very well that my wife was good at living, and the reason for their coughing was because of his breathing method.

Ji Guoyuan can be sure that they cannot learn their own breathing method.

It's not that he didn't have enough experience and practice. He has a transparent world, and he can tell at a glance when a few people cough.

They do not adapt to their own breathing rhythm.

Although their physical fitness is strong, they are far behind their own.

Your own breathing method is the "optimal solution" achieved according to your own body.

The "best solution" for me may not be suitable for everyone...

At this time, Ji Guoyuan suddenly remembered Shang Quannai's words in his mind.

"You can't generalize from person to person."

As soon as Ji Guoyuan raised his head slowly, Gu Jing Wubo's eyes lit up slightly, as if he had thought of some good ideas.

Yeah... since my breathing doesn't work for them.

Then create a breathing method tailored for each person according to their own situation...

That's it!

Thinking about it, Ji Guoyuan raised his head and cast a grateful look at Shang Quannai.

And Shang Quannai was looking up at the last ray of sunlight fading away from the sky, and didn't notice Ji Guoyuanyi's eyes.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan stood up, he looked around with his transparent eyesight, and instantly met the eyes of the best-fit Jingui Renshourou.

Purgatory Jinjurou's lungs showed no signs of congestion, but just like Minazukishiro, the trachea seemed to have been blown.

"What's wrong!" Purgatory Renshoulang saw Ji Guoyuan staring at him all the time, and he couldn't help asking, "Is there something on my face?"

Although the voice also became a little hoarse, it was much better than Mizuna Moon White.

"No..." Ji Guoyuan shook his head slightly, he pondered for a while, then patted Purgatory Renshoulang on the shoulder:

"... Pavilion..."

Before Deng Ji Guoyuan could finish speaking, Purgatory Renshoulang answered first:

"Purgatory Renshourou! My name is Purgatory Renshourou!"

"Your Excellency has not been able to remember my name before! Although it is a bit long, it is actually easy to remember!"

Ji Guoyuan choked for a moment, looked at the passionate eyes of Renshoulang in the purgatory, and took two steps back slightly.

"Your Excellency Purgatory, can you show me your sword skills?"

"Oh! Sword skills?" Purgatory Renshourou's fluffy hair flickered suddenly, he stood up, straightened his waist, his pupils like red flames reflected light in the dark evening: "No problem!"

He patted his chest, and then held the handle of the knife at his waist.

"I'm coming!" Purgatory Renshoulang looked at the open space in the courtyard and pulled his legs slightly backwards.

Ji Guoyuan stared intently at the movements of Purgatory Renshourou and the style of his sword skills.

My wife Shancun, who was on the side, was stunned for a moment when she saw Renshoulang's opening gesture in Purgatory, and then muttered: "...Hey, isn't this the same as Thunderbolt Flash's opening gesture..."

But it's actually not the same.

Shang Quannai glanced at my wife Shancun who was sitting on the rock below him.

At this time, the Purgatory Renshourou standing in the middle of the courtyard moved!

He holds the handle!Instantly pulled out the blade at his waist, and then sprinted forward!

【One Type · Shiranui】!
Purgatory Jinshourou with hair like red flames was like a burst of flames. He kept his figure and sprinted in front of a cherry blossom tree in an instant, and then swung the blade in his hand violently!
The white blade cut cleanly across the top of the cherry blossom tree, Purgatory Renshouro flew to the ground, put the knife into the sheath.


Afterwards, he slowly got up and stretched out the hand that was not holding the knife just now.

In the palm, there was a cherry blossom that was intact and cut off from the torus!

"Look!" He smiled, turned his head and showed the cherry blossoms in his hand to Ji Guoyuan.

My wife Shancun sat aside and was slightly stunned for a while.

Damn, he pretended to be!

Some blue veins popped up on his expressionless face.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan looked at the cherry blossoms in the hands of Purgatory Renshoulang, he felt a little feeling in his heart, but he hadn't fully grasped it yet.

——Is it a sword skill that is as hot and vigorous as a flame?
— like a flame...

"Are there any other sword moves?" Ji Guoyuan, who was standing not far away, continued to shout.

Purgatory Renshoulang blinked his eyes. He had just practiced the breathing method all afternoon. Not to mention a little tired physically, he was also slightly tired mentally.

But it doesn't matter!No matter what difficulties you encounter, you should deal with him with the spirit of a raging fire!

"Huh..." He let out a long breath.

"Of course!" Purgatory Renshoulang regained his spirit, and he also shouted to answer Ji Guoyuanyi.

"Please." Ji Guoyuan nodded.


Afterwards, under the watchful eyes of several Zhu and Ji Guoyuan, Purgatory Renshoulang kept waving the blade in his hand.

From the Ichino-type of sword skills Shiranui to the Hachi-type he created, he demonstrated them all together.

And in the middle of demonstrating sword skills.

Purgatory Jinshourou, who was wielding the blade, recalled in his mind every time Shang Quanna carried him soaring into the sky.

First, the feet were slightly charged, and then a roar broke out, and it streaked across the sky like a meteor...

For a moment, Purgatory Renshoulang was stunned. He held the knife in his hand, and vaguely had some new ideas in his mind.

"That's enough! Thank you, Your Excellency Purgatory." At this time, Ji Guoyuan stood aside, and he closed his eyes slightly, feeling the sword skills of Purgatory Renshoulang.

Afterwards, the breathing that was scorching hot and round like the scorching sun changed slightly, becoming more vigorous and rushing forward.

The Zhus who had practiced their breathing rhythm for a day quickly noticed Ji Guoyuan's changing breathing rhythm.

"Hey, hey... isn't that right..." Minazuki Shiro squinted his eyes, grabbed Kazama Naruya's sleeve, and looked at Ji Kuni Enichi's back in disbelief.

"Amitabha..." Yanjian Yanci closed his eyes and palms together.

Shang Quannai looked sideways slightly, and looked up at the moon that had just risen.

Yes, in this short period of less than half an hour.

The second breathing method in the world was born.

Purgatory Renshoulang stood with his saber closed, his chest undulating slightly panting, his pupils narrowed and looking at Ji Guo Yuanyi who was constantly adjusting his breathing rhythm.

 Regarding the issue of one update per day, it is actually two updates. I just combined the amount of the two updates. If you want to change it into two updates... I just need to separate it...

(End of this chapter)

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