Chapter 158 – Ji Guoyuan First Iwakatsubuki
It's already evening.

On the roof of the Ubuyashiki mansion.

The candle flame flickered, illuminating the dimly lit roof.

The roof is open to the courtyard, and you can clearly see the pillars practicing swordsmanship in the courtyard.

Shang Quannai and Ji Guoyuan sat facing each other, with a table in front of them.

At the same time, Ji Guoyuan also had some doubts on his face.

"What's wrong?" Ji Guoyuan turned sideways slightly, his eyes focused on the waterless moon in the courtyard, but he was actually asking Shang Quannai: "Why did you call me over all of a sudden?"

Shang Quannai also narrowed his eyes and looked at Mizumuzuki who was dancing in the waves in the courtyard. He reached out and picked up the teacup beside him, and took a sip:
"I went out today... Guess who I saw." His tone suddenly became frivolous, and he glanced at Ji Guo Yuan Yi with a smile.

Ji Guoyuan choked for a while, but he didn't answer Shang Quannai's question.

This is also in line with his character.

Seeing this, Shang Quannai didn't pay much attention to it. He put down the teacup in his hand, thought about the language in his heart, and then said:

"A man whose surname is Ji Guo just like you."

"Wearing snake pattern feathers, with a high ponytail, she looks very similar to you, but not exactly the same."

"It seems to be the patriarch of the successor family. He looks very dignified."

"I thought you might be interested..." Shang Quannai said, turning his head to look at Ji Guoyuan.

When Ji Guoyuan heard the words, his eyes lit up obviously, he turned his head and glanced at Shang Quannai, and then slowly lowered his eyes.

He knew who Shang Quannai was talking about almost instantly.

He looks very similar to himself, and now he is the patriarch of the successor country, so there is only one candidate.

——His elder brother, Ji Guoyan Sheng.

Not very excited, just a little more emotional than the usual expressionless situation.

In Jiguo, Yuanyi's father falsely claimed that only one child was born in Jiguo in order not to expose the "twins with ominous omens".

Therefore, the outside world has never known the existence of the direct line of "Jiguo Yuanyi".

When Yuanyi lived with Udo outside, he also carefully guarded the family secrets for his father.

But, now that it's in Ghost Slayer, these are things that no one cares about.

Big brother...have you become the patriarch...

In his mind, Ji Guoyansheng's joyful appearance could not help but appear.

"That's why you called me over..."

Ji Guoyuan lowered his eyes, his pupils reflected his fluctuating emotions, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously curled up slightly:
"I do know."

"He... is my elder brother, and he is a very powerful person."

"Oh, brother?" Shang Quannai pretended not to know anything, and tilted his head in doubt.

"Yes, he is my twin brother, so he will look similar." Ji Guoyuan's tone was obviously more vigorous than usual.

"If you can call him very powerful, then your brother must be very powerful."

Shang Quannai looked up at the wind chimes under the eaves, and said casually.

"My elder brother, he is impeccable no matter what he does or how he behaves." Ji Guo Yuanyi's tone was faintly proud.

"If he becomes the patriarch, the family will definitely flourish."

Shang Quannai listened to Jiguo Yuanyi's words, and he imagined in his mind that Yan Sheng would listen to Yuanyi's words here.

One might think that Enichi was humiliating him.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan raised his head, he felt a little joy in his heart. He hadn't heard any news about his brother for nearly ten years:

" are you doing now?"

Shang Quannai looked at the corner of Ji Guoyuan's raised mouth, he continued to turn his head, looked into the courtyard, and said casually:

"I didn't communicate with him, I just watched him from afar."

"I saw him, he was escorted on and off the carriage, he had a rather large mansion, and his family seemed very powerful."

Saying that, Shang Quannai deliberately stressed the next few words:
"Your elder brother seems to have married a wife and had children. When I saw him, his wife was holding and holding two children to welcome him at the door."

"A very happy family of four."

"That's it..." Ji Guoyuan listened carefully to Shang Quannai's words, he looked up at the dim sky outside the courtyard, and couldn't help but feel joy for his elder brother.

It seems that the choices I made are all correct, my lord brother.

You are now blessed.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan looked at the courtyard with a smile, the appearance of Uta and his child appeared in his mind.

I also got my own happiness.

It would be even better if... there were no ghosts.

The existence of the evil spirit almost destroyed his own hard-won happiness.

It also made the originally stable life less peaceful.

Thinking about it, Ji Guoyuan closed his eyes and began to pray for his elder brother in his heart.

I hope that my elder brother will not encounter such a man-eating evil spirit, and never need to participate in such a cruel struggle.


"Thank you." As soon as Ji Guoyuan opened his eyes, he turned his head and looked at Shang Quannai, with an extremely sincere and solemn tone of emotion.

"It's okay, I just saw it by chance." Shang Quannai looked at Ji Guoyuan, and he waved his hand slightly, his goal has been achieved.

"That's it, I've finished what I want to say, let's go first."

He stood up, turned around and opened the wooden door, ready to go to the room where Yashiki Fuyo was born.


His reason for doing this is simple.

In the original book, the grown-up Ji Guoyuan meets Ji Guoyan Shengshi again and again.

At that time, Iwakatsu knew that Enichi was not immersed in the chaos of war.

Instead, he joined the ghost killing team to kill evil spirits and save others, and his heart was shocked.

The goal that I have been striving for and working hard for is so ridiculous in the eyes of my younger brother.

Feeling crushed again, Yansheng chose to follow in the footsteps of his younger brother, resolutely abandoned his wife and son, abandoned his developed family, and his wife who was waiting at home, and resolutely joined Ghost Killing Team.

And he didn't tell Ji Guo Yuanyi about this.

At that time, Ji Guoyuan didn't ask too much, he just thought it was his elder brother's trust in him, so he took Ji Guoyansheng who wanted to join the ghost killing team to meet the lord.

The wife and children abandoned by Ji Guoyan Sheng are the last blood of Ji Guo.

However, after losing the patriarch of the family, the successor family has begun to fester, without the glory of the past, and cannot give shelter to Yansheng's wife.

In order not to be chased and killed by the enemy, they had to change their surnames to "Shi Tou" and lived in the mountains as woodcutters.

Shang Quannai's purpose is to turn the entire Jiguo family into a subsidiary force of the Ghost Killing Squad just like "Knife Forging Village" when Jiguoyuan meets Yansheng.

And, save the mother and son who were abandoned in the original book.

As for why...

Please, everyone with the surname Jiguo is super brave.

No matter whether it is Ji Guo Yuan Yi who can crush the innocent Ji Guo Yuan Yi with his human body.

It was his elder brother Ji Guoyan who came in second but refused to admit defeat.

Neither of their breathing techniques has been learned or passed down by others.

There are also descendants of Ji Guoyan Sheng, who used hammers and wooden stakes to kill evil spirits when they first saw them.

All of them can be described in two words.


Moreover, almost all of them are geniuses who work extremely hard.

And these geniuses all come from the same line, so it might not make people think of something.

Therefore, the lineage of Jiguo must be held in hand.

And Yu Ji Guoyuan's persuasion will always be more convincing than himself, an outsider to Yan Sheng.

This matter cannot be rushed.

Shang Quannai stood in the corridor of the room and stretched, he turned his head and glanced at Ji Guoyuanyi who was secretly delighted.

The current Ji Guo Yuan Yi must want his elder brother to live in peace and not be involved in this war between humans and ghosts.

Therefore, we need to wait for an opportunity.

One, it is an opportunity for Ji Guoyuan to enter the field reasonably, and Ji Guoyan Sheng to join the Ghost Killing Team.

And this opportunity.

—has been born!

Shang Quannai frowned slightly.

When he saw Ji Guoyansheng, how could he, who could see through the soul, fail to notice a bright red soul in Ji Guo's mansion.

Yes, in that moment of observation, through the wall, Shang Quannai saw the red soul tied by the iron chain and hanging in the air.

—— Ji Guoyan wins this guy, he is raising ghosts.

This is also the reason why Shang Quannai did not directly contact Ji Guo Yansheng, he was afraid that it would arouse Yan Sheng's vigilance.

Although it is not clear what he wants to do in raising ghosts, but he can roughly guess it.

It's nothing more than things like killing enemies on the battlefield.

But now, Shang Quannai just has to wait.

Waiting for the moment before Ji Guoyan wins to play off.

Evil ghosts are not so easy to control.

Thinking about it, Shang Quannai completely closed the door behind him, his expression darkened.

The eyes are slightly closed.

People who lose themselves in power usually don't know it.

It just so happened that Ji Guoyan Sheng was the one who kept on exploring on the verge of being lost.

It was true in the original book, and it is true now.



the other side.

Jiguo Mansion.

The moon has slowly risen.

"Karma! Karma!" A few crows landed on the edge of the mansion's eaves, looking into every corner of Jiguo's mansion.

Even on the roof of the room where Ji Guoyansheng hid the evil spirit, there was a crow squatting there.

In the dark red crow's pupils, there was a light of wisdom.

They are Shang Quannai's eyeliner to monitor Ji Guoyansheng.

For the crows who share the same blood with Shang Quannai, assigning them some tasks is already a matter of thought.

Similarly, after proficient use, the crows only need to read silently in their hearts to send messages to Shang Quannai.

At this moment, in the room where the evil spirit is tied up.

Ji Guoyan, who was wearing a purple snake pattern kimono, looked down at the evil spirit.

That's right, the "monster" he locked was actually an evil ghost with a bright red soul.

"Eat." Ji Guoyansheng said, and threw the two severed fingers in his hand towards the evil spirit.

pat, pat.

The evil ghost stared at Ji Guoyansheng coldly, even though his bloody fingers rolled to the ground, he didn't move at all.

What about sending beggars?


Blue veins popped up on the evil ghost's forehead, and he looked at Ji Guoyansheng's contemptuous eyes, feeling extremely angry in his heart.

He almost gritted his teeth and squeezed out a voice:
"...not's not enough at all..."

"Is this the amount of ambition you have...?"

The evil ghost was furious, if he hadn't lived under the fence, he would be swearing now!

Unexpectedly, Ji Guoyansheng's indifferent words blocked the evil ghost's mouth:

"I don't expect to fill you up either."

"It just gives you the ability to walk."

Ji Guoyan wins the backlight, his eyes in the shadows are slightly white, and his tone is very flat:
"Wait until the place, I will give you something to eat."

He squatted down slightly, picked up the severed finger that fell on the ground with the long pliers on the side, and then stretched the severed finger to the evil ghost's mouth, arching it slightly.

Like coaxing a child, she said in a soft but extremely cold voice:

"Come on, let's eat."

"Didn't you always want to eat meat?"

"Hey..." The evil ghost's scarlet pupils narrowed slightly, and bloodshot eyes climbed to the blackened whites of his eyes, and he stared at Ji Guoyan Sheng.

The humiliation and anger in my heart are climbing rapidly.

Ji Guoyansheng's tone made him feel that his dignity was being rubbed against the ground. He had had enough of those days of patience!

After eating, the first person to kill is the man in front of him!absolute!

Thinking, the evil spirit endured the humiliation in his heart, he stared at Ji Guoyansheng who seemed to be coaxing a child, and tremblingly opened his mouth full of fangs.

"Clang!" With the shaking of the iron chain, the evil ghost swallowed the two severed fingers in one gulp, chewing viciously.

When Ji Guoyansheng saw this, he couldn't help smiling and stood up. He wiped his hands holding the iron tongs with a cloth belt, and he had already seen the bright future of Ji Guo in his heart.

If other retainers from the successor country come here, they will be horrified:
It turns out that their patriarch can laugh so happily!

"Ho ha ha ha... hum ha ha ha ha..."

In the quiet night, Ji Guoyansheng's soft laughter echoed in the room.

When a person's expectations and self-confidence are so high, when he falls to the bottom, he will be hit harder.



In the Ubuyashiki mansion.

Ji Guoyuan rested for a while, and he put away the letter sent by his wife Tuo Ya, with a happy smile on the corner of his mouth.

Now, it's time to start creating the breath for the third column.

When Ji Guoyuan got up together, my wife Shancun, who was sitting under the tree beside him, rushed up, and he looked at Ji Guoyuan curiously:

"Excuse me, Senior Jiguo, do you really have a very powerful elder brother?"

"Is it stronger than you?"

My wife Shancun's eyes are full of little stars, and his ears are naturally very keen, no, or my wife's family has always had very good hearing.

Therefore, my wife Shancun heard everything clearly about the conversation between the first monk Quannai of Jiguoyuan just now.

And my wife Shancun's shout immediately attracted the attention of other pillars, they all stopped their movements and leaned over curiously.

Ji Guoyuan, who just learned that his brother had a very happy life, happened to be in a good mood too. He smiled and looked at the pillars approaching around him, and said confidently:


As soon as Ji Guoyuan raised his head slightly, looking at the starry night sky, the image of his longing brother gradually appeared in his heart:

"My brother, he is a gentle man with a kind tone."

"At the same time, he is also a very powerful warrior."

All the pillars surrounded Ji Guo Yuan Yi, fantasizing about Ji Guo Yuan Yi being a very powerful warrior.



In Jiguo's mansion.

"Ho ha ha ha ha ha ha cough cough cough! cough cough!!"

Ji Guoyansheng who was laughing suddenly choked on his saliva, he sniffled, and his expression became serious again.

(End of this chapter)

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