People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 159 – Decision to Show Up Without Miserable

Chapter 159 – Decision to Show Up Without Miserable
In a starry night.


Ji Guoyansheng pushed open the room of his sleeping wife, glanced at his sleeping wife and children quietly, and closed the door.

Behind him, a hunched black shadow followed staggeringly.

The black shadow's wrists were covered with iron shackles, and the middle was connected by iron chains, as were his ankles, preventing him from opening his limbs.

Clang, clang...

As they walked, the iron chains drooped on the ground, making the sound of metal clashing.

The black shadow's face was illuminated by the faint moonlight, revealing a hideous face with scarlet eyes.

On the surface, it seemed that his body was too weak, and he could hardly support even barely walking.

Actually it is not.

The evil spirit stared coldly at Jiguo Yansheng's back, and he followed Jiguo Yansheng, walking towards the outside of Jiguo's mansion.

After swallowing those two fingers, he already has basic predation ability.

It's just that the time for revenge is not yet ripe.

He changed his mind, killing Yan Sheng was not enough, he wanted to make the man in front of him feel heartbroken and desperate.

He wanted this guy to watch him fall into the abyss step by step, but he was powerless, and the desperate expression he showed at the end was wonderful just thinking about it!

"Ho...haha..." Thinking about it, he even couldn't help grinning ferociously and laughing out loud.


"What are you laughing at?" Ji Guoyansheng turned his head and glanced at the evil spirit condescendingly, his tone of disgust was still the same.

"...I thought of something happy." The evil ghost's expression was very natural, and he couldn't arouse vigilance in this kind of place.

Ji Guoyansheng carefully examined the evil spirit for a while, and then chose to let the evil spirit walk in front of him.

As for himself, he quietly held the handle of the knife at his waist.


The gate of the mansion.

Ji Guoyansheng watched the evil spirit climb into the carriage, and he slowly got into another carriage.

But before getting in the car.

He has been secretly helping Ji Guo deal with the future troubles, and a loyal "ninja" appears and grabs Ji Guo Yansheng.


The ninja is wearing Jinma clothes, with an iron shuriken hidden in his waist, a sword, and an iron fan tied to his left hand. His head is covered with sharp eyes:

"...Master, please be careful."

"On the battlefield, not only did our family have such a situation, the Hirata family's samurai base camp was even completely empty overnight."

Although the ninja's voice was steady and low, it was full of worries about the family and Ji Guoyansheng.

"Don't worry." Ji Guoyansheng glanced at the ninja who had been protecting him from the moment he left, and stretched out his hand to gently pat him on his hand:

"This time, I have to go no matter what."

"For me, but also for Ji Guo."

Ji Guoyansheng paused while speaking.

He turned his head and whispered a few secret words to the ninja with his hands.

Then, under the eyes of the ninja's pupils shrinking suddenly, he resolutely got on the carriage.

The ninja watched in a daze as the carriage gradually moved away from the mansion, and he remained silent.

Just now, the code word that Ji Guoyan Sheng played at him was the secret language of communication between the two of them all the time.

Translated, it looks like this:
"If I don't come back."

"Take care of my wife and children for me."

After a long silence, the ninja turned into an afterimage and disappeared in the night.

He is a ninja.

As a ninja, he has guarded Ji Guoyansheng for ten years, protecting his master's life until death, which is the commandment of ninjas.

Both he and Ji Guoyansheng agree with the ninja's precepts.



Infinite City.

Under the turbid yellow light, there is a whistling knife wind!
Three white sword lights flashed quickly, and they went straight to Wuyou standing in the center of Infinite City!

Wu Mi's eyes were cold, his face was expressionless, and his body stepped sideways with agility, easily dodging the attack.

But he was only dodging, and he didn't seem to have any intention of attacking, waiting for the next attack.

Swish!Swish!There were two more sword lights.

But the evil ghost responsible for the continuous attack was sweating profusely at this moment, and the fear in his heart had accumulated to its peak!

"Ha ha……"

He was panting heavily, and the hand holding the handle of the knife had already started to tremble slightly!
Just now, several ghosts were suddenly summoned by Wu Mian, asking them to attack him by all means.

Not daring to confirm repeatedly, the ghosts had no choice but to bite the bullet and go.

Thinking about it, the reason should be that they were wearing black clothes with the word "Mie" on them. Although I don't remember what kind of clothes they were, they seemed to be the clothes they wore when they were still human.


With all his strength, the ghost who successfully touched Wu Mi was killed by Fu Wu Mi, and the ghost who rushed to paddle was also killed by Fu Wu Mi!
In an instant, he was the only one left alive on the field!

The blood splattered on the floor beside him is the best proof!

This... is a mortal situation! !

The evil ghost was flustered, he didn't know what to do.

At the next moment when the evil spirit maintained its attack speed.


His eyes went dark, and then he lost his consciousness.

Wu Mi let go of the hand that crushed the evil ghost's head, and he wiped it with the cloth belt beside him in disgust:
"Such a fight is pointless."

"No ghost can achieve that level of speed, no meaningful training."

Thinking about it, Wu Mi glanced at Takehara, who was suspended in mid-air with his eyes closed and sleeping, and then gave up the idea in his mind.

That person looked like he was about to die, how could he hit himself.

The purpose of the training is undoubtedly to suppress the restlessness in his heart.

Ever since she found out that Kamiquanna had awakened, Wu Mi felt like sitting on pins and needles, thinking about how to survive... no, thinking about how to kill that guy completely.

"Mingnu, give me the medical book."

"Yes, Lord Wu Miserable."


Sitting bored in the center of Infinite City, Wu Mi spread out his hands, and a book appeared in Wu Mi's hands along with Naruto's pipa.

As Naruto continued to become stronger and the blood ghost technique expanded, the area of ​​Infinite City became larger and larger.

And these days, Wu Mi is constantly making ghosts, or conducting experiments on Zhuyuan.


Weak and ugly ghosts fill every corner of Infinite City.

They live and climb on the boundary of the infinite city with irregular gravity, but they dare not approach the center where Wu Mi lives.

But the aura of any of them is not weaker than that of Xiaxian Ghost.

There are even occasional people who are sane and rational, and will learn to use their abilities.

The comprehensive combat power can reach the existence of the upper string.

There are three such existences.

They were respectively given numbers from Shangxianzhisi to Shangxianzhilu by Wumi.

Thanks to a few days ago, Naruto moved the Infinite City, which was constantly moving deep underground, under a powerful military camp.

And sent all the warriors into the Infinite City at once, and started a crushing massacre.

Many of these warriors are elites who can stop ten with one.

Although it is not enough for ghosts, or the ghost killing team, they are just ordinary humans.

Under Wu Mi's control, all useful human beings were transformed into ghosts.

Wu Mi's eyes scanned the three newly-increased chords kneeling in front of him, and his cold red eyes narrowed slightly.

Not enough, too weak, too weak to disgust him.

Mingnu understood, her pale fingers brushed the strings of the pipa.


The three winders disappeared in the infinite city and appeared outside.

"Naruko, what's the situation of that human doctor now?" Wu Mi closed his eyes, he asked lazily, his eyes didn't look at Naruk at all.

"Master Wu Mi... They don't seem to have any intention of responding." Naruto replied respectfully.

Unexpectedly, the hand that was turning the pages of the book stopped, and his scarlet pupils glanced slightly:

"It seems that it's because I haven't seen ghosts outside for a while." Naruto opened her only eye, holding the pipa in both hands, her tone was cold:
"They think it's a good time to escape your grasp."

"And are working on it."

Hearing no words, he stared at Naruto coldly for a while.

Although he is very optimistic about Naruto's valet, but recently his valet seems to be pushing his limits.

Such a simple problem, do you need to report it to him in his turn, and wait for him to solve it?


"Puff ho..." Following Wu Mi's thoughts, a huge pressure burst from the depths of his blood and crushed Naruto!

Blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth, and her pupils trembled violently!
Under the tremendous pressure, Naruto suddenly lowered her body, she prostrated herself on the ground, threw her pipa aside, and hurriedly said:

"...Master Wu Mi, this subordinate will go now..."

"You don't need to go." Wuyou's indifferent voice came, but Naruto's pupils shrank suddenly in shock!

What do you mean... am I worthless...?
Naruto was terrified.

She quickly shut her mouth, not daring to speak any more.

Wu Mi stood up, narrowed his eyes, and had some plans in his mind.

Kamiquanna, like him, is a ghost, an immortal ghost.

But it happened that this guy blocked his route to become a perfect creature, so he had to face him.

It's fine if that guy is a human, I can wait until his fragile human body dies and collapses.

But Kamiquanna won't die of old age!

It is impossible for him to hide in this small infinite city forever.

The reason why Infinite City is called Infinite City is because Wu Mi really wants to enjoy the infinite heart.

He wants to roam the world without any scruples, enjoy everything, longing to stand in the sun again.

This is why the lighting in Infinity City is warm.

He could no longer see the day, and he could no longer lose the only night sky.

And this human doctor is crucial to him now...

Do you want to take risks...

"Naruko, imagine the mansion of the human doctor's family in your mind." Wu Mi turned his head and looked at Naruk.

"Yes... yes! Master Wu Mi!" Hearing this, Naruto quickly picked up the pipa beside her, and observed the mansion of the human doctor through the blood ghost technique.

Similarly, Wu Mi learned about the mansion synchronously through the blood.

"Send thirty, no, eighty ghosts to surround the mansion."

"Provide me with an all-round look of the mansion at all times."

"Use your blood ghost technique to monitor every human in the mansion, and let me know if there is anything wrong."

"Reform the walls of the mansion to suit my departure."

"Observe the movement around the mansion at all times, as soon as any creature with a knife approaches, immediately teleport me into the Infinite City."

"If this happens, let the eighty ghosts jump up first."

"and also……"

Naruto was sweating profusely. She listened carefully to Wu Mi's instructions one after another. Even as a ghost, she almost failed to remember all the content.

After a while.

After finally arranging everything, Wu Mi closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Hoo... Naruto."

He opened those bright red eyes that reflected light in the dark, and at this moment his eyes have regained his composure:
"Teleport me to that mansion."




Jiguo Barracks.

"Dang Bang! Dang Bang!" The sound of iron chains colliding continued to come.

Ji Guoyansheng pointed the back of the evil spirit with the tip of a knife, driving him to move forward until he entered the barracks.

Fortunately, the journey was safe and sound.

"Oh! This is..."

"It's ugly... No, it's already a bit disgusting..."

"It's much less seen on the battlefield..."

"Wait, this seems to be different from the one on the battlefield..."

In the barracks, a group of ashigaru with bows and arrows were whispering beside them.

"What are you talking about! Go on patrol!" At this moment, a samurai wearing armor and a helmet came over and angrily chased away the group of foot light.

"Yes, sir, don't be impulsive." Hearing this, several people hurriedly patted their buttocks, stood up, and dispersed in a hurry.

It is said to be ashigaru, but it is actually a patrolling miscellaneous soldier, most of whom are farmers and soldiers who joined the war for money.

In this barracks, where most of them are currently following the country's top combat power, the status of ashigaru is not very high.

The evil spirit was driven to the middle of the barracks by Ji Guoyansheng. At this moment, his shrunken body looked like a crooked old man with a big head.

The evil spirit's scarlet eyes looked around for a while, and then suddenly looked into the dark forest on the side of the barracks.

", so..." He stared at the dark forest for a while, then laughed softly.

In Ji Guoyansheng's strange eyes, he also looked at the forest on one side.

but didn't capture anything.

After staring at it for a while, Ji Guoyansheng withdrew his gaze.

The moment he looked away.

A pair of bright red eyes lit up in the forest, and they looked at the evil spirit who was brought to the barracks by Ji Guoyansheng.

In the sky.


The cold air currents in the high altitude summer nights turn into gusts of wind.


A black crow merged with the pitch-black night sky, staring carefully at the barracks below with red eyes.

The crow flutters its wings and flies.

At the same time, everything he saw in his eyes was sent back to Shang Quanna's mind who was talking with Fuyo Ubuyashiki.

In the room of Fushi Ubuyashiki.

The burning yellow candle flickered slightly.

Fuyo Miyashiki was lying on the sickbed, and he turned his head in doubt and "looked" at Shang Quanna who was stunned and silent:

"what happened?"

Shang Quannai stretched out her finger and gently pressed her temple, receiving the news from the crow.

After a while, he came back to his senses, and looked at Miyashiki Fuyo with a smile:

"I told you before, the opportunity will come soon."

"...Is it the moon you mentioned?" Fuyo Ubuyashiki slightly nodded his head: "...Well, the hope of killing Wu Mi has increased."

As he spoke, he breathed a sigh of relief, and Fuyo Miyashiki quickly closed his heavy eyelids due to physical and mental exhaustion.

In the courtyard with several rooms behind him.

"Breath of Thunder·One Type·Thunderbolt Flash!"


The deafening thunder burst out suddenly!

Shang Quannai covered Fuyo Miyayashiki's ears in time, otherwise he would have died if he let his frail body do this.

He turned his head.

The shining light of the yellow thunder in the courtyard has faintly penetrated into the room through the paper-wood door panel.

(End of this chapter)

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