Chapter 160 - Become a Soldier! (Women's clothes are not miserable)

"Ahem... what's wrong?" Fuyo Miyashiki coughed a few times, his physical condition was getting worse and worse, and he couldn't even sit up recently.

"It's okay, Yuanyi should be teaching them how to breathe. I'll go to the courtyard to have a look."

"take a good rest."

After Shang Quanna stabilized Fuyo Miyashiki's emotions, he stood up and gently left Fuyo Miyashiki's room.

The image from the crow is connected in my mind.

In the picture, Ji Guoyan Shenggang sent the evil spirit he raised into the barracks, and tied it under a shed with a simple hemp rope.

And in the sight of the crow, there is another evil ghost with a red soul hiding in the forest on the hillside not far away.

Shang Quannai simply glanced at the situation of the barracks through the crow's vision.

The raised evil spirit showed no signs of restlessness.

Withdrawing his gaze, Shang Quannai regained his vision, opened the door of the corridor, and walked into the terrace.

He glanced into the garden.

"Thunderbolt! Thunderbolt! Thunderbolt!"

boom!boom! !

The flickering golden thunder twisted strangely as if swaying in the strong wind, and kept shining with the shout of my wife Shancun in the center of the thunder.

Brightly illuminate the courtyard at night.

On the side, a few pillars hid far away, watching my wife Shancun from the other side of the courtyard.

Shang Quannai was about to frown and grab my wife Shancun, but was stopped by Ganluji Sakura Mochi sitting on the backside of the roof.

"do not go."

Ganlu Temple Sakura looked at the thunder shining in the courtyard, she pursed her lips, the yellow-haired figure overlapped so much with the person in her impression.

"He's going to test his limits."

Upon hearing this, Shang Quannai stopped silently.

Under the gaze of everyone, after a while.

"Thunderbolt one..." My wife Shancun rolled her eyes, the thunder around her quickly dissipated, and she fell down weakly.

"Huchi—hu——" Afterwards, my wife Shancun lay down on the ground, her lungs wheezing like a broken accordion.

The scorched black marks on both arms are also quickly fading away.

Ji Guoyuan stood aside, although there was worry in his eyes, it was not obvious.

It was surprisingly easy to create a breathing technique for my wife Shancun.

Although there is only one type of sword that the opponent can display, it has a "thunder" that has a similar function to the breathing method.

This "thunder" can stimulate human cells to achieve various effects such as acceleration, burns, and paralysis, which are similar to the effect of breathing method to strengthen the body.

Therefore, after reading the letter from his wife Uta, Yuanyi spent less than a quarter of an hour creating such a "breath of thunder" when he was in a good mood.

Shang Quannai glanced at the pillars in the courtyard, and now there are only wind pillars and rock pillars left without breathing methods.

Replenish your energy, wait until the breath method is popularized by all members of the Ghost Killing Team, and Ji Guoyansheng joins the team, then you can start to search the location of Infinite City.

Shang Quannai, who has read the original book, knows that Infinite City is an underground space. Although it may be different from the original book now, the probability of being underground is still very high.

No, it would be too late to search by then.

You can start now!

Shang Quannai frowned, and he quickly contacted several crows in the doctor's hall through blood.


Narrow Mist.

Doctor's Hall.

"Karma! Karma!" Several sleepy crows opened their eyes, flapped their wings, and flew high.


The second after Shang Quannai sent out the mission to the crows, Ji Guoyuan, who was waiting by the side, approached.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan took out the letter written by his wife, he quickly folded it and hid it in his cuff after thinking about it, and then said to the puzzled Shang Quannai:

"Nay, I might leave tomorrow."

"What's wrong?" Shang Quannai folded her arms and tilted her head towards Ji Guoyuan who was leaning over: "When will you be back?"

"Probably come back before evening." Seeing the puzzlement in Shang Quannai's eyes, Ji Guoyuan explained patiently:

"My wife... Uta, she wants to go back to the house where she used to live to get some things. Although ghosts don't come out very often recently, I'm still a little worried..."

"Exactly, I'm going back to get some things too..."

"I understand, you go, shut up." Shang Quannai's eyes twitched, and he instantly covered Ji Guoyuanyi's mouth with his hand.



In a mansion in the center of a certain mountain forest.

The surrounding rocks are rocky, yellow maple leaves that do not match the season fall randomly, and the paths in the mountains are trimmed into stone steps.

The walls of the mansion were painted white, but at this moment, they were covered with blood-red flesh, and the distorted eyeballs blinked in the bright red veins.

It looks disgusting.

in the mansion.

"Quick! Bring those collected herbs!"

"Being the master, everything?! Or just..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Bring it all! Or die!"

Loud voices and panicked footsteps circulated in the mansion.

"hurry up!"

The man who shouted angrily in a low voice was sweating profusely. He is the retainer of this family and has a lot of power to speak.

At this moment, their patriarch is receiving the "guest" who arrived suddenly.

It is said that he is the patriarch, but he has been replaced by the evil spirit long ago, and the retainers know it very well.

Under that human body, hides the ugly body of the evil spirit.

As for the "guest".

The clansmen thought that he would never come again, but it was a pity that the clansmen were being sentimental.

Their family is a family of doctors inherited from generation to generation. It is said that their ancestor was a little drug boy who was in charge of handyman in a large family of doctors in Kyoto hundreds of years ago.

After the Kyoto Skyfire incident hundreds of years ago, their ancestors fled into the mountains and gradually established this family.

Because the family is protected from intrusion by the deep mountains and is not known to the outside world, they took their own surnames during a hundred years of living alone
——For "Fugang".

Meaning "Praise the ridge that protects us".

Just a few decades ago, a sudden ogre attacked the Tomioka family in the deep mountains and forced them to help the ghosts to research and find medicinal materials.

When necessary, they will use their clansmen to test the medicine, which is simply intolerable.

The clansmen at that time, still holding the anger of resistance, tried to ask for help secretly, and even assassinated directly.

But the "deep mountain" that was originally used as a hiding place has now become a cage that restrains them. No one can escape from the deep mountain for help without being discovered by the evil spirits.

Only those who have been trained by ghosts to become selfless dead men can go out to collect medicinal materials.

Yes, their family has changed from a "tool for studying medicinal materials" to a "tool for finding medicinal materials".

Gradually, the group of clansmen who shouted and resisted became silent, and they all turned into walking corpses with lifeless eyes.

Live with the mentality of not knowing what the future holds.

Newborn infants are also raised as slaves to ogres.

Only the senior members of the family still have the ability to make decisions and think.


At this moment, in a dark cabinet somewhere in the family mansion.

Two young figures curled up here, their bodies were dirty, and there were traces of shackles on their ankles.

The older looking boy was holding a book describing the family's past, and looked at it intently.

He has good eyesight and can read text clearly even in a dark cabinet.

Some words were murmured in his mouth.

Born as slaves, they could not read, only knew a few simple words, and tried hard to understand the content recorded in the books.

The two children, one long and one young, are a pair of twins, and the older one is an elder brother.

There are still tears on the younger sister's face.

They had just escaped secretly from the cage and hid in the room of a certain retainer.

The elder brother was looking at the book, staring at the contents of the book in a trance, and whispering in his mouth:

"... Only the dead... can escape from the mountains..."

He lowered his head, looked at his younger sister who was breathing steadily in his arms and gradually fell asleep, and looked at the contents of the book with trembling eyes.

This book was handed to their brothers and sisters by the retainer.

At this moment, the retainer seemed to be shouting something outside.

at the same time.

In the main hall of Tomioka Mansion.

The patriarch of the Tomioka family is sitting in the center of the main hall with his head down, taking deep breaths, waiting for the "guest" to arrive.

He has faded away from the appearance he used to face the clansmen in the past, and what is sitting there now is a hideous evil ghost with horns on its head!
His blood ghost technique allowed him to take over the patriarch's appearance after eating it, and control the entire family all the time.

He has been doing this trick for decades, and he is very familiar with it.

There was a long table in front of the evil spirit, and the table was neatly filled with medicinal materials.

If someone carefully distinguishes them, they will be able to find that these medicinal materials are all warm medicinal materials.

At this time.

pat, pat.

There was the sound of clogs hitting the floor.

Hearing the sound, the evil spirit became even more nervous. He quickly turned his body in the direction of the footsteps, and said respectfully:

"My lord, you are welcome to come to our mansion again. During your absence, the slaves have not rested, and sincerely searched for medicinal materials for you."

Saying that, the evil ghost raised his head, stretched out his palm and pointed at the medicinal materials on the long table beside him, he raised his head and said:

"These are what we have for you..."

As he said that, the evil ghost suddenly choked, and he stared blankly at the people who came.

Da da da…

The person who came was wearing a black female kimono, her long hair was tied behind her head and tied with a golden hairpin.

Covered with burgundy eye shadow, the dark red eyes shone with a captivating light.

The thin red lips were slightly pursed, but there was a coldness in the eyes.

The belt tied around her waist reveals her slender waist.

It adds a touch of charm to the delicate face.

The dim moonlight leaked from the open door of the mansion, gently draping over her body.

This is clearly a strange woman!

Black hair and red pupils!

The evil spirit looked at the woman who kept advancing in surprise, he sat up and frowned.

I don't know, is it a ghost?
Or Master Wu Mi sent to replace me...

For a moment, the evil spirit's mind was concentrated, no matter who the other party was, at this node notified by Lady Ming, it must be a big shot.

The thought was fleeting in his mind, he immediately bowed his body again, and said respectfully:

"My lord, may I ask Mr. Wu Mi..."

" lord? You call me that?"

"What's wrong?" The young and beautiful woman had already walked in front of the evil spirit, and she suddenly said condescendingly:
"Why didn't you finish what you just said?"


And the voice that came out turned out to be a distorted, cold male voice!

And following the tone of voice, the woman's face suddenly burst into some blue veins!


At this moment, the pupils of the evil ghost's bent body contracted suddenly, and his back was soaked in cold sweat.

This voice!

It's Master Wu Mi!
Is it mimicry?Is it the imitation of Mr. Wu Mi?

At this moment, the evil ghost was extremely grateful for the thought that he chose to observe in secret just now.

But if I had a little bit of killing intent just now, I am afraid that I am already a ghost now!

His heart trembled so much that his voice trembled a little:
"...Master Wu Mi's imitation is so perfect that the subordinates can't recognize it at all."

After finishing speaking, he quickly pointed to the table beside him:

"These are the medicinal materials offered to Mr. Wu Mi, please have a look."

Mimicking as a woman, Wu Mi narrowed her long and narrow eyes slightly, and she moved gracefully and turned her head to look at the table beside her.

That's right, this is Wu Mi's final trump card.

Under such a perfect mimicry, even if Kamiquanna suddenly appeared here, she would definitely be confused by her own appearance for a moment!

Sure to stun, or take the time to identify!

Even if the time for this recognition is very short, it is enough time for Naruto or himself to react!
When Umiquanna realized it, she had already returned to the Infinite City!
It is his proud skill!
Thinking about it, Wu Mi slightly soothed the panic in his heart.

She looked at the table full of medicinal herbs, stretched out her white fingers, brushed the herbs one by one, and felt the reaction from her body.

Under the nervous expression of the evil ghost, Wu Mi's voice, which completely turned into a cold female voice, came:
"I heard that some people want to resist during this time?"

The evil ghost quickly lowered its head and explained in a respectful tone:

"It's all due to a problem with the subordinate's management, but the despicable human being who resisted has already been executed by the subordinate!"

"...Is something wrong with your management?" Wu Mi opened her long and narrow red eyes, her slender eyelashes trembling slightly, and her pupils turned to the evil ghost.

"...No, that's not the case, Mr. Wu Mi..."

"No?... You lied to me?" Wu Mi's tone became more and more bleak, and while inspecting the medicinal materials, he said to the evil spirit:

"Then... it's time for you to change your position..."

"Please listen to my explanation! Lord Wu Mi!" The evil ghost was in a hurry, he said anxiously, the threat of death was already in front of him!

"Why should I listen to your explanation?"

"Are you ordering me?"

Wu Mi's eyes widened, and when she was about to reach out to kill the ghost completely, a scent entered her nostrils, and her body froze suddenly.


She turned her head suddenly, looked at a certain medicinal material on the table, her scarlet pupils flipped rapidly!

Finally, at the edge of the table, I found a flower that had withered and was so broken that only the flower stalk remained.

She carefully held up the flower stalk, and in the part of the receptacle, some fragments of blue petals could be vaguely seen.


With the tip of her nose raised, Wu Mi's pupils filled with flower stalks in front of her eyes, at this moment she has no time to care about the fearful ghosts beside her!

This is!

found it!
Wu Mi's eyes were full of ecstasy!
(End of this chapter)

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