People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 163 - About my being invited to live in my own home

Chapter 163 - About my being invited to live in my own home


With the blade sheathed, the light that shone in the night just now disappeared.

"Impossible... He cough..." The evil ghost didn't even notice anything unusual, he ran two steps in the direction, and only muttered to himself when his head rolled to the ground.

Then, the dirty body turned to ashes in the mud.

"It's all right." The man who put the knife into the sheath said slowly, his tone was very flat, as if he had done a trivial thing.

"Ah... um... um!" Tanji fell to the ground, and as the light faded, he was able to open his eyes and look directly at the man with sun earrings standing in the bright moonlight.


shrugged his nose.

Tanji, who was still in shock, was slightly stunned.

"What's wrong?" The man tilted his head slightly, looking at Tanji with some doubts.

And Tanji was already stunned, the CPU of his brain stopped working, and he stared blankly at the man.

What kind of taste is this... sunny, warm, powerful... like the untouchable sun in the cold night...

And...the hidden sadness, so strong...

The man in front of me...

Tanji's eyes reflected the appearance of the man standing under the moon, his reddish-brown pupils were dazed.

Until Zhu Mizi beside him moved his body and hugged him violently.

"Tanji! It's great to be fine...!" Zhu Mizi hugged Tanji, her eyes were already full of tears.

"Zhu Mizi..." Tanji also came back to his senses, he looked at the man with a knife in his waist in confusion, and then quickly comforted Zhu Mizi who was sobbing: "Well, it's really great..."

The man with the earrings hanging on his ears looked down at Tanji and his wife who were embracing each other, and said nothing in a deep voice.

And the stagnation in my heart since the last time seems to have loosened a little.

Perhaps this is also one of the reasons why he chose to join the Ghost Killing Squad.

"That's right!" Tanji raised his head, he looked at the man, and words of thanks came to his throat in an instant:

Just when Tanji was about to thank himself and Zhu Mizi's savior, a voice not far away interrupted his words:
"Yuanyi~ Are you alright?" Not far away, a figure was waving and running towards this side.

Uta was wearing a light yellow patterned kimono and a white turban on his head, and was running over with a worried face.

When Ji Guoyuan saw this, he didn't care to listen to Tanji's words, he ran over quickly and gently supported Yu Duo.

"Ghost...huh...has it been killed?" Yuta gasped slightly, she raised her head and looked at her husband.

"Well, it's resolved."

"Sorry, I came back late."

When Ji Guoyuan saw Yu Duo panting, he felt a little guilty.

You shouldn't stop there, you should just run back.

Just now, when the two were walking beside the paddy field holding hands, Yuanyi suddenly heard screams from the mountain.

And a little ghostly breath.

In desperation, he rushed up the mountain at his fastest speed, and took advantage of the situation to kill the evil spirit.

Yuanyi once considered that he would face such difficult choices in the future.

So he asked Zhu Shi for more than a dozen wisteria flower sachets.

Then, under Uta's refusal in every possible way and Yuan's expressionless request, Yuta smiled wryly and asked Yuanyi to wrap a wisteria flower around her waist and hang it in a full circle.

According to Shancun's words, Udo is very much like a wisteria fairy.

Of course, after he said this, he would inevitably be beaten up, even if he didn't mean it in a derogatory sense.

Although Uta had hidden a circle of wisteria flower fragrance under his clothes at the moment, even human beings could clearly smell the faint fragrance.

"It's not okay to say that." Uta straightened her waist, she looked up at Ji Guoyuan, and pointed to the Tanji couple who were hugging together not far away:

"Look, you saved someone's life, there's no need for an apology."

Yu Duo's eyes were very serious, she stretched out her hands to hold Yuan Yi's face, Yuan Yi's expressionless state looked very contrasting:

"Yuanyi has been apologizing all these days!"

"This is not acceptable, people will be subtly broken!"

"I don't know..." Yuan Yi said uncomfortably with his face held in his hands.

While Jiguo and his wife were talking, Tanji and Zhu Mizi rested and recuperated.

Tanji supported Zhu Mizi to stand up.

Then he picked up the ax that only had a wooden handle left on the ground, and looked at Ji Guoyuan not far away with his reddish-brown pupils, and his tone was very sincere:

"Your Excellency!"

When Uta heard Tankichi's voice, he subconsciously turned his head to look.

The black eyes suddenly meet the eyes of Zhu Mizi who is standing beside Tanji with pink pupils.

Yu Duo stared blankly at Zhu Mizi for a while, then moved his gaze down slowly, and saw the slightly bulging belly of the other party, with surprise flashing in his eyes.

She tugged Yuanyi's sleeve slightly, motioning him to look at Zhu Mizi.

At this time, Tanji continued to shout to Ji Guoyuan:

"Thank you very much for what happened just now!"

"If you hadn't made a move just now, Zhu Mizi and I might have..."

"deeply appreciated…!"

Tanji closed his eyes and bowed twice in succession to Chao Ji Guoyuan.

"It's already late at night, and we have nothing we can offer you in return."

Tanji felt a little guilty on his face, and he slowly straightened up.

"...If you don't dislike it, can you come to live in a humble house?" Tanji said, scratching the back of his head, and his tone became a little embarrassed:
"We can only repay you in this way..."

Suddenly, Tanji became flustered by himself, and he quickly waved to Ji Guoyuan and Uta:
"Ah! Although the door is already tattered, don't worry about the problem of air leakage!"

Tanji clenched his fist with one hand, vowing to promise:

"I'll do my best to fix it!"

"Pfft!" Zhu Mizi looked at her husband's serious look, and burst out laughing uncontrollably.

"Eh? Zhu Mizi?" Tanji was very puzzled.

not far away.

"He's an interesting kid." Uta nodded pretending to be deep, and then glanced back and forth between Zhu Mizi and Tanji:



"Do you think...they are like us?"

As soon as Ji Guoyuan heard the words, he raised his head, looked at Tanji and Zhu Mizi seriously, hesitated for a while, and nodded undeniably.


He seemed to see his own shadow in Tanji's body.

"Okay, since people have invited us like this, let's go!" Uta smiled and took Ji Guoyuan's hand, and then pulled him to run towards Tanji.

While running, Uta waved:
"Oh! I'm counting on you tonight!"

"No problem!" Tanji said seriously.

"Please come with me." He said to Yu Duo and Ji Guoyuan, and then gently supported Zhu Mizi who was sprained just now, and walked up the mountain.

While walking, Tanji whispered to Zhu Mizi:

"Zhu Mizi, doesn't your head really hurt?"

"No pain, no pain at all."

Tanji stop running .exe


Jiguo and his wife followed behind Tanji and his wife, and the further they walked, the more they felt that something was wrong.


This path, this small tree.

This small bamboo path, the flowers on the bamboo path.

Everything is so familiar.

It was at this time that Yu Duo and Ji Guoyuan looked at each other, and then they remembered.

They didn't seem to have seen anyone else when they lived on this mountain.

Then the young couple in front of them...

Yu Duo held Ji Guo Yuanyi's hand, thinking of the possibility in his mind, the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

"Could it be that…?"

And as the road came to an end, Udo's inner guess was also confirmed.

"Here we are, both of you." Tan Ji smiled and turned his head. He reached out and opened the door that was torn apart by the evil spirits, and pointed to the wooden house behind him:

"This is... the humble house."

Standing aside, Zhu Mizi rubbed his eyes sleepily, but still looked at Jiguo and his wife with a smile.

Ji Guoyuan raised his head slightly in the direction of Tanji's finger.

He looked at the very familiar house, and looked into the house through the place where the door panel was no longer sheltered.

Even the furnishings in the cabinets are intact.

Yes, that's right.

This is his and Uta's former home.

More than a month ago, he and Uta lived here.

It now appears that it has a new home.

Ji Guoyuan turned his head slightly, and exchanged a glance with the smiling Yu Duo, neither of them said much.

Just followed Tanji into the house.

"Ah, sure enough, there is still some inexplicable sense of transmission." Yu Duo whispered to Yuan Yi.

And in a place that Ji Guo and his wife didn't pay attention to, it was on a small slope not far behind the house.

A few budding blue flower buds are slightly exuding blue star points under the moonlight, which looks very mysterious.


inside the room.

The warm light of the oil lamp illuminates the house, but the slight wind blows the flames.

Uta and Zhu Mizi were sitting in the room, and they were sitting together and talking about something.

Ji Guoyuan and Tanji were outside repairing the broken door.

"Can you tell me...your name?"

"Ah, please don't get me wrong, I just want to know the name of the savior, and I want to keep it in my heart..."

"... Yuanyi."

"Ji Guo Yuan Yi."

"Mr. Yuanyi? I know! My name is Tanji, Zaomen Tanji!"

Soon, with the help of the two, the door was repaired.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan entered the door, Tanji took out a long box from the outside and moved the box into the house.

"?" Ji Guoyuan looked at Tanji.

Seeing Ji Guoyuan looking at him suspiciously, Tanji hugged the box and explained:
"Ah, these are some things left by my ancestors. They have never been opened. They must have been thrown out just now."

"After all, it belongs to the ancestors, so it's better to keep it well."

But it's okay not to speak, once Tanji's body breath becomes unstable instantly, his center of gravity is tilted!
"Ah! Oops!" He lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground:

"Be careful! Get out of the way!"

The long box in his arms suddenly fell obliquely towards the wooden floor like a loach that couldn't be grasped.

The top of the box was also lifted due to the force.

A touch of familiar white, and a few white balls rolled out of the box immediately.

A sharp white knife, covered in pure white and shining brightly in the moonlight, was thrown out of the box.

The sharp blade pierced straight into the wooden floor.

what is this?
Tanji on the side stared at the white blade dumbfounded, and then looked at Jiguo Yuanyi in a panic.

"No, Mr. Yuanyi, it's not like that, I don't know at all..." He subconsciously wanted to explain.

Sure enough, Ji Guoyuan looked at Tanji with a solemn expression.

"Ah..." Tanji was so flustered that he couldn't speak.

Ji Guoyuan was very skeptical before.

After seeing the first ghost - my wife Yuzi.

He believes that Shang Quannai's body is even more ghostly than a ghost.

But what I wanted to ask many times: "Are you a ghost?" But I never asked.

Looking at the familiar bone knife on the ground, Yuanyi had seen Shang Quannai use such a knife before, and the pillars of the Ghost Killing Squad also used such a knife...

But with a transparent world, he can see that this kind of knife is made of the same material as Shang Quannai's own bones.

Zhu Shi seems to be a ghost too...

Are there good and bad ghosts?
As soon as Ji Guoyuan remained silent, he suddenly realized that there seemed to be too many "ghosts" in "Ghost Killing Squad".

After hesitating for a while, Yuanyi still closed his mouth. He picked up the blade, put the bone bottles scattered on the ground into the box, and patted Tanji on the shoulder.

Under Tanji's dazed eyes, Ji Guoyuan sat back beside Yuta and didn't speak any more.

On the contrary, Uta and Zhu Mizi were chatting happily, and the two with similar personalities seemed to have quickly become friends.

The time has come to the middle of the night.


creak... creak...

On the small road not far from the house, a man in dark blue clothes with dull pupils was walking cautiously.

At his waist was a knife and shovel.

He is a dead man in Tomioka. After running for most of the night and moving at high speed without fear of physical damage, he escaped from the deep mountain without any risk.

The hardest part of family planning has been taken care of.

He didn't want to die, ran almost at full speed for several hours, and came here before dawn

——The place where the blue other shore flowers bloom!
Next, as long as you find the blue Bianhua in the surrounding area, destroy him completely, and then ask for help, the task of Tomioka dead man will be completed.

Also at this time.

A figure crossed the sky and slammed into the house not far behind.


Shang Quannai walked out from the rising dust.

He patted the dust off his body, looked back at the familiar room, and smiled.

In his arms, he held two crows.

And when Shang Quannai was about to walk towards the house with his legs open, his eyes were suddenly attracted by a beautiful blue color beside him.

"what is this……?"

He was slightly dazed, then turned his face to the side, and looked seriously at the blue flower buds that appeared on the ground.

Shang Quannai squatted down and slightly touched the flower bone with her fingers.

Almost derived from the instinct of doctors more than 600 years ago, Shang Quannai's brain instantly became excited.

The word "green flower on the other side" jumped out of his mind.

If this is handed over to Zhu Shi, the potion for turning Wu Mi back into a human will probably be developed!

But looking at the appearance that the flower bone has not yet bloomed, Shang Quannai also held back his inner thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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