People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 164 - Determine Wu Mi's location and prepare for precise blasting

Chapter 164 - Determine Wu Mi's location and prepare for precise blasting
The sky is full of stars.

Shang Quannai was about to get up, but suddenly found something wrong.

He looked at the flower buds on the ground, and stretched out his hand to gently pick apart the dense flower clusters.

A flower stalk that has been cut off in the middle and still looks fresh in cross section comes into view.

It looks like it was taken away by something.

Something has come.

Shang Quannai frowned slightly, he didn't know whether it was good news or bad news.

Something picked the blue Bana flowers, this range is too big.

It may be that humans have taken it as wild vegetables to eat, or it may be the unintentional act of herbivores...

Of course, the last thing you want is to be picked by ghosts.

Shang Quannai looked around, and then lowered her head to look at the only eye-catching cyan Bana flower.

I have to find a way to protect this flower.

Immediately, he closed his eyes slightly, and contacted the crow in the Ubuyashiki mansion through his blood.

At this time, a figure also sneaked up to the vicinity of the Jiguo and his wife's wooden house, and began to grope around.


Ubuyashiki mansion.

Kanroji Sakura Mochi is sitting next to the yatai, holding two pieces of sweets in the shape of pink cherry blossoms.

One by one stuffed into the mouth.


With her mouth full, she leisurely looked at the white belly in the sky.

The red and white maiden costume on her body was changed.

The red scarlet hakama is embroidered with a small word "Mie", which is white.

Although she doesn't have to metabolize normally like a human, she can't always wear one piece of clothing.

At this time, the crow beside him suddenly raised his head and shouted:
"Karma! Karma!"

"Pfft! Uh...!" Ganlusi Sakura Cake was taken aback, and choked on the cherry cake stuffed in his mouth.


After struggling to swallow the pastry, Ganluji Sakuramochi raised her hand and twitched at the screaming crow next to her.

The poor crow was photographed on the wall next to it.

Fortunately, the cherry cake in Ganlu Temple stopped working hard, and the crow just shook its head and slowed down.

Afterwards, the crow continued to talk to the cherry cakes in Ganlu Temple:

"Karma! Miko-sama! Hurry up to the location of Master Umizumi! Karma!"

Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake was taken aback.



Behind the wooden house of the Jiguo couple.

"Bye bye ~ let's go back to sleep first ~" Utama held Ji Guoyuan's hand and waved his arms at Shang Quanna.

"Goodbye~" Kanroji Sakuramochi said with a smile to Uta.

Just now, Ji Guoyuan, who found something strange, went on inspection together, and Uta followed him out, just in time to meet Shang Quannai and Ganluji Sakura Cake.

After a conversation, Ji Guoyuan, who was still sleepy, went back to bed with his wife.

in situ.

The cherry cake monk of Ganlu Temple, Quan Nai, looked at each other in blank dismay.

"So..." Ganlusi Sakuramochi smiled and looked at Shang Quannai: "You called me here just to put a cover on this grass?"

Shang Quannai nodded with a more serious expression: "Yes."


Ganluji Sakura Cake clenched its fists.

Hard, fist hard.

But immediately, Shang Quannai looked at the appearance of the cherry cake in Ganlu Temple inhaling, and he explained:

"This clump of grass is very important, no, it's actually a clump of flowers."

"Miss Zhu Shi asked me to find the herbs."

Hearing the words of Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake, she was slightly taken aback.

Shang Quannai squatted down, he carefully looked at the few flower buds protruding from other flower clusters, and counted them.

There were seven, one of which had been pinched off.

At this time.


The sound of the leaves rubbing against each other suddenly sounded, although it was very subtle, it was very conspicuous to the ears of Shang Quannai and Ganlusi Sakura Mochi.

Something is in the forest, and it's still approaching.

Shang Quannai pretended not to notice, he did not perceive the ghost's breath.

No, there are ghostly breaths, and there are many of them, but they are far away.

Instead, the creature that came appeared to be human.

Judging by his size, he seems to be just a child.

In this day and age, how could there be children in the forest... war orphans?
He raised his head, glanced at Ganluji Sakuramochi, and lowered his voice so that only the two of them could hear:
"The flower hasn't bloomed yet. When it blooms, I'll pick it and hand it to Zhu Shi..."

"Probably we can make a potion that can completely turn ghosts back into humans."

"Turning a ghost back into a human? Can it be done?" Ganlusi Sakuramochi looked at Shang Quannai in surprise, this was probably the most surprising time she had experienced in the past few hundred years: "Has Zhu Shi reached this point? "

"That means…"

"That's right, but maybe it can only turn ordinary ghosts back into humans, and the effect on powerful ghosts may not be obvious." Shang Quannai nodded.

"No matter how bad it is, it can still make the ghost restrain his bloodthirsty desire and restore his mind."

In the original book, Wu Mi of the Battle of the Infinite City once fell into the potion developed by Zhu Shi to turn ghosts back into humans.

But the effect is not obvious, and even the efficacy of the medicine will gradually decline with the passage of time.

Just when Ganluji Sakuramochi's eyes widened and her face was full of disbelief, Shang Quanna stood up and continued talking.

"And if you take this flower directly, you can also make ghosts immune to sunlight and become truly immortal creatures."

"If Wu Mi takes this kind of medicinal material, then the chance of killing him completely will become infinitely lower."

"So, this is why I want you to cover it up." Shang Quannai turned her head with a very serious expression:

"Please." He put his hand on Ganluji Sakuramochi's shoulder, and the two looked at each other.

Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake's eyes slowly moved to the cluster of flowers on the ground, and then nodded solemnly.

It can make ghosts immune to sunlight, but can turn ghosts into humans. The plant in front of it is undoubtedly a double-edged sword that changes with the user's mind.

If it falls into the hands of Wu Mi, the future of mankind may be unimaginable.

Unknowingly, both Shang Quannai and Ganluji Sakura Cake seem to focus on the overall situation of human beings.

As for the current war, it seems that it has nothing to do with them.

"…I see."

The hands were slightly brought together, and a touch of blood red appeared in the palm of Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake.

【Blood Ghost Art · Enchantment】

A small blood-colored membrane immediately enveloped the blue Bana flower, from the top to the root of the ground, all covered in it.

An emotionless gaze was hiding in the middle of the woods, staring fixedly at this side.


A ray of white light shot out from the jungle, Shang Quannai stretched out his hand, and grabbed the white light that was galloping towards the blue Bianhua.

Spreading his hand, it was a sharp dagger.

Shang Quannai looked up into the jungle.

"What are you doing?" A figure of a child suddenly came out of the jungle, his eyes looked at the blue flower buds of the other shore flower on the ground.

"What are you going to do with these flowers?"

The tone was very cold, and contained an undeniable meaning.

He is Tomioka dead man.

There were portraits and descriptions of this flower in the books given by the retainers.

It blooms when the sun is at its peak during the day, and then closes and shrinks again at night, with a flowering period of two days a year.

The cyan Bana flower is this kind of flower!
Withdrawing his gaze, Tomioka Shishi looked at Shangquanna and Ganluji Sakuramochi.

He originally wanted to wait for the two to leave quietly in the distance, but after seeing them attacking the blue Bana flower, he had no choice but to stop it.

If the two of them picked the cyan Bana flower, then my mission to destroy the cyan Bana flower would fail.

The second reason he came out was
——Behind him, a large group of ghosts followed.

It is not a pity to die, but if the task is not completed, I am afraid that the emotion called "regret" will fill his chest again.

He has been completely mortalized, without any emotional influence in his heart, and has become an absolutely rational creature with missions as his survival goal.

Tomioka dead man stared at Shang Quannai and Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake, but he was constantly analyzing their identities in his heart.

The man had a knife on his waist, was wearing a clean haori, and had strange markings on his face.

The movements are very agile, and the dagger thrown by him can be caught perfectly without being injured. His strength is probably higher than his own.

Catching the dagger, maybe it was to protect the blue Bianhua, or maybe it was a subconscious behavior, not sure.

The woman is dressed in a priestess costume and uses unknown secret techniques, probably a priestess from a certain shrine.

The outside world is now in chaos, but neither of them are dressed like people living in chaos, so there are only a few answers.

The other party is also the same as himself, living in a hidden mountain somewhere, and a person who was born recently.

Or some kind of nobleman, but it is unlikely, I have never seen any pampered nobleman with such strength.

The other party didn't intend to do anything, it seemed that he was not interested in him.

At this moment, the eyes of the dead man in Tomioka suddenly saw the white character "Mie" embroidered on the scarlet hakama of the cherry cake of Ganlu Temple.

This is!

His pupils shrank slightly, and there seemed to be such a record in the books given by the retainers:

"The person with the white extinguishing character embroidered on his body is a member of an organization called the Ghost Killing Squad."

"The best rescue target to save the family is the ghost killing team whose duty is to kill ghosts."

The dead man of Tomioka, who has a photographic memory, wrote down all the words in the "History of the Tomioka Family".

Ghost Killing Squad!found it!I see!

Tomioka dead man actually felt a sense of relief in his heart.

There are an unknown number of ogres behind him, preliminarily deduced that they are here to monitor him.

There were still two hours before dawn, and there were two people in front of him who seemed to be stronger than him.

Tomioka Sishi quickly analyzed, and finally he came up with an answer:
The first priority task: the blocker of "Destroy the Blue Bana Flower".

Can be used as a target for the second priority quest: "SOS".

In Shang Quannai's eyes, the little boy in front of him, whose whole body was scratched by branches and whose hair was tied up casually, had a name like this appearing above his head:

"Tomioka Death"


What kind of parent would name their child that?

Weird times, weird people.

Ganluji Sakuramochi glanced at the dead man in Tomioka, but didn't say anything. She had seen too many people in the past 600 years.

While Shang Quannai was looking at Tomioka dead man thinking, the other party saw that neither of them paid any attention to him, so he rushed over directly.

The speed is not like the speed of ordinary children.

The dead soldier Tomioka took out the second dagger from his waist in an instant, leaned over with the sliding shovel and slashed at the root of the blue Bana flower on the ground!


But it directly bumped into the enchantment of the cherry cake in Ganlu Temple, and the knife in his hand couldn't advance an inch.

Unbelievably, he slashed with the blade a few times again, and when he found that he really couldn't get close to the blue Bana, Tomioka patted his body and stood up again.

The first priority task, destroying the blue Bana flower, has been put on hold for now.

Do the second priority task.

Ask the outside world for help.

Under the puzzled eyes of Sakuramochi and Monk Quannai of Ganlu Temple, Tomioka's dead man plopped and knelt down in front of them.

And buried his head under his arms, an emotionless voice came from under him:
"Please save the Tomioka clan."

"Please, we are being enslaved by ogres."

The contrast of the huge turning point made Shang Quannai unable to react.

His first reaction was.

Is this kid out of his mind?

At the moment when Shang Quannai thought this way, Tomioka dead man spoke extremely fast, and inadvertently threw out a heavy news:

"The enslaved Tomioka family is responsible for finding medicinal materials that can overcome the sun for the ogre king."

"Last night, the ghost king discovered medicinal materials that could allow him to overcome sunlight, and assigned me to collect them."

"However, I am a traitor who was assigned to collect medicinal materials and wanted to destroy them."

"There are many ogres behind me, and I'm afraid they will raze this place to the ground before dawn."

Shang Quannai heard the meaning contained in the news of the dead man in Tomioka, he knelt down, put his hands on the armpit of the dead man in Tomioka, lifted him up, and refined a question precisely:
"You have seen the ghost king."

"Yes." Tomioka dead man nodded decisively.

"where is he?"

"Our family's family land."

The deceased Tomioka said with a blank face: "He may stay there until I return to the clan tomorrow, but this is just my speculation."

Shang Quannai put down the dead man in Tomioka, thinking quickly in his heart.

Ganluji Sakuramochi watched the two voiceless people talking quickly like a robot.


Pulling the hand of Ganluji Sakuramochi, who was a little dazed, and holding Tomioka's dead man, Shang Quannai walked directly towards the wooden house of the Jiguo couple.

This kid named Shishi was followed by many ghosts, indeed many, there must have been nearly two hundred ghosts.

Knowing Wu Mi's general whereabouts, he can act faster now, and can't startle the snake, but these ghosts outside can't let them go.

If you take a direct shot, you will definitely be discovered by Wu Mi, and once again miss the opportunity to kill Wu Mi.

But he can secretly assassinate.

and so.

Shang Quannai pushed open the door, and looked straight at Ji Guoyuanyi who was already holding the handle of the knife in the room.

Ji Guoyuan nodded to Shang Quannai, and the sun earrings shook slightly.

Apparently, he also noticed the group of ghosts gradually surrounding him.

"I can't make a move this time." Shang Quannai said to Ji Guoyuan succinctly: "At least I won't make a move in the open."


He put down Tomioka's dead man, and in the eyes of Tanji, who was stunned, he took out a lot of bone bottles and handed them to Ji Guoyuan:

"I can help you speed up the cleanup."



"Where's that kid? Why did he disappear in a blink of an eye?"

"This is too bad! That lord will definitely kill me!"

"Don't worry, it's almost dawn, we'll be fine."

"Is there a family in front? I'm a little hungry..."

"Look! There's a man standing on the roof!"

Just when a cloud of ghosts surrounded the Jiguo wooden house.

Ji Guoyuan stood on the roof with a cold face, holding a bone bottle in his hand, and a scorching knives in the other hand.


Pour the bright red blood in the bone bottle on the already hot knives.

In an instant, the slowly evaporating white smoke rose.

Blood flowed along the blade, slowly covering the entire blade.

closely followed.

It is a real and gorgeous sun flame.

(End of this chapter)

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